Chapter 381 Crisis
After realizing that her red moiré sleeves had disappeared, Lu Ling reacted instantly.

Her clothes were taken off.

It took about a second to turn around, go to bed, and get under the covers.

All in one go.

Lu Ling buried herself in the blanket, trembling.

Fortunately, the familiar smell on the quilt reassured her a little.

who is it?

Why do you want to take off your clothes for no reason... Is it a bad person?

Lu Ling quickly rejected this idea. She is now at the home of Senior Sister Qin on the second peak, and her safety is absolutely guaranteed.

Then there is only one possibility...

Senior Sister Qin did it, but why did she take off her clothes... She still trusts Qin Qin and Lu Ling very much. After living together for so long, the relationship between her and Qin Qin quickly warmed up. Lu Ling knew that Qin Qin didn't like girls. colored people.

Not even Shen Gui.

【Master, are you thinking too much...】 In the sea of ​​consciousness, the little girl looked at Lu Ling suspiciously, feeling very helpless.

How sensitive is my master to this kind of thing... It's just an ordinary undressing, although she also wants to take off her master's... clothes, she is a little envious, but Xuechen believes that her master will not Was molested at the second peak.

【Master, it's probably because the woman surnamed Qin saw you getting wet, that's why she did this. 】Xuechen analyzed: 【Master, didn't you have snow stains all over in the enchantment? 】

"It makes sense..." Lu Ling froze for a moment, then nodded. Indeed, she was a little too sensitive, so there was nothing she could do. Not wanting to be RBQ had become Lu Ling's she would panic, now After calming down, she found that she was in Qin Qin's room, even if she took off all her clothes, it was no big deal.

Whether Qin Qin did it or Shen Gui did it, there was nothing to be concerned about. She slept with Qin Qin all day long and took a bath with Shen Gui for a long time, so there was no need to be shy.

And it's for my own good, in case I catch a cold... yes...

Lu Ling thought she should relax a bit, but she always felt weird, was it really Senior Sister Qin who took off her clothes?
If it was Senior Sister Qin, she wouldn't even wear underwear...

Before Lu Ling had time to blush, her nose suddenly itched.


Another sneeze.

Lu Ling rubbed her nose, feeling that she was speaking in a low voice.

Inhaling hard, I found that one nostril was completely blocked, and my throat was dry after swallowing saliva...

If I changed clothes because I was afraid that she would catch a cold, did I not prevent it?Lu Ling felt as if she had caught a cold. Thinking about it this way, she was not all shy when she got under the quilt before. The most important thing was the cold, which was the instinctive reaction of the body after feeling the cold.

"I don't have a cold, do I?" Lu Ling said listlessly.

【Master, it looks like it is, you have caught a cold...】 Xuechen was also surprised, but he didn't find it strange: 【Master, even if you are so close to my body, you will be corroded by the cold air. 】

"Erosion?" Lu Ling was taken aback.

【Master, don't worry, it's just ordinary cold air entering the body. It won't be eroded when the master cultivates, and the master is not a pure cold. It should be that my cold air and the master's cold air conflicted, so the master's The body will be uncomfortable, and it will be fine when the cold air in the master's body "eats" all my strength. 】

"Eat it..." Lu Ling swallowed, and then there was a sharp pain in her throat.

This is indeed a common cold, it's all inflammation!Don't think that she doesn't know medical skills when she was young, she could still check if she had a cold by following Liu Fufeng's ears and eyes.

[External performance... that's what it looks like. 】Xuechen spread her hands: 【Although my cold air is strong, I dare not make any mistakes in the master's body. The master just needs to digest the cold air quietly and convert it into spiritual power. 】

"Can it be cured? I'm very sick."

At this time, Lu Ling was buried in the quilt, and a red light appeared in her hand, which was the fire-attribute Concentration Art.

【Master, this won't work, your soul...】

"I know, I can't do it, is there someone else? Just tell me if it can be cured." Lu Ling also felt can be said to be very uncomfortable.

[Should... no. 】 Xuechen shook his head: 【If the cold problem is not resolved, even if it is cured, it will soon return to its original state. 】

"..." Lu Ling curled her lips and rolled around on the bed.

I have a uncomfortable.

【Master, don't be angry, eating these abilities is good for cultivation. 】 Xuechen hurriedly said,
"... that's the only way to go." Hearing this, Lu Ling's face brightened up a little, she wanted to improve her cultivation now, so Xuechen's words could be regarded as poking at her itching spot.

If you can improve your cultivation, endure it.

【By the way, master, in your current state, you have temporarily lost the ability to resist the cold. Although you will not be frostbitten, you will still feel the cold, and the cold air is fighting in your body, so you will be more sensitive to the external cold than before. 】 Xuechen mentioned something.

" sensitive..."

Lu Ling's words showed how sensitive she was. She was still shivering under the quilt.

"Then, what should I do..." After being reminded, Lu Ling only felt colder and colder, and her shoulders twitched unconsciously. Now even the long hair wrapped around her body feels cold, and she can't wait to cut it with a pair of scissors. After the whole cut, the hair didn't seem to be covered with heat, and it was very uncomfortable.

【no way. 】Although Xuechen feels sorry for his master, he can only tell the truth: 【Master, you have accumulated a lot of cold energy in your body. All vented...]

She shook her head as she said that, in fact, Lu Ling just has a cold now and her physique has recovered.

"If it can't be cured, can you let me eat your cold air quickly." Lu Ling suddenly got smarter and asked.

【Absorb quickly... Let me think about it. ] Xuechen was silent, during which Lu Ling shivered from the cold, but she just waited expectantly for Xuechen to give her a cure. She never knew what cold was, and she was also deflated in front of the fairy sword... Lu Ling felt that If this continues, she will freeze to death.

After a while.

[Master, there is a way. I remember that Yueyingcao is cold in nature, and it is the best guide for extreme cold. If the master takes Yueyingcao, the coldness in the body should increase a lot, and the coldness in my body should also be swallowed. Easier...] Xuechen then frowned: [But if this is the case...]

"No, but, it's decided like this, Yueyingcao, I'll eat it." As soon as she heard that it could cure her cold, Lu Ling immediately nodded in agreement.

If it's other natural treasures, she has nothing to do, but if it's Yueyingcao...she has as many of these things as she wants at home. You must know that she survived by eating this thing from the beginning.

It's hard to find money outside, and Venerable Ye longs for the best spiritual tea that can't be found in a hundred years, but it's worthless to Lu Ling.

[…] Xuechen stopped talking when she saw this. What she wanted to say was that the Yinjuemai plus Jingyanjue plus the two colliding cold airs were already very terrifying. In terms of nature alone, it was not inferior to Wannian at all. Cold iron... Her master is now a collection of human-shaped cold energy, if it is sublimated with the moon grass...

It is simply the best material for refining weapons. With the current Lu Ling refining weapon, maybe even a semi-immortal weapon can be refined. After all, she has the coldness of Xuenv and the coldness of Xueluo Qianhan...

Of course, it's just a joke, let's see who in this world dares to use her master to refine weapons.

Forget it, as long as the master is happy.

Xuechen didn't go to dispel Lu Ling's interest, it's just that the coldness intensified and it's not a big deal. You must know that when her master just awakened the blood, the cold poison she accumulated was much more terrifying. The Lingquan was completely frozen. If she hadn't absorbed the cold air to wipe Lu Ling's butt, and the cold poison spread out through the spring, Feng Jiu's vitality would have been cut off long ago.

It's just Yueyingcao's words, don't hesitate.

At most, the stomachache will pass for a while.

Think so.

Between short-term pain and long-term pain, Lu Ling chose short-term pain, but she didn't know that this short-term pain would bring her long-term pain that was much longer than a cold.

It's just that Xuechen doesn't understand it, and Lu Ling doesn't understand it even more. All the ailments are accumulated little by little. Now that I don't have to pay for what I did, it doesn't mean I won't have to forever.

There will be times when she suffers.


"Yueyingcao, Yueyingcao...go home..." Lu Ling thought, poking her head out of the quilt quietly, enduring the cold outside, her eyes scanning around, hoping to find some thick clothes.

After a while, Lu Ling despaired.

She lived in Qin Qin's house, so she naturally had her clothes on the bed, but it was a pity that they were all red dresses with moiré sleeves, and the back was hollowed out, so a large part of the back would be exposed outside.

It's usually fine, but now I'm courting death if I go out wearing this, it's freezing and snowy outside...

But she has never worn thick clothes, so naturally Qin Qin would not have them here.

Forget it, put it on first.

At this time, her clear bamboo was placed on the bedside, Lu Ling immediately picked up the bamboo with a little more confidence, picked up her clothes and put them under the quilt.


The skirt was icy in her arms, Lu Ling gasped, her toes bent unconsciously.

After a while, the clothes were warmed up with body temperature, and Lu Ling began to fiddle with the quilt.

It is not the first time to wear clothes under the quilt, and I am familiar with the road.

But because her foot was still injured, it was very inconvenient for her. Of course, Lu Ling still completed the main task of getting dressed in severe pain, underwear, dress, and a pair of white knee socks...

She never wore these knee socks before because she thought they were childish, but now she doesn't care about anything just to keep warm.

The master of the fairy sword, a generation of Xuenv is now frozen and unable to get out of bed... It is also pitiful.


A moment later, Lu Ling, who was wearing a small skirt, doubted her life under the quilt.

The question is, is this skirt really necessary?It's as if wearing a skirt gives her the courage to get out of bed... It doesn't protect against the cold at all. Hey, even with knee socks, there is still a section of thigh exposed!
But there is no way, even if she can't keep out the cold, she still needs to wear clothes, otherwise she will always feel ashamed if she waits for Senior Sister Qin to come back.

And Lu Ling always felt that something was wrong.

Senior Sister Qin is very gentle... If it was her, she would definitely put on clothes for herself after taking off her clothes, and would never let her just stay on the bed like this, at least she should wear underwear.

After all, Senior Sister Qin knows that she has a thin skin...

So Lu Ling was worried. Although she was in a familiar room, she was vaguely uneasy.

Instinct told her that she should go out and have a look to see if this was the home she was familiar with... What if it was an environment created by the bad guys to paralyze her?
Lu Ling's brain opened, and she startled herself.

Sure enough, you still have to leave here first.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling threw Qingzhu off the bed, then wrapped the quilt tightly, rolled from the bed to the ground like a roll, rolled all the way to the wall, then stood up carefully, and picked up Qingzhu.

This is Lu Ling's plan. Whoever said that she must leave the quilt, she is going to take risks wrapped in the quilt today. Fortunately, this quilt is tailor-made for her, otherwise it would not be so convenient.


Lu Ling stepped out, and there was a sharp pain in her ankle.

Oops, I forgot about this one... She sprained her ankle and it's still a little red and swollen, but there's nothing she can do about it, Lu Ling won't feel at ease if she doesn't go out and have a look.

She is now more sure that Qin Qin was not the one who took off her clothes. If it was Senior Sister Qin, with her spiritual cultivation, she would definitely find that her foot was injured when she took off her clothes, and then healed her.

But even though she thought so, Lu Ling wasn't too worried, because even if it wasn't Qin Qin, she wouldn't be a bad person. She was relieved about this. After all, she lost consciousness in the enchantment of Lingshan before, and Lu Ling had feelings for Lingshan. Confidence, she is definitely still on Lingshan now.

What she was afraid of was only meeting some...perverted senior sisters, nothing else.

Enduring the severe pain in her ankle, Lu Ling walked against the wall step by step. Because her ankle was injured, her body could only focus on the other unconscious leg, but even so, Lu Ling felt pain within five steps Unbearable.

She felt that her ankle was about to break, and it was very inconvenient to move around wrapped in a quilt... But in her current state, she couldn't walk very far even without a quilt, and her ankle would be torn every time she took a step pain.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the little girl looked at Lu Ling's hard work, covered her eyes with one hand, and couldn't bear to look directly.

【Master, otherwise, try to get out. 】

She spoke softly.

"You! Who are you telling to get out?" Lu Ling was taken aback when she heard this, her little face turned pale with anger, she looked a little stupid now, but it was too much to say so.

【Master, I mean, should you try to roll out, this room is quite spacious. 】 Xuechen explained again and again.

"..." Lu Ling blushed when she heard this, and stood there for a while after saying a good idea in embarrassment.

She was hesitating whether to listen to Xuechen——

Get out, get out...

I always feel ashamed...

 Thanks to Qingtian Biyun, Two-dimensional Poisoner, and Setting Sun Shuying for their rewards, thank you!By the way, we will have an appointment with Chu Liuxiang on February [-]st!
(End of this chapter)

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