Chapter 391 Han Xue
The girl stood up angrily.

After a while, he sat down slowly, picked up the teacup and drank it down.

Can't handle it.

She can't handle this matter...

"Senior Sister Zhu, do you have any wine?" Han Xue gulped down the bitter tea with a sad face, her beautiful big eyes crinkled into a slit.

"This is where the little girls have their classes, what do you think?" Li Zhuzi chuckled, then served the bitter tea to Han Xueman, and placed it in front of her with a bang.

"Junior Sister, do you know why I asked you to stay?"

"Me?" Looking at the bitter tea, Han Xue felt dryness in her mouth, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and avoided Li Zhuzi's sight.

"I didn't know..."

Looking back at Chu Qishui with lifeless eyes, his clenched fist tightened a little, and then he was unable to let go.

"I know now."

"That's good, save trouble." Li Zhuzi stood up and patted Han Xue on the shoulder, then got up and went to the closet, rummaged for something, and said at the same time: "Senior Sister Juexian will leave it to you, and Jiufeng will leave it to you now." It is inconvenient for us to be able to come in and out freely..."


"Bring her back to the Ninth Peak and take good care of her, then look at her... I think you understand what I mean."

"En..." Han Xue showed distressed expression, then nodded.

Indeed, the current Jue'er might be able to listen to her words. She understands Li Zhuzi's meaning, take care of Chu Qishui, and then don't let her step out of Jiufeng, and separate her from Zixu to avoid further problems.

In fact, Chu Qishui's injury was a minor injury, but it was caused by Zixu, so it's not easy to intervene in the treatment, and Chu Qishui will not let others help, to her, this is just the interest that Liu Yao should charge.

"Then... Where are Tianguangxu and Xuanjingsi?" Han Xue hesitated, because she still had responsibilities.

"What do you think is more important?" Li Zhuzi took out a bath towel and spread it on the bed, then opened the bamboo cabinet and found some fruit.

Without any hesitation, Han Xue said decisively: "Of course Jueer is more important."

"Isn't Senior Sister life-threatening?" Li Zhuzi took out a few crystal-clear fruits, nodded in satisfaction, and then soaked them in ice water. Immediately, the room was full of fruity fragrance.

But this didn't attract Han Xue's attention. She likes wine, and she doesn't have much interest in other things.

"This is different." Han Xue thought about Chu Qishui and said solemnly.

"Junior Sister, you still can't tell the priority..." Li Zhuzi shook his head: "Judging from the actions of Xihuang and Dongshenhai, this time is undoubtedly very important, and the situation is very tense. Inspector, what should be done now is to lead the people to block Tianguangxu and search the secret places, not to come back and take care of her."

Han Xue froze for a moment, then grinned.

"Nothing is more important than my Jueer."

She smiled very nicely, there was a touch of chivalry between her brows, and a little softness under her piercing eyes.

"Senior Sister Zhu, I can tell the difference between serious and serious, so don't hit me."

"Oh, I didn't mean that, otherwise I wouldn't let you stay." Li Zhuzi shook his head, took off his shoes and socks, and put on bamboo carved shoes.

"With you taking care of her, we can rest assured, and then you don't have to go back to Xuanjingsi for a short time."

"Ah?" Han Xue didn't understand.

"This time, the seven holy places are all out to wipe A Ling's ass, and Xihuang personally sits in the Tianguang Ruins. It seems that the momentum is to drive out all the demons..." Li Zhuzi reminded: "After this turmoil has passed, for a short time, you feel that Xuan Jing What will happen to the company?"

"That's right, with Sister Huang watching over us, we can relax for a while..." Han Xue heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Sister Huang..." Li Zhuzi paused for a moment, but said nothing.

Although she called her elder sister in front of Xihuang, she actually didn't have much affection for Xihuang, and she didn't know why... Especially when she saw Xihuang wanted to get close to Lu Ling.

Probably a woman's intuition?

But her intuition has always been inaccurate, and she doesn't believe in intuition. Divine sense can't be used as a sixth sense. Such mysterious things are usually fake.

But with such a little bit of discomfort, Li Zhuzi couldn't call out the word "sister".

"Junior Sister, you should stay at the Ninth Peak first. Didn't Senior Sister Feng decide to open the Ninth Peak at the previous meeting? Senior Sister Juexian is the master of the peak, and A Ling is the senior sister, but there are vacancies for Palm Guard and Si Shi... ..." Li Zhuzi didn't finish his sentence: "So for the next period of time, I will trouble you, junior sister."

"Ah? Wait, Senior Sister..." Han Xue really panicked now, and was about to get up when Li Zhuzi pressed down on her shoulder with one hand.

"Guarding is an empty job now, and there is nothing to do when you are in charge, so junior sister, you are more like a teacher, a big sister... Take them to play, understand?" Li Zhuzi said leisurely.

"Senior sister, why did you suddenly open the Ninth Peak...Although I will never object, it a bit sudden?" Han Xue smiled wryly, she is not stupid, Chu Qishui doesn't care about things now, if she really wants to If you work alone as a nurse, you will probably die from exhaustion.

"It's almost time." Li Zhuzi glanced at Erfeng's direction: "Junior Sister, don't you adore Xuenv?"

"..." Hearing this, Han Xue was stunned.

Snow Maiden... Jiufeng, Immortal Sword... Today's Ice Element riot and the sudden attack of the East Shenhai...

After being reminded, Han Xue quickly put things together. The most important thing is the sentence before Li Zhuzi that the seven holy places are all out to wipe Lu Ling's ass... There are too many things that can be associated.

Lu Ling, Immortal Sword...

The snow is falling and the cold is falling!

Han Xue was instantly excited.

"Senior sister, you mean..."

"Ahem." Li Zhuzi interrupted her: "I'm just guessing that Immortal Sword might wake up... So, I don't need to say more about the importance of Ah Ling now..."

"Senior sister, do you mean that the Ninth Peak's expansion of enrollment is to train Lu Ling? To cover up people's eyes and ears?" Han Xue frowned.

"A little bit, but the most important thing is that I think Ah Ling may need some partners... The minimum requirement for a disciple's selection is ice talent, and the inspiration should be determined by twice as much as Liu Yatou. After all, Liu Yatou has poor inspiration. But that spatial talent is the first in thousands of years." Li Zhuzi said, looking at Chu Qishui who had been silent all this time: "Senior Sister Juexian, is this arrangement okay?"

"..." Chu Qishui thought for a moment, then nodded.

Really need some fresh blood, for Lu Ling.

"But, why me..." Han Xue wrinkled her small nose, her face full of dissatisfaction: "I'm used to being alone, not to mention the time, even the teacher... Besides, even Senior Sister Luo I often say that I have no brains."

In order to evade responsibility, Han Xue has already begun to take the initiative to pour dirty water on her body, and put herself under Luo Hanyi. She also doesn't even want her dignity.

In the secular world, Han Xue is a proper ranger, and it is really difficult for her to do this kind of work like a "housekeeper".

"Don't listen to Luo Hanyi's nonsense, you are incomparable between that girl and junior sister." Li Zhuzi's voice became deep: "Junior sister, don't panic, there are not as many people as in other peaks, don't forget, to say that you are open is actually to observe the fairy sword Comparing with Aling... and recruiting a few ice-type disciples..."

"That's it." Han Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

If there were only a few people, she should be able to manage them, but also, the Ninth Peak will take a long time to develop before it has tens of thousands of disciples like other peaks.

Just now, she subconsciously thought that she was going to be in charge of Yifeng... There is no way to do it all together, and it is acceptable if there are few people.

However, she still didn't want to do it, but Li Zhuzi blocked her back when she opened her mouth.

"Junior Sister, with the Absolute Immortal Senior Sister here, do you think there is someone more suitable than you?"

"..." Han Xue held back the words [Tang Keyu] at the edge of his mouth. Indeed, the Ninth Peak is too special, there is no one more suitable than her.

Originally, she was supposed to take care of Jue'er, but now she was just taking a few girls to play... She should, she shouldn't have asked.

Seeing Li Zhuzi's half-smile, Han Xue twitched the corners of her mouth.

That's what Sister Zhu planned from the beginning...

Helpless, but not dissatisfied.

You must know that she is the one who brought Lu Ling up the mountain, and she has been busy in the Xuanjing Division and has no time to get close to Lu Ling. Now, it can be regarded as fulfilling her wish.

Snow Maiden...

Han Xue's eyes seemed to have traveled through time, and saw a domineering snow-haired girl.

After blushing, Han Xue shook her head violently to get the miscellaneous thoughts out of her mind.


Isn't it Shi Shi?It's not a piece of cake for her to make a move.

Seeing this, Li Zhuzi nodded, and continued: "I'm also a little selfish, Ah Ling really needs someone to take care of her now, Liu girl looks very mature, but in fact she's just a child... Only junior sister you are more suitable .”

"Well, I won't refuse." Han Xue nodded and agreed, and began to think about how to transform Ninth Peak...

"Senior sister, when will there be new disciples? If I accept people, I will start preparing the house now. The main hall is not necessary, but I can't live in thatched cottages." Han Xue asked.

"There are no new candidates...for the time being, I am considering whether to get some ice-type disciples from other peaks..." Li Zhuzi shook his head: "But Dongfang told me that there is a good candidate in Luoyan City, and she asked Gui'er Go pick it up."

"Shen Gui?" Han Xue's expression was a little subtle: "Senior sister, if you want to talk about the ice element...Shen Gui should be the most suitable person."

Just kidding, Han Xue believes that there is no one more suitable than Shen Gui in the entire world of cultivating immortals.

"Gui'er... Senior Sister Juexian agrees to practice, but Cang Hai won't be willing to stay permanently." Li Zhuzi naturally understood Han Xue's meaning: "And don't forget, for Gui'er now, it's just a simple Spiritual Qi can no longer make her improve significantly, what she needs is not cultivation, but combat experience."

"That's right." Han Xue nodded: "But, just three disciples?"

She thought how many people there were, there were only three people in total, including Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng, so what time would it take, it wasn't enough to waste time.

"The family always needs an adult." Li Zhuzi cast a vague glance at Chu Qishui.

Han Xue was speechless.

"Junior Sister, there may not necessarily be three people." Li Zhuzi pointed out.


"Dongfang brought me a message, maybe there is another person who is more suitable, but I don't know if she is willing..."


"Junior sister, do you still have any impression of the city lord of Luoyan City?" Li Zhuzi asked.

Although Han Xue was also a Lingshan member at the beginning, but later everyone found that this chivalrous woman was not suitable for being a Lingshan member, so they left Lingshan and joined the Xuanjing Department according to her wishes, so they are not sure whether Han Xue still remembers .

"You said that scene... Well, I forgot." Han Xue scratched her head, she only remembered a man who was not in good health.

"Is he a man?" Han Xue asked.

"Yes, it's been about 20 years since he passed away. I'm talking about his daughter." Li Zhuzi said, "That girl's body is about to collapse. Dongfang said that she has good talent, so she can consider accepting her as a disciple. I'll let Gui'er go. get ready."

"Luoyan City..." Han Xue hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Senior Sister Dongfang and Luoyan City..."

"I also have selfishness. The most important thing is whether it fits or not." Li Zhuzi said, picked up two bathrobes, and handed one to Han Xue.

"That's right... I can understand if my body is going to collapse. Judging by her age, this girl is only 30 years old." Han Xue nodded, then stared at the underwear and bathrobe handed over by Li Zhuzi, and was stunned for a moment.

"Junior Sister, do you want to come together?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"Hot spring?" Han Xue's heart was moved. She ran around all day, not to mention the hot spring, and rarely took a bath... Although Li Zhuzi's hot spring is not a spiritual spring, it is definitely first-class in terms of comfort.

She said that Li Zhuzi had been looking through clothes from the beginning, so she was looking for a size that suited her, and she also prepared iced fruits...

No matter how much she looks like the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, she is always a woman. Hot springs and the like are very attractive to her.

Being teased by Li Zhuzi like this, Han Xue began to feel that the smell of alcohol mixed with blood on her body was a bit unpleasant.

"I have no objection, but Jueer..." Han Xue hesitated, she couldn't leave Chu Qishui here alone.

"Let's go together." Li Zhuzi said that this is not a problem, her spring water can just help Chu Qishui heal his wounds, killing two birds with one stone.


"..." Chu Qishui glanced at Han Xue whose face was full of anticipation, feeling helpless for the first time, and nodded slightly.

Then let's go together.

She also has some things to thank Li Zhuzi, about Liu Yao, about Lu Ling.

"Okay then, let's go." Han Xue scooped up Chu Qishui like a princess, and said impatiently.

"Don't worry, let's rest for a while today. I still have some things I want to ask you, junior sister. Regarding the legend of the Snow Maiden, you have been in the Xuanjing Division for these years. You should know a lot of things that are not in the literature." Li Zhuzi asked.

"Well, quite a few, I will tell you if you don't mention Senior Sister Zhu." Han Xue nodded. After all, it is about Lu Ling and Xianjian, so the legend may no longer be a legend.

"Good." Li Zhuzi led the way out of the room.

She not only has something to explain to Han Xue, but also has some things to discuss with Chu Qishui. After all, she is only a teacher, and the latter is Lu Ling's personal master.

Chu Qishui doesn't have many friends by nature, and Li Zhuzi is also passive, so the two of them actually don't have much overlap.

Now one is Lu Ling's husband, and the other is the master... There is no choice but to have an intersection.

Glancing in the direction of the second peak, Li Zhuzi held the Huoliuli engraved with the beautiful word [黎] on his chest, and unconsciously played with it.

"A Ling... Some people have accepted it."

She had also heard about Lu Ling and Dongfang Lianren's affairs. Dongfang's wrongdoing was blamed on Lu Ling...she would definitely cry.

But she was not worried, and even looked forward to it, after all, she was dragged into the water by Lu Ling.

Happy to hear?

Unknowingly, Li Zhuzi's mentality is also a little different.

(End of this chapter)

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