Chapter 380 Goal
The snow was heavy, and Lu Ling was unprepared for the sudden covering of the sky.

The countless coldness fell from the sky and hit her face, bringing a little chill and slight pain.

This is her sea of ​​consciousness, and it stands to reason that everything should be controlled by her... But Lu Ling is different, this heavy snow was not generated by herself in the first place, Lu Ling can't control such a great mental power at all.

So she could only watch the snow getting bigger and bigger. Lu Ling couldn't even see anything two meters away in the snowy wind. When she closed her eyes, she could only hear the whistling wind, the violent wind and snowflakes in the sky. tearing.

"Xuechen, what, what's the matter?" Lu Ling covered her mouth and nose and shouted with all her strength.

She was a little panicked, the originally beautiful world suddenly went berserk, like the end of the world, it was normal for her to be afraid.

"Master, I don't know..." The girl raised her head and glanced at the pale world around her suspiciously.

This is the master's sea of ​​consciousness, how could it become like this... Her eyesight is much better than Lu Ling's.

At this time, in the distance, a blizzard is slowly forming.

After being stunned for a moment, Xuechen suddenly became excited.

That's right, the master's strongest technique back then, the snow of death that covered the entire sealed place in the devil world, started in the form of a blizzard. If you look at it this way, the scene now is exactly the same as it was back then.

The heavy snow covered the sky and covered the sun, freezing all objects, and the wind howled, and those ice cubes turned into powder.

The only difference is that the snow in the devil world brings death, but the snow here has no murderous intent, and the blizzard in the distance just looks scary, and her master will never be harmed in her own sea of ​​consciousness.

Why does this technique appear in the master's sea of ​​consciousness?
Is it because I was telling my master about the past?She was talking to Lu Ling about the snow girl who had a heavy snowfall in the Demon Realm, and the snow here broke out... How could such a coincidence happen.

Could it be... did the master remember something?

Thinking of Xuechen's agitation, she threw Lu Ling down and pressed her under her body.

"Hey, what are you doing all of a sudden..." Lu Ling exclaimed when she was accidentally riding on the little girl.

"Master, did you remember something?" The little girl stared firmly into Lu Ling's eyes.

"What nonsense did you say? Do you remember? Don't make trouble, come down quickly, the snow on the ground is very cold." Lu Ling was very dissatisfied. Although she is in the state of a soul now, this snow is also a product of spiritual power. To her, it was real snow... and it was very cold, even colder than the snow outside before.

"I don't believe it, the master must have remembered something, otherwise how could this place become like this." Xuechen shook his head, riding on Lu Ling's waist made her unable to use any strength.

"You girl, what are you talking about... How do I know where the heavy snow is coming from? Don't make trouble for no reason." Lu Ling exerted force on her legs and threw the little girl off her body.

In this world, her strength is much greater than Xuechen.

"Fight with me, I'm not a cripple here." Lu Ling stood up and moved a few times, looked at the little girl who was sitting on the snow, and stretched out her hand.

"Come, get up."

"..." The little girl just stared at Lu Ling blankly, without any movement.

"Get up, I don't use any strength." Looking at the silly girl on the ground, Lu Ling was very puzzled, but she immediately reacted and yelled inwardly.

She forgot that the little girl's waist was injured, and hurriedly walked to Xuechen and knelt down, saying apologetically.

"I'm sorry, it must be very painful. I really didn't do it on purpose this time. Get up quickly... Sigh, why are you crying? I said I didn't mean it... Sigh, don't cry..."

It's okay if Lu Ling doesn't comfort Xuechen, the eyes of this comforting Xuechen are instantly red, and the tears can't stop falling... Seeing this, Lu Ling panicked and kept apologizing.

"I'm sorry, don't cry..."


Nothing works.

"How about I hug you?" Lu Ling had no choice but to gently open her arms.

Now it was much more useful, the little girl was taken aback when she heard the words, and then threw herself into Lu Ling's arms like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

"Master... woo..."

"Be good, don't cry." Lu Ling patted Xuechen's back lightly, feeling the moisture on her shoulders, and couldn't help muttering.

Does it hurt so much?
This girl was crying very sadly, and it was different from the sobbing before, now Xuechen let herself go, crying very ugly... To put it bluntly, it was like a dead mother...

Although the previous Xuechen also shed tears, but not so heart-piercing... Lu Ling was a little dazed when she heard the immature wailing in her ears.

The girl's voice was tender and thin, but now she was screaming, Lu Ling was afraid that she would spoil her voice.

"I'm sorry, calm down..." Lu Ling felt helpless when she felt the little girl hugging her tightly.

Forget it, just get used to her, it was my fault in the first place.

It's a pity that the story is reaching its climax, and she still wants to know what will happen to Xue Nu next, but seeing the heart-piercing appearance of this girl, it is estimated that it will be impossible to calm down in a short time.

Lu Ling hugged Xuechen and sat down on the spot, staring at the overwhelming snow in a daze.

very beautiful.

Lu Ling likes this silver-white world very much. She already likes snow very much, otherwise she wouldn't have let Xuechen snow when she was in Shushan.

Snow—white, cold, pure, beautiful... Few people would hate it.

Although the snow here has suddenly changed from tranquility to brutality, but this will not affect Lu Ling's liking for snowflakes.

In fact, when Lu Ling first entered this world, she had the urge to play in the snow...just because it was inconvenient to have a little girl by her side...In fact, she really wanted to try rolling in the snow...

At the beginning, he was lying on the ground with the little girl in his arms because he wanted to get closer to the snow on the ground.

Why do I like snow so much?

Lu Ling didn't know.

Who cares, what reason does she need to like snow?

Stretching out her hand to grab a handful of snowflakes, feeling the coldness in her hand, Lu Ling was a little drunk, her eyes gradually became blurred as she watched the falling white crystals.

While Lu Ling was quietly admiring the snow alone, the flow of time seemed to slow down.

Don't know how long after that.

Xuechen's crying weakened and finally stopped, but Lu Ling didn't notice this abnormality, she still looked at this avalanche-like world, wondering what she was thinking.

Because it is in the sea of ​​consciousness, the snowflakes will not accumulate, otherwise Lu Ling would have been buried by now.

"..." Having cried enough, Xuechen gently raised his head in Lu Ling's arms, secretly looking into Lu Ling's eyes.

That's why she was crying.

At this time, Lu Ling's eyes were completely different from before, but she didn't realize it...but Xuechen did.

Ice blue eyes.

The crystal is like transparent glass, and the pupils seem to have snowflakes falling, beautiful and weird.

You know, Lu Ling's eyes have always been dark. Even when the power of the blood was revealed during the time when she went up the mountain, her skin was pale, but her pupils were still dark. Even if there was a terrifying sword light, they were still black.

At this moment, those eyes that had always been black turned into ice blue, exactly the same color as the little skirt on Xuechen's body.

These are the eyes of the Snow Maiden.

Discovering the characteristics of Xuenv in Lu Ling, at that moment Xuechen only felt that his world had collapsed... With a sore nose, he hugged Lu Ling and began to cry.

But she could also tell that it was only the eyes that were the same. When she was crying just now, Lu Ling didn't show any abnormalities. It seemed that she didn't know what happened to her at all.

Xuechen didn't understand what was going on, but she knew that when Xuenv's blue glazed pupils disappeared, that was when she used the ice spell.

She looked at Lu Ling with empty eyes.

Blue there, no pupils either.

Sure enough, it was the master. The reason why the world was rioting was because her master subconsciously cast spells.

Lu Ling does not have such great power in the outside world, but in her sea of ​​consciousness, there are countless spiritual powers belonging to her, and Lu Ling is the master of the world.

Maybe it's because my "story" stimulated the master.

Xuechen thought.

She knows that this endless spiritual power is the "inheritance" left by Xue Nu to her master. If the master can fully mobilize this world, she will become the terrifying ice-type supreme in that year.

Lu Ling has a lot of things left by Xuenv, such as the ultimate nuance. You must know that Lu Ling has never learned how to control her own power, but she can instinctively achieve the top nuance.

At this time, a stream of water acted as a headband on Lu Ling's long hair.

In addition to the nuances, there is also the physique of ice. If such a body can practice ice spells, it will definitely make a huge difference in one day.

These are all left by Xuenv, and are part of the ice blood.

The same is true for this terrifying sea of ​​consciousness, the difference is that Lu Ling can only look at it now, and cannot use it.


Xuechen looked at Lu Ling's side face, a little crazy.

Even though she knew that although they had the same eyes, they were actually two people, but she couldn't help it. It wasn't that Lu Ling treated her was just that she couldn't forget Xue Nu.

She couldn't forget it no matter what, so today when Lu Ling showed such eyes, she burst into tears easily.

It was a mess, very embarrassing.


At this time, under Lu Ling's unconscious control, the snow covered the sky and the sun, and the wind swept the blizzard, wreaking havoc in this world, and then she blinked, not liking such violent snow very much.

The girl frowned, her beauty mole sinking, making her feel pitiful.

As if this world couldn't see the girl's sadness, the wind and snow stopped suddenly.

Within a few minutes, the world returned to its previous quiet appearance, scattered snowflakes fell vertically, and there was no wind.

It was as if the blizzard was just a dream and never happened at all.

"Oh, has the snow stopped?" Lu Ling came back to her senses, looked at the quiet world, and was stunned for a moment.

what happened?

She just stays in a daze.

By the way, what happened to Xuechen.

Lu Ling hurriedly lowered her head, and met the eyes of the little girl, who was obediently nestling in her arms...

Fortunately, no more crying.

"Does it hurt?" Lu Ling asked.

"En." The little girl nodded, and Lu Ling's eyes had returned to their original state.

"This world is a bit strange, so hurry up and leave... Blizzards are still very dangerous." Lu Ling stood up and asked, "I was sent in by that sister, do you know how to get out?"

Although the heavy snow was beautiful, it was too weird, so Lu Ling decided to leave here first.

"This is within the master's sea of ​​consciousness, and it's just a thought for the master to leave." Xuechen said softly.

"That's it, that's okay." Lu Ling glanced at Xuechen suspiciously.

This girl...seems to be a little more obedient than before...well, she must be tired from crying.

Lu Ling didn't ask about Xue Nu's fate, she had already figured it out when she was in a daze just now.

It is impossible for one person to single out a race. From now on, the Demon Clan still exists, and the Snow Maiden has reincarnated into her.

Snow girl, with this name, then her ability should also be able to evoke a blizzard, just like this world.

If Snow Maiden can cause the demon world to set off a blizzard like her consciousness, it may be able to severely damage the demon race.

But it's useless to say anything now, death is death.

Lu Ling also didn't want to bring up Xuechen's uncomfortable memories, this girl cried every now and then, it was a trouble to death.

"After I go out, I'm going to find Teacher Tang and start learning martial arts." Lu Ling said suddenly.

"Master, you can do whatever you want." Xuechen expressed his unconditional support for Lu Ling's choice.

After much deliberation, Lu Ling thinks that she still needs strength... Because the Xuenv in Xuechen's story is too good, Lu Ling feels that she can't be too bad, and knowing her identity as the sword master of the fairy sword, Lu Ling will not Not confident anymore.

Another point is that her favorability with Shushan, Great Sad Valley, and Qionghua Holy Land has dropped significantly.

These are the places where I used to look down on Snow Maiden...

"How strong can I be?" Lu Ling looked at her hand, and the soul of the girl's middle school began to burn.

Anyway, he couldn't be worse than that woman who single-handedly attacked the demons, otherwise she would definitely be looked down upon by Xuechen.

"By the way, master, you need to use your spiritual consciousness more in the future, so that you can train your sea of ​​consciousness." Xuechen reminded.

"Spiritual consciousness... what is that?" Lu Ling asked in confusion.

"...I'll go back and teach the master." The little girl pointed at the icy and snowy land with a cute finger: "This sea of ​​consciousness, if the master can fully control it, can be manifested outside."

Yes, if Lu Ling is strong enough, this world can come to the outside world, and if there is a blizzard at that time, she will be invincible in this world.

In fact, the Xuenv back then was invincible without Xueluo Qianhan, and she was considered the strongest in the human race.

And the current master... has a long way to go... The little girl put her face on Lu Ling's body.

"Realization?" Lu Ling didn't understand.

"The domain, the domain of ice." Xuechen rubbed Lu Ling's body affectionately.

"Field?" Lu Ling still didn't understand.

"Well, it's useless to say so much." Xuechen gave up on Lu Ling's popular science: "By the way, master, do you still want to listen to the story? The story of Xue in the Demon Realm."

When Xuechen mentioned Xuenv this time, she was no longer sad. Seeing the previous Lu Ling, she knew that Xuenv was not dead, but just reborn in a different way... She will be angry if she always misses her.

Xuechen thinks that Lu Ling will suddenly manipulate Xue Hua because of her side as Xue Nu, who is not happy about talking about her "embarrassing things" with her concubine outside.

That's why she didn't force her to continue, and began to ask Lu Ling what she thought.

"Me? I don't want to know anymore." Lu Ling smiled coquettishly: "I'm afraid I'll feel inferior when I know it. I finally have some confidence in myself."

"Master is the best, so he won't lose to anyone, even himself." The young girl rubbed her head against Lu Ling's hand.

" won't be disappointed." Looking at the coquettish little girl, Lu Ling nodded, and then glanced at the ice and snow world.

Here, she learned about her past life as a snow girl, which greatly stimulated her.

To become stronger.

When she was in a daze before, Lu Ling set a few goals for herself.

One, start martial soul training as soon as possible, and at the same time work hard to improve your cultivation, and strive to enter the Void Transformation Realm as soon as possible.

Only after entering the Void Transformation Realm can she walk freely, and Lu Ling still remembers that Tang Zheng has a physical problem, Xuechen said that she can help her heal after she reaches the Void Transformation Realm...

So, cultivation is everything.

Second, help the junior sisters to obtain more resources.

Her junior sister's talent seems to be very poor, and she hasn't calmed down for a long time... But Lu Ling doesn't care, she must make Liu Fufeng stronger, no matter what method she uses.

Third, master your own mutated soul.

Qin Qin said that he will take her to the next martial arts meeting in Tianguangxu, and it will be used as an ambush.

She can't let Senior Sister Qin down, she will definitely help her get that longevity fruit.

Moreover, Lu Ling also has an ambition...

From Qin Qin, she learned that the martial arts meeting in Tianguangxu is not just a battle between "big bosses", but also a three-generation disciple like her, Xiao Xiami also has room to play...

Of course, no matter how small Xiami is, there will be no weaklings who have just practiced for less than a year, and the lowest cultivation level is at the level of soul, and most of Huiwu are some talented newcomers who have practiced for less than 20 years.

As for Lu Ling, she is going to participate in this martial arts meeting as an individual.

As the master of the Immortal Sword, with a bloodline of ice, Lu Ling has confidence in herself, to be precise, in Li Zhuzi and Xuechen.

This grade of longevity fruit... She wants to take it down and give it to her junior sister, who must need the longevity fruit more than she does.



Lu Ling sighed.

Every goal is difficult, but what she is most afraid of is not having a goal. Now that she has a goal, she has motivation.

Endless fighting spirit surged from the bottom of Lu Ling's heart. Since she said she must practice hard, how could she continue to stay here and watch the snow?What a waste of time.

"Xuechen, let's go out."

"Master, you can go out by yourself... I'll stay here, it's more convenient..." Xuechen doesn't want to leave this sea of ​​consciousness now, because her master is here to control Xuenv's technique just now.

"Master, you won't chase me away..." The little girl looked at Lu Ling pitifully.

"No, you can stay if you want, why are you nervous?" Lu Ling nodded, it was indeed safer for Xuechen to stay in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Immortal sword... She will not tell anyone for the time being.

Xuechen said that it was a crime to conceive bi, if this thing leaked out, it would bring disaster to Lingshan.

It is estimated that the war she saw was because of this.

So you can't tell anyone.

Lu Ling will keep it a secret, even Liu Fufeng will not tell.

"Then you have a good rest, I'll go out first."



second peak.

it's dark.

In Qin Qin's room, Lu Ling regained consciousness, looking at the familiar ceiling, a little confused.

Suddenly, an itchiness emerged from the tip of his nose.


Lu Ling sneezed, then woke up.


Another sneeze.

It's over. I have a cold?

Lu Ling got up from the bed in a daze.

She is in Qin Qin's room now, and she is the only one in the room.

Was it Senior Sister Qin who sent her back?when?She doesn't feel anything...

It seems that the Sea of ​​Consciousness is really not a good place.

Lu Ling was a little scared, she had no sense of what happened outside, what would she do if she encountered bad people.

Strange, where did Senior Sister Qin go?

Lu Ling sat up and was about to get out of bed.

Um? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
She then stared at her bare legs and arms and froze.

It's still chilly on my chest...

Although she is wearing a skirt, she has moiré sleeves on her arms... Now the sleeves are gone, and the dress is one-piece...

The color of fear climbed up his cheeks.

She won't really meet bad guys!
 Before I knew it, it was nearly 11 words... I wrote it at 50:[-], and I haven't had time to check it--please forgive me for typos, and then tell me!lie

(End of this chapter)

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