Chapter 387 Guess
"What is this..." Lu Ling breathed out with her tongue stuck out, her pretty eyebrows knit together, staring blankly at the teacup in her hand.

I didn't notice it when I drank it, but now that I finished drinking it, Lu Ling sniffed lightly with her small nose, and a pungent smell came from the bottom of the teacup.

After drinking a cup of "tea", Lu Ling felt that her throat was hot and her speech became a little hoarse. She looked up at Shen Canghai, who looked innocent, but Lu Ling always felt that Shen Canghai was smiling...

Could it be poison?Only poison can be so bad.

If it wasn't for being watched by Shen Canghai, Lu Ling would have a desire to spit out that cup of "tea".

After a moment of redness, the little face gradually turned pale.

Yes, a little dizzy...

"Okay, it's so hard to drink..." Lu Ling propped her arms on the side of her face, and said intermittently: "Master, what did you give me... what to drink..."

"Hehe." Shen Canghai took out a teacup again, took a sip of the liquid in it, squinted his eyes and looked very comfortable, then put down the teacup, and said solemnly: "It's a good thing to say... Didn't you catch the cold? , just to warm up the body."

As soon as Shen Canghai saw Lu Ling, he checked her from head to toe. Naturally, the change in Lu Ling's body could not be hidden from Shen Canghai's eyes. The conflict of cold air temporarily changed the little girl's physique, making her extremely chilly.

One was Lu Ling's cold air, and the other... pure and terrifying, she was very curious.

" just a cold..."

Lu Ling's upper and lower eyelids began to fight, and she had the illusion that her body was not her own, but she pinched her thigh and tried to lift her spirits.

"Is it... medicine? No wonder it's so... unpalatable... But why do I feel dizzy..."

As time passed, a trace of crimson climbed onto Lu Ling's neck, and soon there was a blush on her face, her eyes wandering.

Yes, there is a feeling of if I'm going to fly...very comfortable...

"Uncle, why did you become four... Is it a body clone technique? Good, it's so powerful..."

The voice became smaller and smaller, and then she supported her head and stopped moving. Although she was not asleep, she could see that Lu Ling's eyes were narrowed. At this time, she was like a well-cooked crayfish.

"Tsk." Seeing Lu Ling's dizzy look, Shen Canghai took out an exquisite silver jug. If Lu Ling was still awake, he would find that it was a silver wine jug, noble and elegant...

Yes, what Shen Canghai gave Lu Ling to drink was wine, or spirits, which was her favorite kind.

In Shen Canghai's eyes, the prohibition of alcohol in Lingshan is just a joke. Her favorite thing is alcohol. If there is no alcohol to cheer her up, wouldn't life be much less fun.

As for why Lu Ling got drunk... I don't have any other thoughts, I just suddenly want to know what this girl looks like drunk.

When Han Xue is drunk, she likes to dance swords and sleep on the ground. When Qin Qin is drunk, she will become indifferent to strangers, even acquaintances. She is very indifferent, just like an immortal in heaven.

Shen Canghai raised his teacup and shook it towards the Lingtai, then drank it down in one gulp, his face turned red.

I still remember that there was once a boy who was chased by her all day long to drink. He would fall asleep when he was drunk, and sometimes he would go crazy after drinking... It's been a long time.

As for Li Zhuzi... She usually doesn't drink alcohol, but only drinks tea.

As for Shen Canghai herself, she will not get drunk, even if she does not use spiritual power to fight, she will not get drunk at all.

like now.

She just likes it.

Spirits, I like spirits the most, the stronger the better.

"Zhuzi, I'm sorry to trick your girl into drinking... But I didn't expect her to be so obedient and do what she wants... But this girl is quiet... I expect her to be crazy about drinking." Shen Canghai squinted Glancing at Lu Ling, she laughed wildly.

"I was wrong, I should realize it!!!"

Unrestrained and unrestrained, Shen Canghai raised the jug, his throat rolling.

The rich aroma of wine dissipated instantly.

The woman was heroic, and the spirits flowed from her chin to her black pajamas on her chest, adding color to her body.

But there is no lust at all, only a prodigal temperament.

"Huh..." After drinking most of the pot, the woman got up, her eyes were not in a daze, but she became more energetic: "I will break through soon, it doesn't matter if I drink a little to celebrate in advance..."

"Tsk, everyone in Lingshan is very busy now..."

"The ice-type aura is rioting, the people from Eastern Shenhai... the people from Shushan, now it's Lingshan that's missing us."

"And Xihuang, her exit is also very strange."

Shen Canghai's eyes shone brightly as he focused his gaze on Lu Ling whose head was bit by bit.

What a troublesome girl.

But she just likes trouble.

Leaning back on the stool again, Shen Canghai looked at the sweet tea on the table and licked the corner of his mouth.

"Zhuzi really loves me, he didn't look for me probably because I was in retreat..." Thinking of Li Zhuzi, Shen Canghai chuckled.

She really likes this old friend so much, if she can taste the taste of Li Zhuzi in this life, it is not in vain...

Without Li Zhuzi, Shen Gui is the next best thing... But Shen Gui seems to be a bit difficult...

Qin Qin?

Forget it, I was slapped before.

If you retreat...if you retreat, only Lu Ling will be left.

It would be a lie to say that she has no interest, but a girl with little meat... her attraction to her is limited after all. If Lu Ling is familiar, she may have the idea of ​​picking it, but now...

forget it,
Gee tut.

While drinking, Shen Canghai's eyes were a little blurred.

Li Zhuzi was right in not informing her. Shen Canghai had always been unwilling to participate in such general-oriented things, but as an ordinary teacher, Li Zhuzi would be there every time.

Even if Shen Canghai was present, she probably echoed Li Zhuzi's thoughts, she was too lazy to think about so many things.

If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you kill it, there are not so many twists and turns.

As the peak master of the second peak, Shen Canghai positioned himself as an executor, a sword with no disadvantages.

For example, some new systems cannot be promoted in Lingshan. As long as she says a word, all those who disagree will shut up, it's that simple.

"Well, if I don't notify, I won't notify. I'll just watch it for myself." Shen Canghai's eyes flashed brightly, and she stared at Lu Ling after her drunkenness faded away.

The latter seemed to be asleep, but Shen Canghai knew she was not asleep...

Ask directly.

She's not going to make insinuations.

"A Ling, wake up..."


No response at all.

"..." Shen Canghai smiled, and it was all her fault that he insisted on feeding the little girl to drink, but now he is fine, and his foot was smashed.

Waiting for Lu Ling to wake up?
Forget it, she doesn't have that much time, the main body is still tensely retreating, and the clone can't last long depending on the time.

As for helping Lu Ling sober up, that's even more impossible.

Shen Canghai wanted to get drunk, so how could he disturb Lu Ling's dream.


Shen Canghai brushed up his long hair, scattered his shawl, and half opened the neckline of his clothes, looking unrestrained.

It's a pity that Lu Ling can't see this kind of scene.

"Strange." Shen Canghai stared at Lu Ling with a strange feeling in his heart.

That is, Lu Ling seems to have changed suddenly...

Although there was no change in posture, Shen Canghai felt strangely that the one sitting there was no longer Lu Ling.

Heartbeat, breathing rate, and temperament...

Everything changed drastically.


Like Qin Qin, is he the type who will "let himself go" when drunk?
She was a little curious about what Lu Ling would look like at this time...

"Lu Ling!" Shen Canghai called out Lu Ling's name with a little force.

Lu Ling's squinted eyes widened instantly, as if a thunderbolt was passing through her ears, with a cold light overflowing, and a murderous aura burst out like an ambush.

After a while.

Gradually calmed down, her temperament returned to the center of peace, as if nothing had happened just now, and she was still that obedient girl.

At this time, in the depths of Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness, she was wearing a skirt and sitting in the snow, looking at the snowstorm, a seductive look flashed out of the corner of her eyes.

"It's a pity... I drank too much this time... I can't do anything when I go out, I'm so sleepy..."

"Sleep, let's sleep..."

The girl lay down on the ground, and after a while, her body melted into the snow and disappeared.


outside world.

Lu Ling's breathing gradually became even, she swayed and fell on the table, tilted her head, and lost consciousness.

Asleep, her side face is a bit peaceful, accompanied by the small sound of teeth grinding, giving people a very cute feeling, but her breathing is a bit difficult, it seems that after falling asleep, the conflict of cold air caused the resurgence of wind and cold, and her breathing was blocked , a little humming.

"I really fell asleep this time." Shen Canghai looked at Lu Ling thoughtfully.

What this girl broke out just now is very interesting. It has a little imagination with Dongfang Lianren, but it is also different. Compared with Dongfang Lianren, Lu Ling seems to be more...

She didn't know how to describe it, but what she had to say was that the Lu Ling just now was very similar to her, even better than her in some respects.

Is it schizophrenic?

It should not be.

Shaking his head, Shen Canghai denied the guess.

Then there is only ice blood...

It seems that this legendary bloodline has many hidden things.


Shen Canghai nodded.

Speaking of which, it has not been a day or two since Shen Canghai wanted to eat Dongfang Lianren, she knew Dongfang Lianren very well, she looked like a coquettish bitch, but in fact she was extremely conservative.

That's why Shen Canghai didn't believe that Lu Ling's fake phoenix would be eaten by Dongfang Lianren's virtual dragon.

And when Lu Ling raised her head to look at her just now, although it was only a glimpse, Shen Canghai saw two things.

Greed and lust.

The latter is more than the former.

This is not the Lu Ling in her impression.

Ice bloodline... She actually doesn't know much about it. After all, Xuenv is not very famous. Compared with the fairy master, Xuenv is like a shining shooting star. When passing through the sky full of stars, she is undoubtedly the most dazzling one. No light can compare to her.

But when it falls, it's gone.

It has completely lost its brilliance, and it is not even as good as those weak stars that still radiate faint light in the sky.

What exactly is the ice blood?Why is there still a sense of righteousness?
It's hard to imagine that such a prodigal girl will have a righteous spirit comparable to that of the Shushan Mountain Protector Formation. It is this righteous atmosphere that suppresses Lu Ling's evil thoughts, and makes her not do anything when she is drunk and completely loses control of her body. Shocking things.

That little bit of righteousness aroused Shen Canghai's great interest.

But it's just for interest, because she really knows too little about Xuenv. If it wasn't for Li Zhuzi watching the sky at night, she wouldn't even take a look at the fairy star Jibing.

Frost bloodline... Xihuang must know something, but Shen Canghai knew that Xihuang would not say anything.

As for the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods——

That was Li Zhuzi's business and had nothing to do with her. I believe Zhuzi would give her a satisfactory answer.

But she can't rely on Li Zhuzi for everything. As Zhuzi's "husband", even though she is self-appointed, she still has to share Li Zhuzi's worries. She is worried about letting that weird Lu Ling stay by Li Zhuzi's side.

This cold bloodline must be cleared up, she is going to grab something from Lu Ling today to make a contribution to Lingshan.

cough cough.

Anything that contributes to Lingshan is actually an excuse.

Shen Canghai glanced at Lu Ling, who was snoring with a peaceful smile.

This girl has nothing to say, if Zhuzi behind knows that she has a clone who came out today, instead of going to the meeting, she bullies the little girl and drinks here... she will be angry.

Li Zhuzi is very similar to Xu Xu, they both have the same temperament as Guang Tongchen, but such a person is the most terrifying when he gets angry. It is easier to face someone like Shen Canghai who has been figured out by others, but in fact it is still Shen Canghai. It's scary, after all, it's scary for a gentle person to get angry, but as long as you don't mess with her, it's fine, but Shen Canghai is different.

If you don't mess with her, she will take the initiative to mess with you.

For Shen Gui, walking around the upper echelons of the Lingshan Lun Taoist Temple, seven of the ten uncles she met had been slept by her master... Most of them begged Shen Gui, and if Shen Canghai left the customs, she would give them a tip-off .

The nature is so bad that it is outrageous, so it is the most terrifying thing for Lu Ling to fall into Shen Canghai's hands, and it becomes the rhythm of heat (r) weapon (b) weapon) (q) every minute...

However, Yin and Yang counteract each other, and Li Zhuzi is Shen Canghai's biggest nemesis.

"Well, we must get some useful information to stop Zhuzi's mouth." Said, Shen Canghai sucked on the wine glass, narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Ling.

This girl just fell asleep, that "little girl" on her body... probably didn't sleep.

If she guessed right, the other ice-type aura on Lu Ling's body should come from her... She has only seen such pure ice on the "corpse" of Xueluo Qianhan in the Ninth Peak Immortal Sword Cave.

Coupled with the well-known relationship between Ice Bloodline and Xueluo Qianhan, Shen Canghai suspected that the Immortal Sword might have already been born.

Of course, it's just a guess. The fairy sword is a fairy sword after all, and it's not so easy to be awakened.

So, you still have to watch it to know.

Shen Canghai stretched out his hand, traveled through the space with unparalleled momentum, and grabbed Lu Ling's pocket.

With such a close distance, no one can avoid Shen Canghai's hand.

The same is true for Xuechen, she is not Luo Qianhan after all, when she was with Lu Ling in Shushan, she was also caught by Venerable Ye with a wave of his hand, let alone facing Shen Canghai.

Everyone knows which is more terrifying, a gentleman or a crazy woman.

Therefore, Xuechen had no power to resist, and was dragged out by Shen Canghai's tail.

 Thanks to Qingtian Biyun, Feng stopped, saw the big gentleman =V=, Mo Goose Goose, Minze Jiang for their rewards, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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