Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 398 Escape from Lingshan

Chapter 398 Escape from Lingshan ([-])

In the small hall of Erfeng, Lu Ling and Qin Qin had lunch together.

Lu Ling ate so much that she clutched her stomach and lay down on the table, feeling a bit full.

Qin Qin waved his hand and took a breath, the smell of food left in the room disappeared, the breeze came slowly, and the fresh smell shocked Lu Ling.

"Senior Sister Qin, I think..."


"???" Qin Qin didn't understand: "A Ling, what do you want to do?"

"I learn how to cook with you." Lu Ling recollected the previous lunch and said shyly.

"Culinary skills?" Qin Qin was taken aback for a moment.

She really didn't expect that Lu Ling would learn to cook...

This stupid girl, can she cook?

In other words, is the meal she cooks really edible?

"A Ling, why do you want to learn this all of a sudden?" Qin Qin was very surprised, and said to Lu Ling: "Isn't there Liu Shimei who cooks at home?"

Liu Fufeng often comes to cook with her, Qin Qin thinks that Liu Fufeng has the potential to become a chef... As for Lu Ling...

Ha ha.

"You can't always let my junior sister do it... I occasionally want... to help." Lu Ling whispered.

She had the idea of ​​asking Qin Qin for advice from the beginning, but now she feels that the relationship between the two is very good, and it is time to reap the rewards.

"A Ling, what you say... it's a little early now." Qin Qin waved her hand, not because she didn't teach Lu Ling, but because it was really inappropriate. Lu Ling, a girl in her teens, should be practicing, how could she do it? What about food, and most importantly, Lu Ling has no foundation and needs to learn a lot.

This girl doesn't have so much time, she has to study with Tang Keyu during the day, and learn rhythm with herself at night, and practice rock-shocking art by herself before going to bed... Occasionally, she has to recite some ancient poems when there is a fragment of time.

Want to learn to cook now?
Go crazy.

"But..." Sensing Qin Qin's intention to reject her, Lu Ling quickly raised her head.

"No, but, be good." Qin Qin recalled Lu Ling's thoughts, and said earnestly: "A Ling, for you now, cultivation is the most important thing, understand?"

"I, I can do it." Lu Ling still wanted to insist.

"I know Ah Ling, you can do it, but...are you tired?" Qin Qin looked into Lu Ling's eyes.

"..." Lu Ling stopped talking.

She understands what Senior Sister Qin means. For her, cultivation is the most important thing, and rhythm is also a kind of cultivation. Lu Ling has seen Qin Qin play some advanced methods of culture and soul with Fengming Qin, so she has no intention of refuting Qin Qin.

Moreover, the senior sister is right.

very tired.

really tired……

But she wanted to learn, and she wanted to make some delicious food for her junior sister.

Lu Ling strengthened her belief.

She is secondary, weak, timid, hypocritical, multi-minded and a little greedy, but she is never afraid of hardship.

This is probably her only advantage.

Of course, the premise of enduring hardship is that she must have enough motivation. For example, writing is what she likes, which is also a necessity.

Temperament is her favorite, out of interest.

Cultivation... Although it is very comfortable, Lu Ling is not really interested, but in order to be a useful person, not to drag down her junior sister, and not to embarrass Li Zhuzi, she is also very serious in what she does.

In terms of cooking skills, although Lu Ling is a foodie, she is not that interested in how to cook, she just likes to eat. First of all, she is not interested enough... But because of Liu Fufeng's factor, she is not that interested important.

She wanted her junior sister to eat the meals she cooked with her own hands. The meaning of this was different from pure cooking.

"You..." Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling's expression, a little helpless: "I teach you to..."

"Really?" Lu Ling was pleasantly surprised. After eating Qin Qin's food for so long, she admired Qin Qin very much.

He is good-looking, tall, nice-sounding, high-level cultivation, and he has an outrageously high attainment in temperament. Most importantly, he is very gentle and cooks delicious food.

Excluding the chatterbox, Qin Qin can be said to be the perfect woman in Lu Ling's mind.

If she can learn one-tenth of Qin Qin's cooking skills, her junior sister will be very happy.

"A Ling, don't be too happy." Qin Qin pinched Lu Ling's face and changed the topic.

"Ah?" Lu Ling's small face instantly collapsed.

"A Ling, if you want to learn how to cook, you must want to cook it for Junior Sister Liu." Qin Qin understood Lu Ling's mind, and was slightly envious, but did not show it.

"En." Nodding embarrassingly, Lu Ling admitted.

"Well... If that's the case, Ah Ling, think about it, will Junior Sister Liu really be happy?" Qin Qin asked.

"Why not..."


Lu Ling paused.

Based on her understanding of Liu Fufeng, her junior sister would definitely be happy and touched if she saw her cooking, but Qin Qin reminded her.

Her junior sister has always asked her to practice hard. Sometimes when she was reading a book, her junior sister would ask how the spiritual energy progressed today...

She doesn't know how to tell her junior sister about learning the piano. If she learns cooking with Qin Qin again, what if her junior sister gets angry because she says she is not doing her job properly?
It's not impossible.

"So, Ah Ling, you'd better wait a little longer." Seeing that her words had taken effect, Qin Qin stood up, patted Lu Ling on the shoulder, and said slowly: "Besides, even if Junior Sister Liu doesn't mind, but she I won't let you, A Ling, cook, A Ling, you may not know that Junior Sister Liu really likes cooking, she likes it very much, and she is proud of her cooking skills, and thinks it is very happy to cook for you matter."

"...Junior Sister..." Lu Ling lowered her head.

Yes, this is the Liu Fufeng she knew.

She missed her senior sister because of a few words from Senior Sister Qin.

"I'll teach you, Ah Ling, when your cultivation base improves and your spiritual sense is stronger. At that time, you can also multitask. Now you should do what you should do." Qin Qin instructed Lu Ling, and then said: " Moreover, if you really want to learn cooking, following me is not a good idea."

"Not everyone is suitable to be a teacher." Qin Qin smiled lightly, raised her hand, and a pick knife appeared in her hand, and Qin Qin was holding some vegetables at the same time.



A few silver lights flashed in the air, and some crystal clear slices appeared in front of Lu Ling.

"A Ling, you may not be able to learn much from what I teach you. Junior Sister Liu is a bit difficult to learn, let alone you." Qin Qin put the knife back into the kitchen: "Actually, for you, A Ling , wouldn’t it be more appropriate to let Junior Sister Liu teach you, Junior Sister Liu’s cooking skills are average, but it’s enough to teach you.”

"Huh?" Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

It seems... is it really the case?

"A Ling, you may not be able to see it, but I know it very well." Qin Qin thought of the serious girl, and her smile softened a little: "Junior Sister Liu wants A Ling to become a perfect girl, and she wants to wait for you when you grow up Some, even if you don’t want to learn, your senior sister will force you to learn.”

"...I, I am the senior sister." Lu Ling said with a red face.

"Yes, yes, you are the senior sister."

"..." Lu Ling could hear the smile and superficiality in Qin Qin's tone, but she didn't know how to refute her.

That's right, no matter in anyone's eyes, she is the one who is taken care of, not a responsible senior sister... Maybe in Tang Sheng's eyes, she is the senior sister?

Lu Ling has nothing to say, in fact, in her own heart, sometimes she thinks that Liu Fufeng is the senior sister, and "junior sister" is more like a term she is used to.

As Senior Sister Qin said, it's really not the time for me to learn cooking, it should be fine when I'm a few years older.

Lu Ling dismissed the idea of ​​learning cooking, but a new idea came up - the junior sister doted on her so much, and she secretly learned some while the junior sister was cooking, she shouldn't be angry.

Just do it.


Down the mountain.


"Sister Liu, why are you so free today?" Xi Feng watched Liu Fufeng come out of the medical hall, leaning against the small door in a daze, a little puzzled.

"It's nothing." Feeling the scorching heat of the sun in the sky, Liu Fufeng slowly shook his head.

"Miss your sister?" Xifeng said.

She still remembered that Liu Fufeng had a younger sister, but she never saw her since then, Xifeng thought she shouldn't talk too much and didn't ask, but now... Looking at the longing in Liu Fufeng's eyes, Xifeng can only guess like this.

Based on what she saw on Liu Fufeng, she believed that this kind of longing would definitely not be directed at a man.

And it turned out to be so.

Liu Fufeng didn't speak, just nodded.

It's been a month.

She really missed Aya.

Want to die.

Especially when it was snowing that day, my longing for Lu Ling reached a limit.

Under her care, Zhao Yingge gradually recovered. More importantly, someone came to Lingshan last night.

A nun in black.

What did she tell Luo Hanyi...

Liu Fufeng didn't care about specific things, but it also showed one thing, she could go home, to the home where Ah Ling was.

"I want to go back."

Liu Fufeng's sudden words made Xifeng stay where she was, and the false smile on her face also stopped.

gone back?
Where to go back?

When she regained her senses, Liu Fufeng had already gone into the house to get busy.

"... Immortal..." Xifeng's eyes were complicated.

Liu Fufeng has changed her view of the Master, but she still doesn't want to believe that this is an immortal. Xifeng is more pessimistic, and she is more willing to believe that Liu Fufeng is just one of the outliers.

Regarding Liu Fufeng, her attitude was very conflicted. After all, she was a member of the legendary fairy sect, so she should be on guard rationally...

Emotionally, he has a good impression of Liu Fufeng.

Women are always emotional.

It doesn't matter... Just go back when you go back, and just pretend that nothing happened.

Xifeng stretched her waist, her plump body under the black veil was ready to emerge.

She is also starting to think about the issue of children.

Give birth to one?
Glancing at Liu Fufeng's back, Xifeng shook his head.

This is impossible, her body is too weak, doing so may lead to problems in advance.

I don't have a good life for a few years, Xifeng knows very well, so the ownership of Luoyan City...

How should the inheritance of the ancestors be handled, should they adopt a child?

As long as the city lord Xifeng comes forward and says that this is his son, no one will question it. Even if she is gone, the four major families in the inner city will protect the new "city lord". Those who resisted, let alone the fact that the lineage of the city lord can resist such things as demon seeds has been engraved in these people's bones. No matter who they are, they firmly believe that only the lineage of the city lord can keep Luoyan City going.

With the death of the city lord lineage, Luoyan City also perished.

Everyone firmly believed in it, and so did Xifeng.


When her father handed over the seat and black armor to her, she didn't believe it.

You know, because it is a woman, her child is not pure blood...

She had a guess, perhaps, the so-called lineage of the city lord had long been impure.

But for Xifeng, even if it is fake, it is still true. If this kind of thing gets out, it will undoubtedly plant seeds in the hearts of those families.

They are loyal, loyal to the city lord Xifeng, but human desires are dirty, Xifeng can clearly know this from herself.

Although to Xifeng, the so-called aristocratic family is nothing, this world is not a peaceful and prosperous world, and there is no emperor, the city lord is the father and everything.

With Hei Jia here, these people can be wiped out in a day.

But Xifeng can't do that.

These are her people from Luoyan City, without them, many people in Luoyan City will be displaced...

This is very troublesome, and even she has some headaches.

Because it is necessary to nip the factors of instability in the bud, such things must be concealed.

She is a selfish woman, and the thought of handing Luoyan City over to the people in the black armor flashed by, even though they were very loyal to her and understood that she was a daughter... But giving it to others made her very uncomfortable .

And Xifeng believed that with Heijia's loyalty to her, she would not accept such a large fortune.


If only she had kids...

Liu Fufeng.

The name suddenly flashed in my mind.

fairy gate.

Maybe... she can help herself?

Xifeng made a small calculation in her heart.

This is a very good candidate, and Xifeng had several ideas in an instant.



On Lingshan, the seventh peak.

Qin Qin took Lu Ling to class.

The pace is hurried.

Lu Ling's complexion was a little ugly.

The atmosphere is too eerie.

From the moment she climbed to the Lingtai, Lu Ling noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere. When every young lady saw her, their eyes were very gentle... There were sympathy, sadness, and more, a kind of unknown name. emotion.

Moreover, after seeing her, many people turned around and left directly, as if deliberately avoiding her. Lu Ling could clearly find that these leaving girls were talking about her.

What happened?
What does she need these senior sisters to sympathize with?
Lu Ling didn't know, and when Qin Qin looked at her, he just gave her an inexplicable look, and then held her hand tighter, Lu Ling saw some helplessness from inside.

Senior sister Qin is hiding something from her.

Inexplicably flustered in her heart, Lu Ling felt those gazes were like needle pricks.

I thought it was just going to the Lingtai...

But when Lu Ling went to the Seventh Peak and found that nothing had changed, she started to panic.

I suddenly had a bad premonition in my heart.

Holding Qin Qin's hand, Lu Ling buried her head and walked in the water town, as if there was an evil spirit chasing after her.

(End of this chapter)

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