Chapter 452 Growth
The inner city of Luoyan City was full of traffic and bustling. Although it was hot summer, this did not dampen the interest of everyone. Rather, the hotter the weather, the more people came out to have fun.

In the inner city, the rich and powerful people don’t know how to count, and brocade and fine clothes are standard. The daughter of a thousand gold is in the carriage and horses and looks out, half-faced shyly.

In this sultry afternoon, it is a great enjoyment in life to drink a glass of iced wine and listen to the beautiful rhythm in Xiaoxiang Pavilion.



At this time, on the street, two young girls were very eye-catching. One was dressed in a white dress and her long hair was tied up in a bun. She was mature and young at the same time, looking at the figure beside her gently. Such a girl made men on the street I can't take my eyes off at all, the girl is still carrying many bags in her hands, containing all kinds of sundries, but even so, no one thinks that she is just a maid, almost seeing her for the first time, many people Position her in a dignified position.

The truly powerful people approached the girl slowly after seeing the girl, but they didn't dare to get too close. Most people with brains had already guessed her identity even if they had never seen the girl.

Miss Qianjin, who doesn't care about the surrounding environment, has a gentle temperament like water, and most importantly, didn't you see that there are more black armors around than before?

Obviously, this girl is a genius doctor who is a free clinic in the inner city. Of course, in the eyes of these people, the status of a genius doctor is just a bonus compared to the mistress, and the free clinic is more like a publicity stunt.

Liu Fufeng is very famous, at least after Xifeng summoned the old guys from the four major families, his importance is not at the same level as before.

But even though they knew Liu Fufeng's nobility, some young masters and young ladies still approached Liu Fufeng after looking at each other. They wanted to have a closer look at what this divine woman who could conquer Luoyan City looked like.

Liu Fufeng's portraits are expressly forbidden, even those who have seen her are absolutely not allowed to keep her portraits, if they keep them privately, they will definitely be invited to the case office for "tea", and basically they will not be able to come out.

If nothing else, this is the mistress of Luoyan City in the future, the other half of the city lord Xifeng, who dares to keep her portrait privately.

Out of curiosity, there are more and more eyes around, and the communication before everyone's eyebrows is becoming more and more suspicious.

The girl next to the mistress... who is it?

There is a young girl beside Liu Fufeng today, about thirteen or fourteen years old, her upper body is black and red flower sleeve brocade dress, three parts black and seven parts red, which sets off the girl's vitality, her hair is long, but not messy at all , obediently tied into a ponytail hanging behind her back, all the way to her calves.

The lower body is a bright flowery short skirt, and the round and tight thighs are looming, which cannot be ignored.

It is obviously a cool summer dress, but there is a white silk and satin around the neck, which is a bit weird, but the lack does not affect the girl's temperament, but adds a bit of elegance, which is not bad at all compared to Liu Fufeng, even worse After all, the innocent and happy smile on her face can infect many people—especially in the case of a girl with a disability, this kind of heartfelt smile is even more touching.

To be by Liu Fufeng's side, to be held by her hand and doted on so much, naturally it could only be Lu Ling.

But the people around didn't know Lu Ling's identity, so they speculated one after another.

There is no such a role in intelligence. Liu Qianjin has always shown expressions only when she is seeing a doctor.

Who is this girl?

They thought the Zhao family would know. After all, Mr. Zhao was the one who successfully broke into the hospital, and the Zhao family knew a little more. But after seeing the blank faces of the Zhao family, they gave up hope. I am also more curious about Lu Ling.

It looks like Liu Qianjin's younger sister...

No, it is also the person that the city lord has his eyes on. Could it be that if the lord Xifeng does not marry, he will marry two?

But... With the beauty of this little girl, she is definitely worthy of Mr. Xifeng.

After all, they still have a sense of proportion and will not approach the second daughter rashly.



Liu Fufeng naturally noticed the abnormalities around her, but she didn't take it to heart. For her, as long as she didn't disturb her Aling's interest, they could look at them however they liked.

And Lu Ling... She rarely appears in crowded places, especially in the secular world. If you are wary of some places, you may feel that something is wrong, but her junior sister is by her side, so why does she think so much.

After finally being able to go down the mountain together, it is natural to have fun with my junior sister.

Lu Ling thought so, and she did it.

"Sister, I'm a little hot." Lu Ling tugged on her scarf and exhaled hot air. After exercising for a while, Lu Ling felt a little hot.

"Then take this off." Liu Fufeng stood behind Lu Ling thoughtfully, untied the pure white tiger skin scarf around her neck, and then rubbed Lu Ling's neck: "Is it better?"

"En, but it's still hot." As she spoke, Lu Ling glanced at the snacks in the bag in Liu Fufeng's hand, and swallowed.

Naturally, Liu Fufeng couldn't hide this small gesture, she held Lu Ling's hand.

"A Ling, are you tired from walking?"

"A little bit." Lu Ling lowered her head and touched her belly.

"If you're tired, find a place to sit, and then... have something to eat." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling.

"Okay, okay." Hearing Liu Fufeng's words, Lu Ling's eyes turned into crescent moons, but she immediately saw Liu Fufeng's half-smile eyes, and her face flushed.

"Let's go." Liu Fufeng smiled and pulled Lu Ling, passed through the crowd, and came to the famous Lelou in the inner city.

Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

"Welcome to the two daughters." Seeing Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng coming in, the maid in front of the door saluted. After Liu Fufeng entered, the maid still looked at their backs with great interest.

Mistress...?He looks younger than himself.

The Xiaoxiang Pavilion at this time is very lively, with the aroma of fine wine floating in the air, and the graceful sound of the piano by Le Ling is like a clear spring, bringing a touch of refreshment to everyone who listens to the piano in this hot summer.

Liu Fufeng originally intended to take Lu Ling to the private room, but Lu Ling became disobedient as soon as she came here, and insisted on dragging her to the front row to watch Le Ling on the stage from a close distance, but Liu Fufeng couldn't hold her back. So she found Lu Ling and sat in front of the stage.

There are the most people here because it is the closest to the stage, but since Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling came over, the people who were listening to the music at the next tables all left quietly. After a few minutes, the surroundings of Liu Fufeng were vacant. lap.

They didn't dare to get too close to Liu Fufeng, they could understand.

Liu Fufeng didn't understand, but she didn't need to understand, because it had nothing to do with her, she came out to play with Lu Ling today.

Subconsciously blocking Lu Ling's figure, Liu Fufeng looked at her profile.

At this time, her Ah Ling was sitting on a stool with peace of mind, eating the snacks she bought earlier, enjoying the elegant figure of Le Ling above and the lively sound of the clear spring through the high platform.

Obviously in a good mood, the feet under the table were shaking with the sound of "ding dong" from the clear spring.

Lu Ling was eating snacks, while keeping her eyes on Le Ling on the stage... Although the piano in her hand and the fingering techniques for playing the piano were not as good as those taught by Senior Sister Qin, Lu Ling still had a lot to learn.

Putting one hand on my thigh, I played along with the void of the tune. I was very happy, and my junior sister was by my side, so I was very relaxed and at ease.

It has been a long time since she felt this way. When she was alone on the mountain, she never relaxed for a day. She was nervous every day. Now she finally unloaded the burden.

This kind of life is what she likes.

When Lu Ling first came to this world and met Liu Fufeng, she never thought that she would have such a peaceful life.

In her impression, the world of cultivating immortals is full of hostility, killing people at every turn, and following the "law of the jungle" of survival of the fittest. If it is such a world, Lu Ling feels that she should be the first batch of people to be eliminated.

She hates that kind of world. In her imagination, she should be looking forward to a wonderful and chaotic world, but that is from the perspective of a bystander. If it really happened to her...she doesn't like it.

She likes ease.

She likes ease.

Turning her head and peeking at Liu Fufeng's side face, she found that the other party was also listening to the music very seriously, Lu Ling smiled happily, lowered her head and continued to eat snacks, but did not notice Liu Fufeng's raised mouth.

[I like ease. ] Lu Ling thought so.

Still like a quiet life.

Looking at the sweet tea on the table, Lu Ling took a small sip from the teacup.

Do whatever you want, be calm and indifferent, be lazy, and not seek fame... This is what Li Zhuzi pursues, and it is also the life she wants.

But at this time, Lu Ling's mentality is different from the initial state of being happy with the situation. It is different from the time when she started to study Wenhun seriously. The daily meditation that has become a habit can also prove Lu Ling's change.

She still likes An Yi, but she has to work hard for the people she cares about. Lu Ling also understands that there is no conflict between practicing hard and yearning for An Yi, and the stronger she is, the easier she can give herself and the people she cares about. The longer it took, so now that Lu Ling had found her target, she no longer had the mentality of turning salty fish over and still being salty fish.

Salted fish turning over?No, if possible, she hopes to jump over the dragon gate.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling blushed slightly.

I am really good enough for the second grade, and sure enough, with my junior sister by my side, no matter what, I won't feel unconfident.


The hand holding the corner of the skirt slowly loosened, and Lu Ling's frown also relaxed.

Although the pressure is great, but the soldiers come to cover the water and the soil, she just needs to study hard, so she will not avoid the practice that starts tomorrow, but will study seriously, so today, reward yourself and relax.

"Junior Sister, I want to drink...juice." Lu Ling glanced at the fruit wine on the table of the noble lady in the distance, eager to try it.

"That's wine." Liu Fufeng nodded Lu Ling's head: "No."

Liu Fufeng didn't forget how terrible Lu Ling was when she was drunk, although she didn't hate that kind of Ah Ling, and even liked that kind of dominance...but let's forget it for today.

"Cut." Lu Ling turned her head, then raised her hand: "I want to drink milk, the head office of milk will do it."

"This is fine, it's nutritious." Liu Fufeng glanced at Lu Ling's chest, nodded, clapped his hands and replaced the maid.

"A glass of milk, another glass, no, two glasses of cucumber juice..."

"Yes." There was a strange look in the maid's eyes, she looked at Liu Fufeng's figure in puzzlement, and after seeing Lu Ling, she was instantly relieved.

"My daughter will be later."


Lu Ling on the side didn't notice what happened here, she was still watching Le Ling playing the piano with relish, suddenly she was taken aback.

She suddenly thought of Uncle Shen, and got goosebumps on her body...

Uncle Shen asked him what he thought of the men in Luoyan City, and he wanted to give her an answer when he returned.


Lu Ling glanced back, there were quite a few men, but if she was asked to comment, there was absolutely no way... she had no idea how to answer.

Forget it, don't want these things.



At this time, the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord, Xifeng, was lazily sitting on a chair, looking up at the sky, looking at the sky through the bright colored glass. At the same time, a black armored guard was reporting something in front of him.

After hearing the first news, Xifeng sat up slightly: "You mean, there were no homicide cases in the inner city today?"

"Yes." Hei Jia said respectfully: "My lord, from yesterday to an hour ago, there was only one case in the inner city. One person's mansion was demolished, 47 people were slightly injured, 11 people were seriously injured, and one person was near death."

"47 people? Guards? Inferior household registration?" Xifeng frowned.

"Yes, third-class household registration. Not long after entering the city, there are 47 family members and eleven guards. The dying person is the head of the family. He was rescued. His identity is a businessman. He climbed up to the Zhao family. The production line has not yet expanded." After finishing the message, A trace of disdain also flashed across the face under the headgear of the black armored guards, what the heck, and the guards.

It sounds good to be a guard, but it is actually a fang, a low-grade is a low-grade, useless thing, but Hei Jia can also understand that this kind of people come to Luoyan City to seek asylum, but I don't know if the guards are useful up.

Judging from the results, it has no effect.

As for the rich merchant's guards, doubling them would not be enough for him alone. What he is curious about now is who is so bold as to commit murder in Luoyan City, but since the lord asked him to investigate, he should have already made up his mind.

"Show me your identity." Xi Feng said, in fact, he already had a guess in his heart, he thought that Shen Gui went to kill someone, but no one died in the inner city, and the whole family was taught a lesson, the answer is obvious, Shen Gui was most likely venting her anger on her junior sister, after all, Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling had conflicts with a middle-aged wealthy businessman in the beginning.

"It really is him." Xi Feng raised the corner of his mouth, and there was a hint of sarcasm on his sickly face. Even if Shen Gui didn't care about this overbearing person, his relationship with Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling wouldn't make him feel better. .

"The third-class household registration can afford to hire so many people. It seems that the money collected at the beginning is a little less..." Xifeng raised his head: "Suppress this matter, just don't let this person die, tell him, this case The government was not prepared, although you saved him, you may hold him accountable, unless..."

Xifeng made a [seven] gesture.

Hei Jia nodded, and understood what Xi Feng meant. It seemed that this middle-aged wealthy businessman really did not like the adults, but if the [-]% was taken out, could he still be considered a wealthy businessman?is a problem.

After getting the answer he wanted, Xifeng was in a good mood, and Shen Gui did not kill people indiscriminately, which was good news for him, otherwise, he really didn't know that he should face Liu Fufeng, after all, in Xifeng's eyes , Killing for life is the bottom line of Luoyan City.

As long as people don't die, everything is fine.

"That's it." Xifeng stretched his waist, showing the posture of a little girl for a moment, but it disappeared soon.

And Hei Jia below bowed his head, completely ignoring Xifeng, he took a step forward.

"My lord, Liu Qianjin took her younger sister out and is currently listening to music in Xiaoxiang Pavilion."

Naturally, Liu Fufeng's whereabouts must be reported to the adults all the time.

"Liu Fufeng? With Lu Ling?" Xifeng was stunned for a moment, yes, today the medical clinic finally took a day off.

Sister Liu doesn't know her identity yet.

Xi Feng got up, looked at the perfect man in the mirror, and the corner of his mouth curled up evilly: "Jiaqi, prepare the frame, go to Xiaoxiang Pavilion, don't drive people away, don't pretend, and then..."

"How to be high-profile."

"Yes, my lord."

 Today is a special day, but I was a little disappointed that I didn't get a good song.

(End of this chapter)

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