Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 367 Wine Tasting and Rejection

Chapter 367 Wine Tasting and Rejection

She can't drink, but Xuechen made it clear to her that her personality changed drastically when she was drunk last time, but what surprised Lu Ling was that her strength became much stronger after she was drunk, Lu Ling felt that The drunk self can beat the sober self by at least ten, no, twenty.

But that character...was really too bad, she actually went to talk to Li Wangsheng about "being upright", and now thinking about it, she feels extremely ashamed.

Fortunately, this uncle doesn't understand what being upright is. If he comes over and asks where the orthographic writing is on his body... Lu Ling thinks that she will definitely commit suicide in embarrassment.

If this kind of thing gets out, won't she become a coquettish bitch?At that time, what face will I have to meet my husband and junior sister? I'll just die.

What's even more frightening is that there might be a sex monster coming to her. This is from Mount Shu. There is a living RBQ in Mount Shu. The key point is that RBQ is still enjoying it, and it seems that he has been trained very well.

Shushan is really a scary place, she will never go there in the future.

But Li Wangsheng should be fine...he didn't even make fun of himself.

Thankfully, thankfully, this also reminded Lu Ling that although the wine is delicious, it is absolutely... best not to drink it, because if you drink too much, you will talk nonsense.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling swallowed her saliva.

That being said, the taste is really good... Especially the fruit wine that Lu Ling drank before, Lu Ling's mouth is salivating when she thinks about it.

If Junior Sister agrees, it should be fine to drink a little, just a little...

"Tsk." Seeing Lu Ling swallowing her saliva, Liu Yao twitched the corners of her mouth.

This girl...has no self-control at all, she is just using Liu Fufeng to scare herself, she obviously wants to drink it, and why does Liu Fufeng not let her drink it.

Liu Yao originally didn't want Lu Ling and Li Wangsheng to get too close, as long as the senior brother has a younger sister, but after starting to tease Lu Ling...she couldn't stop, and Liu Yao also thought clearly There is a reason.

At best, Lu Ling can be regarded as a little niece, or the kind of cute and naive niece. Li Wangsheng is also a few hundred years old, so it takes a lot of ghosts to treat Lu Ling as a younger sister.

So she doesn't have to worry about Lu Ling at all, she is just a cute girl.

The person who really needs to be afraid of is Dongfang Lianren.

Although she has a very good relationship with Dongfang Lianren, Dongfang Lianren also regards Li Wangsheng as an elder brother, but he is not as dependent on her.

Dongfang Lianren is indeed no threat, just a poor woman.

In fact, the relationship between them is still so close because Li Wangsheng is no longer a disciple of Shushan. If the latter is still a senior brother of Shushan, the relationship between them is probably stronger than that of passers-by.

Naturally, there is a price to be paid for leaving this feeling, but the price is a bit heavy, too heavy to bear.

And if we reunite after a long time to drink together, the two of us are meaningless. It would be best if we can have a little girl to accompany us, so now Liu Yao really wants to take Lu Ling to drink... Under normal circumstances, Zixu is very kind Strict, not rubbing a grain of sand in her eyes, and Lingshan prohibits alcohol, it is absolutely impossible for her to do so in normal times.

But today is happy, and she is now Liu Yao, not Zixu, it's okay to relax occasionally, the most important thing is that the wine at Li Wangsheng's place is not strong wine at all, the strong wine he brought himself is the first time for Liu Yao. Once he saw it, he confiscated it all. Now Li Wangsheng's room is the fruit wine she asked for from Qin Qin... It is not so much wine as fruit juice, and it is impossible to get drunk.

Otherwise, no matter how relaxed she was, it would be impossible for Lu Ling, a still developing little girl, to touch alcohol.

"Don't tell me that Miss Liu won't let you drink it, do you want to drink it yourself?" Liu Yao was like a devil who lured Lu Ling into making mistakes.

"No, I don't want to drink." Lu Ling shook her head, and at the same time pressed her skirt tightly with her hands. This uncle is really serious. He drinks when he discusses drinking, why would he grab her skirt.

"Lie." An electric current flashed in Liu Yao's hand, and sparks hit Lu Ling's hand: "I don't like girls who lie."

"Pain, pain, pain!" Lu Ling withdrew her hand, but pressed it down when her skirt was about to be lifted up, feeling very wronged: "Master...I can't drink..."

"Can't drink, not because I don't want to drink." Looking at Lu Ling's mouth flattened, Liu Yao shook her head: "Forget it, there's nothing wrong with being obedient, but let me remind you, if you really want to drink, girl, you can't drink now." Good chance, if I'm here, neither Bamboo nor Willow will blame you, and today's light fruit wine tastes sour and sweet, are you sure you don't want to go with me?"

Liu Yao continued to seduce Lu Ling. During the conversation, she clearly saw Lu Ling swallowing several mouthfuls of saliva. She was amused while waiting for Lu Ling's answer.

"I..." Lu Ling hesitated.

What the uncle said makes's just juice...thinking of the smoothness of the entrance, Lu Ling's face flushed a little.

To be honest, the intoxicating feeling when drinking at the beginning was really very comfortable, there was a feeling of wanting to fly, and the aroma of the fruit was just right, and Lu Ling was the kind of person who was completely immune to delicious food.

But she didn't let Qin Qin drink it anymore, wouldn't it be a bad idea to drink it secretly...

Yes, Lu Ling gave her the wine that Liu Fufeng asked her to give to Qin Qin, but she was not allowed to drink. Now she knows why all the senior sisters don't bring wine to Qin Qin, because she is in a very bad state after drinking. In contrast, Qin Qin was very quiet after drinking.

Quiet like a dead person, but his eyes are still open, there is no trace of drunkenness, not even a little emotional fluctuation, it is an extremely indifferent look...

Anyway, Qin Qin scared Lu Ling that night. Being stared at by Qin Qin with deadly eyes, Lu Ling almost collapsed. Fortunately, Shen Gui appeared and slapped Qin Qin unconscious, otherwise she would probably die of fright.

Hmm... She slept with Shen Gui that night...

This was enough to see how terrifying Qin Qin was when he was drunk, and it was enough to make Lu Ling hug Shen Gui's thigh.

So after Qin Qin woke up, Lu Ling told her softly that she was not allowed to drink these. Although Qin Qin was dissatisfied, she still listened to Lu Ling's words.

As for the later gift of some of these wines to Master Zixu, this is something that Lu Ling can't touch.

She wouldn't let Qin Qin drink, and went secretly by herself... Lu Ling couldn't do this kind of thing, and counting the time, her junior sister was about to return to the mountain.

Looking at her performance this month, Lu Ling can be described as perfect. She has not made any major mistakes. Every day is nothing but study. It can be said that she is very diligent.

She was still waiting for Liu Fufeng to praise her when she came back, if she made a mistake at the last moment and made Liu Fufeng unhappy, then she would have to ask someone to reason.

So this wine must not be touched, no matter how delicious it is.

Besides, drinking with a man is even worse, Qin Qin's words about the difference between men and women make Lu Ling's ears callous.

For example, the man who saw her body was going to kill something... There is no option to marry him, the only way to go is to kill him...

Lu Ling has almost been successfully brainwashed and treats men like tigers and wolves. I believe that if she faces Venerable Ye again now, she will never be so close to him, even if she has a good impression of him.

Being able to train Lu Ling to be like this in just one month, Qin Qin's brainwashing skills are very powerful, but it is also inseparable from Lu Ling's trust in her... Otherwise, no matter how much she said, it would be useless if Lu Ling didn't believe her.

The childhood memories in Lu Ling's mind also gave her a push... her attitude towards men is one-third fearful and seven-part disgusting.

So let her drink with Li Wangsheng or something, forget it.

"I understand, if you don't want to, forget it." Liu Yao seemed to see through Lu Ling, she blinked at Li Wangsheng: "Brother, she doesn't like you very much."

"..." No need for Liu Yao to speak, Li Wangsheng could naturally feel the guard in Lu Ling's eyes, he coughed: "Ayao, Lingshan bans alcohol, it's not good for you to induce her like this."

"Brother, now you know that alcohol is banned in Lingshan, don't you know who got your wine?" Liu Yao turned her head, dissatisfied.

"..." Li Wangsheng stopped talking.

In fact, what they didn't know was that what they drank was bought by Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng at the foot of the mountain...

"It's almost time, Lu Ling, I'm leaving first." Liu Yao patted off the limestone from Lu Ling's long hair, and then pinched her face: "You must keep the things you have seen about me secret. Understand?"


"Understood?" Liu Yao's voice became low in an instant, and her appearance aged countless times in an instant, turning into the stern and terrifying woman before, Lu Ling suddenly trembled.


"Be good." Liu Yao changed back to her original appearance: "In the future, you can come to my uncle for anything, and my uncle will help you solve it. You can also ask me if you don't understand anything about cultivation."

She is more responsible than Chu Qishui.

"Yes, thank you uncle." Lu Ling nodded.

She was just perfunctory. In terms of cultivation, Lu Ling didn't understand anything. Otherwise, Tang Keyu wouldn't have given Lu Ling a holiday often... You must know that no matter what kind of Wenhun technique, you can use it just by going through it once. Lu Ling... gave Tang Keyu a headache.

She even wants Lu Ling to learn martial arts. You must know that Lu Ling is not too much in the middle stage of the soul state, and normal cultivation of martial arts needs to reach the soul state... Even at that time, many disciples still have to continue to practice The method of healing, because dozens of complicated techniques are not so easy to master.

From this it can be seen that Lu Ling's talent is so strong, sometimes Tang Keyu felt that Lu Ling was born for Lingshan, otherwise how could she have such a good compatibility with Lingshan's exercises.

If it weren't for Lu Ling's milk being poisonous, Tang Keyu would probably induce Lu Ling to develop on Lingshan Wenhun. In less than a hundred years, Lu Ling must be the number one wet nurse of the human race, one who can breast a large area by herself, the absolute core in battle , It is basically a certainty that Li Zhuzi will surpass Li Zhuzi.

After all, even Li Zhuzi was not as evil as Lu Ling back then.


For Tang Keyu, solving Lu Ling's mental disorder is also a top priority... However, as a scientific researcher, she has been so busy recently that sometimes she doesn't even have time to eat.

To study Li Wangsheng's sword drawing, and to find a suitable substitute for the growth of the small longevity fruit, these two things alone are enough for her to be busy.

Also teach students.

It is said to teach students, but in fact it is to teach Tang Sheng... Lu Ling is an evildoer, she no longer needs to teach, she can learn by herself, Tang Zheng's talent is also good, and his understanding is superior, although it is not as good as Lu Ling, but I can read it later It's just that Tang Zheng has no interest in Wenhun, otherwise he can go to the next level.

And Tang Sheng—a disaster movie.

The basic incantations at the beginning were okay, but she couldn't learn them if they were a little more difficult. Now Tang Sheng can collapse five or six times a day, because he can't turn his mind at all, and Tang Keyu needs to spend a lot of time teaching Tang Sheng.

But then I got busy, so this job fell to Qin Qin, and sometimes Lu Ling would occasionally play a guest role as Tang Sheng's teacher...

So with Lu Ling's current ability, Liu Yao is completely useless. She just thinks that she should never see Liu Yao again, because such an uncle who can change his face is really a bit strange, and she even said it was a secret... Lu Ling didn't really want to get involved with weird people.

"Lu Ling, I feel that you are thinking about something impolite..." Liu Yao stared at Lu Ling's eyes, and looked away when Lu Ling was nervous: "Forget it, I won't bully you, but... originally I thought I sent you away, but now it seems that I still have to give you a little punishment for this girl..."

"Punishment?" Lu Ling shrank her neck, remembering the incident that was photographed from the sky.

But this time Liu Yao didn't make a move. She repaired the big hole that Lu Ling made before with a wave of her hand, and then stepped out, the figure disappeared, and sent a voice transmission to Li Wangsheng.

"Brother, let's go."

Hearing this, Li Wangsheng glanced at Lu Ling who was holding her head.

The punishment A Yao mentioned was to leave this girl alone.

Indeed, it was regarded as punishment for Lu Ling, and Li Wangsheng had a little understanding of Lu Ling's introversion after being in contact with her for a while.

I just hope that those disciples outside will not be too enthusiastic.

Li Wangsheng shook his head and left.


Lu Ling waited for a long time, but didn't wait for the so-called punishment. She secretly opened her eyes, only to find that there was no one around, and Liu Yao and Li Wangsheng had left.

What about punishment?Even knocking yourself will do.

Lu Ling was dazed for about ten seconds, listening to the silence in her ears, her face gradually darkened.

She seemed to understand what Liu Yao meant by punishment.

Like her husband, his uncle also left her behind. Is it the tradition of Lingshan to leave the younger generation behind?

Lu Ling wanted to swear, but she didn't know how to swear, because she didn't know those words, and Li Zhuzi couldn't teach her.

After being aggrieved for a while, Lu Ling could only accept her fate. She looked at the huge enchantment and trembled. There was no popularity here, and it looked a little scary.

How should I leave...

Lu Ling tried to stand up, but the severe pain in her feet made her jerk like a fish, and she fell to the ground before she could stand up.

Now her clothes are messy, and her top is also damaged a lot, revealing some pale skin underneath, her black hair is messy, and a lot of her hair is tangled in her clothes, which is very unsightly. Coupled with Lu Ling's aggrieved expression, I don't know why she is being treated How is it...

[Xuechen, come out to help! 】

After much deliberation, Lu Ling could only ask her pet for help.

 Thanks to Qingtian Biyun for the 2000 tip, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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