Chapter 467 Natural
This system is really...

Lu Ling was very dissatisfied.

Obviously his voice is cold, but he always likes to say some superfluous words when issuing tasks.

Study hard and insist on what strategies to say, making it seem like she is the kind of girl who is easy to make fun of... She obviously doesn't know how to attack people.

However, since the system gave the task, she still had to complete it well, but before completing the task, Lu Ling felt that it was necessary to know what the task rewards were.

[One copy of the basic sword formula of the Great Thousand World, and the right to use the "world" for two hours. 】

Lu Ling understands the basic sword art, but she doesn't understand it with the addition of the Great Thousand World. It sounds powerful but it is true... As for the access to another "world", she is completely confused.

[System, can you explain these two rewards? 】

【Can. 】

[The Great Thousand World is the name of the world after the mysterious level has reached a high level. As the name suggests, the Great Thousand World Basic Sword Art is the basic sword art from the Great Thousand World. 】

Lu Ling was puzzled: [Big Thousand World?Is it great?What level is our current world? 】

[This world level is Xiaoqian World. 】

After the system explained it like this, Lu Ling understood, and at the same time had an illusion... Since it is something from a high-level world, it must be very powerful...

In fact, she was fooled by the "system".

The world of Lu Ling's previous life was the so-called Great Thousand World in the mouth of the system.

It’s not that the things in the Great Thousand World are necessarily better than those in the Small Thousand World... It’s just that the former is more perfect. The basic sword art of the Great Thousand World that the system refers to is actually an introduction to swordplay and kung fu that integrates Lu Ling’s big data. Chapters, mixed up called "Basic Sword Jue".

Of course, it's not a pure fool. This basic sword art is an introductory chapter of all the sword techniques that Lu Ling can think of.As small as "Songshan Sword Art" and "Huashan Sword Art", as big as "Dugu Nine Swords", "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", "Yue Nv Sword Art", "Wuhen Jian Jing", and even "Six Meridians Excalibur" "'s shadow is inside.

That's right, Hong Ling didn't expect that this fingering-like martial art was actually swordsmanship at first, so she almost missed this statistic.

Although this basic sword art is relatively weak in Hong Ling's eyes, it is not even a treasure in Shen Gui's eyes. After all, the swordsmanship in this world is heavy and light, and sticking to the moves is inferior.

But for Lu Ling, a salty fish who can't even hold a sword, it is already very advanced, and it is something from another world, so it is still possible to open the eyes of people in this world.

[Sounds very serious...] Lu Ling nodded half-understanding, and became a little interested in the so-called Great Thousand World Basic Sword Art, and then she asked: [What is the authority to use "World"? 】

[This world is not that world. The world the system refers to is a special space. You can set the flow rate in the space yourself, but the use permission given by the task can only slow down the time flow rate by one time at most. 】


Seeing Lu Ling's bewildered expression, the system fell silent for a moment, and then spoke again.

[It means that if you stay in the space for two days, only one day will pass outside. Now the mission reward is to use the authority for two hours, which means you can stay in the space for four hours, and you can use it for two more hours out of thin air. 】

After finishing speaking, the cold female voice looked at Lu Ling's face suddenly realized, as if he was relieved.

[That is to say, if I complete the task, I will have four more hours to use out of thin air?Isn't this the acceleration space?Bravo! ! ! ! 】

Lu Ling was excited.

control time?The flow speed in the space is half slower than outside?Simply pleasantly surprised.

Compared with this, the previous sword art is not so important.

You must know that what she lacks most now is time. If she has time, she can review and preview the newly learned knowledge, and she will not lose the consolidation of music theory knowledge because of learning.

[That's what the host understands. 】

[System, you are amazing! 】


I don't know if it's Lu Ling's illusion, she always feels that her system seems to be speechless now...

[The host is requested to complete the task as soon as possible, the deadline is one hour. 】The system prompts.

[Yes, yes, it is important to complete the mission... Wait, what is the mission?Oh, the strategy for Venerable Fanyun is Teacher Bai, right...] Thinking about it, Lu Ling withdrew from her imagination.

It's been a long time since I was distracted.

But I don't blame her, whoever made the system release tasks suddenly, the rewards are all things she can't understand.




"This girl..." Bai Yunfan squatted halfway, looking at the girl from a close distance.

At this time, Lu Ling's eyes were closed, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her breathing was even...

From Bai Yunfan's position, he could clearly feel the smell of Lu Ling's body. It was a very fresh fragrance, not body fragrance, but the smell of saponins.

He didn't know what was going on, Lu Ling suddenly stopped moving when he was talking just now... After his observation, it seems that Lu Ling... fell asleep.

Well, fell asleep standing up.

Bai Yunfan felt helpless...

Sure enough, this time is when the sun is at its most poisonous, and it is also the time when it is most likely to get sleepy... But anyway, he hasn't started class yet... Lu Ling is too shameless, she studied very seriously when she was with Mo Qing , fell asleep standing up without saying a few words? ? ? ?

Bai Yunfan felt that his self-esteem had been hurt, but he didn't know that Mo Qing, who was observing from a distance, was also a little confused.

Lu Ling is this, asleep?
its not right.

It's fine if you don't know Lu Ling well, but after getting along with her all morning, Mo Qing has an intuitive understanding of Lu Ling's learning attitude. It stands to reason that this serious little girl shouldn't have started studying...

Are you that sleepy?
not always.

Mo Qing sighed.

For a little girl like Lu Ling, maybe taking a nap is really an unavoidable thing.

Bai Yunfan looked at Lu Ling, a little disappointed.

This girl... doesn't like swordsmanship?

Otherwise, he wouldn't have fallen from Jianxin Tongming to the current state... It's a pity that he has a god-given awe-inspiring righteousness.

Looking at the quiet little girl in front of him, Bai Yunfan unconsciously leaned forward. He wanted to see the body structure of the girl in front of him clearly, and see how the righteousness was hidden in the body of this stingy girl...

He was getting closer and closer to Lu Ling, and at the same time, the fragrance of Lu Ling's hair became more and more intense. The imagined milk scent did not appear, and Bai Yunfan raised the corners of his mouth.

That's right, this girl is not big, but her age is actually the year of dancing spoons, and she is only two or three years younger than Liu Fufeng, and she has already surpassed the boundaries of a loli, she is a full-fledged girl.

All aspects are good, but they are too soft. To be honest, if it is not for Lu Ling's talent, Bai Yunfan thinks that such a girl is the most suitable for learning literary spirit...

Forget it, go to sleep.

Teach her to breathe and complete the task.

Just when Bai Yunfan decided to give Lu Ling the breathing method to learn by herself, the girl in front of her suddenly opened her eyes.

Four eyes facing each other.

Lu Ling's dark eyes met the man's clear pupils, and the distance between the two was less than an inch.

The air froze for a moment.

Lu Ling could even feel the masculine aura on Bai Yunfan's body.

Staring blankly at the handsome face so close, a trace of panic flashed across Lu Ling's face, she stepped back three steps, and then sat down on the ground.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a man's face almost touching hers. Lu Ling was so frightened that she almost lost her wits.

"Ahem." Bai Yunfan touched his nose in embarrassment, then straightened up.

He didn't intend to scare this girl... It's just that Lu Ling has been there with her eyes closed since just now, no matter how much he yells, there is no movement... So...

Seeing Lu Ling sitting heavily on the ground, Bai Yunfan wanted to say something, but he really didn't know how to get along with girls... The same goes for the little girl, she had no choice but to hang up her trademark frivolous smile.

"That...are you just lost your mind..."

Although he felt that Lu Ling was asleep... But Bai Yunfan didn't say it directly, which was a manifestation of his insignificant gentleness.

"I..." Lu Ling raised her hand to wipe away the moisture from the corners of her eyes.


Unprepared, he fell to the ground, his butt broke into eight petals, can it not hurt?

"Ahem." Seeing that Lu Ling was awake, Bai Yunfan put away his frivolous smile, and looked straight at Lu Ling, his serious eyes made Lu Ling a little embarrassed.

For Bai Yunfan, no matter whether Lu Ling is learning sword moves or theoretical knowledge, it shouldn't be like this frivolous look... To be honest, he was a little unhappy when this girl was distracted on the spot.

Even if he is as frivolous as he is, he will be absolutely serious when teaching.

"Lu Ling, right? I hope this is the last time." Bai Yunfan took a deep look at Lu Ling and said.

"Yes, yes." Lu Ling patted the dust on her skirt, trying to stand up...but she tried hard and failed. The fall just now was not easy, and her only moving leg is now a little numb.

"..." Seeing this, Bai Yunfan shook his head, walked up to Lu Ling and stretched out a hand.

"Get up."

"Thank you teacher..." Lu Ling blushed and grabbed Bai Yunfan's sleeve, and he lifted it up roughly.

After standing up, Lu Ling didn't dare to look at Bai Yunfan at all.

There are shy emotions caused by making a fool of myself, some are ashamed because I am distracted, some are at a loss... more are still confused.

Attack Bai Yunfan?
Well, Lu Ling also knew that the word "strategy" belonged to the system's evil taste, and it probably meant that she wanted Bai Yunfan to like her and learn some basic knowledge of kendo from him.

I don't know why this cold system insists on making fun of itself with these unnecessary words.

Lu Ling hummed and chirped twice, then took a sneak look at Bai Yunfan.

She has no clue at all...

The success rate given by the system is 30.00%, which means that she has a [-]% chance of failure... But Lu Ling is unwilling to give up, because the reward is so attractive, and isn't there a [-]% chance of success?
Some things, how do you know if you don't try.

"That..." Lu Ling was about to speak in a low voice when she heard Bai Yunfan speak. Under the latter's voice, her insignificant voice like a mosquito's scream was directly covered.

"Lu Ling, right? Look at me."

"Yes." Lu Ling dodged her eyes.

Seeing this, Bai Yunfan sighed.

Although this girl is talented, but she has lost her sword heart, and she is also a disciple of Juexian Venerable... Maybe she is not so important to Shushan.

If Jianxin Tongming is still there, with this righteous spirit, Lu Ling's achievements will be limitless.

But now she has lost her desire to become a strong person. Although she can slowly polish it, Shushan can't wait so long... Maybe the focus now is not to train Lu Ling to become a swordsman, but to find a way to use her aura of arrogance.

After all, Bai Yunfan was a little disappointed in this girl after getting in close contact with Lu Ling, and Lu Ling and Shen Gui couldn't compare at all.

Xiao Gongzi's sword is the sword of killing, Ye Zun's sword is the sword of a gentleman, Bai Yunfan is completely different from these two, his sword is very pure.

What is a sword? A sharp edge is a sword.

So after Bai Yunfan fully understood the gap between himself and Shen Canghai, he was still able to say the sentence [The wind falls and the white clouds, sailing across the sea. 】

Without Jianxin Tongming, he prefers tough and sharp girls.

The most outstanding and ideal apprentice is naturally Shen Gui, but it is a pity that Shen Gui is Shen Canghai's disciple and has inherited her domineering sword intent, and Shen Gui even looks down on Venerable Ye's sword intent, let alone him.

Therefore, Bai Yunfan couldn't be interested in a weak girl like Lu Ling, and this kind of character could be favored in Lingshan. Shushan didn't welcome such a weak girl.

Really want to say...

Bai Yunfan shifted his gaze to the girl sitting in a wheelchair under the tree who was staring at this side.

She is more suitable for learning swords than Lu Ling. This girl has a foundation in martial arts, which is much better than Lu Ling who knows nothing. It's just that the calluses on her hands are for practicing spears... But it doesn't matter.

In the final analysis, he felt that Lu Ling was not good enough.

A sharpness is a sword. With Lu Ling's character, she will never be able to be sharp in this life... The way of the sword is intentional, or a gentleman, or sharp, or domineering...

It's all about a person's personality.

Have you heard of the weak and cute sword intent?
Bai Yunfan had never heard of it, and he didn't dare to think about it.

But in fact, what he said doesn't count, even if he doesn't like Lu Ling's character, he still can't deny Lu Ling's superb swordsmanship talent and that vigorous righteousness...

This girl is a born sword master.

But Bai Yunfan didn't want to teach her.

If only this girl could change her personality...

Well, how is this possible.

Bai Yunfan sighed, and took out a book from the Qiankun bag, it was Shushan's unique style of breathing, this was the only thing he could teach Lu Ling, let her learn it by herself.

"Do you know what to learn?" Bai Yunfan went straight to the point. Although Lu Ling is very important to Shushan, she is not that important to Bai Yunfan. He also wrote down everything about Lu Ling's character and returned to Shushan. After that, he will tell those old guys all these things, so that they can have a headache.

"I, I don't know..." Lu Ling keenly felt that Bai Yunfan's attitude towards her was not friendly.

Well, it seems that the second task is gone, bye, accelerated space, bye, basic swordsmanship.

Throwing away the entire strategy mission, Lu Ling frowned as she looked at the book in Bai Yunfan's hand.

She wants to learn sword.

Don't read books.

"I don't know what to learn? Then let me tell you, your senior sister and I..." Bai Yunfan said, suddenly saw Lu Ling's eyes, and closed his mouth.

He saw longing in Lu Ling's eyes.

"Teacher, what to learn is arranged by my junior sister. I just need to do it." As she said that, Lu Ling unconsciously rubbed the corner of her clothes, very nervous, but at the same time her eyes became firmer.

"I don't know what I want to learn, but I know what I want to learn."

Looking at the categorical girl who paused every word, Bai Yunfan was taken aback and smiled.

This girl doesn't seem to be that disappointing.

(End of this chapter)

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