372 stop
"Bad woman?"

As soon as Lu Ling turned her head and saw Xihuang, she was taken aback for a moment.

Then shook his head.

That older sister shouldn't be a bad woman, but Lu Ling was still very uncomfortable with Xihuang hurting her husband. After all, she couldn't stand Chu Qishui being bullied, let alone her husband.

No, her hair wasn't so long before... Lu Ling stared blankly at the golden figure stepping on the snow, whose golden hair was hanging down by her feet like a waterfall.

Very... majestic.

The previous Xihuang was wearing a dark yellow long dress. Although she was serious, Lu Ling could feel the tenderness on her body... and the woman in front of her was wearing a golden phoenix robe, the majesty of a superior almost overwhelmed Lu Ling. , if Xihuang is the aunt next door, the one in front of her is the Empress.

Isn't it the same person?
Lu Ling was dazed, sneezed, rubbed her nose and looked at Xihuang: "Who are you?"

Since Xihuang's arrival, the temperature seems to have risen a lot, Lu Ling is not so cold, and her speech has become a lot more agile.

"..." Xihuang didn't respond to Lu Ling, she just pretended she didn't hear Lu Ling calling her a bad woman, because now is not the time to talk to Lu Ling about it.

This girl...is really a bit stupid.

Xihuang believed that Lu Ling didn't hear her words at all, and just listened to her if she didn't want to die. After thinking about it, her cold brain couldn't work properly.

When Xueluo Qianhan reshaped her body, the snowflakes that fell around her were not snowflakes, but the origin of the ice element... It was only because of Xuechen's obsession that Lu Ling would feel cold, it was normal for her, not to mention Lu Ling, she The Phoenix Fire is probably useless in such an environment...

Lu Ling was already very good at not being frozen to death by relying on an ice-type affinity talent.

"Listen to me, stop your sword. You are very dangerous now. If she lifts the seal, it will be very troublesome." Xihuang cut to the point. It's not that she never thought about contacting Luo Qianhan, but now she can't contact Luo Qianhan at all. In the process of transformation, I can't hear her at all, even if I can hear her, I don't care.

After all, it is a fairy sword. Since she is going to unseal it, no one can seal her except herself, not even Lihuo Hongling. At this time, even if Lingshan is completely destroyed by a terrible spell, the fairy sword will continue to be unsealed, Xihuang Being able to slow down the speed of the fairy sword is already incredible, and it has a lot to do with Xihuang being Luo Qianhan's friend.

"Stop, why?" Lu Ling was even more confused: "Trouble, if there is any trouble, I don't despise Xuechen's trouble... No matter who you are."

Halfway through the speech, Lu Ling came to her senses, hugged Bingjian firmly in her arms, and looked at Xihuang vigilantly.

This person is not here to snatch her Xuechen... Don't, don't think that you can do whatever you want by dressing as a queen, she hasn't heard that there is a queen on Lingshan...

It was mainly troublesome, Lu Ling didn't feel it at all.

trouble?There is no trouble for her, the sky is falling and there is a tall man staring at her, Master Dongfang, her husband, Master Zixu, and even Shen Gui Qinqin, none of them are ten thousand times stronger than her... So Lu Ling is not afraid of trouble.

If Xihuang said that she would die before repeating one side, Lu Ling would probably be frightened, but she was really not afraid of this level of trouble. Now Lu Ling was only afraid that the bad woman in front of her was here to snatch her Xuechen. I believe that the little sisters on Lingshan would not steal her things, but the golden queen in front of me is not from Lingshan at first glance, and she doesn't even wear Taoist robes...

There is a threat.

Lu Ling labeled Xihuang in her heart.

"..." Seeing this, Xihuang froze for a moment, then twitched the corners of his eyes unnaturally.

Is this girl... really her reincarnation?Seeing Lu Ling like this, Xihuang couldn't believe...that weak, money-greedy, narrow-minded girl could be that cold and arrogant girl.

Jian Feng pointed out that the aura of being the enemy is gone forever.

Xihuang now somewhat understands why Luo Qianhan said that Lu Ling is not her master anymore, Lu Ling and Xuenv have no similarities except for their physique, and they are not as good as the seductive Lu Ling that Xihuang saw for the first time.

I'm not afraid of trouble, and this point can be a little bit on the side of Xuenv.

This is why Xihuang overestimated Lu Ling. The reason why Lu Ling was so calm was because she didn't pay attention to the "trouble" Xihuang said.

But what would trouble a god look like to a mortal?Almost devastated.

Xihuang has gone through tens of thousands of years, and she has never seen anything, not to mention humans and monsters, she has experienced world wars several times, and the human race has nothing to do with her...

So for what might happen, Xihuang was not afraid at all, she felt troublesome only because it was related to Lu Ling, and she thought from Lu Ling's point of view.


No, I can't wait any longer.

Xihuang looked at the three-foot-large blue crystal in Lu Ling's hand, her pupils constricted, she pinched Lu Ling's shoulders, pulled her out of the snow, and hugged her in her arms.

"It hurts!" Lu Ling exclaimed, her foot was still hurt, otherwise she would have woken up a long time ago.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Ling met Xihuang's gaze, and immediately struggled.

"You, you, you, what are you doing..."

Lu Ling tightly hugged the sword that was longer than her own, and stammered at the same time.

"Let me tell you, this is Lingshan, don't try to catch me...my husband..."

But Xihuang didn't give Lu Ling a chance to say more, so she slapped Lu Ling on the head.

Lu Ling was dumb for a moment, and then, as if she had been beaten stupid, she hugged Xihuang obediently and looked at her blankly.

If you look carefully, various pictures, characters and languages ​​flicker in Lu Ling's eyes.

She is now reading what Xihuang just sent her.

Seeing Lu Ling like this, Xihuang's face was solemn, and she pressed her hands on Lu Ling's arms, using her greatest strength to use Lu Ling's hand to suppress Xueluo Qianhan's progress.

There is no way around this, she wants Lu Ling to understand the seriousness of the matter, but with Lu Ling's "wisdom", when she realizes that the fairy sword is almost unsealed, Xihuang directly instilled the matter into Lu Ling. Aya knows the sea, let her go and see for herself.

If Lu Ling had behaved better, Xihuang would not have done this. The souls of the human race are very fragile at the beginning, so engraving things like this is likely to be injured. This is why Li Zhuzi asked Lu Ling to learn a little bit, instead of directly "cracking" her. "s reason.

But now I can only do this, just show some things, not those complicated knowledge, Lu Ling will not be in danger, at most... an idiot for a few days after today.

However, Lu Ling gave Xihuang a surprise. This girl's sea of ​​consciousness is indestructible and has not been affected at all. Moreover, Lu Ling did not feel any malice and did not take defensive measures. Otherwise, if this piece of information is blocked by Lu Ling from her sea of ​​consciousness If so, something will really happen.


Time flies, Lu Ling came back to her senses again, her little face was bloodless, her eyes were full of fear, and with the purple lower lip that was frozen just now, one could not help but think that she had seen a ghost.

In fact, Lu Ling was almost like seeing a ghost.

Fairy sword, my pet is actually a fairy sword.

Knowing this news, Lu Ling was very happy at first, but what happened next shocked her.

In the bloody battle scene, there are severed limbs and arms everywhere, the sky and the earth have been killed and changed color, and snowflakes falling on the ground will be instantly melted by blood.

For Lu Ling, such a scene was tantamount to hell. If Xihuang hadn't helped her suppress it, Lu Ling would probably be able to spit out all her internal organs at this time.

And what she saw this time was no longer a scramble, but a real war between humans and demons.

Lingshan was also shrouded in blood, and many girls died because of resisting the enemy.

Demon Seed...

Lu Ling's face was pale.

It turned out that this was a demon species, that kind of strange-shaped black monster, without any human resemblance, and it would kill anyone it saw, it was extremely cruel.

Even... cannibalism.

This is not the point, the point is that Lu Ling has already understood the seriousness of the matter, Xihuang told her that if Xuechen is unblocked, such a scene will happen again.

Lu Ling believed it.

She doesn't know anything too deep, a crime of conceived jade is enough to explain, fairy sword... I didn't expect Xuechen to be such a powerful thing.

Lu Ling tightened her hands, as if she had found a sense of security.

It seemed that the scene just now really frightened her a lot.

"What are you still doing in a daze!!!" Xihuang gritted her teeth, her face was not very good-looking, even if she forcibly suppressed the fairy sword, it was very difficult.

The female voice sounded like thunder in Lu Ling's ears. Lu Ling curled up in fright, but she reacted immediately.

"What do you want me to do."

Lu Ling absolutely couldn't let such a thing happen. She also thought about whether Xihuang would lie to her again, but after thinking about it for a moment, Lu Ling decided that no matter whether Xihuang lied to her or not, she would listen to her.

The fake self is just missing a sword that I can't use, if it's real...

No, she doesn't want to be a sinner, her junior sister is still at the foot of the mountain, and she hasn't traveled the world with her junior sister yet...

"Stop your sword, do you want me to teach you?" After Xihuang said the last sentence, she stopped holding on, put Lu Ling on the ground and stood there, closed her eyes and began to adjust her breath.

She can only do this, she doesn't care what Lu Ling wants to do, even if it really causes a war, it has nothing to do with her, she can capture Lu Ling back to the Spirit Race, anyway, she won't let her die.


Without Xihuang's suppression, the speed of freezing the rapier became faster and faster. At this time, it was already half its size. The spiritual power in the world became more and more violent, and even the [Feng Shenhai] of the Eastern Shenhai began to be unable to suppress it.

This is also the limit, because the demons are in other planes, so they can't see this scene for the time being, but once the fairy sword is completely born, even the ice spiritual power with the sealed plane will riot.

"Xuechen, stop, stop, don't unblock it." Lu Ling hurriedly said while holding the sword.


Continue to crystallize.

"Can't you hear me? I tell you to stop!" Lu Ling's voice rose instantly.

【Master, I will soon...】

"Stop, right now, if you don't stop, I don't want you." Lu Ling thought about the bloody scene before, her eyes were full of fear.

She herself was very afraid of death, but she was even more afraid of the death of her own relatives.


Hearing Lu Ling's words of not wanting her, the fairy sword in Lu Ling's hand trembled violently.

[I listen to the master, I listen to the master, stop now, stop now, master, don't be angry. ] Xuechen's voice came, and then she seemed to...


At this time, Xuechen seemed to be enduring some cruel torture.



1 minutes later.

Snow stopped.

Seeing the broken sword in her hand that was no longer growing, Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head to look at Xihuang, and found that the latter was adjusting her breath, so she lowered her head and carefully looked at the sword in her hand.

The whole body is ice blue, with a two-finger-wide transparent blade, filled with cold air, very beautiful.

The rapier in my impression is very long, Lu Ling is about less than 1.5 meters tall now, and the long sword is at least two meters long, so Lu Ling said she was a fishing rod.

And now, because only half of the seal has been unsealed, the current Xueluo Qianhan is only half of it, which happens to be about the same size as an ordinary long sword. Soldiers, daggers or something...

And after the unblocking stopped, the remaining phantom also disappeared, more like a dagger.

【Xuechen, are you okay? ] Lu Ling asked, she just felt that something was wrong with this girl...

[Master... I know I'm wrong, don't want me...] The crying voice of the little girl came. At this time, Lu Ling knew the sea, and the little girl in the blue skirt reappeared. on the ground.

It hurts.

She is a fairy sword, and it is not enough to simply possess a body if she wants to unseal it. That body is dead, and most of the power has accompanied Xuenv to reincarnation, and Xuechen's so-called unseal is actually based on this "corpse "Communicate the world and regenerate in the spirit body.

It is said to be unblocked, but "Nirvana" is more suitable.

But now Nirvana stopped halfway through, Xuechen now has half of her body, and the other half... is still in the cave, because Xuechen listened to Lu Ling, she forcibly divided herself.

This is equivalent to a person being cut in half alive. As a fairy sword, she should have been a whole, and now she has violated the rules of "mother", and the pain is compounded.

Xuechen felt like she was going to die...but what she cared about most was Lu Ling.

【I won't want you, just now I want you to stop, Xuechen...how could you be like this, does it hurt, I...] Lu Ling panicked when she saw the young girl curled up in the sea of ​​consciousness.

What should I do, Xuechen is not going to die... Although Lu Ling knows that she is a fairy sword, she still doesn't know the concept of a fairy sword, so she is very worried.


At this time, Xihuang opened her eyes, she looked at the dagger in Lu Ling's hand, a little surprised.

Luo Qianhan listened to Lu Ling so much, let alone dividing her body, she would not be surprised even if she died for Lu Ling... But this way...

Xihuang's expression was a little weird.

what is this.

Although Xihuang lived a long time, she didn't know what would happen if she stopped Xuechen. Now she was surprised to see this dagger-like rapier.

Although it was only half of it, Xihuang could still feel the huge power hidden in the sword body. It seemed that things were going in a better direction... For Lu Ling.

At least she has her own sword now, so she doesn't have to wait until the Void Transformation Realm, and the spiritual power riot has not affected the world beyond Tianguangxu, so nothing should happen.

Because the demons were exiled to another plane by Lihuo Hongling's master, they can only get in touch through the cracks in Tianguang Ruins. Besides, no matter what kind of news they can get through.

That's fine.

The demons don't want to know about Lu Ling's possession of the fairy sword. She will send a clone to Tianguangxu to guard it until all the demons in the world are wiped out.

In other words, Lingshan is safe for the time being, but Xiaoxue suffers. Although the immortal sword is immortal, it must be difficult for Nirvana to stop for half of its life.

(End of this chapter)

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