Chapter 389
"what the hell……"

In front of the small yard, Lian Dongfang was holding a watering pot to water the flowers, muttering and looking back.

A group of Lingshan disciples headed by Qin Qin had just left. Among them, except for Qin Qin, the rest were all from her Sanfeng, especially her direct disciples. Qin Qin didn't speak much, and she was the one who called the most fiercely.

"Damn girl, don't fall into my hands." Dongfang Lianren gritted her teeth, looking at the familiar back who was going away, the shower shook violently.

She was obviously such a cute girl when she was young, but now she actually cooperates with outsiders to bully her master, it is simply lawless.

If it falls into his hands, she will definitely not be able to get out of bed for a year, and she will be even more vicious.

I can't believe my master...

Dongfang Lianren didn't expect that she had "betrayed relatives" now. She could understand Qin Qin's anger, but except for Qin Qin, the remaining thousands of people were all Sanfeng's disciples... and there was even a guardian and two secretary When he mixed up with his disciples to denounce her, did he really think she was blind?
She doesn't understand.

Of course she didn't understand, Dongfang Lianren never thought that Sanfeng's disciples would lose face because of her...

But she doesn't care. As the owner of Sanfeng, Dongfang Lianren has a clear conscience. She never misses what should be done. Sanfeng let her take care of it in an orderly manner, and she also played a key role in Lingshan's external decision-making.

As for my personality, I can't change it anyway, if I have the ability to make her abdicate.

With so many people coming suddenly, Dongfang Lianren thought they were going to rebel, but it turned out that there was a lot of thunder and little rain, and these girls also knew that they couldn't really provoke themselves.

Will Dongfang Lianren be angry?

The answer is no, she has long been used to this kind of thing, so there is no such thing as anger...


very angry.

Very angry.

Because of a trivial matter, being scolded by his disciples and subordinates, it is impossible to be happy on anyone, let alone Dongfang Lianren's mood at this time is in a mess.

She was already very busy.

The ice-type spiritual power ran away, and people from the East Shenhai also came, and Shushan and Xuanjingsi were all dispatched.


Naturally, Lingshan would not stand idly by.

The matter of eliminating demons was very sudden, and it was worth thinking about. After all, these demons were disguised in the crowd, and it was difficult to completely eliminate them. In addition, they could be left to the juniors to experience... so they have not been dealt with.

Dong Shenhai's action undoubtedly attracted the attention of most people, especially the people from Shushan. They rarely stood in the united front with Dong Shenhai and contacted Xuan Jing Division to prepare for a thorough cleansing.

Undoubtedly, anyone who is not a fool will find something wrong with the ice-type riots in Lingshan and the strange situation in the Eastern Shenhai.

Ice, Eastern Divine Sea, Snow Maiden...

It's all worth pondering.

However, no one doubted Lingshan, and their eyes were attracted by the East Shenhai... Some people even wondered whether the legendary ice bloodline had appeared, and the East Shenhai was using the ice of Lingshan under the guise of killing demons. It is the general trend, use [Fengshenhai] openly to extract ice-type spiritual power, and secretly search for the bearer of the ice blood.

Most people, including the high-level executives of the Xuanjing Division, also suspected that Dong Shenhai's motives were not pure...but no one asked explicitly, because both Dong Shenhai and Shushan moved, and they didn't want to watch the show.

Indeed, the Tianguang Ruins martial arts competition is about to begin, and it is necessary to carry out a wave of cleaning, in case there is a fire in the rear during the martial arts competition, which spoils the interest.

As Dong Shenhai expected, their action attracted all the attention for Lingshan, and they were blamed.

Yes, they are looking for the blood of the ice, after all, that is their domain master... But now it is clear that their domain master has become a disciple of Lingshan... and the situation is critical, so they have to bear the blame.

As for Lingshan...

This group of women knew what was going on with the ice better than anyone else. Although they didn't know what happened, it must have something to do with Lu Ling.

Originally they were going to look for Lu Ling, but they were stopped by Xihuang, who said that it was related to the fairy sword. The fairy sword hadn't awakened, but there were signs of awakening, and the situation was very serious... Then they made a lot of plans.

Basically, every Lingshan congregation has its own mission.

No one objected to Xihuang, because all tasks were not harmful to Lingshan, and there were roughly two types of tasks.

Attack and defend.

On the offensive side, Lingshan's high-end combat power went down the mountain to eliminate demons, and assisted the people of Xuanjing Division to cleanse the world.

If you keep it, Xihuang can stay in Tianguangxu without any worries, and the rest of the people will go to the other six holy places to bring greetings from Lingshan, and then "cooperate" with East Shenhai to try to stabilize things on the birth of Lingbao.

From the current point of view, except for the Eastern Shenhai, other places think that Lingbao or a secret realm should be born. Most holy places are asking if Lingshan needs help. After all, if it is really a top-level secret realm, it is not an easy task to open up a secret realm. , although it is difficult to reach Lingshan, but the seven holy places are "connected with each other", so help is still needed.

Fortunately, it is Lingshan. If it is other places, such a secret place should not be exclusive to the whole family.

And people asked, even if you don't want to help, you still have to return the gift. Lingshan's envoys can not only reflect Lingshan's politeness, but also make them completely put away their thoughts.

It means that no matter it is a secret realm or a treasure, Lingshan has eaten it all. Thank you fellow Taoists for your concern.

Among these tasks, Dongfang Lianren's favorite is of course the cleaning task. She hasn't slaughtered demons for a long time. In her opinion, monsters below level [-] are not interesting. It is better to leave them to the juniors to experience, and those above level [-] are too rare. Plus, the concealment ability is too strong, except for the people of Xuanjing Division who can find clues, it is difficult for others to find their shadows.

Originally, Lianren Dongfang thought that she would be assigned the task of slaughtering demons. After all, her first-hand poison poisoning technique had a very wide range of strikes, and one person could block tens of thousands of soldiers.

This time, with the help of people from the Xuanjing Division, it should be a pleasure to kill...

Besides, with her reputation, she is not suitable for envoys. In her opinion, people like Luanfeng and Li Zhuzi should be able to stabilize other holy places.

But who would have thought that she would actually be assigned the mission of a mission.

The location is still the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods.

This time, it is very likely that he knows the inside story, and Dong Shenhai, who has an extremely tense relationship with Lingshan recently...

Is there anything worse than this task?
Dongfang Lianren was very aggrieved.

First of all, her younger sister Dongfang Linglong is the most favorable candidate for the chief disciple of East Shenhai this year, and she can already be said to be the next core member of East Shenhai.

Second, most of the cleaning sites this time are in the secular world, and her poison cannot be used on a large scale.

Third, Dongfang Lianren has a bad reputation. The people of Dongfang Shenhai will not communicate with her seriously, and she does not need to communicate with her when she stays in Dongfang Shenhai. She just needs to find out what happened to Dongfang Shenhai. It is possible to disclose the matter of Lu Ling, after all, Lingshan accepted this matter.

So, she went there with a gift, which represented Lingshan's friendship... With her sister Dongfang Linglong around, Dongfang Lianren was originally of the friendly side.

What Luanfeng said was logical and reasonable, but she was still very upset.

"Why not go to the bamboo? Isn't that Mo Qing still at the foot of the mountain?" The dissatisfied Dongfang Lianren asked.

Before Li Zhuzi could speak, Senior Sister Mo told her to shut up with one word, never mentioning Li Zhuzi going to the East God Sea.

"The hidden sword is about to be released."

This deterrent is enough.

Just kidding, if Shen Canghai knew that she was pushing the task on Li Zhuzi and didn't eat her, and Shen Canghai would become a venerable after he left the customs, she would have to avoid it...

East Shenhai is really a good place.

She also asked, is it okay not to go to the East God Sea... But she was decisively rejected. First of all, Shushan is the old man's place, and she doesn't want to go to Yihua Palace. The rest of the places except Zhufengliu, other holy places have an impression of her It's all very's not bad if it doesn't fight.

As for Zhufengliu, that is the place chosen by Zixu Zhenren. Although he was punished, Zixu and Zhufengliu Dugu Zhenren are close friends in the boudoir, and they are the most suitable... Dongfang Lianren and Zixu are good friends, and it is impossible to steal her. Task.

So she must go to the Eastern Divine Sea...

We will be leaving before midnight today, there is no doubt that Dongfang Lianren can only agree aggrievedly.

When I came back, I was going to change the clothes. After all, even if the woman's body is not dirty, she still likes to be clean... And I don't know how long this stay will take, and I probably won't be able to come back in a short time.

It's annoying.

Lu Ling doesn't know what's going on yet, but Li Zhuzi asked her to study the poison on Lu Ling, but she hasn't done it yet... Now there is an urgent mission... Thinking of the curious poison on Lu Ling, Dongfang The pity is itchy...

It can be said that it is very uncomfortable.

As a result, before the clothes were ready, Qin Qin led a black girl to surround her main hall, and finally even reached the gate of her small courtyard.

Everyone kept saying that she spoiled Lu Ling.

Dongfang Lianren was annoyed, how could she have a good face, not to mention that she didn't do it, even if she did, it was nothing, especially when she saw her own disciple, her mentality exploded.

Just admit it, she did it, how about it?
Dongfang Lianren thought that these girls were talking about the fact that she took Lu Ling home... She had already told Lu Ling about that matter, although she didn't know why Lu Ling didn't have any clothes, and she didn't know if she was really did something...

But Lu Ling would not blame her.

Just sleep together, no big deal.

And Dongfang Lianren's self-confidence obviously angered these girls...but she was fearless and said that if Lu Ling blamed her, she would apologize.

Everyone had no choice but to retreat with a stomach full of anger.

As for Lu Ling... huh, what a beauty...

Dongfang Lianren shook her head, she didn't understand where this girl got such great charm, it was also interesting to attract so many people to denounce her.

She didn't take this matter to heart, and naturally she wouldn't investigate anything.

prestige?She didn't have much prestige in the first place, Shen Gui was the only person who could use her as a peak lord who lived by herself... What prestige could she be expected to have.

But what she didn't know was that she was completely cold now, and had become synonymous with ghosts and animals in the hearts of Lingshan girls. As for Lu Ling...of course, she was a poor little junior sister who was brutally murdered.

It doesn't matter, as long as it's cool, it's probably only Qin Qin who cares about Dongfang Lianren.

After all, she is Shen Canghai's disciple - she is still a bit generous.


Dongfang Lianren took good care of the few remaining flowers and plants in her yard. She did not enter the house, but just sat down on the spot, not caring at all that the soil on the ground stained her clothes, or in other words, her clothes were stained with this kind of stain. The living soil is exactly what she expected, after all... the place where she lives is no different from hell, there is only such a small place where some flowers and plants can be planted.

Are your relationships that bad?

His face was a little confused.

Speaking of which, the only person she could use was Shen Gui, and even so, her ability to handle Sanfeng in an orderly manner was enough to show her ability.

For girlfriends, Luo Hanyi and Liu Yao.


As for Li Zhuzi, Zhuzi just "spoils" her more and lets her go. Dongfang Lianren has not yet had the cheek to think that the two of them are best friends after taking a bath.

Of course, even if the relationship is not so good, they are family.

However, now her apprentice is taking the lead in driving her out of the house...

wry smile.

I remember that when she was Lu Ling's age, she was still very likable, and she was favored all the way, but she didn't know when the people around her started to alienate her.

That's right, after the man in Luoyan City died, her poisonous skills improved by leaps and bounds... The bad reputation also spread from that time, and names such as witch girl, poisonous lady, and shame of Lingshan emerged one after another.

Luoyan City.

Dongfang Lianren looked at his white and tender hands in a daze, as if he saw a lot of blood, blood that couldn't be washed clean, some were human, some were demon, and some were even from the spirit race.

The reason Dongfang Lianren likes Lu Ling is because she sees a little shadow of her past in this girl...

Where did that somewhat natural and innocent girl go?

What is the furthest distance in life?
For Dongfang Lianren, it was undoubtedly because of a problem with his cultivation, he was closed to death, and after he came out, the old man passed away, leaving only one son to succeed the new city lord.

he died.

I have a son.


she is not a bride...

Although already known.


Pity Dongfang put down the shower head, lay down in the wet soil, turned her head, and the fresh smell of soil filled her nostrils.

Who is guarding her body?
Although she was covered with blood, she was a complete yellow flower girl.

As for ruining Lu's ridiculous when you think about it.

Even if she is not wanted all her life, she will not spoil girls like Shen Canghai. Girls, without a woman of the opposite sex as a lover, life is not perfect.

Speaking of which, she also had the idea of ​​cleaning Luoyan City. The Luoyan City that she and that young man built together has become the current hierarchical appearance. The so-called four major families are like a thorn in her eyes.

This coincides with Shen Canghai, but she never thought about killing so many people.

Maybe the two will stand on opposite sides because of this matter.


With his arm resting on his head, watching the sun go down gradually, Dongfang Lianren stood up abruptly and stared at the setting sun.

"Hopefully, I can get married in these ten years... Bless me."

Get up.

"It's also good to go to the East Shenhai. Talk to Linglong... You can't follow the old sister's old way. If you have someone you like, you can get it first."

After packing up the clothes, Dongfang Lianhuahong left.

The target is the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods.

(End of this chapter)

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