Chapter 412
Although I don't know what the so-called Buddha's son should look like, people who believe in Buddhism always pay attention to a word of fate.

The old Zen master believed that as long as he saw it, he would recognize it naturally.

And today, when he saw Lu Ling for the first time, his Zen power became agitated. If he was right, the girl in front of him was the person he was looking for.


This girl is not as... Buddha-like as he imagined.

If you are a Buddha woman, you should be calm in dealing with things, and at worst, you should be as kind as jade and as calm as water.

And looking at this girl, she seems to be frightened by herself...

This kind of meeting was unexpected to the old Zen master. He imagined various scenes of meeting this unknown Buddha, and even almost confused the Buddha's heart because of the existence of this person.

But I didn't expect that the Buddha with great wisdom was a girl.

But his feeling is not wrong, Lu Ling is the person he is looking for, there is no doubt about it.

After chanting the Buddha's name, the old Zen master quietly watched Lu Ling.

Suddenly there was a strange feeling in my heart.

"Little benefactor, have we met before..."

There was a feeling in Lu Ling that he was very familiar with... As the saying goes, he and Lu Ling had a predestined relationship, and it was not an ordinary predestined relationship... They must have met before.

It's just that he doesn't know which Lu Ling he met...

"..." Lu Ling turned her head.

Is this... chatting up?

According to what Senior Sister Qin said and the knowledge in her mind, "Have we met?" is the lowest level of strike-up... I have seen it before, how could she have seen this monk, who is so old and still has a bald head.

Lu Ling panicked.

This old monk doesn't seem to be a good person...

She looked at the door of the wooden house, thinking about how to escape from here.

Seeing this, the old Zen master shook his head.

It's not easy to ask Lu Ling. For a while, he thought that with so many avatars, he couldn't find any memories related to Lu Ling... Of course, it may be an illusion. After all, a girl as cute as Lu Ling has a His ice energy is so abundant, even if it is a clone, it should not be forgotten after seeing it once.

"Just entered the Xinmen, then ascended to the throne..."


Although he believed in his own feelings, the old Zen master was suspicious when he saw the weak girl in front of him.

Is such a girl really the one in the guide, the Buddha who can realize his ambition?
"My Buddha is merciful..."

This time, when he said the word "I Buddha", the old Zen master stared at Lu Ling firmly.

"When you recite the Buddha's name, you will see the Buddha, and you will become a Buddha. When you seek rebirth, you will die, and you will be saved..." The Chan Master spoke slowly, and his solemn tone turned into golden energy, illuminating the room.

"The human body is hard to come by, but the Dharma is hard to hear. The human body is hard to get and now I have it, and the Dharma is hard to hear. I can still hear it today. This body is not saved for this life, let alone saved for another life..."

A sentence of jerky words came out of the mouth of the old Zen master, the light rained, the tongue was shining like a lotus flower, and the vision fell from the square inch.

This is the Buddhist principle that the old Zen master has comprehended from walking in the world of mortals these years.

The purpose of reading it out with great magic power today is not to save Lu Ling, but to test it.

If it is a Buddha, he should respond.

And Lu Ling's reaction made the Zen master sigh.

A bewildered look on his face.

Spend?What is the degree... what a mess.

It can be said that Lu Ling was very confused.

She asked herself that she is already good at learning characters, and can understand most of the poems... But she can explain every single word of the old monk in front of her. Understood.

And what kind of spell is's so beautiful.

The golden energy is very warm, and Lu Ling felt peaceful and warm in her heart just after touching some of it...

"The coming is unknown, but the going is just in time. Homo sapiens feel cold when looking at this..." Looking at Lu Ling like this, the old Zen master seemed to have weakened a bit.


You shouldn't pin your hopes on others.

"My Buddha is merciful."

After pronouncing the Buddha's name, the old Zen master sat down on the ground, settled down, with a bit of sadness on his face.

She's a Buddha girl, but she's not, at least he can't see now that Lu Ling has Buddha nature...

She is just an ordinary girl in character.


The old Zen master suddenly opened his eyes.

It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, all living beings can be Buddhas, it's his appearance.

"Buddha... I am Buddha..." The old Zen master looked at Lu Ling.

Lu Ling is his Buddha.

should be.


His time is running out.

With the eyesight of the old Zen master, how could he fail to see that Lu Ling is a disciple of Lingshan, but his identity is too sensitive, it is impossible to get close to Lu Ling through normal channels, and taking Lu Ling away forcibly is just a no-brainer.
It is very dangerous for him to enter Luoyan City with his body, and the Buddha he is looking for is still a disciple of Lingshan...

Eighty percent to die.

Although he is already in the Venerable Realm, he is not arrogant enough to think that he can take away the disciples of Lingshan in Luoyan City... His Zen power told him that in this Luoyan City alone, no one who can kill him will hit him with a palm number.

Fear of death?

There are some.


I heard the Tao in the morning, and I can die in the evening, so I am willing.

The old Zen master could already feel that a terrifying existence was watching here not far away. If he had really had bad thoughts about Lu Ling before, the other party has already stepped on the door now.

The other party didn't have much time left for him, and the old Zen master knew it in his heart.

Seek Buddha.

Pray for Buddha...

The old Zen master's cloudy eyes burst out with infinite light, looking at the little girl in front of him is like looking at hope, the scene of peace in the world that day.

My Buddha is merciful.

It's a Buddha girl... Can you let him see a little wisdom root, even if there is only a little bit, he will rest in peace even if he dies.

"I am Buddha."

In just half an hour, the Buddha in the old Zen master's mouth has materialized from a concept to the ordinary girl in front of him.

"Buddha?" Lu Ling murmured to herself, and then trembled a little. He felt chills all over from the stare of the monk in front of him, and his hairs stood on end.

Why does this monk look like she wants to eat people? She doesn't like it.


This word Lu Ling has little contact with, but combined with the meaning of the monk in front of her, Lu Ling has a guess.

Those strange words before could not be the Buddhist scriptures of this world, if so, it's normal for her not to understand.

And the word that means crossing the river just now should be Duhua...

Lu Ling looked at the old Zen master sitting on the ground, buried half of his face between his knees, only showing half of his face to look at him.

The old Zen master spoke.

This time, it was no longer an obscure speech, but an easy-to-understand one for Lu Ling.

There is no brilliant tongue, no vision, as if it is just an old man stating ordinary words.

"The Buddha said that if you are always dissatisfied with others, you should always examine yourself. Dissatisfaction with others is tormenting yourself."

Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

I can understand.

What is the old man talking about?Make sense?But Lu Ling's intuition told her that these are all life experiences and should be remembered well.

"The Buddha said that respecting others is to solemnize yourself."

"The Buddha said that the truth of life is only hidden in the plain and tasteless."

Listening to the plain words, Lu Ling nodded unconsciously.

Ordinary is beautiful, Lu Ling has always thought so.

The old Zen master continued to speak, and at the same time, the energy in his body was constantly rising, as if he was resisting something.

At this time, in a place that Lu Ling could not see, a huge aura pressed down on the old Zen master like a mountain peak, as if it wanted to crush him completely. Bearing this terrifying aura, his old body bent a little bit.

"The Buddha said that those who can lower their ego are truly noble."

After saying this, the old Zen master's bent body straightened like a pine and cypress, and his eyes were shining brightly, which is beyond words.

"The Buddha said that people should learn to let go, the more they let go, the more they feel they have more."

"Well, I also like studying." Lu Ling nodded after hearing this.

The old Zen master ignored Lu Ling and continued.

"Buddha said that with a selfless love, you have everything."

"..." Lu Ling turned her head away.

She's always been selfish, never anything selfless.

"The Buddha said that saving others and saving yourself is a great good."

As the end drew to a close, the old Zen master's voice became louder and louder, but Lu Ling couldn't understand it again.

"Buddha said that people are not people."


Under the huge pressure, the floor moved down by three points, as if guessing what the old Zen master was about to say, the Taoist nun who had been watching couldn't help it, and quickly approached Lu Ling.

"The Buddha said that all living beings are human beings, all living beings can be saved, and all living beings need to be saved."

After saying the last sentence, the old Zen master sat on the ground with a sigh of relief, and calmly looked at the Taoist nun who stood in front of Lu Ling with a cold expression.

"The junior has met the senior..." The old Zen master was not stupid, and naturally knew the identity of the Taoist nun in front of him.

"Hello, very good." The nun looked at the monk as if she were dead.

Seeing that the monk didn't go to save Lu Ling, she gave him a chance to speak, but she didn't expect him to say nonsense to her little girl that people are not human beings, everyone can be human, and everyone needs to be saved.

This monk can save the devil by himself, but he still wants her girl to accompany him?
This has touched the Taoist bottom line.

This monk must die today.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" The nun looked at the indifferent old Zen master and calmed down. At this moment, the monk's life was in her hands, and she was very curious.

"To understand the Buddha's words, you must practice the Buddha's deeds." The old Zen master said solemnly: "What do I have to fear?"

Hearing this, the nun looked back at Lu Ling who was thinking about something, resisted the thought of knocking Lu Ling unconscious, and asked the Zen master: "To understand the words of the Buddha, you must practice the deeds of the Buddha... you are more beautiful than the Valley of Sadness." The old monk sees things more clearly, but...why is it her."

"Fate." The old Zen master flicked his sleeves, and clasped his hands together after kicking up the dust.

"My Buddha is merciful."

He looked at Lu Ling calmly.

The atmosphere in the room became weird, including the Taoist nun looking at Lu Ling, wondering what the girl was thinking after the baptism.

What is Lu Ling thinking?
do not know.

To save is to cross, to cross people is to be kind, people are not people, all living beings are people...

What a mess.

But... Lu Ling took a look at the familiar senior sister who liked to read, and she was very relieved. After being rescued, Lu Ling also felt relieved.

"I don't know what you mean by speeding up and down, but seeing how thin you are... That common people, it's not so easy to cross... Maybe, common people are difficult to cross." Lu Ling saw the difficulties, and told the truth To be honest.

The nun raised her eyebrows, but she didn't understand, but when she turned around, she saw the old Zen master's indifferent expression froze on his face.

"It's hard for the common people... It's hard for the common people..."

After repeating it several times, he became a little crazy. The laughter lasted for a long time before the old Zen master calmed down.

Standing up, under the surprised gazes of Taoist nuns and Lu Ling, he performed a cumbersome Buddhist ceremony towards Lu Ling, and when he raised his head again, his cloudy eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Is she really a Buddha girl? She has the roots of wisdom and is a person of great wisdom.

Life is difficult.

Although these mortal beings seek to escape from suffering and obtain happiness, their hearts do not seek goodness, and they do not seek liberation from goodness.

It's not that the Buddha doesn't ferry him, how can a person who doesn't want to get on the boat get across?
"My Buddha said, life is difficult for the common people." The old Zen master said calmly.

Lu Ling didn't notice that the old Zen master's previous words were all about the Buddha's words, but this sentence used the word "I Buddha".

The Taoist nun noticed it, and raised her eyebrows lightly.

My Buddha?That's the girl from Lingshan, not a Buddha.

She has heard enough.

"Lu Ling, don't listen to him, don't move on the bed." After the nun moved her hands and feet, she stomped her feet lightly.

The wooden house dissipated instantly and disappeared with the wind, and then the Taoist nun flew into the sky with the monk in his arms.

Of course, killing people can't be done in front of their own girls.



The two of Shushan looked at each other without saying a word.

This abandoned disciple of the Great Sad Valley committed suicide, no one could save him, and he actually instilled such rebellious thoughts into Lu Ling...

You know, they are the top power of the human race, this statement alone is enough to kill him ten thousand times, not to mention, the target of indoctrination is Lu Ling who has the blood of ice...

It is no longer indescribable as death.

"Filial piety... this Lu Ling, isn't she a little too obedient..." Weng Xiaoli was puzzled.

"Yes... It seems that we have overlooked some problems." Xiao nodded, this Lu Ling is obviously not that surly look, if it is the Lu Ling they know, how can they talk nonsense with this monk, let alone curl up in the corner in fear .





"Do you want to resist?" Taoist nun looked at the thin monk in front of her, with murderous intent on her face.

"The junior is not the opponent of the senior..." The old Zen master glanced at Lu Ling who was on the ground, and when he turned around, his eyes were filled with relief.

As everyone knows, the more this is the case, the more angry the nun is, and she has made up her mind that she will kill him today.

"Oh, according to what your Buddha said, if I kill you, shouldn't you resist?" The nun said coldly.

"If you want people not to die, you must first be a living dead... The younger generation is not an immortal, so I still did it." The old Zen master stepped back a little distance, and a golden light suddenly appeared on his body.

Although it is the number of Venerable, but the gap between the two is too big, but he is not without the ability to resist at all.

"I'll give you a chance, let go of any means you have." Taoist nun stood with her hands behind her back, relying on her emptiness to control the wind.

Hearing this, the old Zen master glanced at Lu Ling below and smiled wryly.

Asking him to use all his strength means, is there anyone else here?
Looking around, he found Shu Shan and the two who had no intention of hiding. The sharp sword intent almost pierced his sea of ​​consciousness.

The top figures of the human race, I saw three of them at once, and they were indeed Buddha girls.

"Understood, this junior will do his best." The old Zen master nodded. In that case, let the senior see how powerful his Tao is...

Of course, let me see Buddha too.

The old Zen master's sleeves are empty, and the golden light is in full bloom.

A ten thousand zhang phantom descended from the sky.

The golden body of the ancient Buddha, in front of this terrifying golden body, the huge Luoyan City is like an inch of land.




Stimulated by the terrifying power, Xuechen woke up.

"Master, master, this is a battle of top powerhouses, you must not miss it!!!!"

"En." Lu Ling was deeply shocked when she looked at the boundless giant statue that was so high in the sky that there was no end in sight.

Compared to such a scene, all the duels she knew were children's play.

After being horrified, he frowned.


How did it start...

 Although it's already this time, I still wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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