Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 386 Questions and Answers

Chapter 386 Questions and Answers
There are not many girls that Shen Canghai can like, and now they are Li Zhuzi, Shen Gui and Qin Qin. As for Xu Xu, it can barely be counted as half of them. That girl is too peaceful and meaningless.

Now, she can't say how much she likes Lu Ling, but she does have a little feeling.


Talking about this to the people in Luoyan City...should I say naive or stupid?
Shen Canghai didn't know, but her eyes sparkled when she looked at Lu Ling.

"No wonder Zhuzi likes you, Ah Ling, you are indeed the type that Zhuzi likes." Shen Canghai came back to his senses, and patted Lu Ling on the head.

"Uncle Master..." Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, she was prepared for Shen Canghai to be angry just now, but the latter didn't seem unhappy.

"I'm sorry, I was rude." Lu Ling put down her teacup and nodded slightly.

Shen Canghai was not angry, but she would still apologize.

Seeing this, Shen Canghai shook his head: "Apologize to me for what... If you really apologize, I will tell you."

Anyone who knew Shen Canghai in Lingshan would definitely suspect that he had hallucinations... If it spread to the world of cultivating immortals, Lu Ling would instantly become a famous person.

It is estimated that even Shen Gui will be surprised, she is still clear about the virtues of her master.

But Shen Canghai didn't think there was any surprise, she would only give in to one person in her life, and that was Li Zhuzi... In her opinion, Lu Ling was Zhuzi's daughter, so it was okay to pet her a little bit.

And the apology Shen Canghai wanted to say was also because of this, as Lu Ling thought, her kindness was not at all for Lu Ling, it was just because she was Li Zhuzi's student...

Such kindness is no different from that woman's kindness, even from Lu Ling's point of view, she is not as good as that woman.

Shen Canghai was a little unhappy, but she still held back.

Lu Ling thinks that everyone is equal, so everyone should be equal.

Of course, this does not mean that Shen Canghai recognized Lu Ling's values. The kind of Madonna who cares about the lives of strangers, even she sometimes kills innocent people indiscriminately, doing whatever she wants.

No one can control her, she basically occupies the [evil] side of Lingshan by herself.

In addition, she doesn't like Luoyan City at all, it is the place closest to Lingshan and has the most men... More importantly, Luoyan City is a place where every disciple of Lingshan will go.

These girls would occasionally meet those disgusting men, Shen Canghai felt uncomfortable just thinking about it.

So to her, even an ordinary disciple is much more important than Luoyan City. A metropolis that she hates will disappear if it is gone. As long as Lingshan is willing, many such towns can be built in a year.

Seeing Lu Ling today, Shen Canghai thought, if Lu Ling's attitude towards Luoyan City was similar to hers, she would kill all the men in this city despite Li Zhuzi's blame.

To the outside world, it is said that she has been transferred, and no one can control her anyway. If it is really difficult to do, then search the soul one by one, and there will always be something to gain. The man who bullied the girl in Lingshan must die no matter who it is .

Treat human life like a mustard.

She is the kind of "superior person" that the city lord Xifeng has always hated. There are many such people in the world of cultivating immortals.

What's interesting is that such killings would not be defined as evil, even Xuanjing Division, who is the supervisory department, would not intervene if they knew what those people did to Lu Ling.

Even Han Xue, who is the most chivalrous, will not interfere, at most she can't bear it...

What Lingshan lacks most is a girl with a heart for the common people. Refer to Liu Fufeng, he has done free clinics, and many Lingshan doctors have done it. Otherwise, they would not be known as fairies in the world.

However, even such a girl has another side. No one can calmly deal with the humiliation of her family members, such as Liu Fufeng's anger, which burned Nancheng to the ground and did what Shen Canghai wanted to do.


The two looked at each other for a while, and Shen Canghai suddenly spoke.

"Aling, looking at you reminds me of when Zhuzi was young."

"Sir...Young?" Lu Ling heard the words, and the first thing she thought of was young, and she tagged this word with a keyword.

young?Her husband is also very young now... the appearance is only in his 30s, even if the age of the Immortal Cultivation World is not allowed, there shouldn't be much difference.

"Well, you are very similar to Zhuzi, you don't like to fight for anything, even if something is brought to you, you will choose to escape." Shen Canghai calmed down, recalling the former Li Zhuzi.

Master Yifeng couldn't even ask for it, but she ran away because she was afraid of trouble.

"En." Lu Ling was a little happy to hear that she was like Li Zhuzi.

Then, Shen Canghai glanced at Lu Ling with a sneer.

"But Zhuzi is not as cowardly as you are, and the graves of those who dare to bully her will be trampled down."

Not to mention that Li Zhuzi did it herself, even her suitors can make others unable to eat.

Venerable Ye of Shushan Mountain, and Lord of the Southern Region of Eastern Shenhai, these two are the top powerhouses of this generation, with both sword and law cultivation.

"My husband and I are naturally incomparable." Lu Ling was not disappointed when she heard the words, but had a reasonable expression: "Uncle Master, you are disappointed."

"Tsk." Shen Canghai poured a cup of tea and took a sip.

She was indeed a little uncomfortable. Not only did this humiliated girl not hold any resentment, but she was thinking about things from Luoyan City's point of view...


a little bit.

It's more about satisfaction. This kind of girl is worthy of her protection. The more submissive she is, the easier it is to arouse her desire for protection.

Then, Shen Canghai and Lu Ling skipped the previous topic tacitly. Shen Canghai felt that Lu Ling's dissatisfaction would be burned on her if she continued to talk about it... And Lu Ling, Shen Canghai didn't mention it. She didn't want to spoil the topic. Before the beginning of my life, there were very few "good people" images.

"Girl, besides this hypocritical woman, is there anyone else like her?" Shen Canghai asked suddenly.

"People... Yes." Lu Ling nodded, expressionless.

"Who?" Shen Canghai became interested.

"An old grandpa... I don't remember very clearly." Lu Ling shook her head, only remembering that she should be a beggar like herself, and he fed a little bit of food into her mouth at that time.

Although it was just some leftover and dirty food, to her at that time, it was the best food she had ever eaten in her life, and it was also the first time she felt what warmth was.

Without that meal, she might have died long ago.

It may be in Luoyan City, or it may be earlier... She can't remember.

When I think of this person now, I don't get excited at all, it's more flat.

Where has he gone?

Speaking of which, how did she wander to Luoyan City?
Can't remember.

The old man was not young at the time, so he might have passed away.

Well, at least you don't have to suffer, right?
Lu Ling looked at her nose with her eyes and her heart with her nose, she didn't say a word, she knew that Shen Canghai could know her thoughts.

"This old man is not bad." Unlike before, Shen Canghai didn't hit Lu Ling this time, and it was a pity after he sighed.

If such an old man can be found, she may give some shocking gifts in return.

Just looking at Lu Ling's expression, she knew that she didn't want to think about these things.

"He...isn't from Luoyan City." Shen Canghai asked.

"I don't know, I can't remember." Lu Ling shook her head and lowered her head.

I can't remember, and I don't want to think about it.

"Well... From your memory, I can't see anything..." Shen Canghai shrugged, and continued: "It seems that it is difficult to get an answer from you now, girl, why don't you go to Luoyan City again? Sample?"

"What do you mean?"

"Go to Luoyan City, pick Liu Fufeng back, and give me an answer by the way, how are the men there, pay attention, men." Shen Canghai shook the teacup in his hand.

At this time, Lu Ling was much more mature, and Shen Canghai decided to give those men some more chances. If Lu Ling's answer this time was still similar to this time, she would make a move.

"Pick up Junior Sister... that's fine." Lu Ling raised her head, "For men, forget it."

She doesn't like it.

I don't even want to test anything.

"As you wish." Shen Canghai licked the corner of his mouth, looking at Lu Ling's delicate face.

This pretty appearance is in Luoyan City... It's not something she wants to do.

After a while, Lu Ling glanced at Shen Canghai who was drinking tea leisurely, then lowered her head.

This uncle, what did he know about her... She probably wouldn't tell it...

And when she came up, she asked a bunch of messy questions, and she was the one who was most puzzled.

"If you have any questions, just ask." Shen Canghai looked at Lu Ling and said.

Hearing this, Lu Ling nodded: "Uncle, how did I come back, where is Senior Sister Qin? Why isn't she here?"

"You were brought back by Qin'er... As for her, she should be in Sanfeng now, looking for trouble with that woman Dongfang Lianren." Shen Canghai thought of something and smiled lightly.

"Uncle Dongfang?" Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

"How should I put it, I feel that Qin'er must have misunderstood something. After all, girl, you really didn't look very good at that time." Shen Canghai recalled Lu Ling's appearance and what Qin Qin said to her, and shook his head. .

At first she didn't believe that Lu Ling could dive into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, but now she believed it, because Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness was unbreakable, don't think she could peep into Lu Ling's memory, but it was all Lu Ling showed her.

Lu Ling wouldn't show it to her, unless she was desperately trying to turn Lu Ling into a fool, otherwise she wouldn't even want to see a picture. Such a tenacious Sea of ​​Consciousness, should it be called Ice Bloodline?

"Misunderstanding..." Lu Ling glanced at the direction of climbing the Lingtai, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

She thought Senior Sister Qin was going to avenge her, after all, Master Dongfang snatched her home... But Master Dongfang is a good person...

Thinking of this, Lu Ling was a little anxious. Both of them were people she liked, and she didn't want to see disputes.

"Girl, you should worry about yourself first, and you have nothing to worry about other people." Shen Canghai shook his head, her consciousness went out and turned around, and she probably knew what happened, no matter the truth or not, the faces of Lu Ling and Dongfang Lianren were considered Almost lost.

Qin Qin's door-to-door settlement further confirmed the fact that Lu Ling was bullied by Dongfang Lianren.

She was a little curious, if this weak girl knew that this kind of thing about her had spread all over Lingshan... I don't know what kind of pleasant expression it would be.

Lu Ling was a bit soft on the outside and strong on the inside, Shen Canghai had almost grasped Lu Ling's personality in a short period of time.

She is bound to cry.

Shen Canghai was somewhat looking forward to the girl crying.

"I don't understand." Lu Ling shook her head. She didn't understand, but just kept it in her heart. At the same time, she suddenly became twitchy, and her voice gradually softened, like a mosquito screaming.

"Shen, Uncle Shen... I, I..."

"En? What's the matter?" Seeing Lu Ling with a flushed face, Shen Canghai looked at her with interest.

"My clothes..." Lu Ling lowered her head and rubbed the corners of her skirt, summoned up her courage, and asked in one breath, "Master, did you take off my clothes?"

Looking at the shy girl, Shen Canghai raised the corners of his mouth.

"it's me."

Hearing this, Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he is not some bad person.

Then he lowered his head again, and said weakly: "Uncle Shen, you didn't do, did you do anything strange."

After speaking, Lu Ling buried half of her face in the tiger fur coat, leaving only her moist eyes outside.

"Strange thing?" Shen Canghai laughed, and Lu Ling's heart trembled when he laughed.

"What strange things can I do?" After saying that, Shen Canghai stood up, bent over to get in front of Lu Ling, and stretched his hand under Lu Ling's coat in her sight, and the hooked chin made her raise her head.


"No, it's nothing... Strange thing, I was wrong..." Lu Ling looked at the woman who was close at hand, and panicked for a while.

"Hehe." Shen Canghai pinched Lu Ling's side face, let go of her, sat back with his legs crossed, and spoke at the same time.

"I was in retreat, and suddenly sensed Qin'er's anger. I was a little curious about what would make her so angry, so I sent a clone out to take a look. Unexpectedly, she saw the sudden appearance of the master who was in retreat, but she didn't mind at all. I care, I have to take care of you first..." Shen Canghai's tone was a bit resentful, and then he smiled slightly: "But I asked her to go to Dongfang Lianren, and I will take care of you... How about it, isn't it very touching?"

"Sentimental, touched..." Lu Ling lowered her eyebrows and dared not look at her pleasingly. Although she knew that the one in front of her was just a clone, she still did not dare to do anything wrong.

"Well, because I want to take care of you, I didn't bother to call me before when everyone in Lingshan called me. I don't know what happened... But Zhuzi didn't inform me, so I didn't bother to care about it." Shen Canghai was still in seclusion because his body was still in seclusion. For the time being, she didn't respond to Luan Feng's call. As for the ice riot, her intuition told her that Lu Ling must know something.

Why look far away.

"Well, because your uncle missed the meeting, aren't you going to make up for your uncle?"

"Uncle Master..."

Seeing Lu Ling's pitiful look, Shen Canghai waved his hands: "Don't be nervous, I'm just kidding, anyway, I should see what I should and shouldn't... cough cough."

In the middle of speaking, Shen Canghai closed his mouth.

She was deliberately bullying Lu Ling.

And Lu Ling was really in a hurry.

"Uncle, please explain clearly... what should not be seen..."

"It's nothing, Qin'er said that you fell into Dongfang Lianren's hands and were bullied, so I took off your clothes and checked." Shen Canghai raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Ling with a smile.


an examination?
Lu Ling's face darkened, but she didn't continue to ask. The woman's intuition told her that it's better not to know.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Shen Canghai said, and at the same time, from an angle that Lu Ling couldn't see, he took out a teacup from the void, took a sip, and showed a satisfied expression.

"No more." Lu Ling's beauty mole sank, looking at Shen Canghai was like looking at a scourge, shrinking her neck and shivering.

"It's fine if there's nothing else to do." Shen Canghai handed Lu Ling his used teacup.


There is an undeniable meaning in the tone.

"Uncle, I have a cup..."

"I'll let you drink."

"Yes." Lu Ling could only nod her head, and after turning the cup, she took a sip.


Clear liquid, strange taste.

"Finish, good food." Shen Canghai looked at Lu Ling, and raised his hand to signal her to continue.

There was no way, Lu Ling didn't dare to disobey the woman who checked her body, and raised her head abruptly.

After taking a mouthful, Lu Ling's face flushed, and at the same time, her throat hurt sharply, and she choked after coughing.

"Cough cough, cough cough... cough... ph..."

He stuck out his tongue and took deep breaths, trying to ease his discomfort.

What is this... It's so horrible to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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