Chapter 406 Daughter
Mo Yu didn't mean to mislead Mo Qing, she was just telling the truth, after all, in the eyes of Lingshan people, what Lu Ling enjoyed was the treatment of a daughter, and even Xu Xu didn't have anything that Li Zhuzi could nourish with her own essence.

Recently, the glass that Li Zhuzi has been hanging on his body is engraved with a beautiful Chinese character [鳞], and everyone knows who it is for.

Not to mention, since meeting Lu Ling, Li Zhuzi has gradually changed... Shen Canghai knows this best.

She became more gentle and protective, and the previous sternness and solemnity were slowly fading away, only the temperament of stealing half a day's leisure remained unchanged.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with Mo Yu saying that Lu Ling is Li Zhuzi's daughter. Everyone thinks so. Venerable Zhu did not accept students, but raised a daughter.

There is no doubt about the identity of Lu Ling's daughter, after all, even Shen Canghai admits it, she regards Lu Ling as her niece, let alone other people.

It is not without reason that Xihuang is jealous.

But Mo Qing didn't know this, so he was dumbfounded.

The Venerable Water Attribute Mantra is said to be the second in terms of power control, no one dares to be the first, but it is such Mo Qing, when he heard the word "daughter", his power went berserk.

The space is constantly collapsing, and the black and lightning-like cracks in the space are constantly wandering three inches around Mo Qing, quickly wrapping him up.

Mo Qing's whole body was covered in pitch black, leaving only a pair of chaotic eyes outside.


Mo Yu wouldn't have thought of this, but in fact, he wouldn't care if he saw it, and might even make a mockery.

Don't say it was a misunderstanding, even if it wasn't a misunderstanding, Mo Qing wouldn't have anything to be angry about. Since he didn't have the guts to confess, and he didn't have the guts to pursue Li Zhuzi, is it a strange thing to be captured?
To put it bluntly, Mo Qing doesn't even have the right to be angry.

Could it be that Li Zhuzi had to wait for him if he didn't chase after him?

Mo Yu didn't like men at all, and looked down on weak men even more. If this was not her brother, she would not even take a look at him, but just because it was her brother, she felt even more upset, and she couldn't argue with him.

Mo Yu felt that if she was a man, she would have chased Li Zhuzi long ago. After all, Li Zhuzi was not the solemn and abstinent woman she is now when she was young. If you take the offensive, it is actually not difficult to win her... After all, Li Zhuzi is a normal girl, and she once dreamed of love...

It was only once.

Li Zhuzi, whose mind is now full of how to take care of Lu Ling, has passed the age of romance, and it is impossible to find a Taoist or companion.

Some things, the past is the past.

It's too late to regret.



inside the room.

Luoyan City is at the time of Zhu Ming, at the end of summer.

The air was sultry and hot, which made Lu Ling a little short of breath, but because it wasn't cold, she slept soundly, and there was nothing too uncomfortable.

But at this time, the sleeping Lu Ling turned over and tightened the quilt.


Thirty feet away.

Water vapor in the air kept approaching Lu Ling, but as soon as it entered Lu Ling's surroundings, it turned into ice cubes that shattered and landed on the ground.


I don't know how long it has been, but I only know that the sun has set outside, and the setting sun is like blood and sprinkles the afterglow in Luoyan City, making this bustling metropolis gorgeous and mysterious.


On the topmost floor, no one would disturb it during normal times, so no one saw the person covered in black lightning.

The space collapsed.

With Mo Qing's power, it was not easy to have such frequent collapsed spaces during the heyday, but now it is out of control because of a piece of news... It is also rare.


A deep male voice sounded, and then the mass of black monster trembled, the jet-black spatial rift was sucked into the water, and then disappeared.

The water vapor permeated like a fairyland, and the broken space was restored.

The figure of the man reappeared.

It's the same as before, still dressed in black, very handsome, but there is a little more thought and fatigue between his brows.


Take a deep breath.

Take a deep breath.

After venting, Mo Qing calmed down a little.

How could Li Zhuzi get married? He didn't believe it.

There has never been similar news in the world of cultivating immortals. Venerable Bamboo has always been a high-altitude flower on Lingshan Mountain, just like that emerald green solitary bamboo, standing upright alone, and no one is worthy to stand by her side.

How is it possible to get married?

Will Shen Canghai allow it?
One must know that Li Zhuzi doesn't even have a Taoist companion, so how could a husband and daughter suddenly appear?

A Taoist couple is different from a husband and wife. Although the former has a higher spiritual compatibility, Mo Qing knows in his heart that to a daughter's family, a Taoist couple of the same faith is far less important than a husband.

Finding a Lingshan fairy to be a Taoist partner and marrying a Lingshan fairy are completely two concepts. For a male monk, a Taoist couple is better, but for a woman like Li Zhuzi, after the relationship between husband and wife, it is basically to marry her. Everything was handed over to the other party... including cultivation and belief.

Mo Qing never thought that he and Li Zhuzi could become husband and wife... Being able to become a Taoist couple is already a dream. What he hopes is actually just to be a friend... I believe Venerable Ye also thinks the same way.

The results of it……

I haven't seen you for a while, is Li Zhuzi married?
What a joke.

He can't take it.

Who is that man...


No, it can't be him. Although his emotional intelligence is a little higher than his own, it's not much higher.

who is it……

Mo Qing stood upright, her long hair was slightly floating as if there was a wind blowing between her wide sleeves.

His eyes were full of killing intent, which was almost a substantive killing intent.

After a while.

The killing intent gradually dissipated, and what was dissipated was the gaze.

The man leaned against the door weakly.

he is nothing...

If Li Zhuzi was really married and had a child, then how could he kill her husband...

How is it possible to do such a thing.

The man is a little decadent.

It's not that he didn't doubt Mo Yu's words, but this kind of thing is not impossible, and Mo Yu has no reason to deceive him.

It is even possible that that man is an ordinary person.

It's unreasonable for a woman to love, there's no reason to tell you...

So even with a slight possibility, Mo Qing couldn't restrain that depression.

After adjusting her mood, Mo Qing pushed open the door, walked in, and carefully sat down in front of Lu Ling's bed.

This time the mentality was completely different.

Ice blood... is far less important to Mo Qing than the identity of Li Zhuzi's daughter.


Seemingly bored, Lu Ling stuck her head out of the quilt, curled up, her long hair was disheveled, covering half of her side face, and her small ears were exposed.

Smacking his lips, he seemed to be full in a dream, with a little bit of happiness and satisfaction on his face.

Mo Qing looked at her quietly.

Suddenly, the impetuousness and depression in my heart disappeared.

Is this the daughter of bamboo...

I didn't look carefully before, but she is indeed very beautiful... The facial features are exquisite, and the beauty mole on the corner of her lips is just right. When she grows up, she must be as beautiful as her mother.

Looking carefully at Lu Ling's face, Mo Qing felt more and more similar to Li Zhuzi.

Even the personalities are somewhat similar...

In the past, Li Zhuzi was a little bit timid when he was lazy...

Seeing Lu Ling breathing gently, Mo Qing stretched out his hand out of nowhere to touch Lu Ling's face, but withdrew his hand the moment he was about to touch her.

He felt the girl's breath.

I slept soundly...

He just looked at Lu Ling quietly, quietly.

Jealousy and irritability were gone.

At this time, he forgot about Li Zhuzi's possible marriage, but simply remembered Lu Ling's "daughter" status.

How wonderful would it be if this was... his daughter?

Frozen blood.

Snow Maiden?

What's the matter?

Shaking his head, he shook off his miscellaneous thoughts.

No matter what the relationship is, since she is Zhuzi's daughter, it is different.

Ha ha……

wry smile.

Mo Qing now knows why her elder sister looks like she can't get enough of him...

With Li Zhuzi's relationship, even if Lu Ling is not of the ice blood, and is not the future domain master of Eastern Shenhai, as long as the talent is suitable, he will teach Lu Ling.

It's the same as Venerable Ye secretly pointing to Shen Gui's sword intent.

Men... are really cheap.

Mo Qing suddenly wanted to laugh.

There is no killing intent in my heart.

He just wants to see Li Zhuzi now, to see how she is doing, and if possible, to ask her husband...

Li Zhuzi is still in Lingshan, that's for sure.

However, her husband will not be in Lingshan.

And judging by Lu Ling's age, even if Li Zhuzi is really married, he should have already separated. For ordinary people, it is life and death. Cultivator... If he is not dead, Mo Qing doesn't mind being with the leaf he has always disliked Form a team to ask for advice, and ask him how he moved this Qingzhu back to his home.

Without the consent of the two bamboo watchers.

Of course, the daughter is innocent.

In a complicated mood, the more Mo Qing looked at Lu Ling, the more she liked her...

Venerable Ye only felt that Lu Ling was so kind to her even as a student of Li Zhuzi, not to mention Mo Qing who got the news from Mo Yu.

For a moment, he had the illusion that Lu Ling was his daughter.

After all, he hasn't had a Taoist companion in all these years... The popularity of women is so good that he doesn't even have a Taoist companion, which can explain some problems in itself.

This man who claims to be a lover is actually a complete mess in terms of emotional singleness.

Looking fixedly at Lu Ling's sleeping face, Mo Qing thought.

If this is really Zhuzi's biological daughter, then he can completely let go of his unrealistic thoughts about Li Zhuzi.

There's nothing wrong with being a guardian. If you can't protect her mother, then protect your daughter...

At least, he who gave Lu Ling a hand, had a common topic with Li Zhuzi, didn't he?
Mo Qing began to understand what her sister said, and took Lu Ling out for a walk... It meant to make him treat Lu Ling better. After all, if it was that Li Zhuzi, he would love his daughter very much. He and Lu Ling are familiar with each other. Yes, at least the wish to be friends with Li Zhuzi can come true.

The dignified venerable is just so promising, and Mo Yu can't be blamed for looking down on him.

"Lu Ling... is really a good name, Ling, smooth and tough..." Mo Qing looked at the sleeping girl.

Aya, and a noble metaphor.

And Lu Ling's noble and elegant attire also showed this point. With Li Zhuzi's relationship, she should be like a little princess on Lingshan.

Judging from Lu Ling's personality, Li Zhuzi was a bit overprotective, but she must have discovered this by letting her go down the mountain alone this time.

Mo Qing thought about it by herself.

Then his face darkened.

Ling, expensive and elegant, soft and elegant, smooth and tough, no matter how he looks at it, he likes it, not to mention, there is such a big killer as Lihuo Hongling, no one will underestimate this word.

But Lu... is different.

Lu Ling.

If possible, Mo Qing prefers the name Li Ling, Lu, this strange surname indicates the man's surname.

The man surnamed Lu...

Mo Qing began to recall.

Regardless of the mortal world, men in the world of cultivating immortals are generally boring. If they can match Li Zhuzi, they will only be at the venerable level, and only at the venerable level can they not worry too much about the troubles brought by Shen Canghai.

However, there are very few Venerables surnamed Lu, only one.

Coincidentally, this person is one of the few interesting people in the world of cultivating immortals.

Lu You.

The lord of Yihua Palace.

If you really want to say, Lu You's status is higher than Ye Zun and him. After all, this is the master of the holy land. Most of the seven holy lands today do not have a master... Shushan has a master, but Lingshan No, they only have the Lingshan people like the parliament.

Lu You, the head of Mount Shu in identity, is the owner of Yihua Palace...

Will it be him?

The possibility is not small.

Yihua Palace is originally a holy place of "unseriousness". Entering the world, secluded from the world, wandering among the flowers, the ability to coax women should be at its peak.

But Lu You is different.

I have never heard of him having a Taoist companion, let alone a wife. Generally speaking, he looks frivolous, but is actually a serious and responsible person.

Unfortunately, the more this happened, the more Mo Qing suspected Lu You.

After all, if he is really that kind of frivolous person, how could Li Zhuzi commit himself to him? On the contrary, Lu You, who was upright, but who was born in Yihua Palace, has a good chance. Like Venerable Ye, he belongs to the level of the male god of the people.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is that Mo Qing, who has cared about Li Zhuzi for so many years, doesn't remember that Li Zhuzi and Lu You had a relationship, or even met each other.

and many more.

This man really appeared in Luoyan City.

Mo Qing suddenly remembered.

Back then, Lu Chi Luo Hanyi broke into Yihua Palace all the way from Eastern Shenhai, and was finally sent back to Lingshan.

The person who sent her back to Luoyan City was Lu You.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

Mo Qing was breathing heavily, wishing to go to Yihua Palace to ask about it now, but she held back, although many people knew that he and Venerable Ye liked Li Zhuzi, but in fact he was nothing.

Even if they met Lu You, they were not qualified to question anything, not to mention that the two were about the same in strength, and no one could do anything to the other.

Moreover, if he really went, it would undoubtedly make Li Zhuzi feel uncomfortable. Mo Qing would never do anything that would make Li Zhuzi uncomfortable.

But the seed was planted.

Yihua Palace...

Sooner or later he will go there.

But right now there is still an important thing, that is how to make Zhuzi's daughter no longer be afraid of him...

I haven't eaten yet... What should I do if I'm starving.

Some headaches.

(End of this chapter)

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