Chapter 415
The Taoist nun came down from the sky and landed in front of Lu Ling's bed.

After the golden waterfall stopped flowing, Lu Ling tightened her white robe, curled up in it and looked at the young Taoist nun in front of her.

"Give it to me." The nun stretched out her hand to Lu Ling, bending her fingers slightly.


"Shut up." The Taoist nun took a deep look into Lu Ling's eyes, there was a Spirit Race that she had never seen before...

It is the opportunity of my own girl.

It might have something to do with Xihuang... But the nun is not worried, she just doesn't like the little guy talking nonsense.

"Senior sister, don't attack her..." After Lu Ling said a word weakly, she handed the pair of earrings in her pocket to the nun's hand, just like throwing away a hot potato.

Xuechen said that this thing might transform people... She was still a little panicked holding it.

Seeing Lu Ling obediently handing over the earrings, Xuechen was very distressed, and at the same time panicked... If the master blames it... emmmmm, if the master blames it, it seems not bad?

Mao'er blushed a little, then shook her head and spat at herself, looking warily at the woman outside.

This level of cultivation can barely make her look sideways... Of course, it is still much worse than her previous master.

Of course the Taoist nun would not be greedy for the treasures of her own girls. She played with the pair of gold-plated silver earrings, felt the peaceful but magnificent Zen power in them, and nodded in satisfaction.

No matter how you say this monk has survived the triple thunder tribulation, although he was almost broken up, but his cultivation base is solid, and because of his belief, this body of Zen power is perfectly integrated into the two Guqin.

Wearing this earring, Lu Ling would be able to kill evil spirits... In the face of such a magnificent Zen power, those evil spirits and heretics would not easily be able to enter her body.

Stretching out a hand to touch the earrings, gold and silver lights shone, and two banjos appeared out of thin air, floating in the air.

Eighty percent of it is lacquered wood, half of it is transparent, and there is still spiritual power flowing in it.

Even Lu Ling's eyes were straightened for a moment... This expression of nobility, at first glance, is not ordinary. Although it is not as luxurious as Qin Qin's Fengmingqin, the ordinary and noble appearance is just right. Can poke Lu Ling's itchy spot...

After learning the rhythm with Qin Qin for a while, she also touched the Fengming Qin a few times, and she was really envious. In fact, she always wanted to have a piano of her own...but she was not ashamed to tell Qin Qin.

Now, when two guqins as luxurious as glazed glass appeared in front of her, Lu Ling couldn't move her eyes away...

One gold and one silver, like the twin pianos in the mirror, the streamlined body of the piano, the strings are very tight, I don't know if it is an illusion, but the silver guqin gave Lu Ling a bad feeling...

Still beautiful though.

It turned out that Teacher Tang didn't just give her earrings... Lu Ling didn't know until today that what Tang Keyu gave her was a magic weapon, or two zithers.

But I don't regret giving the Guqin to the young Taoist nun. After all, although I don't know what Duhua is, it doesn't sound like a good word. Anything that might threaten her junior sister is not a good thing.

"The name of the piano... Yinshang, Keyu..." Finding the two names on the seal of the piano, the Taoist nun showed a clear expression and asked.

"Tang Keyu is your teacher?"

Actually... She didn't know Lu Ling very well... She only knew about a cold bloodline.

I'm not very interested, so I don't know anything about Lu Ling's daily situation.

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded.

"Then she is quite generous." The nun reached out and touched the golden guqin.


The tight string made a sound like a clear spring, and in an instant, a burst of golden ripples spread outward from the point where the nun's finger touched, and where the ripples passed, the luxuriant grass grew a little more.

With a sound, Lu Ling only felt that all the distracting thoughts in her heart were driven away.

"Meditation spell? Interesting, this Yinshangqin has its own meditation effect..."

The Taoist nun was curious and wanted to pluck the strings again. Lu Ling watched nervously from the side, with a distressed expression on her face.

"...You girl, what are you looking at me for?" The Taoist nun was a little surprised.

"No, nothing." Lu Ling turned her head away.

She just feels sorry for this golden guqin... The strings are too tight, and the sound is a little out of tune, and... the senior sister in front of her can't play the piano at first glance, how can she pick it hard... Seeing such a beautiful guqin falling In the hands of someone who doesn't know how to play the piano, how can Lu Ling not feel distressed?

Obviously, although she has only been studying for a short month, Lu Ling has already learned a lot of things under the influence of Qin Qin, and she has developed a strong interest in Guqin.

"Strange, forget it, if you don't play it, you don't play it..." Seeing Lu Ling's expression, the Taoist nun stopped touching the golden guqin after curling her lips, and turned her attention to another, silver-like guqin.

Carved yuqin.

The body of the piano is like a streamlined fish tail, and the slender five strings seem to have river water flowing... But in the eyes of the Taoist aunt, the river water is more like blood.

A piano full of murderous intent.

Her face was a little dignified, but she calmed down after a while. Although she had a murderous look, it was not a monster that would affect people's minds, otherwise she would not dare to give it to Lu Ling.

"It seems that this monk is not as merciful as he looks." The Taoist nun caressed the engraved yuqin, and felt some strange power at her fingertips.


As soon as it was touched, the sound of the golden spear resounded, and Lu Ling beside her shuddered for a moment.

"Interesting." Feeling the strong killing intent, the Taoist nun was a little surprised.

It seems that this monk is not blindly chanting Buddha's name, he also knows the importance of force, but she did not expect that force to be compressed into this form... Is it to fit the woman's personality?
The Taoist nun didn't believe that this seductive power was cultivated by that monk.

A very strong magic weapon, it should be self-evolved after absorbing Zen power.

Introduce merchants and engrave feathers, mixed with flow signs.

Although this pair of Guqin is not as good as Qin Qin's Fengmingqin, it is definitely not something to be taken lightly. Otherwise, Tang Keyu would not have been around for so many years, nourished by his own breath. The quality of this pair of Guqin is placed in the entire world of cultivating immortals It is also a first-class magic weapon, and now it has integrated the Zen power of the monk, and its future potential is even more limitless.

Simply speaking, if this engraved harp is used by Dongfang Lianren with a suitable temperament, the lethality it will cause is definitely first-class, and combined with her strange poison, it is simply a human-shaped killer.
It's a pity that Dongfang Lian rarely plays the piano.

It was the golden Yinshangqin that made Taoist nun see a possibility.

Using the rhythm to display the literary soul, there has been a Qin Qin since ancient times, she is a master of rhythm, and she can do it with the help of Feng Mingqin...

Temperament is not important to everyone, Fengmingqin is the key.

Now, this empty play can be used as a Yinshangqin with the effect of a meditation spell, and maybe another Qinqin can be cultivated.

Yinshang Keyu, one gold and one silver, one offense and one defense, one yin and one yang... Taken together, it is really a good thing.

After thinking for a while, he turned the guqin back into the shape of an earring and threw it to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling hurriedly took the earrings and stared at Taoist nun with wide eyes.

"What are you looking at? You don't really think I'm greedy for your stuff, you just check it out." As if seeing Lu Ling's fear, the Taoist nun explained: "It's a good thing, you know how to play the piano, keep it, it's very good." OK."

"Yes, Senior Sister." Hearing Taoist nun's words, Lu Ling nodded repeatedly, clutching her earrings and refusing to let go.

There is no hidden danger, she still doesn't know that this is a baby.

She also has her own piano, and there are two pieces at once!In the future, when I have nothing to do, I can play for my junior sister... Lu Ling is very excited.

"The golden one is Yinshangqin. You usually use this one to play the piano, and the other one... you can touch it after you have cultivated your martial soul." The nun rubbed Lu Ling's hair while trying to resolve the conflicting coldness in her body.

Unexpectedly, it failed.

I gave up, and I was just doing it casually.

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Lu Ling nodded, carefully storing the earrings close to her body.

Lu Ling didn't ask how to transform Qin, that would be too stupid... It's nothing more than spiritual power, she is no longer an ordinary person, Lu Ling is very clear.

"Senior Sister?" The Taoist nun had a strange expression upon hearing this.

"You still call me Senior Sister?"

"Otherwise?" Lu Ling was confused.

With her eyesight, she really couldn't see the level of the previous battle. No, it was just a one-sided massacre, but to Lu Ling, it was the same. It's also a gangster, no different.

She thought this nun was just an ordinary senior sister...

Lu Ling didn't think of the Taoist nun as a powerful person, after all, those seniors looked like seniors at first glance, and this is the senior sister, and she is also a senior sister who likes to read novels...

Besides, there is no senior who guards the gate in Lingshan.

That's right, in Lu Ling's eyes, the Taoist nun is just a gatekeeper.

The Taoist nun figured this out quickly.

Silly girl.

Although her identity was kept secret in Lingshan, if Shen Gui saw such a scene, it would be difficult to guess her identity, but at least she would know how to call her uncle or uncle. This girl is good, senior sister?
But she quite likes this title, Senior Sister Senior Sister, she looks young.

If Lu Ling really opened her mouth to call her master, she would immediately turn her face and deny anyone if she couldn't guarantee it.

When did you see in martial arts novels, the heroine is some kind of old monster called Shizu?The taste is too strong.

Taoist couples and married people don't exist, but that doesn't mean she can't think about it.

"Well, that's right. Senior Sister is Senior Sister. I will remember to call her that from now on." Taoist nun felt that Lu Ling's small mouth seemed to have been smeared with honey, and her affection for her soared.

Such a girl who can't lie thinks she is young, which means she is really young.

"Senior Sister, what's your name..." Lu Ling asked, she couldn't just keep calling her Senior Sister, Senior Sister.

"Me?" The Taoist nun froze for a moment.


Speaking of which, it has been a long time since no one asked her name...

"My name is... Yun Shu, um, Yun Shu, it's Yun Shu." Taoist thought for a while, then said, and at the same time muttered: "In the future, you must be careful when you substitute those heroines... I almost forgot what my name is... ..."

"Yun Shu, Senior Sister Yun, my name is Lu Ling." Lu Ling introduced herself.

"En, Junior Sister." Yun Shu raised the corner of her mouth, "I know you, Lu Ling."

"..." Yun Shu's words made Lu Ling blush, and she stopped talking.

The reason why Lu Ling fled down the mountain was because she thought her reputation was ruined... Now the senior sisters who are guarding the door know her... She is so ashamed.

She glanced at Lu Ling strangely, but Yun Shu didn't speak. Secretly, she raised her hand and pointed not far away, sealing off the space.

Some dissatisfaction.

That bad old man, Li Liweng, even a barrier can't stop people.

However, this space talent is worth cultivating, but unfortunately, the inspiration is too poor...the road is long and long.

Yun Shu glanced at Liu Fufeng's direction sympathetically. God gave her an unparalleled talent, but deprived her of the inspiration to get started...

But after all, it is her girl from Lingshan, so go back and look up the information to see if there is any way to help her without sequelae.

She didn't want to be seen, so she blocked Liu Fufeng, because she was too lazy to explain, this girl is not as stupid as Lu Ling, she is easy to fool, and Liu Fufeng will naturally come in when she leaves. did this girl locate Lu Ling?Do you rely on your heart?
A woman's intuition?
That thing is really useful.

Yun Shu was surprised.



At this time, hundreds of meters away.

Liu Fufeng sat kneeling on the ground panting, dripping with sweat, with long hair sticking to his ears, his chest heaving violently.

It's impossible to walk here... There is a soft wall of air blocking her in front of her, and she can't cross that line no matter what.

However, she could feel that A Ling was ahead.

Take a deep breath.

Silver teeth clenched.

Liu Fufeng stepped hard and jumped.

In an instant, the space oscillated, and the girl's figure rushed into the crack.

After a while, she fell from the space, still in place.

Sure enough, this shuttle method is useless...

Liu Fufeng showed anxiety, and sat on the ground weakly, his body was a little weak, but at this moment she was more worried about Lu Ling.

I don't know what happened inside, thinking of the golden waterfall in the sky just now, Liu Fufeng was very worried, thinking all kinds of wild things...

After a while, Liu Fufeng held onto the ice glass on his chest, felt the icy cold power, recovered a bit, and stood up with a random tree.



was bounced off.

The scene of deja vu seemed to have happened a long time ago. Similarly, she would not admit defeat because her A Ling was inside.



Looking at Liu Fufeng's appearance, Yun Shu felt a little sad, and just wanted to let the two sisters meet quickly...


"I'm leaving, why are you dragging me?" Yun Shu looked at Lu Ling puzzled.

"Senior Sister Yun..." Lu Ling hesitated.

"Say something directly," Yun Shu said.

"That..." Lu Ling rubbed the corner of her clothes, the white tiger skin turned into a scarf and wrapped half of her face, hiding some expressions.

"Senior Sister Yun, what happened to that person...?"

"That person? Who is it?" Yun Shu thought for a moment that Lu Ling was talking about Liu Fufeng, but he soon realized that Lu Ling was talking about the monk.

"You said to save me Zen master? Dead."


Lu Ling exclaimed.

"What's so unexpected, look, there." Yun Shu pointed to the sky.

A figure continued to fall.

At this time, he temporarily lost his cultivation base and gradually lost his vitality. The old Zen master could no longer sit upright on the clouds, and fell from the sky after passing through the clouds.

In Lu Ling's gaze.


(End of this chapter)

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