Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 383 Shen Canghai's Training Method

Chapter 383 Shen Canghai's Training Method

Now Xuechen is completely moved, and only feels that the master is the best person in the world to her.

However, what this girl didn't know was that Lu Ling had indeed considered letting Xuechen take her surname before...

As Xuechen thought, Lu Ling is a jealous vase, the kind that has been jealous for thousands of years. Lu Ling thinks that Xuechen is her pet, and that is her...


Lu Ling is a bad namer, and after much deliberation, she doesn't know what name to give Xuechen. She can't be called Lu Luoqianhan, is there a more ugly name than this?
Comparing and comparing, Lu Ling found that Xueluo Qianhan really sounded better... So that's it, it's just a surname, there's no need to get entangled.

If Lu Ling had a good choice, she should let Xuechen change it, but unfortunately there is no good choice, and...she doesn't want to make her pet too difficult. After all, there is nothing wrong with liking her master. To show Xuechen's affection and righteousness, to serve the Lord faithfully...

The most important thing is that Xue Nu is dead anyway, and no one is arguing with her, so why not be more generous?


Lu Ling hugged the little girl like she was hugging a pillow, and the two of them rubbed each other's ears, whispering.

Xuechen leaned close to Lu Ling and told her the story of Xuenv.

Lu Ling listened carefully, but she is very helpless now, Xuechen doesn't seem to have the talent for storytelling, from the very beginning she was talking about her and Xuenv's daily life, the endless daily life, for example, Xuenv smiled at her, Or angry with her...

Etc., etc.

Lu Ling is basically clear about the character of Xue Nu, but what Lu Ling wants to know is not this. What she wants to know is Xue Nu's life trajectory, cultivation, cultivation base, etc., not how Xue Nu is a step-by-step strategy This stupid girl in my arms.

That's right... Lu Ling didn't hear anything about other people from Xuechen. In Xuechen's story, there was only her and her master in the world, and the others... didn't even mention a single bird, let alone a bird. Talk about people.

Lu Ling was very helpless, but Xuechen felt that this was a matter of course. In her world, there was only Xuenv. To be honest, she didn't care about who her master knew and what she did with these people... As for Xuenv's cultivation Even though the latter never avoided her when practicing, Luo Qianhan at that time only cared about his master's face, so he didn't care about the cultivation method.

The people around Xue Nu... She doesn't have much impression either. Xue Nu is originally withdrawn, there are not many people who can get close to her, and Luo Qianhan is not interested in other people, so naturally he doesn't care about those small fish and shrimps. As for Xihuang... this The woman was hated by Luo Qianhan because she wanted to compete with Luo Qianhan for the snow girl. At the beginning, it was a friend.

But Xuechen is not Luo Qianhan, her memory is incomplete, she just instinctively thinks that Xihuang is someone she knows... There is no way to tell Lu Ling about such a vague impression, so what she hears in Lu Ling's ears is all It is some warm daily life.

Lu Ling found it boring at first, but after a long time, she became fascinated by it.

The Xuenv in the story is a very selfish person, she only cares about her own cultivation... She doesn’t seem to like anything else, but in Xuechen’s narration, ever since she was forced to stay by Xuenv’s side, this selfish person Something is different...

Although he was still indifferent, he was also calling and drinking to Luo Qianhan, but Luo Qianhan could feel the warmth under Xue Nu's icy face, so he sank deeper and deeper.

Lu Ling can understand this feeling very well, because her own experience is very similar to Luo Qianhan's.

Lu Ling found a resonance with Luo Qianhan.

Yes, vibes.

Shen Gui.

Lu Ling felt that Xue Nu was very similar to that terrifying Senior Sister Shen...the same ice face, the same ice attribute, and they were very indifferent to everyone...

However, if you get close enough to the ice, you will find that there is an emotion as gentle as water under the ice.

This should be called... Tsundere?
It doesn't seem quite right, but it's about the same.


Lu Ling was very afraid of Shen Gui, it could be said that she was scared to death, because this senior sister was too violent and domineering, but she could also feel Shen Gui's difference.

For example, when the two met for the first time, she was limping with a basket on her back. Many senior sisters wanted to come up to help, but they were all persuaded by her trembling appearance.

Only Shen Gui ignored her feelings and forcibly sent her to school in the princess's arms... This is very domineering, but it is undeniable that she is very gentle.

This can also be reflected in some later lives. Lu Ling no longer feels uncomfortable taking a bath with Shen Gui, but this does not mean that she is not afraid of Shen Gui. It's because of fear, because this senior sister doesn't play the cards according to the routine. If she is upset, she will really do it... Just refer to Qin Qin.

Lu Ling has obviously developed the ability to observe words and expressions, and with a slight expression of Shen Gui, Lu Ling will know if she is dissatisfied with herself again... Her life in Erfeng is very difficult.

I still remember that she didn't eat cleanly once, she was almost killed by Shen Gui...

Thinking of this, Lu Ling shivered.

In a sense, Shen Gui is very similar to Xue Nu, and she is almost the same as Luo Qianhan in the beginning in front of Shen Gui.

She is afraid of Shen Gui, but she knows that this senior sister is not a bad person... With such a contradictory psychology, Shen Gui suffers for her, but she will be grateful to Dade once she smiles at her... Feeling like this senior sister Shen It's amazing.

That's right, she is just so worthless...

In Lu Ling's eyes, Xuechen was just as worthless as she was. At the beginning, she was caught and enslaved by Xuenv, but after a long time, she became obsessed with Xuenv...

and many more.

Lu Ling's eyes suddenly became strange.

This is a lesson learned from the past. Because of this, Luo Qianhan fell in love with Xuenv, and couldn't live without her, but at the beginning, Luo Qianhan didn't like Xuenv, and even felt scared and disgusted by the woman who grabbed him.

Isn't this the same as her?Could it be that she will fall in love with Shen Gui with all her heart in the future?
Lu Ling's heart was beating thumpingly.

"Master? What's the matter with you?" Xuechen was telling a story, and looked up at Lu Ling after realizing something was wrong. Lu Ling told her not to sense her thoughts, Xuechen was very obedient.

"It's nothing, you continue to talk." Lu Ling simply fooled it.

Seeing Xuechen start her daily life again, Lu Ling closed her eyes.

Not to mention, she really likes Senior Sister Shen a little bit now... A few days ago, when she took a bath with Shen Gui and ate the small longevity fruit, Lu Ling still remembered the amazing smile on Shen Gui's face, which was different from the coldness in the past. It's completely different... At that time, she only thought that seeing Senior Sister Shen's expression was worth dying for.

Thinking about it now, Lu Ling felt chills down her spine.

Is this the rhythm of her fall?

No, absolutely not.

How could she like a woman... Bah, how could she like someone other than her junior sister?With Shen Gui still so indifferent, Lu Ling believed that if she followed Shen Gui all the time like Luo Qianhan, she would definitely become a shy person.

Thinking of herself who was abused by Shen Gui and still looked dissatisfied with desire, Lu Ling felt a chill.

Fortunately, it was discovered early, so it can't go on like this. It just so happens that her junior sister is coming back soon, so she has to move away from the second peak as soon as possible.

Lu Ling thought so.

She doesn't know much about feelings. In fact, this kind of emotion is not like between a man and a woman. Xuechen's admiration for Xuenv is not pure love, but another kind of entangled feeling...

But for Lu Ling, it's too early to talk about feelings.

Xuechen on the side didn't know that she had already been labeled by Lu Ling as shaking M, and she was the car in front of the car crash, and she was being used as a lesson by Lu Ling.

"Xuechen, skip these daily routines, don't you have anything else to say?" Lu Ling asked.

"Others..." The sweet memory was interrupted, and the little girl was a little confused.

"That's right, how did Xue Nu end up?" Lu Ling originally wanted to ask how she died, but later felt that it was impolite, so she changed the term.

She was very curious, as the owner of the fairy sword, wouldn't she die of old age...

What Lu Ling didn't expect was that because of her words, Xuechen's ruddy face instantly turned pale, and all the previous happiness was frozen and then shattered, turning into tears that swirled in the little girl's eyes.

"She... died? An accident?" Lu Ling asked cautiously when she saw this and didn't know what happened.

"En..." Xuechen whimpered and nodded, holding Lu Ling tightly, feeling a little out of control.

For her, the fall of Xue Nu was an unbearable pain, but because of Lu Ling, she was not so sad at ordinary times, but at this time she was recalling every detail of herself and Xue Nu...

At this time, thinking of her dead master, her tears could not stop.

"Yes, I'm sorry, master..." Xuechen sobbed to Lu Ling, she had clearly said that she would not cry anymore.

"It's me who should say I'm sorry." Lu Ling gently hugged the fragile girl.

After a while, the crying gradually died down.

Lu Ling didn't speak, just looked at Xuechen.

Although she wanted to know how Xue Nu died, but Xue Chen was so sad, if she didn't want to say it, forget it, she would treat Xue Nu as a dead old man.

Although Lu Ling doesn't like the so-called Xue Nu very much, according to Xuechen, Xue Nu is her past life after all, and the soul of the human race is everything.

It's just that Xuenv is Lu Ling, but Lu Ling is not all Xuenv, that's the relationship.

As for her previous life, Lu Ling wanted to know what her destiny was...whether she would die peacefully, or die in an assassination, or even go crazy—with Xuenv's cultivation, it is entirely possible to go crazy.

But after listening to Xuechen say a lot, Lu Ling felt that such a person should not be unknown, she should have her own burial place.

For example, Shen Gui, if she is about to fall, then she is absolutely satisfied,... What Shen Gui wants is to die in battle. She lives on the border of Tianguangxu, walking on the wire every day, wandering on the edge of death was her own choice.

Lu Ling didn't know what Shen Gui wanted, she just felt that the master of the fairy sword would never fall and be too useless.


After sobbing for a while, the little girl looked at Lu Ling's eyes, as if she understood what her master was thinking. After restraining her emotions, she spoke slowly, with a disgusted tone.

"I only remember that the master at that time went to Shushan, Qionghua, and the Great Sad Valley...but the people there looked down on the master..."

Following Xuechen's voice with strong personal feelings, the scene of that year slowly unfolded before Lu Ling's eyes like a scroll.


For some unknown reason, the Demon Race was hated by Xue Nu. She took Luo Qianhan to several holy places, notified these holy places, and followed her to raid the sealed places of the Demon Realm.

But because she didn't have any reputation, most of the Holy Land didn't care about this strange woman. If Xue Nu was not strong enough, she might be held accountable.

For these holy places, the Snow Girl at that time was just a joke, and she also raided the sealed place of the demon world. Since you know it is a sealed place, you should know that it is not so easy to raid, just like the Tianguang Market in the world. With heavy guards guarding them, why did they make a surprise attack? It is estimated that they were discovered when they approached Tianguang Ruins.

So these people regard Xue Nu as a whimsical fool.

In fact, Xue Nu at that time was really just informing these holy places. After she felt that she was not welcome, she turned around and left without saying anything.

Love will not come.

In fact, apart from Shushan, she didn't meet anyone who had the right to speak at all in other holy places, and even if she received preferential treatment on Shushan and met the head of Shushan at that time, the result was no different.

People in Shushan don't believe in Xuenv, and, although Xuenv is very strong, the war is not a one-person matter, without other holy places to fight together, it is not appropriate for a single Shushan to initiate a war on its own initiative.

Therefore, Shushan declined Xuenv.

Xuenv, who has gone to four holy places in a row without any results, is too lazy to continue hitting the wall. In fact, as long as she shows her skills a little bit and shows her No.1 strength in the world, she may be able to mobilize these holy places, but she is unwilling.

Don't say she didn't give it a chance.

In her opinion, the human race and the demon race are all the same. If Xue Nu is unhappy with the human race, she might go to the demon world and attack the human world instead.

This is the biggest difference between her and the fairy master.


The people listening to Lu Ling were dumbfounded. This Xuenv... is much more powerful than she imagined, and she is also much more reckless...

To sum it up in one sentence, life and death are bearish, and if you don't accept it, do it...

It felt like a joke, but Lu Ling felt a sense of enthusiasm. When she heard that Xue Nu was looked down upon by the holy places, she felt very uncomfortable and felt very dissatisfied with these holy places.

"And then? Xuenv, who didn't find an ally, gave up?" Lu Ling was eager to know the next step.

Originally, without assistance, it would be impossible for one person to fight against a race, but Lu Ling knew what Luo Qianhan looked like, and that cold girl looked much more mature than Xuechen.

It may not be the final form of the fairy sword, but it will definitely not be bad.

"Then..." The little girl left Lu Ling slowly, looked into her eyes, tears fell on the ground drop by drop, but her eyes were full of pride and hatred.

Pride is because of his master, hatred is because of the demons.

"Then the master attacked the demon world alone, broke into the sealed place, and told the guarding demon army and the short-sighted people of the human race what a surprise attack is."

"A surprise attack? Alone?" Lu Ling was puzzled, and then her body was cold, she froze for a moment, and raised her hand to catch a snowflake.

It seems to be much bigger than before...

Did Lu Ling look up, her pupils constricted.

The snow between the sky and the earth fell in large flakes like goose feathers.

getting bigger.

getting bigger.

In the end, Lu Ling couldn't see anything, and the goal was a snowstorm.

 The blood moon is in the sky, it’s time to time travel, I’m in a good mood so I wrote [-] words hehe, I’ll take a step first and say goodbye.

(End of this chapter)

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