Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 369 The Returning Snow

Chapter 369 The Returning Snow
The girl Xuechen has been causing trouble for Lu Ling since she appeared... But she has also done good things, for example, when Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling took a bath together, Lu Ling's body was still full of cold poison at that time, Xuechen At that time, he hid in the water to help Liu Fufeng absorb the cold poison, and took advantage of Lu Ling by the way.

After that, it was basically gone, and all kinds of troubles followed one after another. A normal person would have hated her long ago. A wayward pet who can't even act cute may bring disasters. Who wants to have it.

But Lu Ling never thinks that way. To her, Xuechen is a child who needs someone to take care of her. Unlike herself, although Lu Ling usually needs someone to take care of her, her mentality is actually very mature.

In contrast, Lu Ling wants to have someone she can rely on, this person can be Liu Fufeng, Li Zhuzi, when the former is not around, it can be Qin Qin, or even Shen Gui, Lu Ling knows, She just didn't want to be alone. She had had enough of the endless loneliness of being alone. With such a mentality, she didn't go back to Jiufeng to live alone, but was easily abducted by Qin Qin.

Obviously, when Li Zhuzi didn't want her, Lu Ling chose Qin Qin to be her temporary support. Of course, the support here refers to the spiritual level. At other times... don't talk about some big things, just combing her hair and dressing. Lu Ling would not let others touch her even if she could do it by herself...Of course, Liu Fufeng is different, but Lu Ling has sworn to rely on her junior sister.

As for Xuechen... She is completely different from Lu Ling. Her world only has a master, and she has to rely on her master. If there is no master, she would rather die... and this master will not change... Eternal life will only be the same Personal, reincarnated that is also her master.

Such a little girl who would die if she left Lu Ling, and her mind is not normal after her cultivation base has degraded, so most of the time she would do things regardless of the consequences, especially when it was related to Lu Ling.

Xuechen, who mistakenly thought that she was bored by Lu Ling, was eager to prove her worth. She only waited for Lu Ling's consent, and immediately unblocked her power...

In that case, the master will definitely not leave her behind.

The young girl squatted on the ground, holding a ball of snowflakes tightly in her arms, trembling slightly.

【What you said is amazing... How amazing is it? 】Although Lu Ling can feel the nervousness of this little guy, she is also curious about how powerful a rapier that can turn into a cat or a girl can be.

【I... I don't know how to say it. The stronger the master is, the stronger I am. I can only exert my strongest strength when I am with the master...】 Xuechen eagerly expressed himself when he heard Lu Ling's question, However, because she is not very good at talking, Lu Ling is a little confused.

[In that case, it shouldn't be very powerful...] ​​Lu Ling thought for a while, if Xuechen's strength was linked to hers, then she would be too strong. She herself is a weak chicken, and any senior sister on Lingshan can do it. Rubbing her on the ground, she didn't even dare to think about sinking back to that level.

【Master, please believe me, at least the enchantment in front of me, the enchantment in front of me can be easily...even this Lingshan...] The young girl hugged the virtual snowflake in her arms, her little face was flushed, Lu Ling questioned her like this It made her mind even more messy.

Lu Ling didn't know the seriousness of the matter at all, but she felt that she wouldn't listen to her explanation now. Most importantly, although Xuechen was her sword, she only used it once when she was in Shushan. This time, she was in the state of cheating, so she didn't feel anything...

After hearing Xuechen's words, Lu Ling also wanted to use it again, otherwise, who knows when the barrier will dissipate. Didn't Xuechen say that breaking the barrier is easy, so why should she endure it and talk to herself? What is so polite about your pet, you know, she doesn't want to just stay in this enchantment for an afternoon during the rare holiday...

Besides, her ankles are also very painful. If the enchantment is gone, some senior sisters will definitely find her and help her heal.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling smiled wryly...

She is also useless enough, she has learned a lot of methods of Lingshan Wenhun, and now she can use the Concentration Art at her fingertips... Teacher Tang also said that she is a genius who will not be seen in a thousand years, and the genius who will not be seen in a thousand years can't be cured of sprained feet?

Lu Ling didn't dare to use the Concentration Art on herself now, and she didn't dare not listen to Li Zhuzi's words.

In fact, this enchantment will dissipate after a while, but Lu Ling doesn't know, so she still wants to break it from the inside, and then ask her senior sister for help...

As for Xuechen, Lu Ling decided to wait until later to comfort her, because the little loli in the sea of ​​knowledge was too panicked to listen... Lu Ling could understand Xuechen's mood, when Li Zhuzi handed her over to Tang Keyu, She was also in a similar mood, even worse than Xuechen.

Well, I didn't expect that my position in this girl's heart was so important... Lu Ling felt the little guy's nervousness, and felt quite happy in her heart.

In my impression, the ice blue long thin sword is very beautiful, she likes it very much, and it is a sword that can turn into a human being... Lu Ling has read so many books and has a preliminary understanding of this world. I haven't seen any sword in the book that can transform into a human being.

So Lu Ling felt that Xuechen should be very powerful, but his brain was not very easy to use.

As a time traveler, there is no one else like her. Lu Ling felt that she was ashamed of the time traveler. If she were a different person, she might already be in the world of cultivating immortals by now, but when she goes back at night, she still has to read idioms and learn music theory... …

What about the time travel with its own plug-in?

Oh, she has a system... Forget it, there is nothing to mention about things that have no sense of existence.

So it's pretty obvious.

Lu Ling stared at the enchantment in the sky with sparkling eyes, stared at the little girl in the sea of ​​consciousness consciously, and took a deep breath.

This sword that claims to have been with her in her previous life and can turn into a human is her system, her "grandfather"... Lu Ling has always had a dream in her heart.

White clothes, long sword, the end of the world...

And Xuechen is her divine weapon, although this divine weapon is a little... retarded, but it doesn't matter, Lu Ling thinks it can be adjusted slowly.

In a sense, her idea is correct, Xuechen is indeed her "grandpa", but the other protagonists are all wise and decisive... Lu Ling...

She also said that Xuechen was mentally retarded.

The typical fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps.

【Xuechen, since you want to show yourself, come on and let me see how good you are. 】Lu Ling's breathing was a little short, and she couldn't wait to see her sword cut through the barrier.

[Yes, master. 】The little girl was shaken, she got up from the ground with a gulp, and disappeared from Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness. Then Lu Ling felt her hands go cold and looked down.

A long, slender crystal sword appeared in her hand, but it was just a phantom like before, but even if it was a phantom, Lu Ling could still feel the strong power of ice in the phantom.

[Master, wait for a moment...] A burst of thoughts came from the long sword in Lu Ling's hand.

At this moment, Xuechen put away her tears and mobilized her body with all her strength. It would take a little time for her to unite her soul and body...

It's just that the words of this phantom are not enough to break Zixu's enchantment, because the gap between Lu Ling and Zixu is too great. If Lu Ling has the state of Shengui, and with the help of Xueluo Qianhan, he can easily get rid of this The barrier disintegrated.

【Well, I'll wait. ] At this time, Lu Ling still didn't know what would happen if Xueluo Qianhan's seal was released, so she focused all her attention on the slender and beautiful ice crystal in her hand.

【I will hand over myself to the master immediately...】The young girl's voice came.

Lu Ling was dumb, and didn't respond to Xuechen's words, but just sat there, waiting for her pet to transform.


and many more.

Lu Ling suddenly remembered something.

What does this girl mean by unblocking?
Xuechen said before that she was sealed, and she would be very powerful once she was unsealed, but she couldn't tell how powerful she was, and Lu Ling didn't take it to heart.

Now that I think about it, it's really not so good. The memory of her previous life told her that things that can be sealed are not simple... and generally they need strength to control...

Does she have the strength now?
Obviously not.

So Lu Ling had the urge to prevent this girl from continuing to unblock, but she still held back. If Xuechen were to stop at this time, she would definitely cry... Thinking of the time when she heard herself asking her to show herself, the little girl Lu Ling couldn't bear to let her stop with that energy.

Xuechen's mentality was exactly the same as when she wanted to seek Li Zhuzi's praise... Comparing her heart to heart, if her husband said that she didn't want to see her study results, Lu Ling felt that she might really cry for nothing.

Well, there should be no trouble.

Lu Ling comforted herself like this, if Xuechen is really at the level of the old man, that's just right, this can be regarded as a bargaining chip, which can be exchanged for a better cultivation environment for her junior sister.

And in Lingshan, Lu Ling doesn't believe in the crime of being pregnant. The young ladies here are very gentle and will never covet her Xuechen. Among other things, she has received a lot of precious things from her going to Lingshan. one's gift.

Lu Ling was lucky to have drawn Lingshan.

If she was born in Mount Shu as she wished...and in this body... Thinking of this, Lu Ling shivered violently.

That's a place to openly raise RBQ...

A sense of survival after a catastrophe arises spontaneously.

While Lu Ling was thinking wildly, a small voice caught her attention.


That was the sound of ice crystals breaking.

Lu Ling raised her head in surprise, and above the barrier, a little white floc fell slowly.


Feeling the coldness of her palms, Lu Ling looked at the purple sky in surprise. There were no clouds here... In other words, the reason why the snowflakes appeared was all because of...

Lowering her head, Lu Ling's pupils shrank.

The phantom in his hand is much more solid than before.

Is it because of snow dust...

Being able to snow is a pretty good ability.

[Xuechen, how long will it take?I feel... a little cold. ] Lu Ling shivered, not joking, but she really felt a little cold...

[ will be ready soon...] The little girl's voice was intermittent.

Her body has been sealed for too long, and her spirit body is damaged. It will take a long time to fully awaken her body.

【Well, I'll wait. 】Lu Ling opened her mouth to eat a snowflake, and then exhaled a breath of cold air.

It's cold enough...

Lu Ling now believes that her pet is no longer a salted fish, she is obviously a very powerful artifact, but she doesn't know that the black sword in Shen Gui's hand has not caused a phenomenon of heaven and earth...

Curious and excited, Lu Ling did not realize that the snow in the sky was getting bigger and bigger.


Outside the enchantment.

The bored Lingshan disciples gathered around.

"Huh? Is it snowing again?"

"Really, I thought it wouldn't fall, is it Lingxue?"

"'s so cold, this time it's much colder than the previous one..." The Yiling Mountain woman looked at the blood red from the frozen snowflakes on her palm, and immediately stood up.

"Before the snow falls, let the new disciples of the disciple peaks tell them to stay in their houses obediently and not to go out. The spiritual power of this heavy snow is dozens of times that of the previous one. Although it can be absorbed, the extremely cold very dangerous……"

"Yes, Sister."

A group of disciples, Hua Hong, left. They met girls with low cultivation levels on the road and threw them home.



Under the woods, the pity of the East has gone.

Shen Gui was resting with his eyes closed, Xu Xu was bored by himself, but he couldn't leave, Master Li asked her to pick up Lu Ling...

It should be soon, slowly I can feel the power of the enchantment is weakening, and it will disappear in a short time.

She was free and free, lying on the stone table to play with the exquisite fire lotus that she had transformed, and carefully engraved words on it. Her precise control of power is amazing.

This is, a snowflake falls quietly around.


Under Xu Xu's surprised gaze, the fire lotus in her palm went out.

"Huh?" Xu Xu stood up abruptly, her hair bun shaking slightly: "The fire spirit power...disappeared?"

Because most of her power has been carved into Liu Fufeng's spell, the fire spirit power she controls now is collected from the world, but just a second ago, she felt that her soul path was cut off by someone, and then in this world , I can't feel any spiritual energy.

"No, it didn't disappear, but was suppressed." Sensing the terrifying ice wave on Shen Gui's body, Xu Xu was surprised.

During this time, the spiritual power of the ice element soared, so strong that it broke through the balance of the mountain protection array, directly devouring the spiritual power of fire, so that the temperature in the air suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees.

The temperature dropped, the ice spirit power ran wild, and Shen Gui's strength increased by 80.00% in this instant.

The magnitude of the horror, which should not be at all.


Shen Gui opened his eyes, feeling the surging spiritual power in Dao's body, and slowly said: "Yesterday, there was also a problem with the fire spiritual power, and today it's Bing's turn, and it's even more extreme... It seems that it is necessary to inform the uncle and uncle, Check the mountain protection formation carefully."

The two of them had no idea about the vision in front of them. After being surprised, they continued to wait.

Shen Gui said that the riot of fire and spiritual power was due to Xihuang, and today's ice was due to the cold snow falling.

If Xihuang is the queen of fire, who can arouse the worship of fire spiritual power in the world, then Xueluo Qianhan is the creator of ice, and all the ice magics in the world are her children, born for her, created for her die.

The two are not on the same level.

At this time, the Queen of Fire who was wandering around Lingshan also realized that something was wrong. The fire spirit power of the entire Lingshan disappeared. Although her Phoenix flames could not be affected, that invisible threat was like darkness in her eyes. Morning star in .

She had only experienced this feeling from Luo Qianhan thousands of years ago.

what happened?

Xihuang frowned, without hesitation, she traveled through the space and left.

She went to Lingshan where Luo Qianhan's "body" was stored.

 Thank you Qingtian Biyun for your reward, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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