Chapter 414

The monk is dying.

The whole body of a person's cultivation base is on the soul, but the physical body is secondary. The advanced mental method of Lingshan Wenhun does not restore the body, but the soul.

The sea clan is unknown, the spirit clan refines the body, and the human demon refines the soul. Whether it is a human race or a demon race, the soul is scattered. If it is not rescued in time, it will return to the wheel of heaven and earth.

That is death.

And this monk is not far from death.

The ten-thousand-foot giant Buddha was dismantled and torn apart, turning into scriptures and flying away in all directions. The golden power fell on the clouds, hilltops, and grasslands...

These are vitality.

When the monk's Zen power fell on the barren hills, it would be a dead tree in spring, and if it fell on the grass, it would be a luxuriant piece. A little Zen power fell on Luoyan City, warming the city and improving the aura of heaven and earth in it. From then on, the people of Luoyan City, Physical fitness will go up a notch.

Seeing the scene of moistening everything after the body collapsed, the nun suppressed the hostility in her heart.

Even though she didn't like this man, she couldn't feel bad for his Taoism.

Not because of preconceived notions, it is impossible for her to hate such a junior...

If it was just the golden body that was destroyed, he would be able to recover in just a little time, but now, the Zen master single-handedly pushed himself to a dead end.

After the golden body was destroyed, all his cultivation was gone, and his soul was also destroyed one by one. He was committing suicide, and what he got in exchange for suicide was the scenery of Pudu.

"This is what you call a Buddha?" The Taoist nun said with complicated eyes.

The giant Buddha shattered, and a figure appeared from the void. It was the old Zen master. At this time, he was no longer the same as before. Although his clothes did not change, his complexion was weak and the injury was serious.

"Buddha? It's just a rule." The old Zen master clasped his palms together and proclaimed the Buddha's name, then looked up at the golden streamers that scattered away.

In the past, this was his Buddha, but after today, the Buddha is not the Buddha, but my Buddha is the Buddha.

The old Zen master could see clearly.

"The junior still has a little understanding, please learn from the senior."

As he said that, the old Zen master escaped into the void, and the golden giant Buddha was in full bloom, as if he had regained the power of his heyday, but in the eyes of the Taoist nun, this was just a flashback.

The monk was crushing his golden body with her hands.


Who is this golden light saving?
The Taoist nun glanced at the girl curled up below and sighed.

Then do as he wishes.

Although she didn't like it, it was her girl's chance after all, so how could she stop it.

The figure disappeared, and at the same time, some words that were different from the golden scriptures derived from the giant Buddha appeared. It was a book of exercises.

The moon is bright and the wind is clear.

The classics of Liufeng are also the first exercises Liu Yu practiced.

Using it to crush the monk's golden body is considered revenge.

With a wave of his hand, the ancient Buddha was entangled in countless clever words, and the golden light overflowed, and the Buddha's body was shattered inch by inch.

At this time, most of the monk's Zen power turned into golden scriptures, descending from the sky like a waterfall, and the landing point was Lu Ling's cot.

Like the Milky Way falling into the nine heavens, Lu Ling is surrounded by the dazzling Buddhist Zen power, and she is like a never-ending black hole at this moment, no matter how much Zen power it is, it will all be absorbed.

"What is this?" Lu Ling widened her eyes, watching the huge golden river fall from the sky.

so comfortable...

As if bathed in the holy light, Lu Ling felt that her stuffy nose problem seemed to be solved... very warm.

"It's not a good thing." Xuechen looked at the golden giant river with disdain.

Zen power, how could she let her master accept this kind of dirty power, and in fact, this monk did not dare to pour power directly into her master, after all, if that was the case, what kind of Lingshan disciple would her master be?
With Zen power in his body, he would probably be laughed to death if he went out.

The Great Sadness Valley is the opposite of Lingshan, a bald man in Yishui, how does her master want to meet people?

The monk is also aware of this, so his power did not inject into Lu Ling's body, and the final destination was her pocket.

There was a pair of earrings in the shape of a guqin quietly waiting there.

This is a meeting gift from Tang Keyu to Lu Ling, and it is to introduce Shangqin and Keyuqin.

Introduce merchants and engrave feathers, mixed with flow signs.

Imbued with great Zen power, this pair of earrings, which were originally mostly silver, turned into two colors of gold and silver, the surface was radiant, and the level jumped up several notches.

If you use this kind of piano to play, you don't need to use exercises to have various magical effects, but the current Lu Ling doesn't use it.

Lu Ling also noticed something was wrong, and reached out to take out the earring, but was stopped by Xuechen.

"This... This is what I'm going to give to my junior sister..." Lu Ling, who was bathed in the holy light, looked anxious. This earring was specially taken back when she went down the mountain, and it was for Liu Fufeng...

I haven't seen you for a long time, I will give my junior sister a gift, she will be very happy, but now...

"Master, that Zen power is not a good thing. If you don't want Sister Liu to recite the Buddha's name, you'd better stay by your side. It recognizes you as the master and won't save you." Xuechen said slowly.

While talking, observe Lu Ling's face.

She is lying.

This Zen master's Zen power can't save people, but Xuechen has to say that, there is a memory in her memory.

That was a completely different master from Ruan Meng in front of him, full of blood.

"If I want to give something to others, remember to stop me."

I don't know when I met the master, but such words are deeply engraved in her mind.

If she didn't stop the master this time, she would definitely be punished when she woke up.

So Xuechen deceived Lu Ling.

Nothing wrong with that.

But Lu Ling was very disappointed.

In this case, this earring cannot be given to Junior Sister... It's a pity, she thought it would look good on Junior Sister...

Bah, my junior sister looks good in anything.

Forget it, don't give it if you don't give it.

Lu Ling yawned and moaned softly.

Not to mention, this golden energy is really comfortable, and she is a little sleepy.

The golden body is shattered, and this golden scripture will still be transmitted for a while.



This is a barren hill on the outskirts of Luoyan City. It is estimated that it will take several hours to get out from the inner city by car.

At the foot of the mountain, two people passed through the barrier.

The two men who came over stopped and looked at each other.

The sky smelled like the aura of the Lingshan mountain, and it was a very terrifying aura. Combined with the flowing waterfall from the sky, they didn't get close.

It took some time to locate Lu Ling's location, but it seemed that she was late.

What surprised them the most was that the person in the Great Sad Valley was about to die.

It can be seen from this golden energy that this monk is definitely not weaker than Mo Qing, and must be stronger than Bai Yunfan.

But still fell away.

"...Is the current Lingshan so irritable..." Bai Yunfan swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

People with a higher cultivation level than him will kill them if they say so...

I was frightened for a while.

Fortunately, when he came to Lingshan, Venerable Ye informed Li Zhuzi... Otherwise, if he accidentally committed something...

Simply terrifying.

Mo Qing obviously thought a little bit more, combined with the situation that the people in Lingshan couldn't get away not long ago, and so on to analyze, but there was no result.

Obviously, he was surprised too.

Each of the venerables of the human race is piled up with huge resources. Except for dying in the catastrophe or the Tianguangxu battlefield, they will basically not fall. It is even more taboo to die in the hands of people who are also of the human race.

Foreign aggression is not settled, they are not qualified for civil strife.

I don't know if the people in the Great Sad Valley are crazy, or the women in Lingshan are crazy.

"Let's just wait here. Since Senior Lingshan has made a move, and this Zen power is not offensive, then Lu Ling will have no problem." Mo Qing said.

"Great kindness." Bai Yunfan nodded again and again, knowing that there was a woman in front of him who was crazier than Shen Canghai, and he didn't want to step forward, what if it hurt Yuchi?

This is not cowardly.

He came to see Shen Canghai, not to fight, if Shen Canghai knew that he and the people from Lingshan had fought, he would not eat him.

So, the two stood on the edge, ready to wait until the aura between heaven and earth dissipated before going in to see it.

At this moment, a burst of space fluctuations attracted the attention of the two men, and under the tacit understanding, the two men hide their figures wretchedly.

At this time, the strength of the people who can perceive the breath here and come here must not be underestimated. First, there was an old monk from the Great Sad Valley, and now there is another inexplicable person.

Then, what happened next took them both by surprise.

After a burst of space fluctuations, a girl staggered and fell out of the space, but soon jumped back into the space, and when she reappeared, she was already a hundred meters away.

It was Liu Fufeng.

The more she walked outside, the more obvious the feeling in her heart became. It was too much torment for her to go out of the city by car, so Liu Fufeng chose to use his unskilled space shuttle.

Along the way, the bumps and bumps made her a lot more proficient in controlling her own power.

Looking up at the huge golden waterfall in the sky, Liu Fufeng had no time to be surprised, and his heart throbbed.

Aya is over there.

With force under his feet, after a space shock visible to the naked eye, Liu Fufeng jumped into the void and disappeared.



The two men were still hiding their figures, Bai Yunfan was a little dazed, he came back to his senses, and opened his mouth tentatively.

"Mo Qing, that girl just now...hasn't calmed down yet..."

Yes, Liu Fufeng gave him the feeling that he has no condensed energy, that is to say, he has not stepped into the fairy gate, but Bai Yunfan himself does not believe it.

Traveling through space, at least one has to complete the Void Transformation Realm before it is possible to use some magic weapons to carry out spatial leaps. If you really want to master it freely, you must at least reach the level of Shen Canghai. Can't even touch the fur.

And the teenage girl who fell out of the space crack and jumped back just now, didn't even have the energy to condense?

Just kidding.

The most important thing is that when the space is torn apart, the pitch-black crack in the space, even if he looks at it, he is a little panicked. Even if he is a perfect cultivation base of the Void Transformation Realm, if he accidentally touches this pitch-black crack, he may die. However, the girl ignored the terrifying spatial turbulence and flew into it...

Don't use this method if you want to die, there may be no bones left at any time.

And the strangest thing is that the girl is immune to the turbulent flow of space, and she doesn't use violence to tear through the space... It's just that there are space fluctuations around her body, and cracks are formed.

He didn't even use his spiritual power...Of course, having that bit of spiritual power is the same as not having it.

"According to Lingshan, only [-]% of the gas is condensed..." Mo Qing nodded, looking at Liu Fufeng's leaving back, very surprised.

Lingshan's current batch of disciples are all freaks...

Not to mention the ice bloodline, in Mo Qing's eyes, the girl in front of him is no worse than the ice bloodline that Dong Shenhai dreamed of.

Being able to travel through space before getting started, and walking against the wind... This is no longer an ordinary talent that can be explained. You must know that Xu Xu's mere subtlety is already surprising. This is even more ruthless.

"Tell me, could it be the talent of space... the earth's feng shui fire is empty, but throughout history, there are no people with space talent..." Bai Yunfan was puzzled.

"Besides, how did this girl sense this place? Even we have searched for it for so long... and she just went in like this, is it really alright?"

"..." Mo Qing glanced at Bai Yunfan expressionlessly.

Are they familiar?
So much nonsense.

Although he hasn't condensed his breath yet, it's obviously a disciple of Lingshan, so there's nothing wrong with it.

When Bai Yunfan saw Mo Qing looking at him like a fool, he also reacted and snorted coldly.

People in Eastern Shenhai, dogs can't change eating shit, they are all so annoying, but even space talent is nothing, at least Shushan doesn't care, they don't know this, and they travel with Yujian.

Even if they are talented in space, they are far less attractive than Lu Ling.

"Hush, someone is here again." Mo Qing signaled Bai Yunfan not to speak.

"..." Bai Yunfan gritted his teeth, but still hid his figure.

This time it was a girl with short hair.

Seeing the girl leaving several afterimages on the ground, Bai Yunfan heaved a sigh of relief, he was finally a normal person.

But after underestimating Miss Chu, Bai Yunfan was stunned.

"Shen Gui?"

Shen Gui?

Mo Qing was also taken aback for a moment, and looked over carefully.

The girl looked around in place, as if she was looking for the direction where Liu Fufeng left.

Sure enough, it was Shen Gui.

Shen Canghai's apprentice, Li Zhuzi's student... It seems that she came with the girl from before, and she was probably blocked by the barrier outside, so she couldn't find Liu Fufeng's location.

Shen Gui couldn't see the golden energy in the sky, she was still outside the barrier.


Where did Junior Sister Liu go?

Shen Gui looked at the empty world around him and frowned.

Also, the space jump, although Lu Ling had a strange space disorder, she guessed Liu Fufeng's talent, but Shen Gui was still very surprised when it really appeared in front of her eyes.

Standing against a tree, he wiped his long sword.

She was waiting here for Liu Fufeng, and she instinctively told Shen Gui that if she disappeared here, she would definitely appear here, and she would ask about it later.


This is the reaction of normal people!How did that girl ignore the barrier before and jumped in directly...

Seeing that Shen Gui was blocked by the barrier, Bai Yunfan complained for a while.

Shen Gui's strength is definitely in the top ten among the juniors, and he is on par with Sikong Jian, Ye Guanyue, and Dongshenhai Dongfang Linglong of Shushan.

The talent of the sky, but the cultivation base is only in the Void Realm, so it is normal to be blocked by the enchantment.

How did that girl get in before...

Bai Yunfan wanted to ask for clarification, but seeing Liu Fufeng go to the central area, he decided to stay honest.

What he didn't know was that the person who arranged the barrier, the coir hat man from Mount Shu, was also confused.

He didn't know how Liu Fufeng got in...

He knew Lu Ling's senior sister, but he didn't expect this girl to come in after a leap, as if she had located the inside of this space...

Without a clue, Li Liweng can only think that she and Lu Ling have a heart-to-heart connection... There is really no way to explain it.

At this time, the girl with the power of space was rushing towards Lu Ling with that crappy power of space.

Lu Ling didn't have any coordinates on her body either. God knows how she was positioned. This bad old man who is proficient in formations couldn't understand it at all.

"Lingshan's disciples this year... are weirder than each other." After a long time, the coir hat choked out a sentence.

"..." Young Master Xiao ignored him.

The golden waterfall stopped flowing.



The old Zen master's face is like gold paper, sitting on a cloud.

At this time, the nun slowly landed in front of her.

"does it worth?"

A body of cultivation is as good as flowing water.

Although it was only a serious injury, he could be recovered with emergency treatment, but the Taoist nun would not save him, but watching him keep his strength by Lu Ling's side made him feel a little complicated.

That Zen power can protect Lu Ling and bear fatal injuries for her.

"If it's gone, it's gone. It's better to use it on my Buddha." Although the old Zen master was weak, he still spoke calmly.

"My girl from Lingshan, do you need to do anything extra?"

"My Buddha is merciful."

Seeing this junior who was getting weaker and weaker, Taoist nun thought of a girl who had passed away and sighed.

"I can understand that you want to atone for your sin?"

Use all of your spiritual power on Lingshan's talented disciples to make up for the mistakes you made.

"Half and half, the Buddha does not have that Zen power, and is still favored by the heaven and the earth." The old Zen master smiled: "The younger generation just hopes to follow my Buddha and take a look at that Buddha country."

"Hmph, then you will be disappointed." Listening to the monk's words, the nun snorted coldly.

It is impossible for her girl from Lingshan to become a monk and become a Buddha... a crazy monk.

Then, the Taoist nun turned and left.

This monk is no longer under her control, his cultivation base is exhausted, his soul is separated, and he cannot be rescued. He has already stepped into the coffin with one foot.

They will not save the abandoned disciples in the Valley of Sadness, let alone Lingshan.

It's better to die by yourself, so as not to dirty her hands.

"My Buddha is merciful..."

The old Zen master sat alone on the cloud, the vitality in his body was rapidly disappearing, and soon he stopped moving.

 I will write more ^_^, anyway, you are used to it... Although the plot is slow, it is still progressing... Lie down.

(End of this chapter)

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