Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 390 Mobilization

Chapter 390 Mobilization

The sunset in Lingshan is very beautiful.

Because of its height, it will give people an illusion that the sun is not far away and within reach. The huge red disc is surrounded by colorful aftertaste, shining on the three peaks.

In the orange-red world, a group of girls sat on the ground, and flowers bloomed everywhere.

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, full of vitality, the sky is getting dark, and there are bright green light spots flying among the flowers.


A girl in green sniffed, showing some doubts.

"Do you feel...the air is unusually fresh today."

"Have it?"

"Junior Sister, if you say so, it seems to be true..."

"It should be because of the spiritual snow." Some people didn't take it seriously: "I thought the spiritual snow in the afternoon would last for several months like last time, but this time the snow is more pure than last time... who Knowing that it will be gone in half a day, I haven't absorbed much."

"Okay, it's okay to stop, this time the snow is a little too much, junior sister, you can absorb it, what about those little junior sisters? I'm afraid they won't be able to get out of the door."

"I know, it's just a complaint."

"If you want to practice, there is a lot of snow on the first floor of the Lingtai, go there."



After a moment of silence, the girl shook her head.

The snow on the Lingtai is where the barrier that trapped Lu Ling was located.

"Forget it there." The girl lowered her eyes, the last place they Sanfeng disciples wanted to go was the Lingtai, for fear of being looked at strangely by other junior sisters.

You must know that although it was only a short afternoon, this matter has been completely spread. Originally, these girls were very concerned about the follow-up "story" of Lu Ling being captured by Dongfang Lianren. Now that they have received such explosive news, naturally It is passed on from one to ten, and even a girl who likes to be clean knows a thing or two because of the rumors.

Sanfeng's face... is gone, and Lu Ling is also there. Because of Qin Qin's piano competition, she can be considered a celebrity, and she is the youngest "Master Sister", and she has been publicly praised by Shen Gui.

After all kinds of foreshadowing, as soon as this matter came out, Lu Ling became "hot".

"What do you say, what should we do about this matter? Shall we apologize to Junior Sister?" A girl said cautiously.

"Hehe." The girl in red played with the dagger in her hand, and then raised her head: "Apologize? If you were a junior junior sister, would you accept the apology? Not to mention that you haven't seen her introverted appearance before."

"Alas..." Everyone sighed as if thinking of the girl who was usually shy when greeting her.

"Master, why can't you do it?" Holding the petals, the girl frowned, feeling sorry for Lu Ling.

"Master...she shouldn't be Sanfeng anymore." Putting the dagger back into her waist, the girl looked at the central hall: "The air my sister said is fresh, it should be that Master's poison has disappeared, and the naturally balanced formation of the three peaks has been suppressed." When it is broken, it will be filled with vitality, so it will be much more comfortable.”

"Run away? Absconded in fear of crime?"

look at each other.

"Probably not, maybe something happened. I saw Uncle Feng and some of them also went down the mountain." The girl shook her head, looked in the direction of Dongfang Lianren Hall, thoughtfully, and then said: "What we should do now , not to apologize to the junior sister, but to suppress this matter... After all, with the character of the junior sister, there must be a lot of pressure... We are not willing to go to the Lingtai, so what will happen to the little junior sister who is the victim? "

When Lu Ling was mentioned, the scene became much colder.

After a while, a weak girl raised her hand cautiously.

"We... can't hold it down."

Just kidding, women's gossip nature is there, although everyone feels sorry for Lu Ling, but this does not prevent this matter from spreading, and it is getting worse.

Just relying on their Sanfeng disciples, they can't do anything at all.

This doesn't work, and that doesn't work, so can we just watch?
Another chill.

After a while.

The weak girl swallowed her saliva and spoke first.

"Actually... I have a feeling that Master shouldn't do such a thing."

Although Dongfang Lianren has a bad reputation, they are Sanfeng's disciples after all, and they are usually close to Dongfang Lianren, so they naturally know the temperament of this master.

"I always feel that what Master said today was angry..."



After a long silence, a mature short-haired sister Yu walked up behind the girl and covered her mouth.

"It's better not to say such things. If the sisters hear it, they will think that we are shirking responsibility. Besides, Master has admitted it, hasn't she?"

"But..." The girl whose mouth was covered struggled. She was also frightened by Lu Ling's appearance in the afternoon. She was also among the people who questioned Dongfang Lianren, and she was the one who cried the most. But now she calmed down. No matter how she thought about it, she felt that something was wrong.

They are not fools, this matter is weird from beginning to end.

"Don't talk about it, even if Master is angry as you said, it is an indisputable fact that she admitted it in front of Senior Sister Qin." The short-haired sister Yu glanced around: "What we have to do is how to affect the impact of this matter?" Minimize your strength, instead of trying to shirk responsibility..."

"Don't forget one thing, even if Master didn't do what happened today, there is no way to deny the fact that the disheveled drugged junior sister was taken home by force in broad daylight. It happened to everyone in Qifeng Under the nose."

"..." Listening to Sister Yu's words, everyone looked at each other, nodded and put away their little thoughts.

In fact, if the weak girls don't mention it, they will have doubts in their hearts, but after being told by this sister Yu, everyone has no idea to excuse the master. This scapegoat, Sanfeng's people have to bear it if they don't want to.

"As much as possible to compensate little junior sister..."

"It's our turn to take care of Master..."


Unlike the sadness hidden under the vitality of the third peak, on the second peak, anger is everywhere.

There is a sea of ​​clouds in Erfeng. Under the setting sun, the setting sun is like blood. The sea of ​​red clouds is churning like a sea of ​​blood, dyeing the entire Erfeng red.

Food hall.

Blood shines in from the window.

Some girls are having dinner.

Naturally, the topic cannot be separated from Qin Qin and Lu Ling.

"When Senior Sister Qin came back... it was the first time I saw Senior Sister Qin get so angry." The girl seemed to remember something, and the chopsticks in her hand shook violently.


Everyone nodded in agreement.

Qin Qin was indeed a little terrified, she couldn't see any softness from before, and her iconic smile disappeared without a trace, her originally beautiful big eyes were dark and piercing.

None of them dared to go up to say hello, Qin Qin in this state was even scarier than Shen Gui...

They had an illusion that Qin Qin might kill someone.

"Senior Sister Qin is like this, so what about Senior Sister Shen? You know, Senior Sister Shen also publicly expressed her liking for Lu Ling."

Of course, Shen Gui never said such a thing, she just praised Lu Ling a few times, but in the hearts of others, if Shen Gui, who has always been unsmiling, could praise Lu Ling, it meant that he liked her, and she and Qin Qin were in the dining hall before. When they were fighting, everyone thought it might have something to do with Lu Ling... just jealous.

"I think... the current Senior Sister Qin may be a little more terrifying than Senior Sister Shen..." a girl said with difficulty.

The crowd nodded.

Although Qin Qin in this form was not as indifferent as she was when she was drunk, the almost substantial killing intent made people tremble.

Although Qin Qin has always been suppressed by Shen Gui, no one has ever dared to underestimate her. As the only person in Lingshan who can use the melody to perform the method of Wenhun, Qin Qin is mysterious in itself.

Fengmingqin is the ultimate magic weapon she brought with her before she entered the mountain, and she is the top group in the entire world of cultivating immortals...

There has always been a saying that the drunk Qin Qin is the real Qin Qin.

All the girls who have seen drunk Qin Qin would not refute this point. At that time, the indifference in Qin Qin's eyes was enough to move anyone. It was a look that regarded all living beings as ants, as if everything was that Staring at Qin Qin who looks like this will create a psychological shadow.

Lu Ling was scared and cried...

You must never bring alcohol to Senior Sister Qin, this is the unwritten rule of the Second Peak.

There is no doubt that this superficially talkative and gentle senior sister is definitely not that simple.

Can the apprentice of Master Cangjian be mediocre?Not to mention that he is about to change his name to the Venerable Cangjian.

But today, Qin Qin was "robbed of his love" by someone, and when he came back, the blackness on his face almost condensed into reality. Everyone suspected that if it wasn't for Xiu's literary soul, this senior sister might have drawn her sword and fought with Uncle Dongfang It's not sure when I get up.

"We can't afford to offend Master Dongfang, but everyone has something to pay attention to. Don't mention this matter in front of Junior Sister. Don't ask, don't mention it, just pretend nothing happened, understand?" Daoist remind.


"Understood, my junior sister will definitely cry miserably with her temperament."

The crowd nodded.

"I suspect that little junior sister may not go out for a short time." Someone said quietly.


Seems to make sense.

"Damn it!" A short-tempered girl threw the bowl.

"I can't eat it."

My little junior sister can't take revenge after being bullied... that's Sanfeng.

three peaks.


"Don't be angry, it's time to eat." The Taoist nun picked up the bowl and chopsticks and handed it to the girl: "Of course someone will vent their anger on the little junior sister. Master Dongfang is not the only one who has the final say on this spiritual mountain."

"Yeah, let's wait for the master to leave the customs, and she will naturally vent her anger on behalf of the senior sister and the junior sister." Someone said.

"That's right, dare to bully our little junior sister, do you really think that there is no one in the second peak?"

If you want to say where Lu Ling is the most popular, it is undoubtedly the second peak. This is the place where she "made a fortune", and lived in the second peak for some time, and everyone likes this little junior sister very much.

One sentence made everyone regain their confidence. Dongfang Lianren can overwhelm Qin Qin with force, and Shen Canghai will naturally take care of her when the time comes. This is called retaliation for retaliation.

"That's right, Master is here." The short-tempered girl took the bowl and chopsticks.

"..." A short-haired girl next to her looked at the crowd, wanted to say something but didn't speak in the end.

little sister?
Junior sister is right... But Lu Ling is not from their second peak.

In terms of seniority, Lu Ling is the senior sister of the Ninth Peak, theoretically she is with Shen Gui, Xu Xu, and Luo Xian...the status is higher than those present, but they are used to Lu Ling's weak appearance , I can't play the role of the big sister.

For Senior Sister Jiufeng, Junior Sister Liu is actually more suitable.

But she was witty and didn't open her mouth. At this time, she must be picked up by these women as "spies" to train her to vent her anger. She is not that stupid.

Moreover, she also likes Lu Ling very much, and is very dissatisfied with this matter. Not to mention the truth of what was reported today, it is an unforgivable thing for Dongfang Lianren to openly bully Qin Qin with her cultivation and snatch Lu Ling away.

She has several sisters in Sanfeng, she must ask them how they want to deal with this matter tomorrow, if she can't give the junior sister satisfactory compensation...

She, she cried for Sanfeng's people.

During the whispers, the topic revolved around Lu Ling from various angles.


The juniors had their own topics, they surrounded Lu Ling, and the elders were not idle, they were busy running around... After all, they were also wiping Lu Ling's ass.

Now, almost all the people in Lingshan had left, except for a few who hadn't left yet, Li Zhuzi was the only one left.

All dispatches had been planned from the very beginning, and as for the emptiness in the didn't exist, the last session of Lingshan people were all staying on the mountain.

The other sects are similar, they didn't go down the mountain to slay demons, only two places can be regarded as coming out.

Eastern Shenhai and Shushan.

Eastern Shenhai wiped the ass of its own domain master, and needed to use Fengshenhai to stabilize the spiritual power between heaven and earth, so the high-end combat power was basically dispatched, and Shushan... They were purely because they did not want to lag behind Eastern Shenhai, and they were fighting demons. Wei Dao is the mission of the disciples of Shushan. How can they not do their best if they are too happy? Those Shushan disciples who were left on the mountain are really aggrieved.

As for leaving the demon seeds to the juniors to experience... Because the demon energy in Tianguang Ruin is too eroded to stay for a long time, eliminating demons and defending the way in the world is also a way of experience, and the human race did not deliberately eliminate them, but Today, in response to the appointment of the Eastern Shenhai, the people of Shushan became ruthless.

At worst, let these disciples settle down for more than ten years. Anyway, with the infiltration ability of the demons, they can reappear in time soon... Humans have never lacked demons to kill.

Haoyue is in the sky.

Tonight is destined to be a night of killings. With Xuan Jingsi taking the lead, the terrifying power gathered from the seven holy places will be crushed from the East China Sea to the ends of the earth like a scroll.

All monsters must die.

There are many mainstays of the Holy Land who have taken action, and the fate of these monsters has long been doomed, and there is only one dead end.

As for Li Zhuzi, she was the only one in Lingshan who didn't have a mission. Naturally, Luanfeng wanted to give Li Zhuzi a mission, but she refused.

Since Lu Ling appeared by her side, Li Zhuzi has been involved in many things... She doesn't want to show her face anymore, so she just stays quietly on Lingshan.

Look through some materials to see if there are any clues related to the ice blood that she missed.

At this time, in Li Zhuzi's hut, she and a delicate girl were sitting at the table drinking tea.

The girl is dressed in a neat robe, with delicate facial features, and looks very youthful, but there is a little sassy look between her brows, which makes her out of tune with the surrounding environment.

If Li Zhuzi is a reclusive hermit, then the girl in front of her is a chasing person from the world, Li Zhuzi is quiet and inactive, and the girl is chasing after something.

It's very weird for two people to sit together and drink tea like this.

On the bamboo bed behind him, Chu Qishui half leaned against the bedside, his body was wrapped in gauze, staring at the wine gourd in his hand in a daze.

"Senior Sister Zhu, what's wrong with Jue'er?" The girl turned her head to look at Chu Qishui, her eyebrows twitched.

She hadn't left for a few days, and Chu Qishui was hurt like this.


Li Zhuzi didn't complain about Han Xue's title, the relationship between Lingshan is really messy.

Han Xue was originally the person in charge of Lingshan from Xuanjing Division, but she was forced to stay by Li Zhuzi.

"What do you think?" Li Zhuzi asked back.



The girl stood up angrily.

After a while, he sat down slowly, picked up the teacup and drank it down.

Can't handle it.

 Thank you Qingtian Biyun and Feng stopped for your rewards, thank you.Happy New Year, who is late, but I didn't eat dumplings.

(End of this chapter)

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