Chapter 418 Mistress
After seeing Liu Fufeng enter the barrier of Luoyan City with his own eyes, Shen Gui left.

At this time, two figures followed Liu Fufeng into Luoyan City.

The two of them had already parted ways because they didn't like each other. Although they didn't act together, they knew each other's thoughts clearly.

Dongshenhai and Shushan are very interested in Lu Ling. Of course, in terms of personal feelings, both Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan have special feelings for Lu Ling.

Of course, Mo Qing needless to say, Li Zhuzi's daughter, in his opinion, is no worse than Han Bing's bloodline, Bai Yunfan's words, it is because of Ye Zunzun and Shen Canghai... In the final analysis, it still has something to do with Li Zhuzi .

Moreover, Bai Yunfan came to Lingshan to observe Lu Ling, and his ostensible purpose was this... The people in Shushan were still very afraid that such a good seedling would leave Wenhun.


Kenshin is transparent?

Bai Yunfan's eyebrows were full of suspicion.

In Bai Yunfan's impression, Lu Ling was still that three-no girl, so today she was surprised.

When Lu Ling was in Shushan, Bai Yunfan could be sure that she was at the Sword Heart Transparency Realm, and she was also the owner of the Jingmie Lingtai in the legend of the Great Compassion Valley.

But when we met today, he was a little uncertain...

Jian Xin Tongming doesn't cry, she should only see the broad avenue.

It is necessary to mention this matter after returning home.

Of course, Lu Ling's abnormality will not change her importance to Shushan, and her awe-inspiring spirit and clear sword heart are just icing on the cake.

They followed Lu Ling, each thinking about it.

In fact, now Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan are also interested in Liu Fufeng... That girl's aura is very weak, but she should have a good relationship with Shen Gui who treats her so carefully. Besides, that weird , the method of using space is also worth noting.

At this time, both Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan were a little bit upset.

What's wrong with this world?
Lu Ling, who is most suitable for inheriting the Dao of the Shushan Sword School, is now learning from the nanny at Lingshan... Similarly, the legendary ice blood, the reincarnation of Snow Maiden, the future domain master of the Eastern Shenhai, is on Lingshan every day. Fuqin.

It's simply a waste of money.

And it's not enough to have one Lu Ling, now she pops up a senior sister, the old monster of the human race can jump as soon as he says he can jump, and he has mastered the method of space travel before he can condense.

Such an unprecedented spatial talent, if known by the romantic, his eyes would probably turn red.

If Liu Fufeng is paired with Chasing Wind Liu's body skills and such spatial talent, as long as she is not an idiot, then there will definitely be a fearsome top ghost assassin in the world of cultivating immortals in the future. This is almost a certainty up.

Could Liu Fufeng be a fool?She knew it was impossible from the proficiency of the needle she stabbed Lu Ling, but it was this needle that made Bai Yunfan complain.

Looking at Liu Fufeng's skillful appearance, he must be taking the path of literary soul, and seeing the irritable appearance of senior Lingshan today, Liu Fufeng will never have a chance to chase the wind in his life...

Of course, even if Liu Fufeng was allowed to choose, she would still choose Lingshan, and medical knowledge is what she pursues...Of course, there are exceptions.

If her A Ling goes to chase Merry, she will follow.

And Lu Ling...forget it.

The difficulty of kidnapping this is probably not much better than capturing Shen Canghai, or even more difficult. After all, Shen Canghai is always a woman, so maybe someone can capture her.

Moreover, Lu Ling unconsciously showed her dependence on Liu Fufeng in her sleep at this time, which also made the two men think carefully.

Undoubtedly, both of them wanted to get close to Lu Ling.

Needless to say, Mo Qing, Lu Ling was afraid of him to death, otherwise Mo Qing would not have found a maid to take care of Lu Ling's daily life.

It's the same with Bai Yunfan, Lu Ling definitely doesn't know him, and he also has some headaches how to get close to Lu Ling with Lu Ling's girlish appearance today.

The two came up with an idea at the same time.

If it is inconvenient to get close to Lu Ling, you can attack Liu Fufeng.

After all, this sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl is as gentle as a warm spring breeze, and she seems to be the type to get along with at first glance... Obviously a very good breakthrough.

Therefore, the two decided to follow Liu Fufeng.

Mo Qing has time, and there are more than ten days before Mo Yu wants to take him up the mountain. Bai Yunfan is even more confused. He doesn't even know who will receive him in Lingshan. If there is no one from Lingshan to question him, Bai Yunfan They all wondered if Venerable Ye didn't tell Li Zhuzi that he was coming to Lingshan.

Shen Canghai didn't know when he would see him, so naturally he could only observe his second target, Lu Ling.

Of course Liu Fufeng didn't know that she was being targeted by the two venerables at this time, she was only thinking of taking Ah Ling home, let her have a good rest, and then boiled some medicine for her to warm her body.

Although it is hot summer in Luoyan City, Lingshan thought that several heavy snowfalls had turned into severe winter, and she needed some supplements for her A Ling to keep out the cold.

At the entrance of Nanguan, Liu Fufeng landed on Lu Ling's back, staggering.

Such a combination of two top daughters naturally attracted the attention of many people. After a while, someone recognized Liu Fufeng.

"Big fellow, that's Liu Qianjin from the free clinic in the inner city, genius doctor Liu!"

"I recognized it. My father's tuberculosis was cured by Liu Qianjin. My father went to drink the medicine for half a month, and Doctor Liu confiscated a portion of his money..." A young man looked at Liu Fufeng with fiery eyes.

"Okay, okay, you don't need to publicize the daughter's benevolence, everyone knows it, but which family's daughter is she carrying on her back, is it a patient?"

"Miraculous doctor Liu looks exhausted, big guy, go up and help!"

With an order, everyone surrounded Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng started to get tired and confused, he only wanted to take Lu Ling to the post station, and when he walked away, he suddenly found that he was blocked by people, and he was startled, but he heard the noisy voice in his ear, and his pretty eyebrows lightly Frown.

"Shh, please keep your voice down."

Liu Fufeng knew that these people were well-intentioned, but they easily disturbed his Ah Ling to rest.

"Thousands..." A young man was about to speak, but his voice was abrupt, and his mouth was immediately covered by the people behind him.

Everyone who was obedient said nothing, but what they wanted to say was written on their faces.

"Thank you for your concern. This is my sister. Now I'm going back to the clinic. I'm going to the post station. Please get out of the way." Liu Fufeng's voice was a little hoarse, and she looked very tired, and to be honest, she was not very Looks good, the clothes were soaked with sweat before, and the hair was stuck to the sides, a little embarrassed.

However, this kind of embarrassment narrowed the distance between her and the common people. When everyone looked at this unassuming inner city daughter, their favorability increased rapidly.

Although he is a commoner, he is not a fool.

Liu Fufeng was able to give free medical consultations in the inner city, so naturally he would not be someone without status, and someone saw that the shopkeeper of Burning Medicine Hall opposite often went to get medicines for Liu Fufeng in person... Most importantly, it is said that Liu Fufeng was still standing behind him. Wearing black armor.

What is the concept of black armor?
It was the personal guard of Xifeng, the city lord of Luoyan City, and Hei Jia's will basically represented Xifeng's will.

Even though they are from the outer city, when they mention the city lord Xifeng, their expressions are full of admiration and admiration. After all, the city lord makes their life better and better. Compared with Xifeng, those other dignitaries are just rich upstarts .

In a short period of time, there was even news that Miracle Doctor Liu would be the mistress of Luoyan City in the future.

And this point of view has also been spread by many people. They believe that the black armor guards will not lie to anyone except the city lord Xifeng. Members, more of them are apologetic, and the other party is still indifferent.

This news plus the news that Xifeng is not married and over [-] years old... The rumor that Liu Fufeng might be the mistress became more and more crazy, and even the Zhao family doubted it.

After all, according to Mr. Zhao, the reason why he had a conflict with Xifeng was because he wanted to rape Liu Fufeng. In this accident, Xifeng's identity was more like a housekeeper, and Liu Fufeng was the master.

Later, Xifeng did odd jobs in the medical clinic, which also showed that her status was not as good as Liu Fufeng's.

The most important thing is that the supreme person, the city lord Xifeng, didn't say a single word about the crazy rumor.

This is enough to explain a lot of problems.

Of course, Liu Fufeng didn't know about these things, she just watched and asked about them every day, and then she just missed Ah Ling, how could she have so much time to think about these things.

At this time, in response to Liu Fufeng's words, everyone moved out of the way.

Then, there was no sound.

At the end of the passage, a row of black armor appeared, majestic and majestic, their steps were uniform, and their murderous aura fluttered, like ancient giant beasts, tearing apart all enemies in front of them.

You can hear even a needle.

These ordinary people have never seen this formation before, and even they rarely see the black armor. After all, the guards of the legendary city lord Xifeng only operate in the inner city and around the city lord.

But they all knew that Heijia was the patron saint of Luoyan City, so after being frightened by the terrifying momentum, the people went crazy.

The stronger and more terrifying the black armor, the more at ease they will be.

Black Armor——

Liu Fufeng frowned, she could even hear this group of people shouting the name of the black armored guard frantically in their hearts.

At this time, those black armors did not block Liu Fufeng's path, but formed two teams to open the path for Liu Fufeng.

"What's the matter?" Liu Fufeng asked.

The leader is familiar to her, and she often appears near her medical center.

"Qianjin, seeing that you haven't come back, Miss is very impatient, so she sent us to guard the various gates to look for traces of Qianjin." The leader Hei Jia said respectfully: "Now that we see Qianjin, we can rest assured , please go back to the clinic, so that the lady won't worry."

After Xifeng heard that the group of black armors following Liu Fufeng were forced to retreat with their eyes, she was shocked, and sent all her men to search for Liu Fufeng's traces like a carpet.

Now that Liu Fufeng was found, the black armors also breathed a sigh of relief, if they really couldn't find Liu Fufeng, the lady would get angry, and they couldn't bear it.

"Well, I'll take Ah Ling back now." Liu Fufeng nodded lightly.

"My daughter, this girl..." A black armor looked at Liu Fufeng's pale face, and wanted to take the girl on her back.

"Don't touch her." Sensing that person's movement, Liu Fufeng said, and then glanced at the black armor lightly.

Immediately, the black armored guard who had experienced many battles seemed to be frozen, and under Liu Fufeng's sight, his heart skipped a beat.

"...No need, I can take care of my sister by myself, that's enough, the inn is ahead, everyone go back first." Saying that, Liu Fufeng left Lu Ling on his back slowly.

"Huh..." After Liu Fufeng left, the black armor exhaled a sigh of relief.

At that moment just now, he couldn't move at all, as if the blank space had turned into steel, which could crush him at any time.

"Don't be reckless." The leader said.

"Yes." The young Hei Jia broke out in a cold sweat.

This daughter who has always been as gentle as water is actually more terrifying than the young lady in the state of the city lord at that moment, who is it...

"Then me now?"

"Don't get too close to Qianjin. A few of you start first to clear the way, and the rest of you will follow me to protect Qianjin." The leader said.


Then, many black armors merged into the shadows and disappeared.

And it took a long time for those people to react.

"Miraculous Doctor Liu... Heijia..."

"The attitude of those black armors, is it true that the matter of Doctor Liu and the city lord is real?"

Everyone looked at each other.

There is still a big gap between rumors and seeing is believing.

"If it's true, it's my blessing in Luoyan City!!"

Suddenly, someone cheered.

This remark aroused the echo of many people.

It is indeed the blessing of Luoyan City to have such a compassionate mistress, and only such a woman can be worthy of the greatest city lord in their hearts.

Moreover, with such a mother, the future new city lord must also be a wise and powerful city lord who can understand their suffering.


Slowly, gossip about Liu Fufeng gradually spread. As for the girl she was holding, few people cared about it.


From the outside of Nanguan City to the inner city, it takes several hours for a carriage to travel.

When Liu Fufeng arrived in the inner city, it was already dark, so after renting the most comfortable carriage, she slept next to Lu Ling.

After a while, Liu Fufeng also fell asleep, with Lu Ling beside her, even though the carriage was bumping, she was still fast asleep.

After going down the mountain, I seldom slept so deeply.



The carriage went out of the city and drove along the outer road, surrounded by many rows of black armor escorts.



time flies.

Lu Ling's consciousness gradually returned.

The brain is dizzy... and it keeps shaking around.

Are you on a boat?
At this time, Lu Ling was very tired, she didn't open her eyes for a while, and her body was temporarily unconscious.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling woke up a little bit, and then remembered what happened before falling asleep.

that old grandpa...

Lu Ling panicked.

With a senior sister saving him, he shouldn't die...

Feeling uncomfortable, Lu Ling tightened her hands a little.

Liu Fufeng groaned in pain, then squeezed Lu Ling's hand, talking nonsense.

"Aling, don't make trouble... let me sleep for a while..."

Hugging Lu Ling, she continued to sleep soundly.

At this time, Lu Ling was already stupid.

Junior sister?

It's my sister!

Are you dreaming yourself?

(End of this chapter)

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