Chapter 371 Twins
"Snow, snow, snow..." Liu Fufeng carried an empty bowl of soup and medicine, and walked towards the front desk in despair, where there was a row of medicine stoves.

If the freshly brewed medicine is spilled, it is natural to make another one.

"Sister Liu, what's the matter?"

Xifeng at the front desk saw Liu Fufeng walking over muttering, and was taken aback for a moment.

Now Liu Fufeng's eyes are blank, in a state of complete distraction, and he is still chanting something, Xifeng listens carefully.

Snow?What snow?

Xifeng looked up at the scorching sun outside.

It's summer, how can there be any snow, sister Liu, is she out of her mind?
It shouldn't be, isn't she a fairy?
Although the sky was dark for a moment before, it shouldn't be snowing no matter how you look at it...

and many more.

Xifeng suddenly remembered one thing, many days ago, there was indeed a light snowfall in Luoyan City, but is it too late for Liu Fufeng to think about it now?

Xifeng looked at Liu Fufeng in puzzlement, and her eyes fell on her chest. There was a large dark water stain on the black clothes, and the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine came from her body.

Liu Fufeng poured medicine on himself... Xifeng became more and more strange, you must know that Liu Fufeng never made mistakes.

At this time, Mr. Zhao at the door also realized that something was wrong, after all, his whole heart was hanging on Liu Fufeng now...

A month later, this arrogant and domineering son of the Zhao family had completely changed. He was dressed in the attire of a servant, and his fair skin was also tanned by the sun, giving him a touch of masculinity.

"Liu Qianjin..."

"Go out." Seeing that Mr. Zhao was about to come in, Xifeng raised her head slightly with sharp eyes.

Liu Fufeng is in a bit of a panic now, but he can't let the man see him.

"Yes, my daughter... I was reckless." Mr. Zhao bowed and left the hospital.

"Sister Liu, go and change your clothes first." Xifeng reminded, at this time Liu Fufeng's image is not very elegant, and the outline of his chest can be seen vaguely.

"..." Liu Fufeng didn't hear Xihuang's words at all, but walked forward slowly, muttering "Xue, Xue..."

Even in this somewhat strange state, she still walked to the medicine stove, accurately took out the appropriate dose of medicinal materials, and began to boil the medicine skillfully, with smooth movements.

And during this period, no matter what Xifeng called her, she didn't say a word.

Not right.

Xifeng couldn't take it anymore, although Liu Fufeng was the "superior person" she didn't like, but after a month of getting along, Xihuang had already regarded Liu Fufeng as her best friend.

A girl who has no scheming and is gentle and gentle, even if she is a fairy, she will never be disgusted, not to mention that Liu Fufeng is under Xifeng's nose all day long, and the latter has almost been captured by Liu Fufeng's benevolence.

So she went out of the front desk and walked in front of Liu Fufeng, held her shoulder and shook it vigorously.

"Sister Liu, what's wrong with you?"

"Snow." Liu Fufeng glanced at Xifeng.


Extremely cold.

Xi Feng, who has been the city lord for more than 20 years and has controlled the lives of 10 people, trembled with fright at Liu Fufeng's eyes.

If in the past Liu Fufeng's eyes could speak, and everyone who saw them would bow down to that sincere tenderness, then the current Liu Fufeng is cold-blooded and has no emotion at all. At that moment, Xifeng thought she was being raped by something The monster is on.

In just a moment, her back was drenched in cold sweat.

"..." Xifeng let go of Liu Fufeng's shoulder like an electric shock, took a step back, looked at her with a pale face, and his chest heaved rapidly.

Just now, she felt that she would be killed by this girl.

Yes, fairy.

Only then did Xifeng feel from Liu Fufeng that an immortal should be indifferent.

Could this be the real face of Sister Liu?No, absolutely not.

If just one look can make Xifeng flee in a panic, then she doesn't need to be a city lord.

At this time, Liu Fufeng still grasped and boiled the medicine with instinct.


Seems like trying to remember something.

"Sister Liu, what are you thinking, let me help you think together." Xifeng stepped forward and said softly, now Liu Fufeng acted on instinct, Xifeng decided to use inducement.

"Help..." Liu Fufeng glanced at Xifeng.

"Play... Feng..."

It can be trusted, Liu Fufeng nodded: "Xue..."

"Snow, what snow?" Xifeng was at a loss, since Liu Fufeng was there from the very beginning, she didn't understand at all.

"What... Snow?" Liu Fufeng was still in deep thought, his body was flowing with silver energy, and the aura was pitifully weak but very strange.

What snow?You ask me who I ask...

Xifeng was a little speechless, a good girl would be stupid no matter what she said.



plowing snow?

Frost and snow?


Xifeng suddenly remembered something, from the very beginning Liu Fufeng was there "snow, snow, snow...", so what she wanted to talk about should not be about snow, but about snow...

Then Xifeng smiled wryly, it was useless to figure it out.

Still have to give it a try though.

"Snow mountain?" Xifeng asked while helping Liu Fufeng grab the medicine.

"Shan..." Liu Fufeng took the medicine, skillfully divided it into four parts, poured it into the medicine furnace and shook his head.

"Snow white?"

Keep shaking your head.


"Snow lotus?"

"Snow wolf?"

"Snow goose?"


After talking several times in a row, Liu Fufeng kept shaking his head, Xifeng had no choice but to start with Xuefeng's words, and she started to use idioms.

"Sending carbon in the snow?"

"..." Liu Fufeng paused for a moment, Xifeng felt that he could see a row of dots on Liu Fufeng's head, and suddenly blushed.

"I can't think of it anyway, and I'm sorry I can't help you, Sister Liu." Xifeng covered up her gaffe: "How can Xue have anything famous, I guess that dead girl Zhao Yingge doesn't know as much as I do, look at her It looks like she hasn't even gone to school, so the words she speaks must be words created by herself, such as Xueshuang, Xuehua, and Xueluo."

After finishing speaking, Xifeng felt something was wrong, and when she looked up, she saw Liu Fufeng looking straight at her, Xifeng, who was always fearless, suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

What did she say wrong?

That's right, sister Liu has always disliked her bickering with Zhao Yingge, so she must be angry.

But it was impossible for her to apologize to that stinky girl Zhao Yingge.

"Snow..." Liu Fufeng seemed to be a little more energetic, as if he had suddenly figured out something, his eyes sparkled, he ignored Xifeng at the side, and looked up in the direction of Lingshan.


Seeing this, Xifeng curled her lips, Liu Fufeng has often mentioned Lu Ling this month, and she doesn't know what's so good about this girl.

"Aling... I miss you." Liu Fufeng's eyes flashed tenderness, then he lowered his head and said softly at a volume that only he could hear: "Three thousand snows at the bottom of the cup—"

"Give me back... the old world."

"What?" Xifeng didn't hear clearly.

"Did I say anything?" Liu Fufeng was a little confused, he was stunned for a moment and then returned to normal, his expression changed.

"my clothes!"

The chest is sticky...

This is harmony and order!
It just so happened that Mr. Zhao received the patient's voice from outside the door, Liu Fufeng blushed and covered his chest, turned around and said to Xifeng quickly.

"Sister Xifeng, I'm going to change my clothes first. You can give these medicines to Aunt Li for me later, which is number 47. Then the medicines are ready for the next four from her."

"I..." Before Xifeng could agree, Liu Fufeng trotted away all the way. She looked at Liu Fufeng's back with a puzzled expression on her face.

Then very quickly, the doubt turned into surprise.

Liu Fufeng disappeared the moment he stepped on the stairs.

"Shuttle through space? Immortal's method... well, it's not the first time we've met." After getting her mood together, Xifeng began to greet the patient.

Speaking of being a city lord, how did he become a reception maid...


In the upstairs room, Liu Fufeng stared blankly at his hands, his face full of disbelief.

She just wanted to go back to the room quickly... and then she appeared in the room after a while. She used to move through the space with the teleportation array and the magic talisman she received, but she didn't use the magic talisman just now.

"This is... my power?" Liu Fufeng said in disbelief, she found that her poor spiritual power had been consumed a lot.

Earth is feng shui fire, my talent seems to belong to none of them.

Then Liu Fufeng gave a wry smile, she is still in the stage of condensing her energy, now she is fine, her dantian is not filled yet, and a teleportation is almost enough...

I was very distressed, but also curious about what happened to me.

"You can go home soon, go ask Mr. Li when the time comes."

Then Liu Fufeng thought of Lu Ling, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, revealing a sweet dimple.

Finally I can see Aya.


On Lingshan.

Nine Peaks, Forbidden Cave.

The blue light is dazzling, with boundless cold air, and on the other side is the fierce fire light, one ice and one fire are confronting each other.

Xihuang looked at the crystal sword that was missing a corner not far away, her eyes were full of dignity.

Why did Xueluo Qianhan suddenly break the seal?

Fortunately, she discovered it in time and temporarily suppressed the progress of unsealing, but after all, Xueluo Qianhan is Xueluo Qianhan, she can only slow down the speed of unsealing, but cannot re-sealing her, and during this period of time , the progress of Xueluo Qianhan's unsealing has already reached [-]%, and the hilt of the sword in front of him has completely turned into a phantom.

"Why... now is not the time to unseal, she hasn't grown up yet, how could Xiaoxue..." Xihuang was very puzzled.

It is impossible for Luo Qianhan not to know what it means to unseal the power now. Without a certain level of cultivation, it is impossible for Lu Ling to suppress the aura of the fairy sword. Once the demons know it, it will be the beginning of a race war.

And as long as Lu Ling cultivates to the Void Transformation Realm, she can hide the aura of the fairy sword. It is impossible for Luo Qianhan not to understand such a simple matter. How could she be so unwise?
It's that simple, as long as the person holding Xueluo Qianhan has a little cultivation, he can suppress his aura, but the trouble now is that Lu Ling has no cultivation, and Luo Qianhan can't recognize others as masters...

and many more.

Xihuang froze for a moment, she seemed to have forgotten something.

Luo Qianhan is Luo Qianhan, Xuechen is Xuechen, the young Luo Qianhan might really be able to do such childish things... Although I have never seen the real young Luo Qianhan, but since she grew up A little bit can be guessed about her personality after she grows up.

It's not possible, but it must be possible.

So what should be done now is not to suppress Xueluo Qianhan, but to find Xue Nu... No, Lu Ling.


Xihuang was a little embarrassed.

She is currently suppressing the seal with all her strength, and she has run out of clones. The conflict between Phoenix Fire and Snow Flower has absorbed all her strength, and she can't even send out a single clone.

This is because Xuechen recognized her spiritual power, and she didn't have any malicious intentions... Otherwise, she really couldn't suppress it.

Even if the avatar can be sent out, one avatar cannot be Xuechen, and the fairy sword in childhood is also a fairy sword.

And the women in Lingshan can't count on it at all, and such a big matter has not been associated with Xueluo Qianhan... Well, it has something to do with me.

Xihuang sighed, she sealed the cave, and in the eyes of others, there was no movement of the fairy sword.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, you are really troublesome." Xihuang felt a little bit of anger when she felt the endless coldness in front of her.

Forget it, if it continues to be suppressed like this, the seal will still be released sooner or later, and now every second of delay is a point of danger.

"Withdraw." Xihuang's body was full of radiant flames, and her short hair instantly turned into dazzling blond hair like a waterfall.

Then it turned around and disappeared, leaving only ice blue in the cave.

Without Xihuang's suppression, the progress of Xianjian's unsealing suddenly accelerated.

Twenty-two points, twenty-five points.

Soon, the hilt of the fairy sword in the cave disappeared completely.


Climb to Lingtai.

Inside the enchantment, the snow fell more and more.

A thick layer of snow had already accumulated on the ground, half of Lu Ling's body was covered by the snow.

"Xuechen...are you ready..." Lu Ling tremblingly said.

She can't move now because it's too cold.

Lu Ling, who was never afraid of the cold, was so cold that her lips turned purple and she kept shivering.


Xuechen didn't respond to her.

Lu Ling didn't ask, she could sense that this girl was working hard now.

Then Lu Ling lowered her head in surprise, looked at the phantom of the ice sword in her hand, and exhaled a breath of water mist.

This sword... feels real.

Lu Ling tried her best to raise her arm, and saw that the original position of the hilt had turned into a transparent ice-blue crystal, and the crystal was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The phantom was light blue, and the new crystal was dark blue. Glowing cold light, refracting faint colorful light beams, very beautiful.

Lu Ling seemed to see the most beautiful scene in the world, her eyes blurred.

She seems to have seen... coloring, the world is coloring the fairy sword.

Ingenious workmanship.

This feeling of watching Xuechen evolve step by step makes Lu Ling want to stop, and Lu Ling has already faintly felt that Xuechen in her family probably has a lot of background.

So even if she was shivering from the cold, she was enduring it.

As a money junkie, she was excited.


What Lingshan didn't know was that Xueluo Qianhan was indeed dead, and what was in the cave was just a "corpse". Now if Xuechen wanted to break the seal, he would destroy the corpse and reshape it.

This process was a bit difficult for her in her infancy, but it wasn't impossible, it was just a little slow. When all the corpses in the cave disappeared, she broke the seal.

At this time, the snow fell heavily from the sky, and the snow had already reached Lu Ling's chest. She was so cold that her upper and lower teeth were fighting, but she was still obsessed with looking at the sword in her hand, and murmured.

"It must be... very beautiful..."


Then, a stern voice sounded from behind Lu Ling.

"Pretty is pretty, but if you don't want to die, just listen to me obediently."

When Lu Ling turned her head, she saw a dazzling golden figure.

"Bad woman..."

Words come out without thinking.

 Do you really think there will be a main line or something... In fact, the so-called main line is just to advance the plot, and then continue with the daily life, can’t you see it? [Lie].Thank you Qingtian Biyun for your reward. [Fancy selling Amway hehehe] [Dig in silence, in fact, some things are already obvious...]

(End of this chapter)

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