Chapter 451
"The quality of the little benefactor's cold air is really too high...It is almost impossible to completely decompose it within a month only by the method of the little monk." Zen Master Duwo said.

He did not expect Lu Ling to be in such a situation. Before meeting Lu Ling, Zen Master Du Wo never thought that there could be such high-quality cold air in the world, and most importantly, it was harmless to the body.

He promised Li Zhuzi to help Lu Ling improve his cultivation. He didn't have a clue at first, but he found a way after discovering the abnormality in Lu Ling's body. Naturally, he would not give up because of a little difficulty. After all, the stronger Lu Ling is, he may see it More and more in the future.

"The current situation is that the quality of the cold air is too high, and the simple decomposition and transformation may not be completed within a month... In this case, a Fangjue that absorbs the spiritual power of a different species may be needed..." Zen Master Du Wo said his own thoughts .

"Absorb?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, and then his expression was a little weird.

"Well, the power of Lingshan Martial Soul before is not divided into civil and military, but pure spiritual power. In this case, as long as the conflict between the two cold airs is accelerated, the upper limit of the dantian and the width of the meridians will be expanded faster, and then quickly decompose the cold air at the same time to obtain spiritual power. Make up for the expanded place, and under the repeated cycle, it is possible to raise the cultivation of the little benefactor to the peak of the soul-splitting state within a month." Said Zen Master Duwo.

"It's just... the quality of the cold air in the little benefactor's body is too high, and ordinary secret methods may not be able to accelerate the absorption..." Zen Master Du Wo frowned.

But soon a solution came to mind.

Eastern Shenhai.

There is no doubt that this group of people who specialize in incantations are more experienced in absorbing power, and most of the attributes of the Eastern Divine Sea are water attributes, and ice and water have the same source, so Lu Ling can definitely use it.

The most important thing is that there are people from the Eastern Shenhai in Luoyan City.

Zen Master Du Wo still remembers that when he first found Lu Ling in the crowd, Lu Ling and the maid beside Lu Ling carried the aura of the Venerable Eastern God Sea, which was of the water attribute according to its attributes. People should not have left Luoyan City at this time.

It shouldn't be difficult to find him and get a copy of the basic practice formulas. Zen Master Tou is not a person in the Great Sad Valley, so this matter shouldn't be very difficult, as long as he can come up with the corresponding things.

Although the cultivation base has disappeared temporarily, the exercises are still there. He doesn't think that person will refuse to exchange all the exercises for a basic method. Moreover, since the person has left power protection on Lu Ling and the maid, he should also be with Lu Ling. related.

Now it's just a matter of finding him.

Turning around, Zen Master Dui saw Liu Fufeng's somewhat strange expression.

Zen Master Duwo asked doubtfully, "The benefactor?"

"Ah, it's okay." Liu Fufeng came back to his senses and glanced at Mo Qing's direction. Senior Mo said that what he wanted to teach Ah Ling was to speed up the absorption of cold air...but his purpose was to cure Ah Ling's wind chill , I don’t know if I can help the Zen master.

After a moment of silence, Liu Fufeng asked: "Zen Master, what kind of exercises can I use to help my senior sister?"

"For now, the most suitable ones are the water system method of the Eastern Divine Sea, and..." Tell Liu Fufeng all his thoughts, and then look at Liu Fufeng's strange eyes, and Zen Master Du Wo felt something.

Lu Ling looked at a loss. In fact, Lu Ling didn't understand what the monk said, and she had given up thinking, because her junior sister seemed to understand, so now she just waited for her junior sister to make arrangements for her. .

After listening to the Chan Master's words, Liu Fufeng said, "I have one more question."


"Cultivation is about step-by-step progress. Forcibly elevating my senior sister's realm like this, will it cause any harm to her?" During the speech, Liu Fufeng stared at Zen Master Duwo. As long as he has a little bit of confirmation, then Liu Fufeng Drop the idea immediately.

Fortunately, Zen Master Du Wo shook his head decisively.

"There will be no damage. When you have not reached the peak of the soul-dividing state, you are not strictly on the road of cultivation. During this period, you are simply accumulating spiritual power. According to the cultivation rules of Lingshan, only when you are at the peak of the soul-dividing state , Successfully separating the soul’s clear energy is the first step in cultivation, so there is no need to worry at all, there is a great opportunity to absorb the cold air, and it is simply to reduce the useless training time in the early stage.”

"That's good." Liu Fufeng breathed out, relieved, then lowered his eyes, and asked a little nervously: "If it's only in the early stage, is there any other way to increase spiritual power?"

She has very poor inspiration, and if she only cultivates by herself, she doesn't know when she will be able to reach Lu Ling's level, so Liu Fufeng has thought about whether she can play tricks, and it just so happens that someone can ask now, so she asked.

Zen Master Du Wo also said that the cold air in Ah Ling's body is a great opportunity, so she doesn't have to think about it, but I don't know if there are other ways to help her overcome this early stage of cultivation.

"Other ways?" Zen Master Du Wo took a deep look at Liu Fufeng, and then a flash of clarity flashed in his eyes.

It's a pity that the talent is gone.

Then shook his head.

"Besides chance, there are only two ways to directly increase the stock of spiritual power."

"En." Liu Fufeng listened attentively, and Lu Ling also pricked up his ears.

"One is empowerment, but the cost is too high, and it will cause permanent damage to the caster."

Empowerment?Is it to sacrifice the cultivation of the elders?Liu Fufeng shook his head.

She can't.

At least not for now.

Zen Master Du Wo continued: "The second is to take the treasures of heaven and earth. Some rare treasures can help cultivation. These things are the foundation of the world of cultivating immortals, and most of them have various side effects, such as unstable foundations. Disturbance of spiritual power and true qi, but even if there are side effects, it is still the most precious resource."

"Side effects..." Lu Ling frowned, and asked what Liu Fufeng also wanted to ask: "Then, is there anything that doesn't have side effects?"

"Of course there are, but they are relatively rare. The most famous of them is the longevity fruit. If it has side effects, it may prolong life..."

"Longevity, fruit?" Liu Fufeng was puzzled, never heard of this name.

Longevity fruit, another longevity fruit.

Lu Ling clenched her small fists tightly, saying that she wanted to get one for her junior sister.

"Longevity fruit is the top rare treasure, and the output of a century is only a few. Its ownership is determined by the martial arts held by the Seven Holy Lands in Tianguangxu, so the way to obtain it is relatively difficult, while others can increase spiritual power. The things that have no side effects are small things, such as Fenghua lotus seeds, meditation flowers, spirit eating insects and other small things, but these things can increase the spiritual power very little, even taking it every day is not as good as the little benefactor's daily practice quantity……"

Zen Master Du Wo said and shook his head, these things that can be obtained for nothing are not only extremely expensive, but also not very profitable, even if Liu Fufeng eats it as food, it will not be of much use, it may be able to condense Qi, but if you want to It is undoubtedly unrealistic to rely on them to cultivate in the soul-forming state.

Very tasteless.

Fenghua lotus seeds... Lu Ling was stunned for a moment. His husband had this stuff. It was the substitute he chose after he ran out of snow lotus seeds for making bamboo-colored lotus seed cake. The taste is not sweet enough, but it can improve his cultivation.


Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng firmly, no matter how precious this thing was, she begged her husband to give her some when she returned home, and then she gave it to her junior sister as jelly beans, she didn't believe that her junior sister couldn't catch up.

"It's not very effective..." Listening to the words of Zen Master Duwo, Liu Fufeng also understood the difficulty of borrowing foreign objects to cultivate like Lu Ling. A trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he immediately cheered up and calmed down his emotions. Out of mind.

At this time, Ah Ling is still the main one.

"Zen Master, the water attribute technique you mentioned, I have here..." Liu Fufeng told Zen Master Du Wo about Mo Qing, and said that Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan lived next door, and Lu Ling would live next door. Going to study.

"Dongshenhai, Shushan?" Zen Master Du Wo was not too surprised when he heard the news. After all, Liu Fufeng's previous attitude can explain a lot of problems, but the people from Shushan are there, and they also want to teach Lu Ling. He didn't expect it.

But after taking a look at Lu Ling, he was relieved, the huge aura of righteousness couldn't be stopped, it's strange that the people in Shushan were not moved.

But these people want to teach me about Buddha, so we can't just let them mess with me about Buddha.

Zen Master Du Wo got up, his eyes were bright and bright like the sun in the sky.

"If that's the case, let's add the little monk."

Liu Fufeng: "..."

She naturally understood what Zen master meant, and he also wanted to join Ah Ling's lineup of tutors, and this person was the last person she could refuse, because Zen master Towo was appointed by Li Zhuzi.

Liu Fufeng held Lu Ling's hand, looked at Lu Ling's bewildered face, and sighed.

Is it really okay for a senior sister like this to be taught by seniors from different forces?
Of course, there is one thing Liu Fufeng can be sure of, that is, this is a treatment that other people will never enjoy. It seems troublesome, but it is definitely an opportunity for Lu Ling.

"Okay, but I only have one senior sister, and the specific study time should be arranged by the seniors themselves." Liu Fufeng said to Zen Master Du, "Senior Bai from Shushan and Senior Mo from Dongshenhai live next door to the medical hall. Take you to find him..."

"No need." Zen Master Du Wo made a Buddhist salute: "Just know the location, and don't bother the benefactor."

This kind of thing is for him to talk about himself. If he wants to get close to my Buddha, then he can compete freely and see what he can do.

Naturally, Zen Master Du Wo would not object to Lu Ling having so many teachers, and even he thought there were too few of them. After all, he didn’t even have the views of race, let alone the views of sects. My Buddha wants to become a true Buddha. The more you learn, the better.

For Zen Master Du Wo, as long as it is suitable for Lu Ling, no matter if it is Shushan, Dongshenhai, or even the exercises of the demons, all comers will not be rejected.

"That's right." Just as he was about to leave, Zen Master Du Wo suddenly turned his head and looked at Lu Ling: "Little benefactor, the silverware is too murderous, and you should try not to use it now."

"Silverware?" Liu Fufeng didn't understand.

"Silverware... I see." Lu Ling immediately understood what Zen Master meant. Silverware refers to the latter of Yinshangqin and Keyuqin. The nerdy senior sister also told her about this issue.

Moreover, what Lu Ling didn't realize was that after Zen Master Du Wo finished speaking, she was inexplicably relieved.

After all, this earring has absorbed most of the power from the Zen master, and taking it without telling him is regarded as stealing. Lu Ling always felt that the power came from a wrong way, but now the Zen master pointed her out, which means that the Zen master does not care about power. Lu Ling It can also be used as a matter of course.

Just like that, Zen master Du Wo left and went to find the two men next door.

The room was silent for a while, Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling, waiting for an answer.

"This is it." Lu Ling said, took out two guqin-like earrings, one gold and one silver, from her pocket, and placed them flat in front of Liu Fufeng.

"This is..." Liu Fufeng was surprised.




After Lu Ling's explanation, Liu Fufeng knew the origin of the pair of violins, and she was determined to thank Tang Keyu a little more, and then she ordered Lu Ling.

"Senior sister, this is a rare magic weapon, remember to keep it carefully and don't lose it."

With Lu Ling's character, she might lose it if she doesn't pay attention.

"Don't worry." Lu Ling put away the earrings, and then looked at Liu Fufeng excitedly: "With this piano here, I can play music for you, junior sister."

"Really? I'm looking forward to it." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling with interest. She also wanted to know whether her Ah Ling and Qin Qin had really learned something after living together for so long, or was it just in the name of learning the piano? Love each other with Qin Qin.

If Lu Ling can't satisfy her...

She might get angry, the scary kind.

"..." Lu Ling suddenly felt chills down her spine, and after glancing at Liu Fufeng, she found a familiar smile on the latter's face, so Lu Ling took it as an illusion that she had a cold, and said complacently: "Hey hey, junior sister, you I will definitely like it, and I think I still learned a lot.”

"That's the best." Liu Fufeng patted Lu Ling's head.

"By the way, junior sister..." Lu Ling's small face suddenly collapsed: "Junior sister, I have a lot to learn now, what should I do, and I'm alone..."

The thought of getting tired of spending time with Mo Qing, Bai Yunfan, and Zen Master Duwo made Lu Ling feel uncomfortable all over. If her junior sister was by her side, she would naturally be fearless, but if she was alone...she really couldn't do it.

"Senior Sister, it's okay, you're right here, you can go home anytime." Liu Fufeng comforted Lu Ling.

"But..." Lu Ling hesitated.

"I will let Master Uncle and Sister Zhao accompany you." Liu Fufeng lifted Lu Ling's chin, wiped the water stains from the corner of her mouth, looked into her eyes and said, "Don't worry, I'm right here."

"...En." There is no other way, Lu Ling can only compromise, after all, the junior sister is also doing it for her own good, and she can quickly get rid of the cold and speed up her cultivation, which is also what Lu Ling hopes to see, after all, she is going to meet martial arts in Tianguang Market On the way, the one who won the longevity fruit of the junior group.

This is the latest opportunity to help junior sisters obtain longevity fruits.

Even with such ambitions, Lu Ling's small face is still slumped, a typical type who is willing rationally but rejects emotionally, that is, the type who says no but has a very honest body.

And how could Liu Fufeng fail to see Lu Ling's bad mood, as a sister, she naturally wanted to make her Ah Ling happy.

"Senior sister, do you want to go shopping in the street, buy clothes and snacks?" Liu Fufeng hugged Lu Ling and stood up and put her down on the ground.

"……I do not want to go."

"Is that so?" Liu Fufeng smiled, she could clearly feel Lu Ling's emotion, the reason why she denied it was because her Ah Ling was essentially the house girl on Lingshan who didn't leave home, although she knew that shopping might be fun , but she is still afraid of crowded places.

But Liu Fufeng has a solution.

"Just stay with me at that time." Kneeling down and looking at Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng's tone was unprecedentedly coquettish: "Senior Sister, I haven't had time to take a good look around this Luoyan City, and today I managed to spend an afternoon. Rest time, look..."

As he spoke, Liu Fufeng blinked his big eyes at Lu Ling.

"...Then, let's go together." It took only a second for Lu Ling to lose the battle. If her junior sister was with her and centered on her, she would definitely not want to go out, but if it was the other way around, Lu Ling didn't have anything to say.

Let the junior sister relax a little bit, which is what she expected.

Liu Fufeng smiled and stood up: "Senior sister, if you are away from home, do you still remember what to call me?"

"...Sister, sister."

"That's right! Get ready, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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