Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 368 The turmoil that may erupt

Chapter 368 The turmoil that may erupt
【Xuechen came out to help. 】

[What about people? 】

Lu Ling called a few times and found that no one responded, she was a little unhappy.

She could feel that Xuechen was in her body, to be precise, in her spiritual world.

Lu Ling practiced the method of spiritual soul in Lingshan, and also got acquainted with the way of soul. The so-called soul division is actually to open up a part of the soul that can be controlled, and then divide it into two halves, one part is used as the carrier of the cultural soul, and the other is Prepare for the future martial soul.

The reason why Lu Ling cultivates so fast is related to her savvy, but the most important thing is that she has reached an unbelievable level of control over her spiritual world. This kind of control can no longer be described in two words. It is also commonplace.

Xuechen also said this point, Lu Ling's soul defense is definitely the top in the world, and it is immune to any abnormal mental state, not to mention a remnant soul of Mo Yuan, even Xuechen, Lu Ling should let her in, Only she can come in. If Lu Ling doesn't let her out, unless Xuechen intends to fight Lu Ling desperately, she won't be able to get out no matter what.

Will Xuechen fight Lu Ling desperately?The answer is obvious.

So for Lu Ling, she knew very well whether Xuechen was on her body or not. Even if she was serious, Lu Ling could "see" what Xuechen looked like in her sea of ​​consciousness.

In just one month, Lu Ling has come into contact with the most core thing in the road of cultivating immortals. Getting in touch with the secret of the soul is the first step of cultivation. She has already walked a few steps on this road without knowing it, and she is still a fairy in the secular world the...

It's just that she doesn't have this self-awareness at all, and she still feels that she is just an ordinary person, or even worse than an ordinary person, so Lu Ling will be introverted when facing fact, she is not confident.

Including in front of Liu Fufeng or Li Zhuzi, she would not be confident, and subconsciously put herself in a relatively low position.

Such a weak personality can naturally attract the love of Lingshan girls. After all, most of the women here are strong and independent... Occasionally there is such a junior sister, and it is also very pleasant to train.

If such a soft Lu Ling can be turned into a senior sister who can take care of herself, then it will definitely be a great sense of accomplishment.

Most people think so, and Lu Ling's introverted temperament has long been known in Lingshan.

However, even Lu Ling, who is a "receive" in front of everyone, has her own "offensive" side, and that is when facing her own pets...

Although this pet actually looks like a little girl...but Lu Ling doesn't care.

Xuechen is the starting point for her to conquer the world. She has an absolute advantage in front of this little girl, and Lu Ling is not shy at all.

【I'm talking to you. 】Lu Ling is dissatisfied.

[…] In the sea of ​​consciousness, a girl hid in a corner without saying a word.

【say!Otherwise, I will drive you out. 】Lu Ling threatened.

Xuechen couldn't pretend to be dead now, she whispered: 【Master, Master...】

[I want to go out now, what should I do. ] Lu Ling asked.

[No, I don't know...] The girl's voice was soft and careful.

The reason why she didn't respond to Lu Ling was because she was thinking of how to answer to satisfy her master. You must know that her master seldom needed her help, and most of the time it was she who wanted to help, but Lu Ling refused... and It was hard to be relied on by the master today, but there was nothing I could do...

Xuechen is also very sad, such a good opportunity to gain favor.

【Oh, you can't help it, I thought you would. 】Lu Ling tidied up her messy hair. Her clothes are now a lot torn, the back of the skirt is torn, and a large piece of her back is exposed... What makes Lu Ling even more uncomfortable is that her long hair is entangled in her clothes. Radu couldn't pull it out.

Feeling restless, Lu Ling casually said something.

"I can't get out, I'm so annoying."

Hearing Lu Ling's voice, the girl in the blue skirt froze for a moment, then explained again and again: 【Master, the spiritual power I have accumulated for a long time has disappeared, woo...】

[I, I don’t know why it’s gone, there’s nothing left, it’s all... gone... I’m useless, I’m sorry... Master...]

As she was talking, the little girl began to cry, but because she was in Lu Ling's Sea of ​​Consciousness, there were no tears... But precisely because she was in Lu Ling's Sea of ​​Consciousness, all her things were under Lu Ling's control, and Lu Ling could feel the little girl's tears. Unwillingness and grievance.

Lu Ling was also taken aback.

【I'm just asking... I'm not wronged, I'm not wronged, why are you crying... It's okay, I won't go out, I won't go out. 】Lu Ling spoke kindly for a while, but it didn't help.

That's right, Lu Ling can certainly attack this little girl, but when facing children who are younger than her, she is more often a big sister than an attack...

[Spiritual power is gone, I can give you something to eat... Extra meal today, let's add extra meal...] ​​Feeling the little girl's sensitive emotions, Lu Ling continued to comfort her.

[Master, it's useless to me... I can't share the master's worries, and it will only cause trouble...] The little girl sobbed, and then her voice became louder and louder: [But... Master, don't worry, it's just an enchantment, it's just One sword thing...if the master agrees...]

Xuechen was frightened by Lu Ling's words that she was annoying to death. She thought that Lu Ling was useless and annoying to despise her, and she couldn't bear it, so she moved out of her own body.

[Sword, what sword? ] Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, remembering something, by the way, her pet body is a sword, but I don’t know if it’s powerful or not...

[Xuechen, is your body really strong? ] Lu Ling asked curiously, she had never asked about this matter before.

[Amazing...] The little girl's head looks like she is grabbing a life-saving straw, nodding her head again and again: [I'm very good...]

After a long conversation, I couldn't explain clearly.


The power of Xuechen's spiritual body disappeared completely, but Xueluo Qianhan's own power was sealed in the slender crystal sword. As long as Lu Ling wanted to, she could make the sword, which was already malfunctioning in the eyes of everyone, die at any time. Even if it is only the power leaked during awakening, it is enough for Lingshan to drink a pot, just refer to Shushan.

You must know that when Luo Qianhan used the fairy sword, she was in an unsealed state, her own power was still sealed, and the battle with Xihuang was simply relying on the sharpness of her own body...

The reason why the seal was not unblocked was because Lu Ling did not agree, and now is not the time.

Luo Qianhan is very clear about what Lu Ling wants now. What the master of this life wants is a peaceful and warm life, not wandering, turmoil and adventure... That's why she didn't unblock herself.

There are too many things involved in the fairy sword, and some things cannot be exposed too early.

From Lingshan to the top, there is no great resistance to handing over the fairy sword to Xihuang, as long as she can show enough "sincerity".

The willingness to give such precious things to foreigners is not because the people in Lingshan are stupid.

Xueluo Qianhan is definitely a hot thing to handle, and to possess it requires strength and courage, and moreover, ambition.

Lingshan women have no ambitions.

The most important thing is that the movement of the Demon Race is mysterious now, and the Queen has not moved for a long time, which makes people wonder what conspiracy they may have next... But judging from the signs that have been revealed over the years, the possibility of targeting the Spirit Race It's a bit bigger, because they can't find any breakthroughs on the human side, and they are half and half fighting back and forth...

There is no war, and there is constant friction. This is the status quo between the Demon Race and the Human Race.

But if the news of Xueluo Qianhan comes out of Lingshan at this time... it will undoubtedly push Lingshan to the forefront. There is no doubt that once the demons know that Xueluo Qianhan is in the hands of Lingshan, then their eyes will definitely be focused on On Lingshan...

What kind of spirit race, whoever likes to take care of them.

Xueluo Qianhan is Xuenu's sword. If the demons who have seen its horror know that this sword still exists in time, they will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating... No one wants to be held around their necks by a fairy weapon that restrains them.

Xueluo Qianhan is different from Lihuo Hongling. Although the latter is also terrifying, it is within the acceptance range of the demons. They don't know that even with Lihuo Hongling, the human race is still suppressed and beaten most of the time...Anyway, use it once It is not a loss for a venerable to die in Shushan.

The deeds of Li Huo Hongling's first master have been dissipated with the wind, and even if the first sword master who suppressed the three clans by himself in ancient times was resurrected, they are not afraid, because it is suppression, and it is only suppression. But he didn't hurt his muscles and bones, at most he curled up obediently and left it alone.

Lihuo Hongling is scary, and it is also targeted at individuals, because every time she appears, she will be killed... It's amazing, accompanied by the divine flames that cover more than ten miles, this is acceptable.

But Xueluo Qianhan is different.

Back then, the Xuenv took this sword and chopped off the entire demon clan... The light covered by the heavy snow was not ten miles, but ten thousand miles, millions of miles. At that time, the entire demon clan was involved in that disaster , The new force is almost dead. Even today, the demons have not recovered their vitality, otherwise they would not be faintly suppressed and beaten now.

For the demons, knowing that Xueluo Qianhan is still alive, it is impossible not to take action. Who knows if they let it go like this, there will be another genius like Xue Nu who can control the fairy sword in the human race? They can't afford to bet.

If the human race chose to believe in the Snow Girl back then, then the current demon race has become history. Fortunately, the demon race did not trust the unknown girl at that time and let her break into the sealed place of the demon race... Although I More than half of Bian was killed or injured, but it is acceptable to kill her, otherwise such a person will come out with the holy land of the human race... that will be the day when the demons will be wiped out.

Xuenv said she had disappeared, but in fact she was dead. At that time, the queen shot and seriously injured Xuenv. The latter was able to use a secret method to escape, which made the demon kings want to chase after each other, but they were all stopped by the queen.

She told the demons that Xue Nu was doomed, and gave two orders, one is to gather the power of all the kings to seal off the space immediately, in case the human race who reacts takes advantage of it, and the other is to release countless demons from today, and search for it with all their strength. With the whereabouts of Xueluo Qianhan and the bloodline inheritors, the race must not be allowed to master such a big killer.

Finding Xueluoqianhan and Xuenv... is already a reserved task for all demon species, and the human race has always been puzzled, why these demon species will go crazy when they encounter ice monks, and they will not hesitate to exchange their lives for injuries .

The reason why Shen Gui is so strong has something to do with it. What she faces is such a group of crazy opponents. If she doesn't get stronger, she will die. Her pressure is greater than Xu Xu's, so she will naturally break through faster.

It can be seen from this that if the news of Xueluo Qianhan's existence in Lingshan is released...a big battle is inevitable. If the demons don't desperately now, will they wait for the second Xuenv to appear before coming to die?
You can have high-end combat power, Xihuang, the high priest, the queen, everyone is stronger than Xuenv, but these people can't fight, so the four races are still balanced... But the human race that doesn't have top-level powerhouses has the power to break the balance... In order to survive, the crazy demons will do anything.

Every demon race is very afraid of Xueluo Qianhan, but the fear eventually turned into hatred, and the hatred of the human race turned into the motivation for cultivation.

If it wasn't for the Xuenv back then who insisted on confronting the queen head-on, she would definitely not die... At that time, she can definitely crush the demons with the human race, and this person doesn't care about life Spicy is even better than the demons. If she really retreats temporarily, history will be different.

But that's not Xuenv anymore. To her, I have nothing to do with the life and death of the human race. If I give them a chance and don't cherish it, if they don't trust her as a white-haired girl, there will be no second time.

That snowstorm was actually launched at the cost of all of Xuenv's cultivation and life...

Of course, in the end, I don't know whether I won or lost. After killing the demon, I was seriously injured and died...

Lingshan doesn't know about these things. At most they know that they will attract the attention of the demons, but they don't know what kind of existence Xueluo Qianhan is to the demons. After all, Shushan has a stronger Lihuo Hongling and has not seen the demons. , The fairy sword in the perception of the human race is completely different from the fairy sword in the eyes of the other three races.

If you haven't personally experienced that disaster, you won't understand the horror of Xuenu and Luo Qianhan. If Lingshan understands the hatred and fear of the demons towards Xueluo Qianhan, you will never let Lu Ling get close to the fairy sword—— At least not until she grows up.

Xihuang said that she would tell Lingshan about Xueluoqianhan when Lu Ling reached the Void Transformation Realm, and there was an attitude of demons in it... When Lu Ling reached the Void Transformation Realm, and then unlocked the seal, it would not cause the phenomenon of heaven and earth , can also hide breath.

Xihuang's calculation was very good, and Luo Qianhan agreed, but Xuechen thought that it was useless for Lu Ling to despise her, and wanted to break the seal...

But now, Xuechen is waiting for Lu Ling's order, as long as Lu Ling agrees, let alone a barrier, she directly slashes the Lingtai with a sword, showing the master her strength.

As for the others... nothing in the world can compare to her master's love for her, knowing this is enough.

 Thank you Qingtian Biyun for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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