Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 466 Raiders Mission

Chapter 466 Raiders Mission
"Hmm..." Feeling being pushed a few times, Lu Ling breathed heavily, opened her eyes with effort, and vaguely saw a familiar figure.

"Junior Sister..." Rubbing her eyes, Lu Ling sat up in a daze, her eyes glazed over, and her mind went blank.

"Okay, let's get up and eat." Seeing Lu Ling get up, Liu Fufeng gave her time to wake up, while he took a few steps and looked at the notes that Lu Ling put on the table, which densely recorded what Mo Qing taught her thing.

I am studying hard.

Liu Fufeng read carefully.

Because of Lu Ling's strange behavior before, Liu Fufeng asked Zhao Yingge and Luo Hanyi, who came in later, that there was nothing unusual... In Zhao Yingge's words, Lu Ling had been studying hard, and then ran away suddenly during the break Come out... They are also very inexplicable.

Looking back at Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng frowned.

Is it because Senior Mo is a man?It's possible, according to sister Zhao's words, Ah Ling suddenly became like this during the rest time.

With Lu Ling's personality, it is normal for her to realize that the man in front of her is a man only after her studies are over.

But... there are still many doubts.

Well, forget it.

Ah Ling is already very tired from class, so she won't bother her blindly. As an older sister, she only needs to cheer her up when she has no strength.

Closing the note in his hand, Liu Fufeng walked to Lu Ling's side, looked at the girl who was still sleepy, and raised her chin.

"Senior sister, wake up, it's time to eat."

"Huh?" Lu Ling tilted her head, drooling at the corner of her mouth, looked at Liu Fufeng, and regained her composure a little.

It felt like she had a very long dream, the lengthy one gave her a headache, and... Lu Ling looked down at her chest.

There is also a feeling of fear.

He opened his mouth in a daze.

"Junior Sister, I had a dream. I dreamed that I had an extra department..." Lu Ling opened her mouth, but her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she only opened her mouth without making a sound.

As she said that, Lu Ling was stunned, why did she just open her mouth and make no sound.

"Huh?" Liu Fufeng didn't think about it so much, he just thought that Lu Ling just woke up and had no strength, so he didn't take it to heart.

[Warning, the host is prohibited from disclosing the existence of the system in any way. 】

To Lu Ling, the cold female voice was like pouring a basin of ice water on her head under the scorching sun.

Lu Ling shuddered violently in the cold winter.

She finally came to her senses... The system...wasn't it a dream?
His expression instantly collapsed.

"Senior Sister?" Liu Fufeng naturally had a panoramic view of Lu Ling's expression, she would not know anything about the system, so thinking of what Lu Ling hadn't said above, Liu Fufeng took it for granted that her A Ling was having a nightmare up.

"Did you dream about something bad? Don't be afraid... I'm here." Gently hugging Lu Ling into his arms, and kissing her on the forehead, Liu Fufeng put on the shoes for Lu Ling.

"feelling better?"

"'s much better..." After being treated by Liu Fufeng, how could Lu Ling care about the system, her little face was as red as a red apple, as for the system?

Looking back, Lu Ling is not so afraid. There is a good saying, if you can't resist, just enjoy it. Besides, no matter in any novel, the existence of the system is a good thing.

Even... Lu Ling still has a kind of expectation for the system.

If it is really powerful enough, can it make me and my junior sister live forever together?

Maybe it really can.

Of course, Lu Ling still doesn't believe that this system really has extraordinary power... She will believe it only after she personally feels the magic. ?

So now even if there is an extra task function, Lu Ling still doesn't believe it so much.

Going downstairs with Liu Fufeng, Xifeng, Luo Hanyi, and Zhao Yingge were all sitting there during lunch time.

After Lu Ling took her seat, everyone began to eat.

No one spoke, everyone had their own concerns.

While eating, Luo Hanyi was thinking about the fun things he saw in the bamboo forest in the morning, and was planning to continue in the afternoon.

Although Xifeng has a lot of things to say, she hasn't settled the account in the morning and is doing mental calculations.

Zhao Yingge... She ate seriously.

This woman couldn't eat a full meal a month ago, so she was more serious than anyone else when eating, and her appetite was comparable to Lu Ling.

Born with supernatural power, he can eat a little more.

As for Lu Ling... She looks absent-minded, and she doesn't care about the dishes she liked in the past.

With one more system all of a sudden, it's impossible for someone as big-hearted as Lu Ling to pretend that nothing happened.

What is the use of this system...

Lu Ling swallowed the food in her mouth, thought about it, and got an answer after a while.


It's completely useless... She doesn't lack anything now, and she doesn't have to improve her strength like other protagonists who are hovering on the line of life and death all day long... She is still young, so she is not so eager for things in strength. If there was anything she needed, it was time.

Lu Ling felt more and more that time was not enough.

Studying all day, it seems that there is no time to review at all... She wanted to consolidate the knowledge in the morning at noon, but fell asleep as soon as she lay down... Sure enough, if she doesn't take a nap now, she won't last until the afternoon. I will be sleepy, which means I have to take a nap.

But if this is the case, the review can only be put in the evening... The problem is, she is now a primary school student, and she should go to bed after eating and taking a bath at night, and she still has no time to study... And there are two teachers in the afternoon... …

By the way, and more importantly, she still has to practice the piano.

If Senior Sister Qin finds out after returning home that because she has no time to practice the piano... her cultivation base has increased, but her piano skills have retreated instead, she will die of anger...


Eating silently, Lu Ling began to recall what she learned in the morning, trying not to forget... Now she can't even miss the time to eat.



Seeing Lu Ling's pensive look, Liu Fufeng put down his chopsticks, she couldn't hold back anymore.

It is a habit and etiquette to eat without speaking.

Liu Fufeng endured it for a few minutes.

The time she spends with Lu Ling every day has been significantly reduced, and Lu Ling will go to school again after dinner... how can she bear it.

"Senior Sister, what are you thinking?" Liu Fufeng spoke first, attracting the attention of the rest of the people at the dinner table.

Because they are not outsiders, Liu Fufeng can call Senior Sister Lu Ling openly and aboveboard. Although Zhao Yingge and Xifeng complain about the upside-down relationship between the two, they have nothing to say, it's just a title, and they are used to it now.

Liu Fufeng dotes on Lu Ling and is willing to be a junior sister, so what's the matter with them?
But when Liu Fufeng opened his mouth, both of them pricked up their ears.

"Me? I'm thinking about the meridian I learned this morning... Go over it again, or I might forget it." Lu Ling chewed her food, her voice was a bit vague.

"Oh." Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect that Lu Ling was thinking about learning...

Suddenly some distressed.

Did I just think about being good for Ah Ling, but forgot that Ah Ling never went to school, and she would be very tired after so many classes at once...

Liu Fufeng is like those parents in Lu Ling's previous life who enrolled her in many cram schools for the sake of their children.

It's just that the child didn't complain, but instead studied hard... As a result, Liu Fufeng, the parent himself, began to feel guilty.

Am I being a little too selfish?

Liu Fufeng felt a little guilty.


"Huh?" Lu Ling also sensed something was wrong with Liu Fufeng at this time, swallowed the food in her mouth, and looked at her with frowns.

"Senior Sister, you finally came down once, and you ended up playing for a whole day. You will be very tired after going to class every day, or... we will get rid of one class?" Liu Fufeng said cautiously.

Teacher Li arranged for Zen master Duwo, and Mo Qing could heal Ah Ling's injury, so Bai Yunfan could only be removed in the end.

Shushan Sword School, those who use swords... To be honest, Liu Fufeng didn't like it that much. If Lu Ling could relax a bit if he didn't learn it, Liu Fufeng went to Bai Yunfan to cancel the course.

"Remove? Why?" Lu Ling tilted her head and looked at Liu Fufeng in confusion: "I think learning is very interesting, much more interesting than shopping."

Speaking of which, among the three courses, Lu Ling is looking forward to Bai Yunfan's course the most. Although she has some prejudice against Shushan, Lu Ling really likes swords, and she is too happy to be able to learn from Bai Yunfan now.

As for shopping...

Forgive her.

It's really meaningless. Lu Ling only likes the food on the street. If it's just food, she doesn't need to go out. It's much more comfortable to lie down and eat at home than to go out. There are so many strangers outside. If it wasn't for Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling was really not happy at all.

"Yes, is it?" Seeing Lu Ling's full of interest, Liu Fufeng was a little surprised.

According to Lu Ling's previous personality, she probably wouldn't like so many courses...

"I think it's quite interesting." Lu Ling took a bite of the rice with chopsticks, then smiled at Liu Fufeng.

"...Well, then study hard." Looking at the girl's bright smile, Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head.

Ah Ling...has changed a lot.

In the past, Ah Ling was very lazy and had no energy to do anything. She became so sensible after not seeing her for a month.

It was Senior Sister Qin who taught me well.

Think so.



In the afternoon, in the courtyard, Bai Yunfan sat with his legs crossed, waiting for Lu Ling to arrive.


Looking at the big sun in the sky, Bai Yunfan let out a long yawn and squeezed out two tears.

"This point... Can Lu Ling really learn it? Don't fall asleep, that guy Mo Qing really knows how to pick the time..."

While complaining, Bai Yunfan's face was indifferent.

Compared with Mo Qing, what he has to teach is much simpler, it's just a set of narration, and with Lu Ling's talent, he can learn it in an afternoon at most... So he doesn't need so much time at all.

He didn't intend to teach Lu Ling too many things, mainly because this girl didn't practice martial arts, so he couldn't teach it. If she wasn't crippled, he could still teach this girl sword moves... As a result, Yin Juemai was attached to her body, so he couldn't teach it. .

Let's play, think of it as playing games with girls.

Yawning, Bai Yunfan's vision was a little blurred, and the scorching sun in his vision also dimmed.



After an unknown amount of time, a figure appeared in front of Bai Yunfan.

Seeing the slender girl, Bai Yunfan was a little confused.


After murmuring a word, Bai Yunfan woke up instantly, looking at Zhao Yingge in front of him, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Zhao Yingge looked at Bai Yunfan with some dissatisfaction, he was still sleeping in the courtyard during class time... he was not a decent person, and he didn't look like a good person.

Zhao Yingge doesn't like him. In her opinion, Bai Yunfan is far worse than Mo Qing.

"Is it right here?" Zhao Yingge looked at the spacious yard and asked.

Bai Yunfan coughed to cover up his emotions, and continued.

"Well... here is fine, there is no need to go into the house specially."

"Huh..." Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing the news.

She didn't want to be alone in a room with people from Shushan.

"Then Ah Ling will leave it to you. I'll just wait by the side." Pulling out Lu Ling who was hiding behind her, Luo Hanyi pushed Zhao Yingge to a farther position.



Then, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

The two stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

After a while, Lu Ling spoke first.

"That... Hello, teacher..."

"Good afternoon, my surname is Bai, just call me... Teacher Bai." Bai Yunfan tried his best to smile, but he is usually lazy and can't put on a gentle appearance. He is really not like a steady teacher, and his frivolous smile is on the contrary Like a rascal who flirts with girls.

And this scene happened to be seen by Zhao Yingge, and the girl frowned.

Is this really the Sword Immortal of Shushan... No matter how you look at it, he is a hooligan. It is too dangerous to show such a "lewd" smile to a girl of Lu Ling's age.

Zhao Yingge in the distance thinks so, not to mention Lu Ling in close range...

With stiff hands and feet, Lu Ling avoided Bai Yunfan's gaze and whispered, "Well, Teacher Bai, please don't... look at me like that."

"Ah? Okay." Bai Yunfan put away his smirk, and Lu Ling also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Teacher, can we start?" Lu Ling stared straight at Bai Yunfan, her big eyes sparkling.

She didn't know that what she wanted to learn was theoretical knowledge, and Lu Ling only wanted to learn swords.

"Ah? Yes..." Startled by the longing in Lu Ling's eyes, it was Bai Yunfan's turn to be a little embarrassed. He obviously didn't expect Lu Ling to be so serious... A simple way of breathing, he really has nothing to teach Yes, as long as you throw the book to Lu Ling, she can learn it by herself.

But looking at the anticipation on Lu Ling's face, Bai Yunfan felt that he couldn't do such a thing.

At this moment, Lu Ling's expression froze for a moment.

She has received a new mission.

[Strategy task: Gain the favor of Venerable Fanyun, and learn elementary knowledge of swordsmanship. 】

[Task Difficulty: Intermediate]

[Task introduction: As the host of the system, how can you only study theory?Both civil and military skills are basic operations.Find a way to learn his sword moves from the Venerable Shushan, and understand the basics of sword cultivation. This is the key for the host to embark on the journey of sword cultivation. Please, the host, move forward on the road of sword immortality. 】

[Task Reward: A copy of the basic sword formula of the Great Thousand World, and two hours of access to the "World". 】

[Task deadline: one hour.The first day's impression is very important, let's work hard to capture it, girl. 】

[Task penalty: none]

[Comprehensive assessment: The host has a 30.00% chance of completing this task. 】



Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth, and looked up at the man in front of her.

Then he bowed his head, blushing a little.

Raiders task?

This system... seems not so serious...

(End of this chapter)

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