Chapter 411 Zen Master
"Lu Ling? What's going on? Master of the Southern Territory, please speak clearly!"

Bai Yunfan didn't even hold the teacup for a moment, and the sound of ceramics shattering attracted the attention of most people here.

"They...what's the matter?"

The girls looked at each other, but because they couldn't get close, they couldn't hear the specific conversation between the two.

After hearing Mo Qing's words, Bai Yunfan couldn't sit still, and his gloating thoughts disappeared.

He didn't doubt what Mo Qing said, nor did he doubt whether the Lu Ling that Mo Qing was talking about was the girl he knew.

This is Luoyan City.

"He has Zen power, but I'm not sure if he's from the Great Sad Valley." Mo Qing didn't say much: "Speed, look for it."

Bai Yunfan nodded, but didn't ask Mo Qing how he knew Lu Ling and so on.

Just like what Mo Qing thought, the key now is to rescue Lu Ling from the crazy monk in the Valley of Sadness... Although I am not sure if he is from the Valley of Sadness, but he can use the magic power of a person with such profound Zen power People are absolutely inseparable from the Great Sad Valley.

The strength of the Venerable Realm may be someone they know.

That is the "disciple" appointed by Shushan... If such a seedling falls into the hands of the group of crazy monks in the Great Compassion Valley, it will be very bad.

Zen power assimilates all things, who knows if the noble righteousness in this girl will mutate after being exposed to Zen power... It is impossible to be transformed, but the conflict between Zen power and Shushan's righteousness is a well-known thing...

No more ink stains, Bai Yunfan closed his eyes.

In an instant, another sharp wind blew from the south pass of Luoyan City.


A gust of cold wind blew by, and the black armor on the street shivered unconsciously, and a chill suddenly felt in his heart.

"Damn... I can't find it." Like Mo Qing, Bai Yunfan had no clue.

"You are north, I am south, and we will meet from west to east." Mo Qing said concisely.

"Okay." Bai Yunfan resolutely agreed to this request for cooperation, and his sword intent and spiritual consciousness were dispatched at the same time, searching every existing space in Luoyan City like a carpet.

Bai Yunfan was anxious.

Who is Lu Ling?

If she was not in Lingshan, she would be the absolute core in Shushan, and there is a great possibility that she will be the next head of Shushan after she grows up. You must know that Sikong Jian, who is active in the front line of Tianguangxu at this time, was taken by Shushan. Compared with Sikong Jian, the strong contender who is optimistic about many pulses and the next leader is inferior to others. Of course, Yun Xiao's strength has improved by leaps and bounds after unraveling his heart knot, but compared to Sikong Jian Still at an absolute disadvantage.

The reason lies in Sikong Jian's innate righteousness, it is this righteousness that protects his body, so that he can fight for a long time on the front line of Tianguangxu where Shen Gui and others can't wait for a long time without being eroded.

It is precisely because of this righteousness that Sikong Jian is upright and upright, as tough as a mountain pine and cypress, whether it is a person's moral character or his cultivation of swordsmanship, he is top-grade.

As everyone knows, someone as strong as Venerable Ye doesn't have this kind of innate righteousness. At most, he has an aura of grandeur in his chest. The gentleman Dong Daobuyu is the best description for him.

As for Lu Ling... For some reason, this girl possesses such awe-inspiring aura that the people in Shu Mountain can't help but be dumbfounded.

People have righteousness, and heaven and earth are magnificent.

Quality is not at the same level, and quantity is not at the same level.

There is no doubt about the importance of such a little girl to Shushan and the human race, so when he heard that Lu Ling had made a mistake, Bai Yunfan became anxious instantly.

Although he is frivolous and has no right conduct, but the people in Shushan have a pure mind and are extremely worried for a while.

I was worried that Lu Ling would be injured or frightened because of Zen power, and even more worried that this girl with a clear sword heart would be "bewitched" by the people in the Great Sad Valley.

The heart of the sword is clear, and there is a name in Buddhism called the Jingmi Lingtai, which is the best seed for practicing Buddhism...

And the lunatics in the Great Sad Valley may risk offending Lingshan to save Lu Ling.

This is sister Zhuzi's student, and also his junior.

Bai Yunfan gritted his teeth.

With twelve points of strength, he is a newly promoted venerable, and he is not as powerful as Mo Qing, but at this moment, there are silver threads flying in his eyes, and the sword intent is pushed to the limit.

As for seeking help from people in Lingshan, I never thought about it.



After being scanned by the divine sense three or four times, Luo Hanyi only groaned in confusion, and found nothing, so he took the breakfast to Zhao Yingge and sent it to Zhao Yingge.

But Liu Fufeng, feeling weird, glanced at Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Spatial fluctuations told her that something had happened... Lowering her head, she realized that the dosage of herbal medicine she had prepared was wrong.


Liu Fufeng's face was not very good-looking, he was puzzled, puzzled, and a little bit worried.

Not long ago, she suddenly felt that her A Ling was by her side, and then disappeared.

I don't know why, but suddenly I can't calm down, and I can't stop jumping.

Ah Ling... It seems that she really went down the mountain, she was right next to her, very close, but at a certain moment she was pulled away a little...

Was it not an illusion that morning?

do not know.

Liu Fufeng didn't know if she was suffering from hysteria because she missed Lu Ling too much, but she understood one thing.

She couldn't stay any longer.

She was going to take a look, although she didn't know the exact location, but there was a connection between the two somewhere, Liu Fufeng raised his head and glanced outside the door.

The strange feeling came from that direction...

She is going to see it, she must go.

"My lord, after Sister Xifeng comes, let her help me take care of the clinic, I have something to go out." Liu Fufeng put on a white gauze, and went out without cleaning the herbs in his hands.

"Qianjin, what happened, do you need me?" It was the first time Mr. Zhao saw Liu Fufeng being so strange and out of control.

"No, just take care of the clinic for me, thank you." After saying that, Liu Fufeng left.


Do you want to follow...

Mr. Zhao hesitated for a moment, and stood on the side of the road to perform his duties. Qianjin naturally has her affairs, so he should not cause trouble for Qianjin.

In the dark, Hei Jia followed.

Under Xifeng's order, no matter where Liu Fufeng goes, he must follow...

To prevent encountering people who don't have long eyes, it also means to monitor Liu Fufeng. After all, Xifeng knows Liu Fufeng well. Feng really didn't dare to be so blatant.

However, Liu Fufeng didn't care, someone cared.

Liu Fufeng stood at a fork in the road, looked left and right, and then resolutely headed in one direction.

A moment later, in the shadows, Hei Jia followed, but after turning a corner, he was suddenly expelled from the shadows.


After recovering, a group of men raised their heads, and then froze.

Like winter in a cold pond, this group of men who can usually fight bloody monsters swallowed their saliva and did not dare to move. The hair on their bodies was bundled up, which is the instinct of human beings when they encounter danger.

The one standing in front of them was not some vicious monster, nor was it Liu Fufeng.

Just a back view.

Black and red are mysterious.

The black color is coiled around the body like a dragon, spiraling up from the toes, like a living thing, all the black armors even heard a deafening dragon roar, shaking their minds away.

This is the back of a woman, with a sword on her back, the hilt is as black as ink.

She wore a black robe, and her broken hair hung peacefully by her ears.

The girl turned her head slightly, and glanced at the group of men who had just followed her junior sister... Then she took a step and chased Liu Fufeng away.

Seeing that this group of people had no malice, they were spared their lives.

It took a long time for the girl to leave before the battle-tested leader of the black armor stood up tremblingly.

He felt the meaning of that girl, and he couldn't keep up...

gritted teeth.




What is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?

Holy land?Seven Holy Lands?
No, Luoyan City is.

Because there is a woman living here.

On the top floor of Xiaoxiang Pavilion, there is an elegant room.

The woman in red stands in front of the window, looking at the vast sky, with long hair hanging down her waist, moving without wind.

She sees these things more clearly than anyone else.

That monk is not that simple.

Hong Ling felt a wave of will, the remnant of the supreme will, from him.

Even if she is the supreme being called "mother" in her name, that is the rule that only exists in the void, the creator of the world.

Ever since the world was able to function normally and their sisters became judges, the mother no longer interfered in the world... Now Hong Ling felt her power from a monk...

She also has an understanding of the Great Sadness Valley. There is no such thing as a belief in the Buddha. After all, in the Great Sadness Valley, the Buddha is omniscient and omnipotent... But in this world, even Hong Ling is not omniscient and omnipotent. Her "mother", no one is omniscient.

In a sense, the rules of creation are the ultimate form pursued by the Great Sad Valley, Buddha.

What does she want to do?What is there to borrow the hand of this monk?

Why Lu Ling?

Hong Ling pondered.

In a short while, I had a rough idea in my heart. It should not be the mother's intention, but the result of the self-regulation of heaven and earth.

The problem still lies with their sisters.

When the judges have selfishness, the game is unfair. Li Huo Hong Ling, Xue Luo Qian Han, they do not favor the human race, their attitudes only depend on their own masters.

And in this life, both of their hearts are on Lu Ling, if this girl becomes the backbone of the human race...

The balance among the races has really been broken. After all, Li Huo Hongling made the most outrageous move in the past. If the sisters really want to be united, it would be too unfair to other races.

Therefore, Zen Master, a Buddhist who made a great wish to save all sentient beings and had no racial concept in his heart, was chosen by the general trend.

If Lu Ling was influenced by him, then she would not favor a certain race, not to mention that Lu Ling's thinking itself has some problems, which can be seen from the fact that she still thinks that Moyuan people are good.

Hong Ling shook her head.

It's a naive idea, but it's also normal. After all, it's just a natural correction, and it's far from a calculation, but it also reminded her that such large and small corrections will still happen in the future.

Hong Ling didn't plan to do anything, the human race had nothing to do with her... She just obeyed her master's order and preserved blood for the human race.

Moreover, this matter is not that simple.

Hong Ling couldn't make a move, she could only let the matter develop naturally, but what about the others?
One must know that Lu Ling is a disciple of Lingshan... An abandoned disciple of the Great Sad Valley wants to take her away, which is tantamount to a dream.

In Hong Ling's eyes, it is not certain whether this monk can walk out of Luoyan City alive. His apprentice was robbed, but he is still in Luoyan City... Most importantly, because of the concept of crossing the world, the monk who even saved the demons has become a monk. An unpleasant existence.

He is likely to perish here today.

That calculation is just a joke.


Hong Ling was not sure either.

Even if the self-regulation of heaven and earth is weak and negligible, but the monk has the care of his mother after all... So, it is still unknown how things will develop.




On a barren hill.

Wooden house.

The old monk sat on the stool and looked at the girl curled up in the corner without saying a word.

Lu Ling was obviously frightened.

She didn't know why this vicious monk wanted to arrest her. there anyone, help...

Lu Ling panicked, but she wasn't too frightened because Xuechen was there.

Lu Ling has confidence in Xuechen...probably.

Speaking of which, it was also the first time that Lu Ling knew that there were monks in this world... The old monk's attire was similar to the monk in her deep memory.

However, what about the good kindness?What is going on with this lean old man in his 50s?

Why did he grab himself?
If it's a monk, he probably isn't close to a woman...

Although the old man gave her a bad feeling, Lu Ling didn't feel any malice, so she didn't resist too much.

Just bowed his head, not looking at the old monk.


"The Buddha appears in front of's you."

Staring at Lu Ling, the old monk smiled on his unattractive face, it was a gratified smile, with infinite expectations.

The Buddha's son has become a Buddha's daughter, but it doesn't matter, the body is just a skin...

Zen masters believe in Buddha, and they don’t believe in Buddha. For example, people in the Great Sad Valley believe that Buddha exists because their power is real, they are kind to others, they turn people to Buddha, and promote Buddhism...

will get stronger.

The Zen master is also, but he also has doubts.

Pursuing sentient beings... What is Pursuing sentient beings?
Ever since he was an ordinary disciple, he has been thinking about this issue, saving people from misery and fire, and wandering in the world of mortals. He has become more proficient in Buddhism, but he has become more and more confused.

Is saving people the same as crossing people?
Doubt, but did not stop his Buddhist practice.

The greater the reputation, the stronger the strength, and the Zen master faintly became the leader of the generation in the Great Sad Valley.

But this is the kind of person who was stunned after seeing Fairy Lingshan Jue kill thousands of demons with a sword on the front line of Tianguangxu.

He stepped forward to stop him, was seriously injured by Juexian's move, and was cured by another person in Qingjue.

Then, the Zen master withdrew from the battlefield, during which time he didn't have a demon life in his hands, which was puzzled by his colleagues. After all, the demons are the enemies of the human race, and kindness should not be given to the enemy.

Zen masters don't think so...

To save all living beings, why not save the demons, how can you save me if you don’t save the demons, and why are sentient beings if you don’t save me?
Can't understand.

So I retreated for a hundred years, and when I left the customs, I was already in the realm of the venerable. I made a great wish to save all the living beings in the world, and finally save me.

In the eyes of others, he is undoubtedly crazy.

However, the Zen Master did what he wished, and healed the Hai Clan, the Spirit Clan, protected the Human Clan, and rescued the demon species, causing a sensation for a while.

Even, crazy, he tried to go to the Tianguangxu battlefield to cross the demons, but was kicked out in the end, and because of the big mistake he made in crossing the demons, he was expelled from the Great Sad Valley and became a wandering monk.

Give up cultivation, achieve thousands of avatars, walk in the world, and implement your own ideas.

He has saved tens of thousands of people, but it is still a drop in the bucket. Zen Master also knows that saving people is not the same as saving people.

Aspirations are easy to say, but hard to put into practice. With the strength of one person, there is no end in sight, but like a foolish old man moving a mountain, he did it.

Then one day.

In the dream, the Buddha who should not exist appeared and told him that what he was after was in one person.

That is a person with great wisdom and great opportunity.

he believe.

If such a person exists, it should be a disciple of the Buddha.

Now she is a Buddha girl.

(End of this chapter)

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