Chapter 397

The dazzling sunlight came in from the window, Lu Ling blocked the sunlight and yawned in a daze.

"Senior Sister Qin..." After Lu Ling found out that Qin Qin was not there, she lifted the quilt and was about to get up.

A gust of cold wind blew by, bringing some cold ice spiritual power.

Lu Ling instantly got goosebumps, shivering from the cold, and then crawled back into the warm quilt.

"Ah chirp!" Holding her nose and sneezing, Lu Ling poked her head out quietly.

cold, so cold...

She was wearing pajamas this time, but she still couldn't stop the temperature. She began to miss the days when she was not afraid of the cold...


Another stifled sneeze.


Senior Sister Qin... Woke up?

Seeing the empty clothes hangers, Lu Ling knew that Qin Qin was already up.

With Senior Sister Qin's temperament, she should be cooking...

Lu Ling shuddered and then curled up again in the quilt, her stomach making loud noises.


suffer hunger and cold……

Why am I so pitiful... Lu Ling shivered under the quilt.

Not only her, her sword was also broken in two.

"Xuechen, how are you feeling?" Lu Ling rubbed the center of her eyebrows and asked suddenly.

There is still a dark iron sword box hidden in that place, and her Xuechen body is sleeping in it, which is also very miraculous... After pinching the Jingming acupoint, Lu Ling didn't know how to open that space. The eldest sister Xihuang said that Xuechen would Taught her, but that girl is now hiding in a corner recovering from her wounds, so she didn't teach her at all.

But she doesn't need it now... So Lu Ling is not in a hurry, she cares more about Xuechen's body.

【Master, master... I'm here...】 Xuechen's voice came weakly: 【Master, I'm going to take a rest these few days... My body hurts too much, I need to get used to it, and help the master absorb some cold air by the way...】

"Have a good rest, I'm sorry to trouble you." Lu Ling brushed her hand between her eyebrows to comfort the little girl, her beauty spot sank.

Not only Xuechen, she is also very uncomfortable now.

My back hurts, as if the meridians in my entire back are distorted... very tired.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the sequelae of something, but Qin Qin.

Lu Ling twitched her lips when she thought of how easy it was for her to agree to Qin Qin.

Review the second part of Guqin Sixian, and the technique of winding silk strength...

She promised to be easy, but forgot, if there is no piano, how can I practice?The theoretical part at the beginning was okay, but when it came time to get started later, Lu Ling became stupid.

Qin Qin used her body as a device to use Tangsi Jin.

It can be said that Qin Qin has touched her body all over... Of course, this is not the point, the point is that she is very tired, and now Lu Ling feels that her waist is about to break.

Miserable and miserable.

Suddenly feel very poor.

In the past, Senior Sister Qin would not bully her like this...but now...

Lu Ling didn't know, because of her "excellent" performance, Qin Qin decided to be a "good person".

Those who bully Lu Ling are naturally good people.

And Lu Ling is not stupid, she can still see that Qin Qin ravaged her with the power of winding silk, but this is a conspiracy, and she has nothing to do.

Having personally experienced Chansijin's force-generating skills, Lu Ling has indeed mastered some basics. She also tried to play a guqin yesterday before going to bed. Dry and abrupt, every drum beat is much rounder, and it sounds smoother than before.

This is the magic of winding silk strength. Pressing with fingers at different speeds in rhythm can make the sound of the piano more beautiful, and at the same time, it can also exercise one's control over spiritual power.

If you learn silk winding, you will be bullied if you are bullied... What can she do?Senior Sister Qin said, she was the one who would not easily teach this winding power to any other girl.

Lu Ling patted her face.

Speaking of which, is she using her body to make a dirty deal with Senior Sister Qin?
Shouldn't count...

At least not dirty.

Rhythm... I really like it. Lu Ling thinks that even if it is a dirty deal, she doesn't seem to be unacceptable. If she can play a natural sound like Qin Qin - just kidding.

A girl's body is priceless, and Lu Ling will never forget Qin Qin's teaching.

When Cao Cao arrived, Qin Qin opened the door and walked in with a wooden basin and a small cup, and put the wooden basin beside Lu Ling's bed, steaming.

"A Ling, you're awake, the meal is ready, get ready to get up and take a shower."

She knew that Lu Ling was afraid of the cold now, so she prepared spring water for her.

It is hot, the Lingquan of the second peak of Lingshan.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, isn't this too troublesome..." Seeing how kind Qin Qin was to her, Lu Ling immediately forgot about being raped, and at the same time felt a little guilty.

She is not a young lady, why does she need Qin Qin to take care of her like this, if her junior sister and husband know, they will definitely be angry.

"Why are you being polite to me? If you weren't feeling well, I wouldn't spoil you like this." Patting Lu Ling's exposed head, Qin Qin stuffed the clothes on the bedside into Lu Ling's quilt.

"Hurry up and change your clothes and get up! The sun is drying your ass!"

"Yes, Senior Sister." After Qin Qin said that, Lu Ling stopped being pretentious. After tossing in the quilt for a while, she put on her clothes and got out of bed.

The red floral skirt, with blue mysterious patterns printed on the upper body, looks noble and glamorous.

Looking at the clothes on her body, Lu Ling was a little dazed. She was holding two long black socks, and she was a little at a loss.

"Senior sister, the new clothes I'm talking about are cotton clothes, not..."

"Put it on, don't talk so much, didn't you realize that the clothes are very warm? I'm in the formation." Qin Qin said proudly.

"...Okay." Because it was really warm, Lu Ling compromised, and then put on those two long socks.

It fits snugly, and there is a faint heat coming from it.

It's just too long, until a little below her skirt, the entire thigh is basically wrapped, a bit like stockings, but not so lustful, Lu Ling's slender legs paired with red and black clothes, it is more of a noble and elegant look. Non-sexy.

"Not bad." Qin Qin put on high-heeled red boots for Lu Ling, looked at the exquisite porcelain doll in front of her, nodded in satisfaction, and handed over a white tiger skin.

"This robe can also be turned into a cloak, gauntlets, etc. A Ling, you can freely adjust the shape after you input spiritual power."

As she said that, a white scarf appeared in Qin Qin's hand, and after wrapping it around Lu Ling's neck, she was very satisfied, and bowed her head and kissed Lu Ling.

"it's beautiful."

Under Lu Ling's shy gaze, Qin Qin handed over the brocade: "Wash up, ready for lunch."

"En..." Being cared for meticulously, Lu Ling was a little distracted and lowered her head to wash.

Behind her, Qin Qin took a small comb to help Lu Ling tidy up her messy long hair.

very quiet.

Lu Ling wiped her cheek absently, then stared at the girl reflected in the water, and was stunned for a moment.

Full of extravagance.

Against the background of such clothes, even she has a sense of nobility... It seems that Senior Sister Qin has spent a lot of effort in finding clothes for her...

Feeling the gentle hand behind her, Lu Ling wiped her face.

Originally, she wanted Qin Qin to help fetch some cotton clothes for the winter, but now there are more clothes with formations on them, but because they are very beautiful, Lu Ling has no objection.

She also likes beautiful clothes.

Senior Sister is so kind to her...

Some moved.

It would be better if you don't bully yourself...

Lu Ling wet the brocade, lifted her bangs and wiped her fair forehead. At this moment, Qin Qin spoke.

"A Ling, you and I have been learning the piano for a while."

"Well, it's been a month..." Lu Ling nodded.

"Aling, your talent is very good. Now that you have started, I'm going to teach you new things." Qin Qin helped Lu Ling tie her hair, tilting her head and said.

"New things?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, with a happy expression on her face.

She has wanted to learn for a long time. You know, Qin Qin has been teaching her music theory these days, which can be settled later, and she is already a little tired... She wants to learn more, more.

"Well, but before learning new things, I have to test you, Aling. If you can't do the basics, just continue studying obediently." Qin Qin lifted Lu Ling's long hair at the ear and put it behind her head, looking at the princess-like girl in front of her. , After nodding with satisfaction, he said seriously.

"Go ahead." Lu Ling wiped her face clean, full of confidence.

"Three strings, hook four strings and nine emblems, how should you slide your fingers?" Qin Qin asked a basic question about Lu Ling's playing skills.

"Do you use silk winding?" Lu Ling turned around and asked.

Qin Qin was a little surprised when he heard the words, then shook his head: "No need."

"That's easy." Lu Ling said casually.

It would be a bit troublesome if it was the winding silk strength, after all, it still needs some minor operations, and she needs to analyze it according to the tune, but if it is not used, it is purely a test of her memory.

"Hook four strings and nine emblems, straight tune up to seven emblems and six cents, tight five strings also up to seven emblems and six cents, positive tune and high tune up to seven emblems and nine cents, tight five strings and high tune up to eight and a half emblems..." Lu Aya said skillfully without hesitation.

"Senior Sister, how are you doing?" After finishing speaking, Lu Ling asked, she was not proud, for all the piano players, this was really just the most basic thing.


Qin Qin was naturally very satisfied.

You know, the reason why Qin's status in Lingshan is not as good as that of Lingyun is because it is too complicated... But Lu Ling remembers it so clearly, which is enough to see her love for Qin.

It's just that memory is of course nothing, but Lu Ling has just learned silk winding and knows that this element needs to be considered when sliding the string.

This is the correct way to learn guqin. Without the teacher telling you, you can learn a lot by yourself, which is a worry-free student.

You know, when she came into contact with Chansijin, like Lu Ling, she immediately thought of the problem of slipping strings.

"A Ling, that's great." Qin Qin hugged Lu Ling from behind, very happy.

Lu Ling's excellent performance made her happier than directly praising her, as if she had eaten honey.

"It's nothing... Isn't this basic?" Lu Ling blushed a little, feeling that she was not that good.

"Don't be modest." After pinching Lu Ling's small face, Qin Qin continued: "The first question is over, and there is one more. You know how to draw four strings and nine emblems, so how about hooking four strings and nine emblems?"

Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling expectantly.

You know, in just one month, she hasn't taught Lu Ling how to hook four strings and nine emblems, so asking this question is actually a bit out of line, and she won't be angry if Lu Ling can't answer, but because the two are related to each other , can be answered.

"Hook four strings and nine emblems..." Lu Ling pondered for a while.

It's like... well...

The arm moved slightly, and Lu Ling nodded: "It should be Shi Hui who started to stroke to Jiu Hui..."

Qin Qin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Lu Ling went on to say: "The thing that needs attention should be Shihui, don't leave the beginning of the sound... It seems that there is nothing else that needs attention... The position of the calli and note should correspond..."

After speaking, Lu Ling was silent for a while, frowning.

After a while, I shook my head.

"Senior sister, I can't remember, there is no specific piano music, so it's hard to say..."

"En." Qin Qin picked up Lu Ling, her face full of surprise, she did not expect that Lu Ling is really so good... That's right... really too good!
"Hey, senior sister, if you let me down, I will walk by myself..." Lu Ling pressed her skirt tightly with one hand and exclaimed in surprise after being picked up by the princess.

"No, let's go to eat! Today I want to reward you, Ling, by the way, I will teach you the next thing, I hope Ling can create her own song as soon as possible! Hahaha..." Qin Qin's mood Unusually good, hugging Lu Ling and laughing, he walked through the red-painted corridor.

This girl is indeed hers.

Shen Gui... how could I give it up to you, everyone in Qindao is the way Ah Ling should go!



In a false world, Shen Gui carved ice sculptures in the simulated snow mountain environment.

This time the ice sculptures don't have Li Zhuzi, Shen Canghai, or Lu Ling, they all have the same appearance.

a teenage girl.

"Afu..." Shen Gui carved the last ice sculpture, turned around with a cold face, and then those statues all turned into ice slag, and disappeared with the wind.

"The past, as expected, should still be the past, and cannot form a demonic barrier." Shen Gui was very sober, so she had already escaped from her memories.

Frustration or something, this godlike girl will not be troubled, even if her emotions are affected by the past, she will not lose herself.

But still uncomfortable.

"Zhao Yingge..." Shen Gui read out a name and narrowed his eyes.

It's also a little guy who was wiped out... It's really unfortunate.

It is a great fortune to meet Lingshan.

I want to meet her and see what this girl thinks about [Revenge].

What will happen after the real revenge?

Shen Gui himself, after mastering absolute power, knew one thing.

Revenge is not a joyful thing, it's just helping the enemy to draw a few bloody wounds in the heart...

She is not a stone, and she has also been depressed, but the person who should be killed still will not show mercy.

In comparison, Lu Ling is much smarter.

Sometimes choosing to escape may not be a cowardly choice.

Zhao Yingge...

I don't know how this girl who has experienced the murder of her relatives thinks about hatred.

She is looking forward to it.

 happy New Year everyone! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !I will work harder in the new year!

(End of this chapter)

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