Chapter 365 Liu Yao

Li Zhuzi passed everyone's attention, and returned to the previous gazebo with Chu Qishui in his arms. Xu Xu and Shen Gui were still sitting there. Besides, there was a seductive woman sitting in Li Zhuzi's seat, using her cup.

"Dongfang, why are you here?" Li Zhuzi asked.

Lianren Dongfang smiled lightly when she heard the words: "I'll come and have a look, it's a pity not to pay attention to such a good thing... Well, good, good, Ayao did a good job."

Seeing Chu Qishui's miserable appearance, Dongfang Lianren was very happy. She has always disliked this woman. She didn't like it before, and now she probably hates it.

What happened back then has not been clarified until now, and everyone only learned a thing or two from Li Wangsheng, but no matter what happened, Chu Qishui was fully responsible, so she deserved to die.

This is……

Xu Xu and Shen Gui looked at each other, and did not speak tacitly.

Chu Qishui and the others didn't know each other, but they could tell from their words that it was a matter of the previous generation, so they pretended not to hear anything.

Li Zhuzi didn't avoid them either. After all, a senior sister of the first peak and a senior sister of the second peak can be said to be the most core disciples of Lingshan.

"Zhuzi, where are you taking her?" Dongfang Lianren looked at the unconscious Chu Qishui, and glanced at Li Zhuzi: "Although she has sealed her cultivation, if you want to save Zhuzi, it's just a matter of lifting your hands." , leave it alone..."

Dongfang Lianren's eyes lit up.

"Bamboo, welcome to join our camp."

"..." Li Zhuzi was silent when he heard the words, and just took a deep look at Dongfang Lianren with displeasure on his face.

"Oh, I'm just kidding, don't be angry, don't be angry... If you get angry, these two little girls will eat people." Dongfang Lianren looked at Xu Xu and Shen Gui, and shrugged helplessly.

Li Zhuzi just frowned, Shen Gui's sword intent came towards her face, although Shen Gui was not enough for her, but this girl's master is terrible... and Dongfang Lianren also has something to do when she comes out this time Trouble sinking back.

Of course, if there is no Shen Gui, she should be soft on Li Zhuzi.

"I know Zhuzi, you don't like to get involved in this kind of thing, otherwise...give Senior Sister Chu to me?" Dongfang Lianren made a suggestion.

"Dongfang, stop your thoughts." Li Zhuzi shook his head: "It's not that I don't save her, it's just that neither Zixu nor...she wants me to intervene, this time is only because of Ah Ling, it should be the last time. "

"The last time?" Dongfang Lianren chuckled: "If it's because of Lu Ling, this won't be the last time for you."

Li Zhuzi: "..."

I have to admit that what Dongfang Lianren said is right, Lu Ling, the little girl who has been causing trouble for her from the beginning, may not know what she will do in the future.

"Dongfang, Senior Sister Chu, I'll take care of it and send it back to the Ninth Peak. Ah Ling likes to take care of her, so let her come, hmph." Li Zhuzi was clearly in a bad mood, and she, who had always stayed out of things, was also dragged down because of Lu Ling. Fortunately, the sinking is not deep.

"This girl..." Dongfang Lianren shook his head, letting Lu Ling take care of her, this Chu Qishui is also very lucky.

At least she is a little envious.

"Then... how are you going to deal with Zixu's problem?" Li Zhuzi asked.

Hearing this, the smile on Dongfang Lianren's face faltered, and was replaced by a wry smile.

"I didn't expect Ah Yao to attack so hard... I wanted to ask Master for instructions, but Senior Sister Feng and Senior Sister Mo said, follow the rules..."

"According to the rules? That's fine, I think Zixu should be ready too..." Li Zhuzi nodded: "Then I'll leave first, Guier, you two take a look here, wait for the silly girl to come out, and take her away , go to Jiufeng or Erfeng."

"Yes, Master Li."

Then, Li Zhuzi left, leaving Dongfang Lianren, Xu Xu and Shen Gui.

Xu Xu felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward. She was not someone she knew well, otherwise she would not have many friends. Although Dongfang Lianren was her uncle, they didn't know each other at all... Xu Xu didn't like her very much either.

After all, this woman's reputation is too bad, and Shen Gui also told her that Dongfang Lianren forcibly took Lu Ling home, let alone something an elder should do.

Slowly cold, Shen Gui is even colder, except when facing Shen Canghai and Li Zhuzi, she is completely a robot at other times.

The three of them were together, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze.

But Dongfang Lianren didn't seem to notice, she knocked on the table to attract the attention of the two of them: "Shen Gui, I need you to do something."

"En." Shen Gui nodded, she was not surprised at all, because this was not the first time Dongfang Lianren came looking for her.

Dongfang Lianren's disciples are not close to her, and it is too late to avoid her... So only Shen Gui can use it. Shen Gui is a bit cold, but he respects the teacher very much. This is Dongfang Lianren's very like.

"Aren't Han Yi and Liu Fufeng in Luoyan City? Go pick them up and tell Han Yi the news, she will naturally know what to do." Dongfang Lianren handed a jade slip to Dongfang Lianren, which was for Luo Hanyi Regarding the reception of Shushan Bai Yunfan, she didn't specifically "start a video" with Luo Hanyi for this matter, for fear that this girl would see something from her face.

"Yes." Shen Gui nodded and took the jade slip.

"By the way, there is one more thing, take this girl up the mountain together, Han Yi has always liked her..." Dongfang Lianren waved his hand, and a picture filled with densely packed small characters appeared, with a portrait of a young girl on it.

It was a short-haired girl with conspicuous tear moles at the corners of her eyes, a little unruly in her sorrow.

"Zhao Yingge..." Xu Xu looked at the information and nodded. When he scanned a line of words, his pupils constricted. Then he took a sneak peek at Shen Gui, and heaved a sigh of relief after finding that she had no abnormality.

That paragraph indicated that Zhao Yingge's family was exterminated for the crime of Huai Bi, and she was the only one who escaped.

Shen Gui obviously noticed it too, with her face still indifferent, she asked a question.

"Have you communicated?"

"Well... I didn't tell her about Zhao Yingge's words, but given her situation, she probably won't refuse to join Lingshan... It's hard to say, if she refuses, don't force her. I've already done what I have to do. You won't blame me." Dongfang Lianren thought for a while and said.

"..." Shen Gui was silent for a while, and then said, "Uncle Shi, I mean, it's about my grounding."

She is not allowed to leave Lingshan yet. Although Luoyan City is at the foot of Lingshan, that still requires consent.

"This matter..." Dongfang Lianren took a sip from his teacup and continued, "I forgot."

Shen Gui: "..."


"It's okay, there's no rush, I'll go to the Shaodian later, and I'll go through your procedures together with Xiaoling's." Dongfang Lianren looked at the barrier and sipped his tea.

Lu Ling will also go down the mountain this time, which was a temporary decision made by the Lingshan people just now.

Bai Yunfan came to Lingshan, maybe he came to see Lu Ling... Then let him see, and send him back earlier, so as to save Shen Canghai from going accident.

Didn't Lu Ling keep saying that she misses Liu Fufeng?It happened to go down and come up with Liu Fufeng, I believe Lu Ling would not refuse.

"I understand." Shen Gui nodded, and with the help of Dongfang Lianren, she could also go down the mountain to breathe.

Zhao Yingge...

Shen Gui looked at the girl on the screen and narrowed his eyes.

Just like me back then, I don't have the power to resist, and like me back then, I'm very lucky.




In the enchantment, Lu Ling didn't know that she was pushed out as a shield by a group of women who were afraid of trouble, and she was still struggling with Li Zhuzi's ignoring her.

"Sir, am I still here? Don't you see me?"

Lu Ling stared at the position where Li Zhuzi left, and was stunned for a while.

She came in because of her master. Now after some inexplicable things, her master was rescued, so she should be able to "retire with success".

Why don't you take yourself with you?

In fact, Lu Ling thought too much, the only effect of her appearance was to ruthlessly brush up the favorability of Zixu Zhenren and Chu Qishui, as for her success...

It didn't exist, she didn't accomplish anything, and Chu Qishui was still injured.

So Lu Ling didn't do anything, even if she didn't show up, things wouldn't change in any way. That is to say, the only thing Lu Ling managed to do was to cheat her favorite husband.

If she didn't feel that Lu Ling's kind heart should be responded to, Li Zhuzi would not have been in this muddy water, and she would have gone home to soak in the hot spring.

Even if Lu Ling didn't make troubles, Li Zhuzi would hang out with her...

It's strange that Li Zhuzi was happy when she found out that she was the only one who was cheated. She didn't forget to take Lu Ling away, but left her there on purpose.

Do what you do, and finish it honestly.


After confirming that she was left behind by Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling sat on the ground like a wilted eggplant, and even forgot the action of protecting her skirt.


【Xuechen, sir doesn't want me anymore. 】Lu Ling squeezed out two tears.

【…】Looking at her master begging for comfort, Xuechen responded silently, not because she didn't want to comfort Lu Ling, but because she didn't know what to say...

[Did I make Mr. unhappy? 】

Before Xuechen could speak, Lu Ling said to herself.

[It must be like this, I said that to my husband before... No, I have to apologize to my husband. 】Lu Ling struggled to get up.


"Hiss—" Lu Ling got up and fell to the ground again, tearing her palms.

"My feet..." Lu Ling's eyes were red, this time it was pain.

She forgot that the only foot she could use was twisted before.

Now I can't walk, what should I do... Lu Ling was at a loss, she glanced at a man and a woman not far away, and gave up her plan to ask for help.

Although Master Zixu treats her well, Lu Ling has just been scared and is still a little afraid of Master Zixu. As for that man...

Forget it, forget it.

Men are the scariest.

Lu Ling still remembered Qin Qin's instilled in her different thoughts about men and women, plus her childhood memories, how could she take the initiative to approach men, and the man in front of her...

Lu Ling remembered that she still had a feud with him. When she was in the restaurant at the foot of the mountain, she was drunk and "molested" this man. Now she is looking for him to bully her.

It's just that this man looks very familiar with the uncle...

Lu Ling watched silently.

Today's Li Wangsheng is very energetic, his beard has been shaved clean, and he looks like he is in his 20s, fair and handsome.

In contrast, Zixu is much "older", with a 40-year-old appearance, some wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and sharp eyebrows, very serious.

But such a real Zixu was a little timid in front of Li Wangsheng, and he didn't have the ruthless appearance when he bullied Chu Qishui.

Lu Ling felt that this scene looked familiar...

It's very similar to the way she did something wrong when facing Liu Fufeng or Li Zhuzi.

"Ayao, I don't like your appearance." Li Wangsheng looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him and shook his head slightly.

"Senior brother, there is a vacancy for the master of the Sixth Peak. I usually have a lot of things to deal with. Those who were in charge were elders. It is more convenient for me to look like this." Master Zixu explained in a low voice.

"It's understandable, but in front of me, don't use this look. I don't feel comfortable." Li Wangsheng reached out and pulled out Zixu's perfectly coiled hairpin, and in an instant, a head of black hair fell to his shoulders.

"Senior brother, you..." Master Zixu was obviously flustered. She hugged the coronet she had fallen off, and secretly glanced at Lu Ling. After realizing that Lu Ling was looking at this side, she became anxious.

"What's the matter?" Li Wangsheng naturally saw Lu Ling, and it wasn't the first time he saw this girl.

"Brother, in front of the younger's not suitable for me." There was a bit of pleading in Zixu's tone.

【Master, you uncle...something is wrong. 】

Upon hearing this, Lu Ling nodded fiercely.

The current real Zixu made her think of a shy little girl, not a "devil" who trampled her master under her feet. She stared at the real Zixu, with an emotional flame called "gossip" shining in her eyes .

Now Lu Ling doesn't complain that Li Zhuzi didn't take her away. Fortunately, she didn't go away, but if she goes away, she won't be able to see the drama.


"What's inappropriate, be obedient." Li Wangsheng insisted.

"Be obedient... What are you listening to, I am no longer a child..." Zixu's face flushed, and then he muttered dissatisfied.

She is also a well-known ruthless person in the world of cultivating immortals, and she also occupies a position among some untouchable women in Lingshan... but she has become a child here with Li Wangsheng.

Now in this world, only this brother-like person would treat her like this.

Master Zixu was dissatisfied, but he was still obedient.

A silver light flashed, Zixu Daoist disappeared, and a young girl in a black and white Taoist robe appeared on the spot.

Although it is the same clothes, the girlish temperament in front of her is completely different from Zixu's real person. It is something called youth.

The soft black hair, delicate face, clear eyes, and the fresh and natural breath exuded from the inside out, combined with the black and white Taoist robe, paint a beautiful picture.

This is a very beautiful girl, with creamy skin, her eyes are shyly closed, and the long black eyelashes tightly cover her pair of water-cut autumn pupils trembling slightly.

Zixu, who has regained her true face, has an aura that makes me feel sorry for her, making people want to hug her and love her.

Seeing this, Lu Ling was surprised and forgot about the pain in her feet.

Senior uncle or senior sister, that is a question.

 Thanks for the rewards from Xuesheng, Qingtianbiyun, and Sunshine Shuying, who are at large, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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