Chapter 407
Lu Ling slept soundly.

I had a very beautiful dream... How beautiful it is, you can tell by looking at the water stains on her quilt.


Getting up and covering the drool on the pillow, Lu Ling felt a little guilty.

no one saw it...

Looking around, after wiping her mouth, Lu Ling lifted the thin quilt and sat up from the bed, looking at the strange room, with several question marks on her head.

Every time she wakes up, she will be in a daze for a while.

However, this situation lasted for a short time, and soon, Lu Ling's complexion began to brighten.

Her reputation is over... Missing her junior sister, and then jumping off a cliff in a moment of recklessness, and finally being picked up by a handsome man back home...

Bah, handsome is not something worth caring about.

He lowered his head and glanced at his clothes, except that they were a little messy due to the bad sleeping appearance, and there were no signs of being touched.

With a sigh of relief.

【Xiaoxue, what happened when I fell asleep? 】Lu Ling put one hand between her eyebrows, calling for her pet.

In this case, only this little girl can help her.

[Come out to help! 】

There was no movement.

[Xiaoxue, help! ] Lu Ling called her in a different way, but she couldn't believe that she couldn't hear her.

Xiaoxue or something, she seldom called Xuechen like this. Although she said that calling her name directly seemed unfamiliar, but Lu Ling got used to it and didn't deliberately change it. She sometimes called her a dead girl.

But in the current situation, it's better to stimulate this girl quickly and come out to help her solve her doubts.

As Lu Ling thought, upon hearing such an intimate address as "Xiaoxue", Xuechen gradually regained her sense of sleepiness, and of course the most important thing was that word of help woke her up.

【Master...】The girl's voice came slowly, soft and gentle, just like Lu Ling, she just woke up.

【Master, what's wrong with you...】

[Xiaoxue Xiaoxue, where is this place? ] Lu Ling hurriedly asked.

【here?Let's go to Luoyan City...] Xuechen sensed Lu Ling's location for a while, and she was very clear about her master going down the mountain, including what happened around Lu Ling, but because she was recuperating So it's not convenient to speak.

Now Xuechen is like a person who was woken up just after an hour of sleep, and may fall asleep at any time, and now he is supported by his master's "Xiaoxue".

After waking up, Lu Ling opened her heart to her, their hearts were connected, and Xuechen instantly understood the few questions Lu Ling wanted to ask.

She answered one by one.

【Luoyan City, master, Liu... sister is here, I can feel her breath, but... sister Liu's breath is a little strange...】

Where Lu Ling couldn't see, the girl got up from the snow, thinking.

The power of space, and something that made her uncomfortable.


A little……

and many more.

Xuechen remembered, her sister was probably still in Luoyan City, if that was the case, it could explain the smell that made her jealous.

Damn it, I forgot about this, if Li Huo Hongling came to her in this situation, she really had no way to resist, she could only be squeezed obediently...

However, Xuechen also knew that it was unrealistic for Lu Ling to leave, and she would never go home without Liu Fufeng.

[The breath of my junior sister?Where is the junior sister! ] Lu Ling is in a hurry.

[Master, Sister Liu may have awakened talent, and her aura is ethereal. My spirit body is in the sword box now, so I can't feel her specific location, but it shouldn't be far away...] Xuechen said weakly.

[Can't find it? 】Lu Ling was dumbfounded, but she didn't feel too uncomfortable.

This is Luoyan City, her safety is guaranteed, and if her junior sister is not far by her side, she can rest assured.

can always be found.

【Master, as for the man you mentioned... he belongs to us. 】 Xuechen spoke for a while, and said.

【? ? ? ? 】

own people?
Oh something.

【I can't remember clearly, but he is from the water system, and his power has the smell of a master... Dong Shenhai, he should be from Dong Shenhai, master, you don't have to be afraid of him. ] Xuechen explained.

Dong Shenhai also has some relationship with her, after all, that is the inheritance left by Xue Nu.

Of course, your own people are your own people, but because you are male, you should not get too close.

She told Lu Ling about this matter, Lu Ling nodded, she believed Xuechen's words, and her intuition also told her that that handsome big brother is a good person...

However, men are big pigs, she can't fail to see this.

【That's it, master, I'll continue to sleep...】

【Hey, wait a minute, what should I do about my cold! 】Lu Ling sniffled her nose and it was completely blocked. She felt like she had caught a cold after she woke up, and the cold got worse.

【Master, hold on...】

The little girl's voice became ethereal, and it could be seen that her energy had passed.

In Luoyan City, with Lihuo Hongling around, she has to hurry up and rest. In the face of this threat, even if she feels sorry for her master's body, she has nothing to do. As for Mo Qing, it is better to solve it.

This man is very strong, probably the most destructive one her master has ever seen, and the only one who can compare with him is Ye Zun. The two of them have a sword and a law. In terms of lethality, Shen Canghai is even stronger. They couldn't compare to them, of course, the combined level of danger of these two couldn't compare to Shen Canghai's fingers.

Even Xuechen has a little shadow on Shen Canghai...

【Stick?Oh...] Lu Ling pouted, feeling aggrieved, then sat blankly, confused: 【Then what should I do now... There are so many men outside, I'm a little...】

A little scared, but she won't say it, she can only say that Qin Qin tried too hard to scare her.

What to do in case of danger, but the junior sister has to look for it.

【Master, follow the man from before, he... can protect you. 】 Xuechen said slowly.

There will be no problem with my master following Mo Qing.

Before Mo Qing's gentleness towards Lu Ling, Lu Ling herself didn't feel it, but the feigned Xuechen found out that this person was somewhat similar to Ye Zun, and she had a very high affection for her master...

She was not reconciled to entrusting Lu Ling to such a man, but she was relieved.

go to bed.

With Hong Ling by her side, she must use every minute and every second to accumulate strength.

"Hey, why did you fall asleep? Talk?"

After realizing that Xuechen had disappeared, Lu Ling sat on the bed and gritted her teeth after a while.

"What, following a man or something, how could it be possible..." Lu Ling murmured to herself, with a low voice, and it looked like she was suffering from a severe cold.


Belly rumbling.


very hungry.

Sure enough, dreaming about eating didn't do anything.

want to eat.

Looking at the table, yesterday's snacks are gone.


Lu Ling stared at the door. Judging from the environment, this should be an inn, but I don't know if the big brother opened the room for her...

There must be something to eat at the inn...

Food, food, food... Lu Ling lowered her head and kept talking.

When a foodie is hungry, all external things are just clouds, fear?No kind of fear is worth hunger, especially since Lu Ling didn't eat yesterday, and her sanity can only last for one day.

man?do not care.


Lu Ling touched her body, and after a while, she leaned back on the bed as if she had been exhausted.

No money.

She rummaged through her pockets, but there was nothing there.

That's right, these are the clothes Qin Qin prepared for her, and she didn't need to spend money on Lingshan. The common currency in Lingshan is Lingshi Lingjing, and it's useless for her to come because her cultivation base is too low now.

One poor and two white.

The Adventures of a Poor Girl.

No, no money can't stop her from eating.

Lu Ling was tangled in her heart and stood up abruptly.

I hope the owner of the inn is a good person and can give her something to eat, for she is a... girl.

If it doesn't work, she can wash the dishes to repay the debt...

Lu Ling bent down and was about to put on her shoes.

"Dong dong."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Lu Ling shuddered and instantly became alert. She threw off her shoes and jumped back on the bed, staring at the door.

"Qianjin, are you awake? I heard movement in the room... so I went to prepare hot water, can I go in now?"

It's a female voice.

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief and was puzzled, but she was just a woman. She tried to calm down and decided to see what was going on first.

"come in."

After Lu Ling responded, the door opened.

A young girl walked in with a wooden basin, dressed as a maid, in her 20s, with a delicate appearance and the temperament of a big sister.

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief after taking a look.

"My dear, since you've woken up, let's wash up." Without any explanation, the girl soaked the silk in water, wrung it dry and handed it to Lu Ling, then sat beside her and helped her tidy up the messy clothes.

Because she was a woman, Lu Ling didn't reject her, and she didn't sense any malice.

But he was still dazed, holding the warm silk and satin, motionless.

"Wipe your face, Qianjin." The girl reminded.

"Ah? Oh, yes..." Lu Ling came back to her senses and wiped the saliva marks on her face. The warm hot water made her feel better and her face was flushed.

After Lu Ling washed her face, the maid handed over the bamboo tube and asked her to rinse her mouth.

Lu Ling followed suit.

Then, it was quiet.

The maid was helping Lu Ling with her hair and clothes, very seriously.

Lu Ling was very embarrassed... more confused.

Who is this lady?

How did you treat her so well? What should she do now?Isn't it impolite for the young lady to tie her hair, and she just stays still like this?

The maid was also very surprised at this time.

Should it be said that she is worthy of being the daughter of a wealthy family?The coats on her body were so finely crafted that the maid could not put it down when she touched Lu Ling's soft corners.

She is the person Mo Qing hired to take care of Lu Ling.

Originally, I thought that the daughter would be difficult to get close to, but from the first time I saw Lu Ling when I opened the door, the maid was relieved, she was a very cute girl, dressed luxuriously but had a weak temperament.

Although there is a little difference in age, they are indeed siblings.

The man is handsome and charming, and the younger sister is also cute and well-behaved.

"Qianjin, your elder brother has gone to work, let me help Qianjin with some small things..." the maid said slowly.

"En..." Lu Ling lowered her head and spoke timidly.

In fact, the bottom of my heart has exploded.

brother?Which brother?
When did she have a brother, why didn't she know?
But Lu Ling thought about it for a while, and it became clear that the so-called elder brother should be the man Xuechen said could protect her, and he was also the one who brought her here.

Mo Qingnian is a bit older, but it really looks like he is only in his 20s. Although Lu Ling is young, she is still young enough to dance spoons. At the age of more than ten years, no one else will think about the relationship between father and daughter.

Although Mo Qing wanted others to think that Lu Ling belonged to his daughter, but his appearance was too young, and people would not believe him if he told it.

After Mo Qing found a maid for Lu Ling, she went to Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

There was a nasty smell there, in order not to disturb her "daughter", Mo Qing had to solve the unstable factors.


I hope he didn't come here to snatch Lu Ling, otherwise don't blame him for being rude.



Sitting obediently, watching her long hair tied up and her messy clothes sorted without any wrinkles, she regained her noble and elegant appearance.

At this time, the maid picked up the two slender white socks on the bedside, and just as she was about to move, Lu Ling snatched them away, whispering.

"This, this, I will do it myself."

Turning around and putting on the knee socks, Lu Ling looked at the maid with a slightly red face.

"Thank you, thank you sister."

"It's okay." The maid frowned when she heard Lu Ling's strange speech.

Why are you sick... I haven't heard the young master say that...

And it seems that the illness is not clear, it should be contracted a cold.

You should go to the medical hall. Recently, there is a free clinic by Dr. Liu near the city. I heard that the medical skills are excellent...

But just think about it, as a maid, she is not qualified to decide anything for Lu Ling, the young master should have his own plans...


Lu Ling was thanking her when her stomach groaned again.

The little face was instantly bloodshot, and he lowered his head.


The maid felt nothing, isn't it normal for her stomach to growl when she's hungry?

"My dear, breakfast is ready, should I go down and eat it or bring it up for you?"

"Huh?" Lu Ling raised her head.

Do you have food?Ready?

In an instant, this plain-looking maid became an angel in Lu Ling's eyes, but soon she put away the joy and rubbed the hem of her clothes.

"Sister, I... I have no money."

"Money?" The maid was also taken aback for a moment. Although Lu Ling was easy to get along with and looked easy to bully, she had no intention of asking her for money...

Some don't understand Lu Ling's thoughts, maybe this is the difference between the wealthy daughter and ordinary people like them?
"The daughter doesn't need to give money, or the young master has arranged everything." The maid smiled: "How does the daughter plan to eat?"


Lu Ling frowned, but she didn't care so much if she had food to eat.

"Let's go down and eat together." Lu Ling said after hesitating for a while.

Although she wanted the young lady to deliver the food, she had already troubled the elder sister a lot, and Lu Ling felt a little shameless to ask for anything else.

It seemed that she knew that Lu Ling's legs were inconvenient, so the maid gently hugged Lu Ling.

This girl is very thin, otherwise she might not be able to hold her with such a small arm.

"Then daughter, let's go."

At this time, being served by a young lady who had just met, Lu Ling's face was hot, and she hummed like a mosquito.

Then he was carried downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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