Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 377 No Contrast No Harm

Chapter 377 No Contrast No Harm

Past life past life past life.

It was that messy past life again.

Although Lu Ling was curious about her so-called past life, she didn't want to know too much about it. She was just her, and her junior sister was her junior sister, not some past life.

Very contradictory thoughts.

Lu Ling has always had a secret in her heart, that is, she is not from this world. The world in her impression should be a modern life of steel and machinery, where people can't fly or cultivate immortals.

It should be an extremely peaceful world, but it's a pity that she has no memory of herself.

She was reborn from another world. She still remembers the palace used for reincarnation. Lu Ling occasionally wondered, if she hadn't crossed over, would she be happier living in that world again than she is now?
Just thinking about it, she couldn't do without Liu Fufeng now.

This is Lu Ling's biggest secret, she is not from this world.

She never told anyone, not even Liu Fufeng.

But now Lu Ling is a little confused, is she really not from this world?If not, then how could she have the so-called past life?

All this confusion is because Xuechen said that her previous life was her master. Under normal circumstances, Lu Ling would not believe it, but this is the world of cultivating immortals. There are also spirit races like gods and beasts... Maybe there is really a talk of reincarnation?

If Xuechen's reincarnation is false, then where does she have such terrifying power... Lu Ling doesn't believe that she really has any system. This has been proven long ago. The so-called system is just her own power.

Could it be that my other bad related to my previous life?

She wanted to know, she had to know, so Lu Ling did not stop Xuechen from mentioning Xuenv as usual, but sat up from the snow with Xuechen in her arms.

Because she had been lying in the snow for a long time, when Lu Ling got up, her swallowtail long hair was covered with snow stains. She picked up the little girl and placed it opposite her. She lowered her head and gently patted the snowflakes off her long hair, while saying slowly.

"it's time."

In the middle of the night, Lu Ling would think, is it right for her not to work hard?

Then she often sleeps soundly... Because Lu Ling knows that she has not stopped working hard, on the contrary, she has worked very hard, learning characters, learning soul, even when Qin Qin taught her music theory , she also used [-] points of strength.

Her life basically only study, sleep, study.

Lu Ling has a clear conscience, so she can sleep soundly.

But from today on, I shouldn't be able to sleep soundly... Without strength, everything is fake, and I can't protect my junior sister. What's the use of her learning these messy things?

After being a salted fish for so long, I kept saying that I would take action, but in fact I kept avoiding it, fearing that I would lose my current peaceful life after learning martial arts.

But Lu Ling knew very well in her heart that if disaster really came, the peace she was indulging in would be just a joke.

Although she is not confident, she is afraid of the power of the demons, and feels that in the face of race wars, one more of her is not much, and one less of her is not much... a little confused...

Similarly, she is just confused, under the education of Li Zhuzi, Liu Fufeng and Qin Qin, she will never give up eating because of choking.

Although she looks like a salty fish, Lu Ling has always been an actionist. She is very homely and soft...but that is in front of her elders. Once Lu Ling is determined to do something, she will definitely do it.

Lu Ling knew that even if she learned martial arts, she would not be able to protect Lingshan, nor would it have any effect on the direction of the war... But this is not the reason for her to run away. If so... it is still possible to kill ten demon species.

This is the ideal in Lu Ling's heart. She thinks that she can kill ten demons is already an extraordinary performance.

The reason why she hesitated was only because she was afraid.

It's perfectly normal for a girl to be afraid. Lu Ling still feels sick when thinking of such a bloody scene...

Fear is fear, she knows exactly what to do.


It's decided, just follow Teacher Tang's instructions and practice martial soul in advance to prepare for the upcoming Tianguang Market.

Sitting in the snow, Lu Ling held down the red dress between her legs with one hand, the white snow was reflected in her eyes, the heavy snow, the heavy snow kept falling all over the sky, embellishing this boring world.

Longevity fruit... She is going to order it.

After blowing off the snowflakes, Lu Ling conjured up a stream of water, making it connect into a circle in the palm of her hand, and then using it as a headband, her long hair stood up.

With her high ponytail tied up, Lu Ling was no longer in a panic, and her whole body instantly became energetic, and her downfall disappeared.

Be careful.

The most top-level nuance, Lu Ling only used it when she had another personality, but this kind of trivial matter is very simple for Lu Ling now.

Her Wenhun was not learned in vain. Although it is useless, the practice of Wenhun is to control the flow of spiritual power through the meridians. Lu Ling has already familiarized herself with the nuanced feeling through repeated practice.

Of course, others don't know about this, because the literary soul is not the martial soul, and Lu Ling has no chance to show off.

"Speak, tell me everything you know." Lu Ling looked at Xuechen seriously, and now that she has made a decision, she must use everything available.

Such as Snow Maiden.

"Master?" Xuechen was taken aback by Lu Ling who suddenly became serious.

"Tell me, why am I the same kind of person as the fairy lord?" Lu Ling's eyes sparkled when she mentioned the fairy lord. To be honest, she really admires this legend, so she is still looking forward to Xuechen's next "reveal".

I and the fairy master are the same kind of people...

Lu Ling still had unrealistic fantasies in her heart.

Not to mention the four clans, if she can suppress the demons, wouldn't everything be resolved?World peace, she can be with her junior sister forever.

Past life... How wonderful it would be if my previous life was a fairy master.

Lu Ling took it seriously for less than 2 minutes, and then began to daydream. After all, she is only a young girl now, and she should not be too demanding of her.

"Master, do you know Lihuo Hongling?" Xuechen asked.

"Lihuo Hongling...what? The name is good..." Lu Ling tilted her head in thought for a while, then shook her head.

Seeing this, Xuechen nodded, and she guessed that Lu Ling didn't know about it. It's normal for children not to know about this kind of killer weapon that everyone in the world of cultivating immortals knows about. A few history books are already a windfall.

"It's not important." Xuechen brushed off Lihuo Hongling: "Master, the fact that the Immortal Master is so powerful, apart from her own heaven-defying aptitude to break through the shackles of the human race, there is another very important point."

"???" Lu Ling was dumbfounded.

Shackles... She is just a weak chicken in the soul-dividing state now, and has no concept of the state at all, but it doesn't affect anything, as long as she knows that the fairy master is very powerful.

"A very important point? What point?" Lu Ling asked curiously.

"Sword, her sword." The young girl in the blue skirt stood up, patted the snowflakes on her buttocks, and looked directly into Lu Ling's eyes.

She is very short, standing up is a little taller than Lu Ling who is sitting down.

"What are you doing?" Lu Ling looked at the serious face of the thin and cute young girl in front of her, and couldn't help raising her hand to pinch her face: "Continue talking."

Xuechen's neck was reddened by Lu Ling's sudden attack, but she continued, very seriously, after all, this matter is very important to Lu Ling.

"Because her sword is a fairy sword."

Although the fairy master is extremely talented and broke through to the realm of Xihuang and the Queen, she was able to suppress the three clans, and Li Huohongling contributed the most. Because of the fairy sword in hand, she was invincible, invincible in the true sense, because no one dared to fight. be her enemy.

"Immortal sword?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, looking at Xuechen with strange eyes.

"Xuechen, are there many fairy swords?" Lu Ling asked cautiously, she didn't know the concept of fairy swords.

"Master, there are only two swords that can be named immortals since ancient times." Xuechen stood up straight, very proud.

"Treasure?" Lu Ling asked suspiciously as she looked at the thin young girl in front of her.


"..." Lu Ling was dizzy, feeling that she had been hit in the face by a huge cake, and she was in a daze... But she knew that her pet was a fairy sword, and her previous name was Luo Qianhan.

"Wait, you can't be the fairy master's weapon..." Lu Ling looked at the young girl and covered her mouth.


Fortunately, Xuechen's words made Lu Ling breathe a sigh of relief.

"Immortal sword is Yin and Yang, one is ice and one is Fire, the sword of the Immortal Master is Yang Sword, which belongs to Fire." Xuechen showed disdain, but the expression on her delicate face is very funny.

"Trash like fire has no effect at all. Ice is the master of everything, just like the power of the master." The young girl looked at Lu Ling proudly.

"..." Lu Ling was in a daze.

"Master?" Xuechen hesitated for a moment, shaking her little hand in front of Lu Ling's eyes.

"Master? Are you listening to me?"


No way, the master was scared?

At this time, without Lu Ling's body, Xuechen could not read Lu Ling's thoughts.


"Ah?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, and then saw the delicate face close at hand, and coughed twice: "Go on."

Xuechen was a little confused, but continued: "The fairy master reached that height with the power of the fire sword fairy. After she fell, no one can suppress the three clans, because the fairy sword will only have one master in its life, and no one can." Controlling the Immortal Sword of Fire...that's why the status of the human race has become like this now."

Seeing that Lu Ling listened seriously, she said in one breath: "The reason why I said Master and her is the same is that I am also a fairy sword, and I am much more powerful than the Immortal Sword of Fire. What the fairy master can do, my Master can do it too."

"..." Lu Ling stayed for a while after listening, and gradually calmed down after shortness of breath.

"Let me stroke it... You mean, there are two artifacts in the world, one ice and one fire, one yin and one yang... Legend has it that the fairy master is the master of the fire sword, and you are the ice sword... I Is it your master?" Lu Ling's beauty mark rose.

"That's it." Xuechen's big eyes were filled with arrogance: "With me, the master is invincible..."

Xuechen was bragging about how powerful she was, completely oblivious to Lu Ling stretching out her evil claws towards her.


Lu Ling poked her finger at the waist of the young girl.

In that instant, time stood still.

The last thing Lu Ling saw was Xuechen's arrogance paused on his face, and then... he squatted down covering his stomach, his two calves were trembling, and after a while, there was a sobbing sound.


She just temporarily forgot the pain because of Lu Ling, and now that Lu Ling did this, the tearing feeling became more and more serious.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the little girl bit her lower lip tightly, raised her head and looked at Lu Ling aggrievedly: "Master, master, what are you doing..."

In just a few tens of seconds, Xuechen cried into a little cat.

Seeing Xuechen clutching her stomach in pain, Lu Ling was silent for a while.

God knows, she didn't use any force at all, just touched her lightly... Who knew this girl was crying so hard.

Didn't you say fairy sword?Invincible?

She is obviously a little girl! ! !
But it was indeed my fault, and I shouldn't have touched her wound... But Lu Ling couldn't hold back seeing this little girl's stinky fart.

"I'm sorry, I did it on purpose oh I didn't do it on purpose, I'll rub it for you..." Lu Ling hurriedly squatted down and hugged Xuechen into her arms before moving.

"Don't move!!!" Seeing that Lu Ling was going to help her rub her waist, the little girl almost jumped up in fright, grabbed Lu Ling's hand tightly and shouted, tears burst onto her face.

"Master... please spare me..." The little girl frowned in pain at this moment, pitifully.

"...I...I'm sorry." Lu Ling smiled coyly, and then carefully hugged Xuechen without the slightest resistance.

"Master, don't you believe what I say?" In Lu Ling's arms, Xuechen wiped her tears with Lu Ling's clothes, staring at her with big moist eyes.

"Believe it, why don't you believe it." Lu Ling's expression was a little strange.

She naturally believed in Xuechen, but... things really exceeded her expectations. In Lu Ling's cognition, yin and yang interact with each other, and everything goes round and round. Everything in the world has its own opposite, so there is a fire. Immortal sword, then it is normal to have the Ice Immortal Sword, there is no problem in logic.

After all, balance is king.

So, the power of the Immortal Sword of Ice and the Immortal Sword of Fire should be about the same...

Who is the fairy master?Stunning for eternity, guarding the luck of the human race, the remaining three races are overwhelmed by one person, and can kill millions of soldiers with one sword...

Such a legend-level power, how could the sword in her hand be weak? Xuechen told her that after the death of the fairy master, her sword has protected the human race until now...

In Lu Ling's eyes, this person and his sword are all unattainable gods.


Now Xuechen said that she is also a fairy sword, that she is the same as the fairy master?
Lu Ling couldn't accept it for a while.

She herself knows how many catties she has. Wolves eat meat when they travel a thousand miles, and she eats dirt when she travels a thousand miles. No, she will starve to death if she travels a thousand miles.

Comparing her like this with the fairy master who suppressed a family of luck... compared to what?She is no match even in terms of figure.

As for Xuechen who put gold on her face, Lu Ling believes that she will not lie, she is the fairy sword.

But after the test just now, Lu Ling knew one thing.

There is what kind of master, there is what kind of sword...

 Thanks to Qingtian Biyun, Man, Zhushahua, and Lingyiqi for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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