Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 366 Brother and Sister

Chapter 366 Brother and Sister
Senior sister or senior uncle, that is a question.

Looking at the girl not far away, Lu Ling looked dull.

Has the dean become the young lady next door?

Noticing Lu Ling's gaze, Zixu Daoist blushed, and gave Lu Ling a vicious look.

"Look at what!"

Such a voice made Lu Ling tremble a little, but she didn't feel much fear, because the current Zixu Daoist is really not dignified.

She's so beautiful, not that kind of cold face, but rather cute.

"I'm sorry, Master...uncle, I don't want to watch it." Lu Ling nodded repeatedly, then turned her back with a strange expression on her face.

This should be a secret... The scary uncle turned out to be a cute girl or something.

【Master, you'd better put this thought away. 】Feeling Lu Ling's contempt for Master Zixu, Xuechen said: 【Although she looks very young, she is hundreds of years old, and she is a very old woman. 】

【old woman? 】Lu Ling glanced at the uncle who was younger than her junior sister in the distance, and didn't care.

【Master, the murderous aura on this woman is also terrifying. She can be ranked second among the people the master has seen, and she is by no means a good person. 】

[Murderous, what is that? ] Lu Ling asked.

[It is the virtual soul evolved from the life that has been slaughtered, the master is in the hands of your uncle...] Xuechen looked at the blood-red head of Zixu, and paused: [It is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands...]

This is still to say the least.

[One hundred thousand! ! ! ] Lu Ling exclaimed: [10 people? 】

[I don't know, but master, don't be too scared, most of them are the breath of demon seeds. 】 Xuechen didn't expect that he would scare Lu Ling when he was young.

【Devil...devil is also life. 】Lu Ling thought of a man and said something outrageous.

[…] Xuechen stopped talking when she heard the words, her master seemed to have a tendency to grow crookedly, but she was not afraid, because Lu Ling was going to Tianguangxu anyway, and she would naturally grow up when the time came.

【Xuechen, is my uncle really that scary? 】Looking at the slender figure, Lu Ling shrank her neck.

[Yes, I will definitely not be wrong. 】

[One hundred thousand is the second place...] Lu Ling swallowed her saliva, she didn't meet many people, there were only a few in total, she was a little panicked, and hurriedly asked: [Then the first is...]

[The first is the master and master of that annoying girl Qin. That woman with a sword is not easy to mess with. I was almost discovered by her several times. 】Xuechen said.

She doesn't like Qin Qin very much, because the latter always likes to hug her and "ravage"... The key is that Lu Ling agreed to this, and she can only suffer, which is very annoying. Xuechen always thinks that she only belongs to Lu Ling. with.

[That's it...] Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it's not her husband.

Uncle Shen...

Lu Ling thought about how many times she had met Shen Canghai, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.

In the past, although Shen Canghai was very kind to her, Lu Ling always had a chilling feeling. Now hearing Xuechen say this, she decided to keep Shen Canghai at a respectful distance from now on.

"..." Xuechen looked at Lu Ling, who was vigilant like a little mouse, with complicated emotions.

Her master, seems a little too kind now... This is not a good thing. You must know that no matter whether it is her, the human race or even the spirit race, there is only one attitude towards the demons, and that is to kill them, as many as there are.

Back then, the Snow Maiden was the killer who frightened the demons. That snow storm swept the entire sealed land of the demons...

The blood on her master's hands is more than tens of millions. Even now, the name Xuenv can still stop children crying at night in the demon clan. She has left a strong bloody color in the history of the demon clan. , all hated Xuenv, wishing to eat her raw...

Now the master feels that the demons are also life...

This is definitely not a good thing, Xuechen is a little tangled, do you really want to let the master go on like this?

After half an hour.

Forget it, the current master is living a happy life, so why should I make him uncomfortable.

She is just a pet, and her will should be the same as that of her master. Since the master said that the demon seed is life, then she should let go of her hatred first.



Here, Liu Yao and Li Wangsheng are chatting about something.

"Ayao, you've gone too far." Li Wangsheng thought about the scene he saw before, and inexplicable emotions flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this, Liu Yao was silent for a while, then raised her head: "Brother, she is no longer the Senior Sister Chu you knew, that Senior Sister Chu who was immortal has long since died, in front of you, Senior Brother... and my sister Together."

"..." Li Wangsheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and took a deep look at Liu Yao, but didn't speak.

The two just looked at each other, Liu Yao's eyes didn't flinch at all.

Looking at this determined girl, Li Wangsheng closed his eyes.

Is Senior Sister Chu really dead?

He recalled how the cold woman collapsed a hundred years ago, and thought of this naive and sloppy woman today, and he had the answer.

"Oh." Li Wangsheng sighed, raised his hand and rubbed the head of the girl in front of him.

"Senior Brother..." Liu Yao's eyes were shining brightly, she knew that her senior brother was still facing her.

"Perhaps I was right not to bother Senior Sister Chu." Li Wangsheng said slowly.

What he still can't let go of now is the person he admires, the second is her sister, and the third is Chu Qishui.

This time when I went to Lingshan, I participated in her sacrifice as I wished, and saw Ayao again. Only Chu Qishui had no news at all. It seemed that this name had become a taboo in Lingshan.

In the relationship between the few people back then, the object of his admiration was the absolute core, followed by Chu Qishui, and then him. In front of these two women, he was at best a younger brother. As for Liu Yao...

She is the pet of the group, and her role is probably... the mascot.

Time passed, but he saw this mascot trampling Chu Qishui under his feet... Although it was understandable, he couldn't accept it.

"Ayao, can you let go?" Li Wangsheng asked.

"No. This is the only thing that can't be done. I will listen to whatever you say about the other senior brothers." Liu Yao gritted her teeth.

"...Ayao, at least put it down while I'm here." Li Wangsheng looked at the sister in front of him whose cultivation had already surpassed his, and stretched out his hand to straighten her hair.

"Senior brother..." Liu Yao's eyes were a little blurred, but she quickly recovered and nodded: "I promise you, if you are here, senior brother."

Compared to a damn woman, her brother is more important.

"That's it." Li Wangsheng didn't ask what Liu Yao would face after hurting Chu Qishui, Liu Yao also skipped this topic with interest, since she did it, she was already prepared.

"Senior brother, I heard that your going up the mountain this time has something to do with that girl." Liu Yao walked up to Lu Ling and looked at the girl sitting on the ground with doubts in her eyes.

"Yes, it's just that there is no clue yet." Li Wangsheng followed and nodded.

His sword Turing Mountain has been researched for a month without any progress, and it is estimated that the next step is to find a breakthrough point from Lu Ling.

"Ayao, has this girl always had this personality?" Li Wangsheng thought of something when he looked at the girl who turned her back because of being watched by him, her nervous shoulders trembling slightly.

At that time, the seductive girl who called him uncle seemed to be gone forever.

"It's always been like this." Liu Yao chuckled, "I scared this girl so much just now, hey, Lu Ling, look at me."

Lu Ling was taken aback by the two people who came over suddenly. The man and the woman were not good people in any way. She was afraid of men in the first place, and she was confident because her uncle was there, but no matter what she looked at now, her uncle was with This man is in a group, it is estimated that if this man wants to take her away, the uncle will not stop him, but will do it for him.

Seeing that Lu Ling ignored her, Liu Yao was very dissatisfied.

Liu Yao had already let go because of Li Wangsheng, she had hidden her face for many years, Lu Ling was the first disciple she saw, even Shen Gui and Xu Xu had never seen her before.

Although she knew that her appearance was not as good as that of her elder sister, she was a real sister after all. She thought to herself that she would never lose to anyone here, but because she was different from her older sister in terms of maturity, she was a little cute... This appearance was obviously not enough for the job. The master of Liufeng, she is not that fool like Luo Hanyi, that's why [Zixu] appeared.

Nothing exists, people who do not exist in the first place.

But now she is used to living as Zixu real person, the world only knows Zixu, not Liu Yao.

"Hey, Lu Ling, I'll let you watch me."

"Master, master uncle..." Lu Ling turned her head tremblingly. Because she fell from the sky before, her hair was completely loose, and her face was covered with blue lime. On her fair face, only the eyes were moist and shining. She looks weak now, which makes people feel pity.

"Oh, don't cry." Seeing this, Liu Yao quickly squatted down, wiped away the tears from the corners of Lu Ling's eyes, then took out a handkerchief and wiped Lu Ling's face: "Master uncle was joking with you before... don't be afraid .”

After recovering her real body, Liu Yao can do some things without any scruples.

"Who told you to face Chu Qishui just now, what's so good about that woman?" Liu Yao asked Lu Ling.

"I don't know..." Feeling Liu Yao's concern, Lu Ling calmed down a little: "She is my master."

"Just because of this?"

"It's my junior sister's master." Lu Ling continued.


"No more." Lu Ling nodded.

"..." Liu Yao took a deep breath and gritted her teeth.

She wished she could go back to the time when Lu Ling first entered the mountain and slap herself... If she hadn't committed a crime and sent Lu Ling there, this girl would have been her personal disciple now.

"Forget it, girl, you're not wrong." Liu Yao sighed, and didn't ask Lu Ling if she wanted to worship herself as a teacher, which was impossible.

When Liu Fufeng is around for a day, Lu Ling will not go to other places.

Speaking of which, the person she is most optimistic about is Liu Fufeng... In the beginning, she only cared about Liu Fufeng because of her appearance and the surname Liu, but then she was slowly "conquered" by this girl. The more Liu Yao understood Liu Fufeng, the more she The more she understood, it was impossible for her to move Liu Fufeng.

"Uncle Master?" Seeing Liu Yao's appearance of wanting to eat people, Lu Ling shrank her neck.

"Oh, it's okay." Liu Yao came back to her senses, and pointed at Li Wangsheng: "Get to know him, this is my senior brother, and if there is no accident, you will meet a lot in the future."

Li Wangsheng's sword drawing can be regarded as the most important research in Lingshan in recent years, more important than Immortal Sword and Little Changsheng Fruit, so it is estimated that Lu Ling will be busy in the future.

"Intersection?" Lu Ling didn't quite understand, but she still greeted politely.

"Hi brother..."

"That's my senior brother! Silly girl!" Liu Yao slapped Lu Ling on the forehead and said angrily.

"If you want Lu Ling, just call him Uncle Martial... Forget it, just call him Uncle Martial like me." Liu Yao half-spoken, Li Wangsheng coughed and she had to change her words.

"Uncle Master." Lu Ling spoke obediently, but she kept her head down while speaking so as not to look at Li Wangsheng.

"En." Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling and raised the corner of his mouth.

Since he went to Lingshan, the haze in his heart has dissipated a lot. Although he is still drinking, he is no longer as muddy as before, and his mentality is gradually becoming more optimistic.

Liu Yao is already a little "perverted", he can't go down any further, even if it's for Liu Yao's good.

Li Wangsheng, who was more relaxed, had the idea of ​​molesting this girl the moment Lu Ling called him uncle.

For example, ask Lu Ling why she doesn't call herself "Uncle" anymore?

Seeing Lu Ling's expression of having a ghost in his heart, Li Wangsheng knew that this girl still remembered the things she did to him.

But in the end he gave up. This girl was already very nervous, so he wouldn't make things worse. It would be bad if Lu Ling was made to cry.

Liu Yao keenly noticed something was wrong, but after she gave Li Wangsheng a suspicious look, she didn't ask anything.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for my senior brother and Lu Ling to know each other, and this kind of strange behavior should have something to do with Li Wangsheng's sword drawing...

However, just now Li Wangsheng smiled at Lu Ling.

The woman's intuition made Liu Yao feel a little uncomfortable, she thought that this could not go on, so she spoke decisively.

"Brother, let's go down and have a drink at your place... I haven't had a drink for a long time."

"You? I'm fine...but Ayao, shouldn't you be very busy?" Li Wangsheng asked doubtfully. He knew Liu Yao's feelings for him, but even so, Liu Yao only went to see it when he went up the mountain. He was twice... because he was too busy, and she had to deal with a lot of things.

Are you in the mood for a drink now?

"I'm not busy anymore. If there are no accidents, I won't be busy in the future." Liu Yao seemed to let go of her burden and narrowed her eyes.

Hearing this, Li Wangsheng remembered something, glanced at the relaxed Liu Yao, nodded, "I'll listen to you today, I'll drink with you."

"Okay." Liu Yao was very happy: "Then let's go, to the place where you live, senior brother!"

"What about this girl? And the barrier..." Li Wangsheng was interrupted by Liu Yao in the middle of his sentence.

"The enchantment will dissipate naturally after I leave, you don't have to worry about senior brother who will be dealt with by someone, as for Lu Ling..." Liu Yao squatted down and grabbed the corner of Lu Ling's skirt, and tugged.

"Girl, do you drink?"

"No, no, junior sister won't let me go." Lu Ling pressed her skirt firmly, answering Liu Yao's question.

But Liu Fufeng repeatedly told her not to touch alcohol, she didn't want to make her junior sister unhappy.

 Thank you for the 3000 reward from Xuesheng in the escape, and the 6500 reward from Qingtian Biyun, thank you... I wanted to add more, but it was really too reluctant [lay].

(End of this chapter)

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