Chapter 417
This is the outskirts of Luoyan City, very quiet, only the sound of the wind can be heard around.

The wind is very gentle, just like the person who is still awake now.

Naturally, Liu Fufeng couldn't fall asleep, so she hugged Lu Ling and held her in her arms, looking at that little expression of peace of mind, it was soft enough to melt people.

beauty spot...

Looking at the ink dots on the corner of Lu Ling's mouth, Liu Fufeng felt at ease just like Lu Ling.

It's been a long time since we saw each other, and her A Ling gave her the feeling of being a big girl.

Black clothes... Liu Fufeng frowned.

Speaking of which, she prefers that her Ah Ling is wearing red clothes and a small skirt. She is wearing red and black with red high boots in front of her eyes. Although the tone is still red, elegance is better than cuteness, not to mention that Lu Ling is slender. The round black stockings set off the thighs.

Probably not Aya's own taste.

No matter who it is, since her A Ling is by her side, she must come according to her preferences.

This is her cultivation game, and it is not up to others to intervene.

Besides, Liu Fufeng still had many doubts.

What the hell is going on here...

Why is Aya crying?
How did she come down from the mountain...

And, why here, there is only one bed.

But these doubts disappeared when they saw the tears on Lu Ling's face.


don't cry, don't cry...

Seeing that Lu Ling gradually calmed down, lying in her arms, and fell asleep soundly, Liu Fufeng finally felt relieved.

It seems that even when she fell asleep, Ah Ling still remembered the smell on her body.


Lu Ling suddenly appeared here in the barren mountains and wild mountains, and she was still in such a worrying posture. If she hadn't been nervous and insisted on coming over today, what should she do...

Looking at Lu Ling's sleeping face, Liu Fufeng changed his posture and said nothing.

Lu Ling has changed a lot.

I don't know what she experienced in a short period of time... Although Lu Ling fell asleep, from Liu Fufeng's point of view, Lu Ling has changed a lot. For example, her expression and temperament are much tougher than before.

And that sleeping...

Resisting the idea of ​​pinching Lu Lingqiong's nose, Liu Fufeng found that although her A Ling was not good-looking when sleeping, she still clung to her body, but it was not as clingy as before. fragrant.

Closing his eyes, Liu Fufeng smelled the familiar fragrance from Lu Ling's body, and his breathing became a little heavier.

After sleeping alone for a month, now holding Lu Ling in her arms, even she has a desire to go to sleep, not to mention that she is actually very tired.

Although the long-term space jump does not consume her spiritual power, her physical strength is relatively consumed very quickly...

"A Ling...Senior Sister..."

Just hugging Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng could feel the "huge" spiritual power on Lu Ling's body, and that cold power spread all over her limbs. Compared with her pitiful spiritual power, the majestic spiritual power on Lu Ling's body The force made Liu Fufeng feel like a world away.

Although I know that my talent is far from that of A Ling, but it's only been a short time since I saw her. Is A Ling so strong?
Liu Fufeng suddenly felt a little lost, and a strong sense of crisis emerged in his heart.

Senior sister, there is no problem with this title. With my talent, I really don't have the qualifications to be Ah Ling's senior sister.


Liu Fufeng took a deep breath.

She will definitely not drag A Ling back.

Then, hearing Lu Ling's breathing, Liu Fufeng clasped Lu Ling's wrist. The posture of the two was a little ambiguous, but Liu Fufeng didn't care at all.


Feeling Lu Ling's mottled pulse, Liu Fufeng glanced at Lu Ling distressedly after a while.

wind chill?

How could Ah Ling catch the cold?Isn't her body immune to cold?
With Liu Fufeng's strength, she still can't feel the conflicting ice energy in Lu Ling's meridians, she only thinks that Lu Ling is sick.

No wonder, Ah Ling, who wore so little before, wanted to wear a brocade around her neck.

Hearing the heavy breathing, Liu Fufeng, who felt sorry for Lu Ling, hurriedly took off the icy blue colored glaze from his neck and brought it to Lu Ling. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, this was the only thing she could do for Lu Ling so far. things.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after Lu Ling put on the ice glaze, the nephrite jade fell on her chest, and her expression became a little more comfortable.

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the barren mountain, and made up his mind.

It is necessary to leave this strange place first. Although Lu Ling is the only one here now, Liu Fufeng has not forgotten the Tongtian Waterfall in the sky before. Thinking about it now, the waterfall seems to fall in this area.

It is not suitable to stay for a long time.

After wiping the skirt, a gleaming silver needle appeared on Liu Fufeng's hand.

Gently, tie it behind Lu Ling's neck.

I don't know what happened, but Lu Ling was tired, she could tell... Liu Fufeng really wanted to talk to her A Ling, but at this time, let her have a good rest.

After this injection, it is estimated that Lu Ling will not wake up for the time being.

It took Liu Fufeng some time to "unload" Lu Ling from his body. Feeling that his favorite pillow was gone, Lu Ling frowned in her sleep.

After getting out of bed, Liu Fufeng put on his shoes, then picked up Lu Ling, dragged her buttocks, clasped her arms around his neck, and took a heavy step.

Lu Ling's frowned brows eased when she heard the news again, she curled her mouth, put her head on Liu Fufeng's shoulder, and rubbed her head unconsciously.

Breathing on the skin, Liu Fufeng's pretty face flushed slightly, and he lifted Lu Ling up a little.

It's not that she doesn't want to hug Lu Ling, but that she doesn't have the strength...

His physical strength was almost exhausted. When Liu Fufeng landed on Lu Ling's back, his calf was trembling slightly. He had already used spiritual power to heal him, but unfortunately it didn't help much.

This is the sequelae of using that space secret technique, and it will take time to recover.

At this time Liu Fufeng was very weak.

Taking out a piece of talisman paper, Liu Fufeng hesitated for a moment, then took it back.

The talisman paper given by senior sister Xu has already been located in the medical center by her. If it is a person, Liu Fufeng can tear the talisman paper and send it back.

But with Lu Ling, she dared not.

To be precise, it is reluctant.

Others have forgotten, but Liu Fufeng will never forget. When Lu Ling and her ride the teleportation array home together, they will feel uncomfortable and want to vomit. The problem probably lies in her spatial talent. From that day on, Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling returned home. Everyone has to go one in front of the other, and now, they won't take Lu Ling back.

In case Ah Ling is not feeling well, she still has to feel sorry for her, so Liu Fufeng decided to carry Lu Ling on her back and walk slowly. Tired is a bit tired, but it is enough for Ah Ling to sleep comfortably, and after entering Nanguan, it is easy to find a carriage. alright.

"Huh..." After taking a deep breath, Liu Fufeng landed on Lu Ling on his back and went down the mountain.



Halfway up the mountain.

After Liu Fufeng walked for a while, his body was already drenched in sweat.

The way down the mountain is not easy.

If it weren't for her Ah Ling's light body, Liu Fufeng really didn't have the confidence to carry Lu Ling down the mountain safely.



not far away.

Two men are looking at this side.

"This is her senior sister."

"should be."

"The nerd changed his mind and took the monk from the Great Sad Valley back to the mountain. I really didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise. You must know that the two little guys outside couldn't find a chance to go up the mountain." Hehe With a smile: "Besides, according to what that nerd means, I should go to Li Zhuzi... That is your apprentice's favorite woman, and your rival Mo Qing has been thinking about her all the time. Don't you help your apprentice?"

The apprentice mentioned by Weng Xiaoli refers to Venerable Ye.

"..." Xiao didn't speak, but his face was a little unhappy.

Although Venerable Ye didn't say it, he could tell that Li Zhuzi was one of the reasons why the other party was unwilling to practice the way of killing.

The girl made it clear that she didn't like killing and fighting.

All of a sudden, he lost a perfect successor.

Young Master Xiao is kind to Venerable Ye. Back then, he intended to let Venerable Ye inherit his way of killing and killing, but unfortunately the latter refused. Although he knew that the person in front of him was the strongest in the world of cultivating immortals, he still chose this path.

Later, Venerable Ye did not disappoint Young Master Xiao, and walked out of his own way. The new way of swordsmanship, the sword of a gentleman, is as moist as jade, which is different from his sword of killing.

And Ye Zun later integrated the kendo passed on to him by Young Master Xiao, and integrated the "Seven Kills Sword Classic".

If there is a kill, let's kill it first, if there is no kill, then use it--kill it if you can kill it, and then look at its use value if you can't kill it.

Such a top-level sword scripture with extremely murderous aura is the skill taught by Mr. Xiao to Venerable Ye. Now, there are two people who practice it.

Ye Guanyue, Le Zheng is falling into the court.

This can be regarded as indirectly passing on the way of Young Master Xiao, so the two have the karma of master and apprentice...Of course, in Young Master Xiao's heart, he still wants to find a successor...

Lezheng Luoting should be good as an alternate generation, but that girl is crazy and redundant, too stingy.

Lu Ling is fine.


I believe that the coir hat man also saw his thoughts, otherwise he would not have made fun of him. The coir hat man knew that even so, he would not give up on Lu Ling.

However, now the idea has changed a bit.

If Lu Ling is still the weird and seductive girl he knows, who is suitable for his swordsmanship...

At that time, Lu Ling was crazy, flattering, and most importantly, full of murderous aura, and enough atmosphere.

The atmosphere here refers to the momentum, not the heart. The filial son has been hurt when he met Lu Ling several times... The girl has a small stomach, but she is arrogant.

However, look at Lu Ling today.

Young Master Xiao looked at Lu Ling obediently lying on Liu Fufeng's back, dreaming sweet dreams with the corners of her lips curled up, and shook his head.

Soft, cute, weak, crying...not at all.

It is not clear why such a change occurred, but if it is related to Xuenv, he really has no clue.

I only know that maybe the problem of passing on to others will have to be delayed for a while.

It's ridiculous... There is no one suitable to inherit his swordsmanship. Shushan's sword is so upright that even the "Seven Kills Sword Classic" will cause criticism if it is handed down.

Lu Ling is the master of the sword, Bai Jian surrendered, and this matter was discovered by Mr. Xiao when they met for the first time.

Things have changed.

"Let's go." Watching Liu Fufeng carry Lu Ling down the mountain, Young Master Xiao also walked down the mountain.

"Hey, don't you want to watch it? This old man is still curious..."

"I promised her that I wouldn't peek." Young Master Xiao left without saying a word, and left with the cape man in his hand. When he left, he turned his head and glanced at the sleeping Lu Ling.

There is something wrong with this girl's soul... It can be observed for many years.

There is no need to stay in Luoyan City, the ice bloodline alone is enough to make Lingshan flustered, and there is no need for him to intervene.

Senior sister Yun Shu would not let him intervene.

So he is leaving Luoyan City to see if he can meet someone who can inherit his swordsmanship. If after a few years, this girl can grow up to satisfy him, then he will still consider Lu Ling.

Xiao Gongzi went down the mountain and passed by Shen Gui.

Shen Gui raised his head sharply.

No figure was found, but it was definitely not an illusion.

The sword intent soared into the sky.


In the dark, Young Master Xiao looked at Shen Gui in surprise.

He is not familiar with Shen Gui, and now, this icy sword intent suits his sword way, but unfortunately, in the eyes of Young Master Xiao, Shen Gui already has his own sword way, and that kind of domineering sword intent cannot tolerate other thing.

Geniuses also have their disadvantages. Their Dao Xin is too tough, and there is no possibility of shaping it.

Sigh, as expected, I still have to find a suitable successor from scratch.

It would be great if Lu Ling wasn't of that icy bloodline and had nothing to do with Xueluo Qianhan.

Turn away.

Entered Luoyan City.

Although he was determined to leave, but not now, before he left, he still wanted to see Lu Ling.



Put away the sword intent.

Shen Gui frowned, the murderous look at that moment made her think of someone.

Ye Guanyue.

It was not once or twice that the two fought in Tianguangxu, but this time, although the aura was only fleeting, it was bottomless, even sharper than his master...

This is Luoyan City, who could it be?
Shen Gui carried the pitch-black sword on his back, and after walking a few steps forward, he saw Liu Fufeng coming down the mountain with a man on his back.

That's... Lu Ling?
How did this girl get down?
Why is she in Luoyan City?

After being stunned for a while, Shen Gui did not appear in front of Liu Fufeng. Although the junior sister was exhausted, she still wanted to see her... Liu Fufeng was a little afraid of her, she knew it.

As long as the junior sister is safe.

She followed Liu Fufeng only because she was worried, especially because there was an unknown sword intent here.

Of course, Shen Gui would not tell anyone about this kind of thing.

Shen Gui did not leave for the time being.

Even though this was Luoyan City, the inexplicable sword intent made her worry that Liu Fufeng would just take Lu Ling away.

Therefore, Shen Gui tailed Liu Fufeng, and did not leave until the two of them entered the barrier of Luoyan City.

She needs to investigate now, what is the origin of the disciple that Master Dongfang is looking for, the exterminated Zhao Yingge, and... the city lord Xifeng.

According to this information, she is also very interested in the person who has been the city lord for nearly 20 years as a woman and can bring Luoyan City to prosperity.

Can a city lord who is dying to enter Lingshan?What capital does she have to be valued by Master Li.

Li Zhuzi asked her to take Xifeng up the mountain, but he wanted her to be Jiufeng's disciple, Shen Gui knew this very well.

She had to care about people who could make Master Li speak.

She needs to investigate whether Xifeng has this qualification.

(End of this chapter)

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