Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 384 The Wrath of the Sea

Chapter 384 The Wrath of the Sea

At this time, Lu Ling was sitting on the table with a look of lovelessness.

In front of her, a mature woman was holding her feet and looking carefully.

Shen Canghai looked at the palm-sized jade feet in his hands, and couldn't help pinching them a few times. Lu Ling's body trembled slightly, but she didn't say anything.

"It's still very cute." As Shen Canghai said, his hand moved up from Lu Ling's toes, and finally stopped under the skirt of her thigh, scratching it like a prank.

Now Lu Ling couldn't bear it any longer, she started to panic, and a look of panic crept up her cheeks.

This Uncle Shen won't want...

She struggled hard, but found that she couldn't move at all, as if she had been frozen, she could only let Shen Canghai's evil hands move on her legs under her skirt.

After seeing a little anger flashing in Lu Ling's eyes, Shen Canghai withdrew her hand and stopped teasing Lu Ling. She put her hand above Lu Ling's knee, pinched the pure white knee socks, and then slowly, slowly Take off Lu Ling's stockings.

Under the knee socks are white and tender calves and delicate feet. Lu Ling's feet are very small. Shen Canghai looked at her golden lotus without taking his eyes off it, as if he had found some treasure.

Shen Canghai slowly held Lu Ling's calf with her hands, and slid down. Her movements were really light, which gave Lu Ling a feeling of shyness. Showing weakness, she just turned her face away from looking at Shen Canghai, she gritted her teeth and protested silently.

She didn't know what this uncle wanted to do, because Lu Ling felt that Uncle Shen took off her clothes. Seeing how she couldn't put it down, Lu Ling had reason to suspect that she had already touched her all over her.

In fact, she was right.


"Hey..." Lu Ling clenched her teeth, a tear leaked from the corner of her eye.

Although Shen Canghai's movements were very gentle, it was definitely a caress, but because Lu Ling had been injured for a long time, and her body was sensitive, there were bursts of heart-rending pain in her feet.

Originally, seeing the swelling on her feet subsided, Lu Ling thought she was about to recover, but now the severe pain reminded her that it was written in the book that the swelling was only temporary, and if it was not treated, it would swell again tomorrow. up, and worse than before.

It's all her own fault, she twisted her foot and still tossing about... If she was sitting quietly, she wouldn't encounter such a thing.

Being caressed by Shen Canghai, the severe pain like a tendon was pounding from Lu Ling's ankle like a tidal wave to her heart.


Lu Ling felt that her ankle joint was about to be broken, and she had lost feeling in her feet, but during this period, apart from a few tears, she didn't make a sound, at most she groaned...

That's when I got cramps.

She didn't know what she was being stubborn about, probably because Shen Canghai was her husband's best friend, so she didn't want to appear too useless in front of her—although she knew that she had seen her embarrassing appearance in the room before... ...But that's different, in front of outsiders, Lu Ling always saves face, not for herself, but for Li Zhuzi's face.

So she held on.


"..." Shen Canghai glanced at Lu Ling's body and frowned.

Is this girl injured?
When she was undressing Lu Ling, she didn't look carefully, so she didn't notice the redness and swelling on Lu Ling's feet that had disappeared, but after she found out this time, she used her spiritual power to walk around Lu Ling's body.

Afterwards, some distress was discovered.

The new injury was recent. Shen Canghai knew Li Zhuzi well, so he would not doubt Li Zhuzi. He vaguely felt that Lu Ling might have caused it by himself. But the new injury is not the point now. The point is that under the special sight of Shen Canghai's luck All the wounds left on Lu Ling's body can't be hidden, because Lu Ling has not reshaped her body, so even the scars that disappeared when she was two or three years old can be seen by Shen Canghai.


This girl has encountered far more things than what is written in the information...

It is worth mentioning that Li Zhuzi did not use this method to check on Lu Ling, because she was afraid that she would not be able to help killing people, so she never dared to look at it, yes, she did not dare.

Even Li Zhuzi didn't dare to look at Lu Ling's experience, let alone the real Tibetan sword who has always been hot-tempered and would kill people everywhere.

"Man..." Shen Canghai, who was holding Lu Ling's feet, said something.

Lu Ling was a little confused, she looked into Shen Canghai's eyes, there were emotions she didn't understand in the latter's eyes, what Lu Ling could see was suppressed anger and irritable flames, that kind of flames could blow the world upside down at any time.

Of course, what Lu Ling didn't see was that Shen Canghai's eyes still felt distressed when he saw the treasure stained with ink.

When Lu Ling first joined Li Zhuzi's family, Shen Canghai got the first-hand information about Lu Ling, and everything about her was not hidden from Shen Canghai's eyes.

The silly girl who was often bullied at that time, her feet were not so smooth and cute, but full of hard calluses and various wounds... Lu Ling, who was dressed in sackcloth, was covered with sackcloth and had no clothes to use. .

Those days are still a nightmare even for Lu Ling now. She never looks at her feet, because she always feels unrealistic when she sees such white and tender feet. It was a dream, especially during the days when Liu Fufeng was not by her side, Lu Ling didn't feel safe at all.

Worry about gain and loss.

She didn't pass the trial of the soul division, she just suppressed it, Lu Ling's spirit may go wrong at any time, perhaps only in front of Liu Fufeng and Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling can completely suppress her restless heart.

And after Shen Canghai checked Lu Ling's body, he found that all the wounds on her body had disappeared, and there was no trace of scars except that her body was a little weak... But this was just an appearance, with spiritual power filling her eyes, Shen Canghai could see what she wanted. something to see.

If it was before, Lu Ling's death would have nothing to do with her, but it would be different after she had a relationship with Li Zhuzi. Bullying Lu Ling would be embarrassing for her.

Zang Jian is a very contradictory Dao name, Dao name Zang Jian, but Shen Canghai's sword has never been hidden.

A gentleman has no contention, has light without form, and sits and forgets without heart.

The gentleman hides the sword, the gentleman holds the light, the Taoist title [Hidden Sword] does not so much represent Shen Canghai himself, but rather a motto given to her by someone.

But the fact is that Li Zhuzi really gave her the Dao title [Hidden Sword].

Shen Canghai is more like a demon than a human being... The blood on her hands can't be washed clean, and she is even twice as tall as the second Zixu. The Shen Canghai back then was an out-and-out The God of Killing, her name was completely earned by killing her.

Kill demons, kill Dao, kill...

As long as it is something that she thinks is wrong, she will use the sword to speak, and she will never say too much, just like the best thing Shen Gui has learned from her - to reason, to use the sword to reason.

I can't kill you because my reasoning is not good. If I kill you, I have a reason.

In this way, the hostility in Shen Canghai's body became more and more serious, and finally Li Zhuzi forcibly changed his Taoist name, and became the current [Hidden Sword].

She put down the butcher knife.

It's just that the world doesn't know that Shen Canghai has many "butcher knives". She put down a poor, blood-stained and rusty butcher knife, but left behind another sharp and even more terrifying murder sword. , her swordsmanship became more and more terrifying.

But Shen Canghai's sword has a sheath, and that is Li Zhuzi.

With the joint efforts of Li Zhuzi and Shen Gui, Shen Canghai has indeed settled down a lot... But that was when the people around her were not affected, and if Shen Canghai's bottom line was touched, her scabbard would automatically disappear.

The murderous sword has been crawling in front of her, ready to drink blood at any time, Shen Canghai has never had a gentleman on his body, only a monstrous vicissitudes.

Back then, someone who confessed to Shen Gui was almost killed by Shen Canghai, who turned the Holy Land upside down. In terms of combat power alone, this [real person] who suppressed his own strength is much stronger than Li Zhuzi's so-called [venerable]. She was afraid of Li Zhuzi, it was just a joke between close friends.

And Lu Ling... In Shen Canghai's heart, this girl can't compare to Shen Gui, nor can she compare to Qin Qin, but she is Li Zhuzi's favorite "daughter", and Shen Canghai's favorite person, closest friend, and favorite in Shen Canghai's life. The important girlfriends are Li Zhuzi.

With such a relationship, Lu Ling is like her niece. Although this niece makes her a little jealous, she is not something that any cat or dog can bully. Even those who have bullied her before will have to die.

Besides, it's not bullying anymore.

must die.

At this moment, Shen Canghai put the matter of Xuechen behind her. Compared to venting her anger on her niece, the mystery of her niece was a trivial matter. The younger generation had opportunities for the younger generation, so she was just curious.

Which one is more serious, curiosity or anger, can be imagined.

Shen Canghai's murderous aura disappeared in a flash.

In an instant, Lu Ling seemed to see the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. She was stunned for a moment and then returned to normal. Her face was pale, and she stared blankly at Shen Canghai.


The reason why she said that Shen Canghai was the one she didn't want to meet the most was because Xuechen said that Shen Canghai's murderous aura ranked first among the people she had ever met.

The second one is [-] cuts, so what about the first one?
Lu Ling may not be able to see so many people in her whole life.

Of course, she wasn't afraid of Shen Canghai, she could still feel who was treating her well, it was just that she felt uncomfortable.

Compared with this kind of fierce person, she prefers Li Zhuzi, who is as light as dust... that's all.

At this time, Shen Canghai also realized that she had lost her composure. Her murderous aura could not be released casually. Fortunately, Lu Ling was stronger than she imagined. She thought that with Lu Ling's cowardly character, she might be scared to death, but Lu Ling just froze for a moment.

Although it was only a part of the murderous intent and had no real effect, the bloody scene was real, and Lu Ling's performance made Shen Canghai very satisfied.

What she didn't know was that after Lu Ling had been baptized by the Xihuang Illusion and saw the Human Demon Station, she became a little immune to blood.


Shen Canghai looked at Lu Ling, and a red light flashed on his hand.

Lu Ling knew this ray of light, and it was Lingshan's Concentration Art.

I saw Shen Canghai pressing the red light on Lu Ling's ankle, and then rubbing it gently, the technique was very gentle.

At that moment, Lu Ling felt that all the pain disappeared, and a sense of warmth surged up, and the coldness in her body also temporarily retreated from Shen Canghai's power, as if she didn't dare to confront the person in front of her, even if it was healing spiritual power.

Lu Ling knew that this warmth was the effect of the Concentration Art.

Concentrating Heart Jue, with fire attribute, blood circulation and slight healing effect, is Lingshan's entry-level exercise.

so comfortable...

Lu Ling narrowed her eyes lazily, uttered a raving like a cat, her toes unconsciously bent and tightly clasped Shen Canghai's sleeves.

Receiving this kind of treatment in the extremely cold environment is tantamount to sending charcoal in the snow. The comfortable feeling made Lu Ling temporarily forget everything. When she recovered, she found that her foot had been healed. Lu Ling Trying to turn the ankle, I no longer feel a little pain, and I am delighted.

"Thank you, Uncle Shen!"

"Don't meet me." Shen Canghai let go of Lu Ling's jade feet, and there was no desire in his eyes. Because he cared about Lu Ling, Shen Canghai regretted "molesting" Lu Ling...

In her opinion, it was flirting, but it might bring back painful memories for the little girl.

She was wrong.

She carried Lu Ling off the table in the posture of a princess hugging her, and gently put it on the opposite stool, took out the sweet tea that she had prepared for Lu Ling, filled it up, and pushed it in front of her.

"Drink, warm your body." It was rare for Shen Canghai to be serious, and her attitude was very gentle.

"This is..." Lu Ling hesitated.

She doesn't like tea.

"Scented tea, sweet." Shen Canghai mentioned.

She also doesn't like bitter tea, if it wasn't for Li Zhuzi forcing her to drink it, she wouldn't touch it, but sweet ones are different, no woman would hate desserts, and the same goes for tea.

As soon as Lu Ling heard sweet, her eyes lit up immediately, she took a small sip from the warm teacup, then smacked her lips and showed a little satisfaction.

so sweet... like...

At this time, under the treatment and tea, Lu Ling was easily captured, and Shen Canghai's murderous intent and molesting her before were also selectively forgotten by her.

This is Lu Ling, who can only see the good side of a person most of the time.

But obviously, Shen Canghai was not prepared to only show Lu Ling her good side, she never pretended to be herself, and everything she did was out of her heart.

Seeing Lu Ling who was like a hamster eating peanuts, Shen Canghai took a deep breath, threw off the shoes on his feet, twisted his legs together, suppressing his murderous intent.

But she couldn't help it.

"Men, all deserve to die."

"..." Lu Ling, who was drinking tea, swallowed the sweet and sour scented tea, and looked at the uncle who stood up in confusion.

man?There is no man in Lingshan.

It was windy in the house.

Sword Qi, Stellar Qi, Murderous Qi.

At that moment, the temperature in the room instantly dropped to freezing point.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

"'s okay." Shen Canghai sat down and asked casually.

"A Ling, what do you think of the people in Luoyan City?"

"Ah?" Hearing the words Luoyan City, Lu Ling opened her mouth in surprise, then covered her mouth with her hands, and blinked at Shen Canghai.

Speaking of Luoyan City, she thought of her junior sister again.

"It's pretty good, everything is delicious." Lu Ling tilted her head and said.

Shen Canghai naturally knew that Lu Ling was talking about Liu Fufeng, not the answer she wanted.

"I'm not talking about food, it's about people, men, and of course there are women, but there are fewer of them." Shen Canghai said casually, she didn't want to be too explicit, otherwise there would be suspicion of exposing Lu Ling's scars, of course she said so It is also no different from what Ming said.

It's just that Shen Canghai didn't want to see Lu Ling run away. As Zhuzi's daughter, she had to have the courage to face the past. If she was to educate her, she would have to reason with those people.

Talk about death.


After hearing Shen Canghai's words, Lu Ling lost her mind for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, her knuckles holding the teacup turned white, and her voice trembled slightly.

"Who, I don't know what you are talking about, uncle."

 Thank you Qingtianbiyun. Wang&ji, Matcha 丨 Cake, and North Lemon Moran for your rewards, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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