Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 388 Counter-Strategy

Chapter 388 Counter-Strategy


Shen Canghai took back all the aura that he had brought up, and looking at the creature whose tail was being held by him, for the first time there was a look of astonishment on his face.


What kind of animal is this?
Shen Canghai was shocked.

Although she sensed that the "source" was in Lu Ling's pocket, she was not sure what it was, Xuechen still had a little strength.At least you can guarantee yourself not to be seen.

Shen Canghai originally thought it might be a shrunken sword, or treasures such as jade talismans and slips that could hide spirits, but Lu Ling's pocket was a space crack, and she could accept it even if it was connected to another space.

What I never expected was that it was a small animal?still alive?

You must know that something with a physical body is not a spirit body, and it is even more impossible to have anything to do with the fairy sword.

and many more.

Shen Canghai frowned.

Maybe it's a blindfold, she still needs to observe carefully.

Holding the phantom cat's head and putting it upright on his lap, Shen Canghai blinked, as if trying to see through everything about the cat.

Everything is fine.

She could clearly feel the cat's strong heartbeat.

"...Couldn't it be the Spirit Race..." Looking at the little furry guy, Shen Canghai was at a loss for words for a moment, what about the immortal sword?Something was wrong, and she hadn't heard that Lu Ling was accompanied by an Eldar.

But if it is the spirit race, it can be explained. Although it cannot change form, the spirit race can communicate with the human race spiritually, which can also explain why Lu Ling is talking to herself there.

But there are still many doubts... For example, what kind of little guy is this?She had never seen an Eldar like this.

Shen Canghai became interested, and she looked at the cat carefully.


Shen Canghai was a little strange on the surface.

If she read correctly... this Eldar... is drunk?

Yes, just drunk.

This Spirit Race is really too obedient in her arms.

But there was no problem when Lu Ling communicated with her before... Could it be...

Shen Canghai twitched the corners of his mouth when he looked at Lu Ling, who was lying on the table, drooling and sleeping soundly.

Could it be that because Lu Ling was drunk, it affected this little thing?

Or dead contract?

Shen Canghai was really confused, it was the first time she realized that things were out of her control, a cute little animal completely distracted her mind.

Yes, it is cute.

Just looking at Xuechen, Shen Canghai felt a strange throbbing in his heart. On the above point, Shen Canghai, like Qin Qin, deserved to be called a master and apprentice.

"It's a bit like a tiger clan, but its body structure is completely different..." Shen Canghai lifted the little guy's furry chin, looked at the moist vertical pupils, and continued to guess.

It is similar to rabbits and foxes, but the difference is also very big.

It is really a spiritual race that has never been seen before.

Thinking about it, Shen Canghai unconsciously began to stroke Xuechen.

Ice blue hair, beautiful phantom tail exudes the ultimate ice wave.

The ice-type aura in Lu Ling's body is hers.

Shen Canghai looked at the cat intently.


She thought the little animal was very pretty... like a drunk child.

This kind of thought made Shen Canghai himself a little unbelievable.

But it's really similar.

She always liked children, but the little guy in front of her didn't know what race she was, she had very delicate facial features, she was already very girlish, but now she was drunk, she looked more like a girl.

And she's a very good girl.

When Shen Canghai caressed it gently, the cat's eyes were slightly closed, and the phantom tail gently swayed upwards, very peaceful, as if very comfortable.

Occasionally, the little guy will meow twice docilely from time to time.


It was a heart-melting sound, just like the sweet tea she had just had.

Shen Canghai always liked sweet things.

It seems... Lu Ling is not as attractive to her as this little guy...

Sensing the slight heartbeat coming from there, Shen Canghai narrowed his eyes.

There are such beautiful spirit races in the world...

Shen Canghai was surprised, and then a little... jealous.

In fact, she likes small animals very much, and has thought about keeping a pet, but none of those pets fit her image, and the most beautiful one is the white fox.

But she really didn't like the charm of the white fox.

She has also raised rebellious owls and eagles, but no matter how rebellious the animals are, they will turn into obedient little white rabbits in front of her, which is really meaningless.

But the Xuechen in front of him is completely different. Not to mention the appearance of the Fox Clan, it is a tyrannical Spirit Clan, although it is far inferior to him, but when Shen Canghai grabbed her in his hand, the cat glanced at her glance...

There was only haze in his vision, but there was no fear at all.


love it.

Shen Canghai picked up Xuechen and looked at it in front of his eyes.

It was love at first sight?

Probably yes.

Shen Canghai himself would never have imagined that there would be such a day when she fell in love with a small animal at first sight.

Beautiful, cute, like an obedient girl, and Xuechen is more attractive than those girls in Shen Canghai's eyes, after all she has seen many stunning girls, but this is the first time she has seen such a spirit race.

It was the first time for Shen Canghai to discover that a word like stunning color could be used to describe a spirit race, it would be fine if it could transform into a spirit race, this is an animal.

She knows two spirit races that can really transform into humans, one is Xihuang, the body is a phoenix, she has never seen it before, but the book says it is graceful and luxurious, elegant and arrogant, and there is a painting attached, the painting The spirit phoenix above is independent of the world, shining with light.

But Xihuang's body is more of a noble temperament, and her appearance is not so delicate, just like Xihuang's body, with short blond hair, exuding the brilliance of motherhood when she is alone... In terms of appearance, it is so-so.

The other one is Luo Xian, this little girl is not that beautiful, at most she can be regarded as delicate, and she can't catch Shen Canghai's eyes, and her body is actually a red-tailed fish, more than small, not cute enough, but Luo Xian is outstanding The most important thing is her ability, which even Shen Canghai admires very much.


Whether it's Xihuang or Luo Xian, in Shen Canghai's eyes, they can't compare to this little guy in his arms.

The latter's drunken laziness and weird vertical pupils are very attractive to the eye.

Shen Canghai suddenly felt that this kind of laziness was exactly the same as that of Li Zhuzi... and she was also somewhat similar to herself.

This is the reason why her favor towards Xuechen has grown by leaps and bounds.

Fairy sword?

It's snowing and it's cold?

what is that?
At this time, Shen Canghai had already forgotten about Xueluo Qianhan. She could basically confirm that Xuechen was from the Spirit Race. Although this extreme cold was terrifying, it was not impossible. The Spirit Race could produce one Why can't Xihuang, who is of the fire element, produce a little guy with an ice attribute that is opposite to Xihuang?
Most importantly, Shen Canghai didn't believe that Li Zhuzi wouldn't know if it was from the Spirit Race.

Shen Canghai was quite sure that Li Zhuzi knew about Xuechen's existence long ago, after all she really raised Lu Ling as her daughter, and in terms of perception, Shen Canghai thought he was inferior to Li Zhuzi.

The mother didn't say anything, how could it be her turn?

Not to mention that it has nothing to do with Immortal Sword, even if it does, it doesn't matter, after all, it seems that the contract has already been bound.

Lu Ling has her own spirit partner at a young age, and it seems that it is not just as simple as a partner. Recalling Lu Ling's "talking to herself" before, Shen Canghai realized that it is not so much a partner as a master-servant relation.

How did this stupid girl seduce this high spirit race?
Shen Canghai was very jealous.

But it's just jealousy, she won't snatch her junior's pet, at most petting it, the fun is over.

Fortunately, Xuechen is just a cat now. If it was a girl, God knows what crazy things Shen Canghai would do. After all, although Xuechen has half of her body, she was also affected when Lu Ling was drunk.

In this case, as long as Lu Ling is not in danger, Xuechen probably won't wake up even if the sky falls... She only cares about her master.

"This is very angry."

If it wasn't for Xueluo Qianhan, then this ice riot...

Shen Canghai silently made a guess in his heart.

Combined with the state of Lu Ling's body, it is probably because of the conflict between Xuenv's ice blood and this noble little guy...

Both of them are natural kings of the ice element, and it is not impossible for the ice element to collide with each other... After all, Xihuang alone can drive the fire spiritual power in this world. With such an example, who knows if there will be an ice phoenix some type of……

That's the only way to explain it for the time being.

But... Although she likes Xuechen, it doesn't mean that Shen Canghai has completely let go of this guess. She still believes in her intuition... This little thing has something to do with Xueluo Qianhan. After all, she is willing to stay by Lu Ling's side. She really couldn't think of what value Lu Ling had.

She thought she would find something related to the Immortal Sword, but in the end there was no Immortal Sword, which made her a little jealous of this stupid girl. She was already very jealous of this girl because Lu Ling took away Li Zhuzi's love...and now... …

Ever since Xuechen got drunk and stretched out her claws to shake in the direction of Lu Ling, Shen Canghai knew that she had lost, to a stupid girl...

However, she still has a chance to come back.

Wouldn't it be all right to just make Lu Ling your own?


Lu Ling, who was sleeping, trembled violently, as if she saw something terrifying.

"It's a pity, the things prepared for the Immortal Sword are useless." Shen Canghai put away the third teacup. He had already thought about how to interrogate the "little girl" in Lu Ling's mouth, but when he saw the cute cat, She gave up on this plan.

little girl...

Shen Canghai took a deep look at the drunk Xuechen with a blank face, and then looked away.

Except for the exceptionally pure ice spiritual power, she didn't find any tyrannical spiritual power... So this little girl is Lu Ling's pet name?
Intuition tells Shen Canghai that it is not, but for the Spirit Race, it is basically impossible to transform into a human form. For tens of thousands of years, only Xihuang can do it. As for Luo Xian...she is no longer a Spirit Race.

Under the influence of the secret method, Luo Xian can now be said to be a human race.

Therefore, Xihuang is the only one who can switch between the human body and the spiritual body.

Can this little guy do it?
Not sure.

But it's not difficult to know, Xihuang is in Lingshan, so this woman from the Lingzu absolutely knows everything...

Burying the question in his heart, he raised his hand to rub Xuechen's head, and Shen Canghai raised the corner of his mouth.

No matter what, this little thing is definitely not a threat... Let's ask Xihuang after she leaves the customs.

Shaking his head.

After today's ice riot, the people in Lingshan will definitely think of Lu Ling immediately. If she can find out, Li Zhuzi will not miss it. Maybe after she comes out of retreat, Li Zhuzi will figure out everything.

So... I still have nothing to gain...


Shen Canghai put Lu Ling back on the couch and covered her with a quilt.

and many more.

A little mockery flashed in his eyes.


Shen Canghai went back to retreat.

The next time I come out, I should be ready to cross the robbery. Show this girl a grand fireworks on the day of the crossing, the kind of lightning and thunder.


three peaks.

Qin Qin left the center of the third peak with a dark face, and a group of disciples from the third peak also left together.

Obviously, Dongfang Lianren didn't give them an acceptable explanation.

From this moment on, Dongfang Lianren's reputation in Lingshan plummeted.

(End of this chapter)

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