Chapter 376

At this time, Dongfang Lianren felt restless. She had just had a meeting in the morning, and something happened before she was free. She hadn't had time to prepare for Lu Ling and Shen Gui to go down the mountain, and Li Zhuzi asked her to test Lu Ling's poison has dragged on until now and she hasn't done anything yet...

But there is no way, such a powerful ice-type spiritual power is still sent from Lingshan, something must have happened.

The only possibility is the Immortal Sword, but she scanned the Immortal Sword Cave with her spiritual sense and found that there was nothing unusual... Without Chu Qishui's consent, it is not easy to go to the Nine Peaks...

Could it be that there is a problem with the mountain guard array?

With such doubts in mind, Dongfang Lianren Huahong flew to Yifeng Luanfeng's residence.

What she didn't know was that a huge black pot was pressed on her body by her own good apprentice, and it was impossible to remove it in a short time.

And Lu Ling... In the eyes of everyone, she has become a poor little junior sister who has been spoiled.

Lu Ling, who was dressed in rags, was blind-eyed, which made the girls feel extremely distressed, and they all expressed their desire to "crusade" Dongfang Lianren. Although she is everyone's uncle, Lingshan also has feelings between women... But she is definitely not such a ghost Yes, compared to Shen Canghai, Dongfang Lianren is more than a thousand times more ruthless.

Originally, because they were all from their own family, these girls were not interested in Dongfang Lianren's title of "demon girl". They thought that although Dongfang Lianren was not easy to get along with, she would not be a coquettish bitch as rumored by the outside world.

But now they believe it.

After all, only she has the motive. Yesterday, Lu Ling was taken back to Sanfeng for a whole night. The enchantment was broken after she left, and Sanfeng's senior sister said that Lu Ling had a good smell, that was already The harmless aura remaining after detoxification.

This Dongfang Lianren's apprentice was almost tortured to death by the qi, and after detoxification, she also had a similar she was very sensitive.

Under this senior sister's continuous explanation, all the girls believed that Lu Ling was indeed defiled by Dongfang Lianren, and the few who didn't believe Dongfang Lianren would do this didn't know how to explain it when they saw Lu Ling's appearance.

"You must tell Master about this."

"That's right, Master Dongfang went too far this time!"

"I think this heavy snow is God's warning that she gave too much!"

"...The problem is, now...what to do, there is so much snow in the enchantment, the little junior sister will catch a cold..." A girl looked at Lu Ling distressedly.

There was obviously accumulated snow in the enchantment, but because Lu Ling gave them too much visual impact, they all ignored it.

"What should I do... Junior Sister is Feng Jiu's disciple."

"Now it doesn't matter if Feng Jiu is not Feng Jiu?"

"I'm just... my junior sister is not conscious yet, but if things get serious, she will definitely have a hard time." A girl said caringly. Lu Ling's introversion is well known, and now Lu Ling has temporarily lost consciousness, so there is no Big reaction, if she knew that so many people knew that she was... would definitely collapse.

"Then what do you think we should do? Let us all pretend we didn't see it, and Dongfang Lianren continue to roam free? I think she is threatening us with my junior sister's introverted temperament, and we can't let her succeed. We must give my junior sister justice. " said the girl with the sword angrily.

"that is!"

"But little junior sister..."

"Don't talk about it, even if it's for the good of my junior sister, I can't give in. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Where did the master put our disciples? Where did he put the disciples of Sanfeng?" Dongfang Lianren's eldest disciple was filled with righteous indignation road.

If Dongfang Lianren knew that her apprentice took the lead against her, she would definitely be very sad... No, she would not be sad, she was used to it.

She knew about this matter, so she probably wouldn't explain it. Instead, she would smile coquettishly to instigate hatred, and then directly admit it.

That's why she said she couldn't wash it clean.

After all, Lu Ling's current appearance has been seen by thousands of girls.

"Stop arguing, Junior Sister Zhang is right, taking care of Junior Junior Sister is the most important thing now, we can't go to Feng Jiu, but I remember that she lives with Senior Sister Qin now... let her know." Aunt Yi said.

Yesterday, the rumors about Qin Qin and Dongfang Lianren's scrambling for Lu Ling spread. It is impossible to hide this matter from Qin Qin. I just hope that Senior Sister Qin can accept this fact.

"Stealing the girl Senior Sister Qin likes, and going so far... I think Master Dongfang is going to be unlucky." One person snorted coldly.

"What's the meaning."

"We have nothing to do with the uncle, but don't forget who is the master of Senior Sister Qin."

"You mean... Master Hidden Sword..." The girl thought of Shen Canghai, her face turned red, and she said angrily, "You're right, I believe Master Hidden Sword will definitely give us justice!"

Obviously, Shen Canghai is also very popular in Lingshan, and is deeply loved by all the girls.

After all, the girls she gets into bed with are all voluntary, and unlike Dongfang Lianren who forcefully robs and poisons, Shen Canghai is much more open and aboveboard.



Not far away, under the gazebo.

Shen Gui and Xu Xu sat in front of the stone table, Shen Gui was expressionless, and Xu Xu looked at Lu Ling's direction worriedly.

"Afu, do you think Master Dongfang did it?" Xu Xu asked softly, holding her cheek.


Shen Gui didn't speak, just looked at the place where Dongfang Lianren had been before, where there was still residual heat on the teacup.

Xu Xu understood Shen Gui's meaning, nodded, and then showed doubts.

"I also don't think it has anything to do with Uncle Dongfang, after all, she has been with us all along, and Master understand, Afu." Xu Xuruo pointed out.

Others don't know, but the two of them know very well that Lu Ling was sent into the barrier by Li Zhuzi. Others may bully Lu Ling, but Li Zhuzi will never. I just came here on business.

So Lu Ling will become like this, definitely has nothing to do with Dongfang Lianren...

Uncle Zixu...

A name flashed through Xu Xu's mind.

Dongfang Lianren talked with Li Zhuzi before, but she didn't avoid them.

It should be Master Zixu, that's right.

Xu Xu was very surprised, why did that unsmiling Master Zixu do such a thing...

"Now the junior sisters seem to have misunderstood. They think that the younger junior sister has lost... lost her purity..." Xu Xu blushed a little as she said that, although she was not young, she was still a big girl. It was in front of the junior sisters, and she would not deliberately hide her thoughts in front of Shen Gui.

Girl Huaichun, if she doesn't know the inside story, Xu Xu believes that she will think that Lu Ling has been defiled... After all, she is too soft, and Dongfang Lianren's reputation is too bad...

"En." Shen Gui was thinking about something and nodded absently.

"Afu, what should we do now, Master Li told us to pick up Junior Sister..."



"..." Hearing the sharp voice next to his ear, Shen Gui was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and saw Xu Xu's angry face, who was very close to her, almost sticking to her face.

"Why are you ignoring me? It's too much." Xu Xu was very dissatisfied, and co-author Shen Gui simply ignored her.

"I told you, I'm not a fu, why should I respond to you." Shen Gui said lightly.

"You!" Xu Xu was furious.

"Okay, I'll take Lu Ling back to the second peak." Shen Gui stood up.


"No but." Shen Gui tidied up the tea set on the stone table, and said calmly: "Whether it's a misunderstanding or the truth, what does it have to do with me?"

"..." Xu Xu heard the words for a while, and sighed.

This is the character of her Afu... Just get used to it.

"What I'm curious about now is how Lu Ling entered the sea of ​​consciousness... and what she looks like in the sea of ​​consciousness." Shen Gui looked at Lu Ling, as if he found some toy.

"I'm also curious, this girl's talent is really great." Xu Xu nodded along, acquiescing to Shen Gui's approach.

It's useless for the two of them to explain this kind of thing, and the point is that they won't explain it, Shen Gui can't, Xu Xu is not a good eloquent person...Let's leave it to Master Dongfang to worry about it.

Compared to this little misunderstanding, Lu Ling's talent is more important.

In fact, it is not uncommon for Lingshan disciples to have hollow eyes when they look at the Sea of ​​Consciousness inside... The reason why Lu Ling was definitely violated is that her current appearance is too miserable.

Second, no one believes that a person in the soul-dividing state can look inside the sea of ​​consciousness, and even if she is a genius, she should be awake now that everyone is watching... The reason why she is still not awake may only be because she has been greatly stimulated. in self-evasion.

As for the possible explanation, it is not within the scope of consideration because of the inability to come out because of deep knowledge.

Without the strength of the Venerable Realm, it is impossible to develop the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Therefore, the fact that Lu Ling was violated has become a fact, and Lu Ling herself is the biggest evidence, Dongfang Lianren can't even think about repudiation.

"Afu, go and bring little junior sister back to the second peak, I'm about to go back to Shuyuan too." Xu Xu said.

"No need." Shen Gui packed up the tea set, put it in the interspatial bag and sat down.

"No need?" Xu Xu followed Shen Gui's line of sight and saw a cyan rainbow light falling on the Lingling Platform.

Qin Qin.

She went to Sanfeng to look for Dongfang Lianren but failed, and then received a message from her junior sister.


Seeing the gloomy expression on Qin Qin's face, Xu Xu shook her hair in a bun violently a few times, struggled for a while and then sighed.

I really can't explain it clearly. First of all, there is no way to explain this loss of consciousness... and Xu Xu didn't know what happened to Lu Ling.

Maybe Dongfang Lianren didn't do it, but did someone else do it?
She was in a dilemma. When all the younger sisters calmed down, she could come forward to help Lu Ling explain...or Master Dongfang explained, and she could be a witness.

It's just that if this is the case, it may offend Master Zixu, but there is no way, she can't just see Lu Ling's reputation stained like this, this is the most important thing for a girl.

Fortunately, Uncle Dongfang is a woman... It should be a fake phoenix trick... So the nature is not so bad that it cannot be redeemed, it's just that it went too far.

It is certain that Xu Xu will stand by Lu Ling's side, but not now, at this time all the juniors have lost their composure and will not listen to her well.

"Forget it... I'm leaving, Junior Sister Qin is your junior sister, Afu... I will leave the explanation to you."

As he said that, he turned around slowly and disappeared, and went back to the book garden.

"..." Shen Gui stood up, his black hair was shaking, and after taking a look at Qin Qin, he left directly.


Ha ha.


"Qin, Senior Sister Qin..."

"Senior Sister Qin, calm down..."

Seeing Qin Qin walking slowly, a group of girls automatically stepped out of the way.

"..." Qin Qin was wearing a water-green long dress, stepped on snowflakes, and walked slowly to Lu Ling's side. Seeing Lu Ling's miserable appearance, she raised her hand to wipe off the limestone on her face.

The eyes that were originally nimble are now empty, and you can vaguely see the terrified look on Lu Ling's face. This girl must have been very scared before...

"who is it?"

"..." Everyone didn't speak.

"Uncle Dongfang?"


"Creak creak." Qin Qin's expression was cold, but the sound of grinding his teeth was very shrill.

"It's okay, it's okay." Looking into Lu Ling's dull eyes, Qin Qin reached out to hug her up, turned around and said.

"Today's matter... Forget it, let's go."

She wanted to suppress this matter, but it was unrealistic. There were thousands of people present, how could she suppress it?
Qin Qin lost her composure now, she wanted to find Dongfang Lianren, and then...kill her.

But... it's better to take Lu Ling home first, let her rest well, something has happened, she must calm down, Lu Ling is an introverted girl... she must be enlightened first, in case she does something stupid.

The girls watched Qin Qin's face change from hatred to indifference, and trembled.

"Senior sister, we will stand by your side!"


"En." Qin Qin replied absently, pulled up Lu Ling's long hair and left.






"Senior Sister Qin... so scary." Seeing Qin Qin leave, some girls shrank their necks.

"Yes." All the girls nodded.

It was the first time for them to see such a murderous and awe-inspiring appearance of the helpful and gentle Senior Sister Qin...

"Sanfeng's disciples, go back and organize them." Sanfeng's senior sister ordered.

Tonight, they were going to ask the master to give an explanation. Qin Qin endured it for Lu Ling, but she couldn't bear it.

Dongfang Lianren has repeatedly acted so outrageously that Sanfeng's disciples will not see people in the future.



At this time, the addicted Lu Ling who was listening to the story didn't know that she had passively lost her chastity.

If he had known, he would not have listened so seriously.


"It's so powerful..." Lu Ling was very excited when she thought about the legend Xuechen told her.

If she is as powerful as the fairy master, no, if she is as powerful as one percent, then she will not live in vain in this life.

"Master, I believe you will surpass her." Xuechen felt Lu Ling's thoughts and said seriously.

"Go, go, don't make trouble." Lu Ling pinched the face of the little girl in her arms, a little dissatisfied, she worships the fairy lord very much now, but that's just worship, she still knows how much she weighs of.

Even surpassing the Immortal Lord... She should surpass Shen Gui first.

Shen Gui... Forget it, he probably won't be able to do it in this lifetime.

"Master, I said that you are different from ordinary people because you and the fairy master are of the same kind." Xuechen felt that it was necessary for Lu Ling to know her potential.

"A class of people? What do you mean?" Hearing this, Lu Ling was not surprised, but frowned her beautiful eyebrows, and the beauty spot on the corner of her mouth sank a bit.

She had a hunch that Xuechen's next words must have something to do with the "previous life" she didn't like.

 Don't ask me where chapter 377 went, I ate it.

(End of this chapter)

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