Chapter 472
In the past, Moyu was very difficult to get along with, she didn't like to talk, and most of her words were not pleasant, even Dongfang Lianren gave her three points, and she was known for her hot temper.

Mo Yu's attitude towards Mo Qing, a younger brother whose cultivation level is far superior to hers, is very subtle. He is naturally proud of his cultivation level, but Mo Qing feels that his sister looks down on him very much.

Because of Li Zhuzi's matter, I feel ashamed.

But in fact, Mo Yu rarely met him, and most of the meetings were ridiculed.

But today is different, because Xuan Jingsi's troublesome venerable Bai Ling, in front of his younger brother, Mo Yu rarely relaxes, he is not so harsh, and can complain.

Anyway, that was her brother too.

Mo Qing also enjoyed this feeling very much.

If only his sister was quiet.


"I just wanted to say, why does this cup smell like milk? Since when did you like drinking milk?" Mo Yu asked.

"..." Mo Qing didn't speak.

He just watched his sister in a bad mood, and subconsciously poured water...but he didn't expect that this cup was used by Lu Ling.

Mo Yu is also a casual person, even if the cup was used by her younger brother, she doesn't care, the two of them took a bath together when they were young, and now they are both hundreds of years old, so don't worry about messy things.

She was just asking casually, drinking milk as soon as she drank, Lingshan had no control over her appetite.

But when he turned around, seeing Mo Qing's dodging eyes, Mo Yu was stunned for a moment.

On the contrary, I am a little curious.

Seeming to have discovered something interesting, Mo Yu became serious.

"Your honor..."

"..." Hearing this address, Mo Qing smiled wryly.

"This cup..."

Mo Yu raised the glass cup and shook it.

Under the sun, there is a little precipitation in the clear water in the cup.

Turning slightly...then the corner of Mo Yu's mouth twitched.

There are two lip prints on the top, one is reddish, that's her light rouge... As for the other lip print with visible lines, but it's a small size...

"Whose is it?" Mo Yu glanced back at the experience of "Shenlan" on the table, and cast a meaningful glance at Mo Qing.

Mo Qing was a little embarrassed: "...Sister."

Who knew, Mo Yu was fine at first, but suddenly his expression changed, returning to that indifferent look.

"Don't call me sister, look at your promise."

Mo Qing was also taken aback by the speed at which Mo Yu turned his face, a little confused.

"Okay, you shameful thing." Mo Yu said with dissatisfaction, "Mo Qing, tell me."

The woman shook her experience of "Shenlan" in her hand.

"You treat Lu Ling so well because of what she means to Eastern Shenhai, or because of bamboo."

As the Lord of the Southern Territory of the Eastern Divine Sea, Mo Qing is far more honorable than her elder sister. There are not many girls in this world who can make Mo Qing so sympathetic. He treats Lu Ling so well... I also want to know why.

"You have both." Mo Qing didn't even think about it.

"I'll give you another chance." Mo Yu was taken aback when he heard this, and then smiled.

She smiled very nicely, if Luo Hanyi was here, she would definitely not recognize that this person was Mo Yu.

Her gentle smile sent chills down the spine of Mo Qing, a venerable whose cultivation was a step above hers.


"..." Seeing the familiar smile on her sister's face, Mo Qing froze for a moment, and her voice became softer: "Because of the bamboo."

This sentence is true.

In fact, he also knew that Lu Ling was very important to East Shenhai, but if it was only because of this, he would at most do his duty, and would not be so concerned about Lu Ling.

In the final analysis, his most fundamental purpose was to use Lu Ling to let her get close to Li Zhuzi, and it was because of Li Zhuzi that he regarded Lu Ling as his daughter... Even if that person was not Lu Ling, it was Zhang Ling, Ma Ling, and Dongfang Lingle. Aya is the same.

To put it bluntly, he is using Lu Ling. Of course, this kind of thing is only good for Lu Ling. There are many people in the world who want to be used by the Lord of the Southern Territory and have no chance.

But Mo Yu just looked unhappy, she saw through Mo Qing's careful thoughts at a glance, she knew her brother, it's normal to be nice to Lu Ling, but under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be so caring about Lu Ling, and again The hospitality is also very good, which is obviously too good.

One is her younger brother, and the other is her girl from Lingshan...

"Stop talking? Are you a man after all? Can you be more despicable? Why did the Mo family produce such an unplanted thing like you? If you really have an idea, talk to Zhuzi? Start with Lu It's really cowardly..." Mo Yu's voice became louder and louder, she was already annoyed by the people of Xuan Jing Division, but now she couldn't bear it anymore, and scolded Mo Qing all over her face.

What can Mo Qing do, if someone else said such a thing, he would let her understand what the four masters of the Eastern Divine Sea meant without saying a word.

But the other party is her compatriot sister... I can only bear it.

Listening to Mo Yu's chatter.

Mo Qing lowered her head and closed her eyes, her face full of helplessness.

To be honest, it's not really a big deal...

To be reasonable, is there any difference if you treat Lu Ling better because of Dong Shenhai or Li Zhuzi?At least Mo Qing paid the truth, and after getting close to Lu Ling, he still likes Lu Ling very much.


Mo Qing raised her head and glanced at her sister.

At the beginning, she told herself that Lu Ling was Zhuzi's daughter. Wasn't her purpose just to start with Lu Ling and get close to Li Zhuzi?

So, he did as he did, and he did a good job. I don't know why my sister is angry.

Of course he didn't understand, otherwise how could he say that a woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of her heart.

When Mo Yu told him the news at the beginning, she felt sorry for her younger brother. No matter how much she looked down on Mo Qing, she still felt very uncomfortable seeing Mo Qing's unrequited love.

But when Mo Qing really did it.

How could she be happy?

This shows that her younger brother is really worthless... and Lu Ling is also her family.

I was entangled in my heart, so I was very nervous, and there were a lot of things going on outside Xuanjing, so I took advantage of the situation to use the Southern Region Lord of the Eastern Shenhai as a punching bag.

My own younger brother, if you don't scold him, you won't scold him for nothing.


After a while.

"Okay, as long as you are like this, I am a bamboo and I don't like you. I think it is impossible to expect you to spread branches and leaves for the Mo family..." Mo Yu said, looking up and seeing Mo Qing Looking at her, he froze for a moment, his face turned cold.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"It's nothing." Mo Qing shrugged, his sister should be very clear about what he thought.

For women in this world, it is already a treasonous thing to not marry and have children at the age of 20. In addition to being looked down upon by people around them, they may also face criminal law in some metropolises.

I have no Taoist companion.

But she didn't have it either, and she was a woman, and she was older than him... Moyu taught him about this kind of thing, so he naturally had some complaints.

"Look! Why, I haven't seen you for a hundred years. I can't say a word about you now? I have been the Lord of the Southern Territory for several years and I don't know what my last name is!" Mo Yu narrowed his eyes.

This time was her normal attitude towards Mo Qing. The last time the two met for the first time after a hundred years, plus a lot of things, she just stabbed her brother a few words.

Now it is angry.

"I know what my surname is, Mo." Mo Qing said two words in a low voice, then looked up at the woman with light makeup.

Hot tempered.

Cultivation is advanced.

Lingshan High Level.

In the eyes of many monks, it is definitely not a good partner for Taoism.

But because she is her elder sister, all Mo Qing sees in Mo Yu is her good qualities, even though she likes to hate herself...but from another perspective, Mo Yu only looks like this in front of him, and what other people see is a Gao Leng, a Taoist nun who would strike at the slightest disagreement.

I haven't seen you for many years, but my sister is still so willful.

Staring at the faint rouge on Mo Yu's lips.

This kind of thing would never appear on Mo Yu's face for hundreds of years, let alone wearing light makeup several times in a row.

Still the same as before, I will dress up nicely when I meet myself.

Mo Qing stopped thinking about it, looked at Mo Yu's dissatisfied eyes, walked to the bed and sat down, and patted his side.


Sign her to sit down.

"You..." Mo Yu froze for a moment.

"... Forget it." Mo Yu shook her head, and went to sit down.

The two were very close, and Mo Qing could smell the familiar scent of her sister, mixed with the faint scent of rouge.

Very reassuring.

In this chaotic world, it is a very lucky thing for the two of them to be the top group of people.

Mo Qing turned to look at her. Mo Yu's figure was very good, and it was even more obvious after sitting down. Her slender waist was full, her thighs were round and tight, and the close-fitting black Taoist robe highlighted her maturity.

If you really want to say, Mo Yu is more beautiful than Li Zhuzi.

At this time, Mo Yu's face was a little red, probably because he scolded him before.

Looking at the quiet woman, Mo Qing asked, "Aren't you angry?"

Hearing this, Mo Yu snorted twice: "I'll die sooner or later if I'm angry with you."

Then, Mo Yu flipped through the book in her hand, and said seriously: "Mo Qing, I don't care about you anymore, I can't care anyway... But you have to remember one thing, don't go too far."

"You mean Lu Ling?"

"What do you say?"

"I quite like her."

"What angle are you standing at?"

"My own point of view." Mo Qing looked into Mo Yu's eyes.

Mo Yu looked away.

"All right, all right, you take care of yourself."

No matter, as she said, she can't control it.

"Sister, let's have dinner together tonight." Mo Qing asked again.

"En." Mo Yu nodded. Last time, he was in a hurry to deal with Venerable Bai Ling's affairs. He just came back today. Although he will still be busy tomorrow, he still has time for a meal.


Not seeing each other for a hundred years, both of them have a lot to say.

Time passed for a while.

After talking about some personal problems, Mo Qing changed the subject.

"Sister...haven't you considered finding a Taoist companion?"

"Taoist?" Mo Yu was stunned for a moment, then stared at Mo Qing in a daze, and then averted his eyes after a while.

"have not thought."

have not thought?
Mo Qing didn't understand very well.

His sister is also very beautiful, and she has Lingshan bonus points. Even if she has a bad temper, her suitors are no less than others. It was more than Luo Hanyi combined.

The main reason is that there are not many normal people in this year's Lingshan people... The gentle and gentle women in Lingshan have almost gone astray in this generation. Moyu's temper is not very good. Compared with the current Lingshan people in other aspects , has been much better.

But for 500 years, he has never heard of Mo Yu having a Taoist partner, let alone getting married.

Moreover, Mo Yu never played those tricks of fake Phoenix.

A Taoist companion should be needed.

"Sister, it's not appropriate to continue like this, I think you can try..."


what to tryTry to find a Taoist partner?

"Shut up!" Mo Yu suddenly burst into emotion.


"Is it your turn to educate me?"


Not knowing where he touched her again, Mo Qing could only keep silent.

"Don't talk about this matter anymore, it's not your turn to talk about it." Mo Yu pursed her lips, swallowed some of the rouge on her lips, and then said silently.

"The main reason is that I don't have the energy right now. Bamboo is already the fourth catastrophe. After Zangjian exits this retreat, it is estimated that he will break through the Thunder Tribulation of the Venerable Realm. I don't know how many times I can break through, but I guess not. It will be worse than Venerable Fanyun..."

Mo Yu lowered her head and couldn't see her expression: "They have already thrown me away, I haven't touched the threshold of the Venerable Realm yet... I don't have time to be distracted."

"That's it, it turned out to be because of cultivation."

When Mo Yu said it, Mo Qing believed it.

He also knows how strong his sister is.

But if there is no Taoist partner...

"Sister, my cultivation has stagnated for the time being, and it's useless to practice all the time. After leaving this time, I plan to travel in the Lingshan area for a while. If you have time, come and talk to me."

In fact, it was he who wanted to talk to Mo Yu.

"Aren't you busy? You are the busiest in the four regions of the Eastern Shenhai." Mo Yu couldn't tell if Gao was happy, but probably happy.

"Not busy, even if I'm busy, I'm not busy. Lu Ling is in Lingshan. Sister, you don't understand Lu Ling's position in the East Shenhai." Mo Qing shook her head.

"Status? What's the status? Isn't it the ice bloodline?" Mo Yu shook her head, she didn't think this bloodline was useful, Shen Gui had no talent, and was still a role model for Lingshan's juniors, and to be honest, she didn't like Lu Ling's character.

" too..." Hearing the ice blood in Mo Yu's mouth, Mo Qing's face was full of helplessness.

Although everyone knows about this matter, it is still not easy to put it on the table.

"Why, why are you pretending to be dead in Dongshenhai, but even if I don't like her temperament, I can't give it to you, don't dream." Mo Yu doesn't like to beat around the bush: "A bloodline is worth your Southern Region The Lord sent you the exercises? I think the level of this "Shenlan" is definitely not low, at least the level of Master Yun can leave this power on the cover, so you just hand it over to that silly girl? Lu Aya's talent is at most half as good as Xu Xu's."

Xu Xu's talent is underestimated by most people due to his congenital spirit of fire and top-notch attention to detail. In fact, that girl who is as light as dust is the most likely person of Lingshan's new generation, and she has already shown her talent. The possibility, relatively speaking, Lu Ling is far behind.

"It's all about flattering her." Mo Yu flipped through the book in her hand, looked at Mo Qing's meticulous annotations, and raised her head: " know a lot about Xue Nu, let me ask you, how important is she?"

She is curious.

(End of this chapter)

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