Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 416 Old Acquaintance

Chapter 416 Old Acquaintance
To my Zen Master, that should be the name.

Lu Ling watched him fall from the sky, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable. To her, such a scene was indeed a bit cruel.

However, after experiencing the bloody battle between humans and demons that Xihuang showed her, she was not completely unacceptable...

Some can't bear it.

After all, in Lu Ling's heart, this old monk did nothing wrong, just died like this, still a little...

In the final analysis, this newly-acquainted Senior Sister Yun is not worth enough. If this person is her senior sister's enemy... Lu Ling probably won't hesitate a bit.

She knew this herself, so she tried hard not to speak.

You can't cause trouble for Senior Sister Yun.

Think so.

"You girl." Yun Shu frowned and glanced at Lu Ling, but she was not unhappy, no matter what Lu Ling's thoughts were, she would never hate Lu Ling's kindness.

Seeing Lu Ling close her eyes, Yun Shu spoke.

"There are no bloody scenes. You can take a look. His Taoism will be displayed as soon as he falls. I think the monk should let you see it. After all, you are the Buddha she chose." Yun Shu's tone was strong With contempt, he rubbed Lu Ling's head: "I'm not that stingy, it's okay just to look...Of course, no matter what he left for you, it's impossible to change the fact that you are from Lingshan."

As he spoke, Yun Shu glanced at the man's appearance after he fell to the ground, feeling puzzled in his heart.

No matter how you explain it, this monk is probably seeing Lu Ling for the first time. Why did he pay so much... She doesn't believe in compensating Liu Yu. If there is compensation, it should have been compensated long ago.

The bloodline of ice... is even more impossible. If it is the boy from the East Shenhai outside, she can understand it, but the people in the Great Sad Valley... have no reason.

Here, Yun Shu didn't understand, but there was one person who knew it all.

Red silk.

Hong Ling thought that this monk buried the seeds in Lu Ling's heart, if he died like this, then Lu Ling would remember the faith he left behind.

Maybe Lu Ling doesn't understand now, but one day in the future, she will definitely understand what is "human beings are not human" and what is "everyone is human".

This is a calculation from the general trend, using this monk's Zen mind to calculate the two sisters... Hong Ling was dissatisfied, but there was nothing she could do.

Indeed, not to mention that Lu Ling inherited such a will, even if she was only slightly affected, she would definitely not do something like Xuenv... As long as the owner of the fairy sword does not disturb the balance this time, its purpose will be achieved.

This kind of situation can happen to Lu Ling. God knows what kind of education this silly girl has received. She actually has the idea that everyone is equal in her mind... So she, who physically hates Mo Yuan, will talk to Mo Yuan .

It's just... the so-called general trend is just the mother's subconscious mind. Why does it think that it will stand by Xue Nu just like Xue Chen?You must know that Xue Nu was the one who was at the crease of her sister's life, not her. If it wasn't because of her sister, Xue Nu's life and death had nothing to do with her at all.

Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Hong Ling clenched her hands unconsciously, and the space within three inches of her body was burned into ashes. After taking a deep breath, she calmed down.

It should not be.

Her master had been backlashed long ago, and her soul was gone. She had to recognize this fact.

So why?Why does it think that it cares about Lu Ling?

Just because of the extremely low probability of remnant souls?

After a while, Hong Ling pushed open the window and looked in Lu Ling's direction.

Well, it won.

I'm really not sure right now.

If it was really the master, then even if she was tricked, she would not be angry, but would be grateful for the trick... After all, the mother's superficial consciousness was the biggest clue.



However, even if it is the general trend, it is impossible to calculate it too clearly. Some things before Lu Ling's awakening are different from the great will, but the superficial consciousness cannot be exhaustive. The Zen master is only what it can find, a more suitable one candidates.

If the Zen master is not dead, he can confirm the thoughts in his heart with Lu Ling. Under the impact of Lu Ling's worldview, it may be uncertain who will save and who...

Therefore, only when the Zen master is dead can Lu Ling remember his will. No matter how many doubts Lu Ling has, she can only endure it.

If you accept his Zen power, you will inevitably bear the karma.

Cause and effect, this kind of thing is illusory, but it must exist. No matter how broken it is, this is the world of cultivating immortals, a magical world that integrates countless rules.

However, if the monk hadn't died, the calculations of the general situation would not have been allowed to go on so smoothly.

Of course, in the current situation, if the people in Lingshan don't save him, no matter how you look at it, this monk is doomed. The only one who can save him at this time is Venerable Wenhun of Lingshan.

Naturally, it was Wu Po who Yun Shu left... Lu Ling... Is she a venerable?

At this time, no one thought that Lu Ling would have anything to do with this monk, even Lu Ling herself didn't know.

"Come and see with me, what is the way of this monk." Yun Shu sat next to Lu Ling, looking at the Zen master's body in the distance.

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded obediently.

The light was brilliant, and countless phantoms shot out from the old Zen master's body, like a fountain in full bloom. At the same time, tens of thousands of streamers escaped thousands of miles away, but after landing, they turned into human shapes and rushed back thousands of miles away.

The Taoist nun looked at the empty figures that were constantly moving towards this side.

It is said to be nothingness, but everyone has their own consciousness, and even preserves the memories of their lives.

Men, women, young and old, all kinds of people, some with sad faces, some rich sons, and even young ladies... They are all the incarnations of Zen Master Duwo. These people have only one thing in common, that is, they are all nice guy.

Good guy in every sense of the word.

These phantoms are what the Zen master left behind, everyone is him, they stopped in front of the Zen master, bowed, and then got into his body, waiting to be dissipated with his body.

"...Avatars outside the body? So many..." Yun Shu was surprised.

For the sake of his so-called idea, this monk actually sacrificed his soul power and cultivation to create so many clones... You know, one normal incarnation outside the body is already the limit. The reason why he has such a large number of incarnations is that It was because he took the initiative to split the soul, and the schizophrenia can no longer describe the monk in front of him.

Crazy, he is a lunatic at all.

Such incarnations outside the body are enough to make him completely incapable of strength, and these laborious incarnations can't improve his strength at all.

No wonder, with the cultivation base of this monk's mind, he will be directly split by the fourth level of thunder... There is no power to stop him when facing himself. If he continues like this, even if he doesn't kill him, he will be transformed sooner or later. Backlash and die.

Are these avatars... just for charity?Integrating into the Taoist world is because you want to change them from the root of the human race?

It's impossible, it's so naive.

Looking at this junior, Yun Shu felt admiration for the first time. Although her apprentice fell because of this meaningless kindness, the monk's original intention was good... At least, the Lingshan girl who always prided herself as being kind could not do such a thing , In some things, the Great Sad Valley with unique beliefs is really admirable.

But for Yun Shu, this didn't change her dislike for this person. It's fine to save people, but she can't bear to save demons. It's just a pity at best.

Moreover, a monk who knows that doing good deeds can't change anything, but insists on doing it is clearly a fool of himself.

There is no need to prove that human nature is evil at the beginning.

What can he change alone?Nothing can be changed at all.

Yun Shu was a little disappointed. What the monk showed Lu Ling was still just faith, but unfortunately, he didn't agree with it.

"Forget it, you don't need to look at the way of incarnation." Yun Shu said something, then turned to look at Lu Ling.

Then froze.

The girl from before was staring at the phantom limping from afar.

At this time, Lu Ling had a white scarf covering the lower half of her face, but from the exposed eyes, one could see Lu Ling's excitement.

It was the shock of seeing something unbelievable.

Excited fingers fluttered slightly.

"you you……"

Lu Ling's lips trembled, her jaw trembled slightly, and finally her whole body trembled.

The dying Zen master also noticed this, he closed his eyes, let the clone regain consciousness, and walked to Lu Ling's side.

Because of Lu Ling's strangeness, Yun Shu just watched coldly.

The person who caused Lu Ling to lose his composure in an instant was just an ordinary old man... in his 70s, with dirty clothes, a scruffy beard covered in stains, and even dirty knots in some parts of his hair a small piece.

Although kind-hearted, but more of a sense of sorrow, he is a somewhat pitiful old man.

Look at the tattered patches on his body.

Yun Shu frowned.

a beggar?
It's not that she looks down on beggars, it's just that she doesn't understand... what's so exciting about Lu Ling.

Then, Yun Shu's heart moved. From the information handed over below, this girl seemed to have a bad life at first...

No way……

Yun Shu looked at Lu Ling in disbelief.

At this time, Lu Ling could no longer speak. She looked at the person in front of her who had been buried deep in her memory, who was like a relative...Holded for a while.


As soon as he spoke, he was a little hoarse, and he returned to his appearance when he first went up the mountain.

At this time, the old beggar walked up to Lu Ling, feeling a little strange, and spoke in a dialect with a crappy accent, but he could still understand it carefully.

"Girl, why are you crying... old man, do you and I... know each other?"

As the old beggar said, from a few minutes ago, Lu Ling's eyes were like a reservoir that opened the gates, her nose was red, and she was crying unsightly.

With the familiar "daughter", she couldn't help it, and began to sob.

For Lu Ling, no amount of money can compare to the truth of the word "girl"... Even though she knew that this was just an old man who was ignorant and called girls that, but Lu Ling couldn't help it.

"Hey, girl, what's wrong with you..." The old man was very distressed when he saw Lu Ling tucked her knees and her shoulders twitched.

"..." Lu Ling didn't speak, but stared at the old man in front of her while sobbing with big watery eyes.

He...doesn't recognize himself?
At this moment, Yun Shu couldn't sit still.

"Old man, do you know Lu Ling?"

"Know?" The old man glanced at the young Yun Shu in front of him, then at the pampered Lu Ling in brocade clothes and jade robes, and shook his head: "The old man is not that convinced that he can meet such a beautiful girl..."

"Then do you know your condition?" Yun Shu glanced at Zen Master Du Wo who had lost control of his avatar, and turned his head and said.

The useless thing of sacrificing one's soul to transform into a human being can be said to be the first of its kind by Zen Master, and Yun Shu didn't know what the situation was.

"I know, the old man died a long time ago..." The old man seemed to be talking about other people's family: "He died of starvation... After that, he returned to the family. I didn't expect that the family would die too. It's good to die."

Although he knew that he was just an avatar, he had really lived a real life in this life, and he didn't think that he was a false existence.

"You really...don't know her?" Yun Shu looked at Lu Ling, who was holding the hem of his clothes tightly, trying not to let himself cry, he clearly knew this old man.

Hearing this, the old man took a careful look at Lu Ling, a little confused, but quickly shook his head.

"It looks familiar, but I don't know it."

"However, my daughter, the old man, although I didn't have a good life, I also recognized a little granddaughter before, but it's a pity, that girl is an idiot. Later, the old man, I was going to die, so I had no choice but to go by myself... No I know what happened to that girl..."

Saying that, the old beggar smiled helplessly.

"The old beggar is incompetent, unable to feed my daughter... Thinking about it, she has been alone for a long time..."

Lost, a little angry at his incompetence.

When Lu Ling heard this, her body trembled suddenly, and she wanted to raise her head, but tears had already filled her eyes, big tears fell on the white scarf, and she couldn't see anything.


already dead……

Lu Ling understood that it was normal for this grandpa not to know her. She used to be dirty, sickly and pale, with a hoarse voice, unable to speak, and a frightening coldness in her eyes...

From the appearance to the body shape, there is no similarity to the present, not to mention others, Lu Ling believes that she will not recognize her when she just went up the mountain.

However, hearing the word "daughter" from this old beggar, Lu Ling's heart beat faster, and she was already a little absent-minded.

She also has a family, so she didn't think so unilaterally...

At this moment, the old beggar spoke.

Lu Ling suddenly raised her head.

"If my family dies, I'll go back first, old man. It's quite interesting to come back again after dying, but it's a pity, old man, I want to brag with my daughter, but there is no one." The old beggar said.

"I..." Lu Ling choked up, wanting to say something, but couldn't say it at all.

Only when you are on the scene do you know how difficult it is to speak a word.

"You girl, why are you so pretty and crying all the time." The old beggar looked at Lu Ling and frowned, "Old man, my girl and I starve together for two or three days, and it would never be like this... a girl from a rich family , it’s just different.”

After one sentence, Lu Ling's sobbing stopped abruptly.

Never been so obedient.

Swallowed the tears alive.

"You girl, it's a bit strange." The old beggar looked at Lu Ling who was biting his lower lip, crying pear blossoms with rain, but looked at him eagerly, and raised his hand to stroke Lu Ling's head.

It's just a remnant soul, not a real body, but this kind of action makes Lu Ling's body feel like an electric shock, her nose sores, and tears gush out.

Seeing that the spoiled girl was "disobedient", the old beggar shook his head.

"Forget it... old man, I'm leaving, there's nothing to talk about with me as an old beggar."

After the old beggar sighed, he returned to his home with regret, leaving only Lu Ling stretching out a hand, trying to grab it but couldn't, watching helplessly as the old man slipped into the old Zen master's body.


Spitting out a mouthful of blood, the old Zen master instantly aged ten years, his chaotic soul entered his body, and he was unable to return to heaven.

"..." Yun Shu watched silently from the side, and the fool also knew that Lu Ling knew this old beggar, so there must be a big cause and effect.

There has never been a sudden fate in the world, and all first encounters that seem to be coincidental are reunions after a long absence, Yun Shu firmly believes in this.

Lu Ling was emotionally broken.

Xuechen also didn't say a word, she knew that what she said was useless, her weight was far from enough, and there was only one person who could comfort her master at this time.

Liu Fufeng, only her.

After a while, Lu Ling looked at Yun Shu without hesitation: "Senior sister, I don't want him to die... Please."

"..." With a sigh, I knew it.

Yun Shu had already guessed that Lu Ling would do this.

Which is more important, revenge or the request of my own girl?The answer is obvious...the dead are dead.

"it is good……"

"Thank you, senior sister, thank you, senior sister..." Lu Ling trembled her lower lip, and saluted Yun Shu several times.

"However, I can only keep his soul alive. If I really want to save him, other people may have to do it." Yun Shu said, she is not Venerable Wenhun.

Now, Li Zhuzi is the only Venerable Wenhun who is still idle on Lingshan...

I can only go to her.

Zhuzi must be Lu Ling's teacher.

So be it.

After Yun Shu affirmed Lu Ling, who was on the verge of collapse, she brought the remnant soul back to Lingshan. Waiting a moment longer would be more dangerous.

It's that simple, originally she was full of killing intent, but Lu Ling could change her mind with just one word. Compared with her own girl, an ordinary life has only one choice.

Looking at Lu Ling's appearance, Yun Shu knew without guessing that this beggar was very important to this girl.

A Zen master Du Wo died immediately, leaving Lu Ling with a dispensable influence at most... However, this incarnation is different, Yun Shu believes that if she doesn't care about it today, this girl will definitely become a demon.

This is for sure. After all, Lu Ling felt that there was a big reason why the Zen master confronted Yun Shu... Indirectly, it meant that she killed her. How could she accept it.

Yun Shu left.

Lu Ling sat on the bed blankly by herself, feeling empty...without any sense of security.

That person died?Those who died of starvation...that is the cruelest punishment in the world...

Having experienced hunger before, Lu Ling was deeply terrified. No sword or sword could compare to this kind of death. The closest she died was this kind of cruel feeling, which is unbearable for human beings... Lu Ling thinks That is the most ruthless punishment a god can give to a wicked person...

The reason why she is a foodie is also related to the shadow at that time.

She survived.

That person died.

Curled up, lost consciousness, and fell asleep after the brain was confused.

Tossing and turning, restless sleep, not so much sleep, as it is the self-protection of the soul.

And at this moment, a person suddenly appeared from the space, looked at Lu Ling who was curled up, and after a moment of stunned, anxious expression flashed past.

But immediately, pretending to be calm.

He took off his shoes and went to bed, hugged Lu Ling who was curled up in his arms, whispered something in her ear, then hugged Lu Ling tightly, and patted her on the back.

Then came some whispers.

Miraculously, Lu Ling became quiet... Slowly, a look of peace of mind climbed onto her cheeks.

The long-lost sleep.

 Unknowingly, I wrote more than 5000 more, and I was so sleepy... Goddess Day is coming soon, er.

(End of this chapter)

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