Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 473 Taboo and Sword

Chapter 473 Taboo and Sword
People in Eastern Shenhai must know more about the ice bloodline and Xuenv than Lingshan, and much more...

After Lingshan got Xueluo Qianhan, he began to collect information about Xuenv intentionally or unintentionally, but his understanding of this legendary woman was definitely not as good as that of Dong Shenhai. After all, Dong Shenhai was the base camp of Xuenv.

Because of Mo Qing's relationship, Mo Yu knew a lot about the Eastern Divine Sea. For example, the first domain master of the Eastern Divine Sea was Xue Nu, and the actual founder of the Eastern Divine Sea was Xue Nu's disciple...

These are indifferent things. Before Lu Ling, everyone including Lingshan didn't care about this period of history of the Eastern Shenhai.

Time is too long, and the strong man of the past has turned into a cultivated loess even if he has the ability to reach the sky. He is as strong as the strongest fairy master of the four clans, and he still cannot escape his final fate.

But...after Lu Ling entered Lingshan...a lot of things are different for Lingshan.

Coupled with the movement made by Lu Ling some time ago, now Lu Ling's status has been raised a few notches, and it has something to do with Xueluoqianhan, and Lingshan cannot be careless.

But even so, Mo Yu personally still doesn't think that Lu Ling is so important, so at this time, he is very curious about the attitude of Dong Shenhai towards Lu Ling if it is the bloodline inherited from the legendary Xue Nu.

"Boy, tell me? I'm still very curious about your sister." Mo Yu moved to Mo Qing's side.

"Sister..." Mo Qing hesitated.

"Don't say you don't know." Mo Yu pouted.

There are four major domain masters in the Eastern Shenhai. In theory, they each perform their own duties, regardless of their rank. They are the highest level in the Eastern Shenhai, and Xue Nu and her disciples are the few total domain masters in the history of the Eastern Shenhai. , is also the actual host.

Mo Qing's cultivation in Eastern Shenhai is definitely not the top group, there are still people of the older generation, but in terms of status, the Lord of the Southern Territory is one of the four people standing at the top, the size of Eastern Shenhai All affairs require his nod to pass.

Mo Yu knew that this younger brother's current status was much more noble than her ordinary Lingshan... But it was useless, he was her younger brother at birth, even if he became the Lord of the Southern Territory, he would still be her younger brother.

"It's not that I don't know." Mo Qing was a little speechless: "Sister, if you just ask me like that, I can tell you, but... are you okay?"

Even if Dongshenhai and Lingshan are subdued... After all, they are two holy places... Doesn't Moyu have any scruples before speaking?
"What's the problem?" Mo Yu pouted.

Lingshan wanted to know Xueluo Qianhan's secret so desperately, he didn't need to think about it, and Lingshan had never thought of knocking out some corner information from Mo Qing through Mo Yu's line.

This will make it difficult for my own children, and Moyu will not do it.

But now, she was asking her as a sister, and she didn't ask any confidential questions. She just asked how important Lu Ling was to Eastern Shenhai. What could be wrong with this?Just satisfy your curiosity.

Besides, with Xihuang's promise, Lingshan is not so urgent for the information of the ice bloodline now. The lord of the spirit clan has promised Lingshan that as long as Lu Ling cultivates to the Void Transformation Realm, she can tell Lingshan about Xueluo Qianhan's secret.

Xihuang knew a lot more than Dong Shenhai.

No one doubted this woman's words. As an extremely powerful person, she has already left the spirit race. Xihuang is a race. Just like that, a Lingshan is not enough for her, and the Eastern Shenhai is also not enough.

So Mo Yu is really just curious, and Li Zhuzi's attitude towards Lu Ling is really good, she also wants to know why this girl is.

"If you can't say this, then forget it." Mo Yu looked at Mo Qing, a little disappointed.

"Okay, I'm afraid of you." Mo Qing shook his head: "It's not something you can't say, sister, if you don't care, I have nothing to do here."

It doesn't involve the core secrets of Eastern Shenhai, so there is nothing to hide.

Moreover, Lu Ling is Li Zhuzi's daughter, and with the attitude of Lingshan, if they don't reveal any news from East Shenhai, it is absolutely impossible for them to deceive Lu Ling to their side...

It's okay to talk about it.

"Lu Ling's identity is very special to the East Shenhai, the Frost Cold Bloodline... that is, the Frost Cold Bloodline is the talented sister of the legendary powerhouse Snow Maiden, you know that too, right?" Mo Qing said.

Mo Yu nodded: "I know."

"This bloodline is very special. Let's put it this way, if Lu Ling is fully awakened, her cultivation speed will be much faster than that of ordinary people, and she can even reach the level of Xuenv back then."

Mo Qing still concealed some things, for example, there is no reincarnation at all. According to the classics, Lu Ling is Xuenv herself.

Enough said.

"Snow Girl's level? Are you kidding me?" Mo Yu also stopped joking, her brows knit together.

The two strongest people in the history of the human race are both related to the Immortal Sword. One is the Immortal Lord and Immortal Sword Lihuo Hongling who suppressed the other three races, and the other is slightly inferior, but her record is much more terrifying than the Immortal Lord. It was nothing more than deterrence and suppression, and the latter was a horrific massacre against the demons.

The population of the entire race has decreased by more than [-]%... It has not recovered its vitality so far, and even the demons and humans have become immortal now, which has a lot to do with the snow girl.

Snow Maiden is never just.

The backside of justice is not evil, but other justice.

If Xuenv herself hadn't been impulsive back then, she might have really wiped out the demon clan after a hundred years of hard work.

At that time, her strength would definitely exceed the limit of the human race...

Mo Qing said that Lu Ling could reach this level of strength, but Mo Yu didn't believe it at all.

After all, blood is blood, and there are many innate spirit bodies, and I have never seen a few people who can reach the ninth level of life robbery. Mind and talent are very important.

Lu Ling's temperament?
forget it.

It is already thankful to be able to cultivate to the Void Transformation Realm, and in the later stage of the Soul Realm, I will go to Tianguangxu to practice, just like Lu Ling... let alone the battlefield, the martial arts field inside the Immortal Cultivation Realm may make her cry .

How strong can such a person be.

"I don't believe it." Mo Yu expressed her distrust of Mo Qing.

"I didn't expect you to believe me either." Mo Qing shook his head: "Sister, you said that if I told you that if Lu Ling entered the Eastern Divine Sea, she would be the domain master, would you believe me?"


Mo Yu shook his head: "Lord of the domain? What kind of master? The master of the eastern domain is still you, the master of the southern domain. You want to accept Lu Ling as your apprentice? But she can't do it, she can't compare to Dongfang Linglong, that evildoer of yours The one who is inseparable from Shen Gui can fight, and Lu Ling can snatch her?"

"Linglong? This girl also has a lot of problems...but that's not what I'm talking about." Mo Qing shook her head: "Sister, what I'm saying is that if Lu Ling comes, it's basically a certainty that she will be the domain owner. What I said Is the domain owner, no prefix."

Here comes the domain master.

Even if it is a mascot, it is also the domain master, who is in charge of the four sea areas of the Eastern Shenhai, and the control of the central Eastern Shenhai Pavilion... The Eastern Shenhai Pavilion has not had a master for a thousand years. If Lu Ling comes, she can move in directly.

Right now, Dong Shenhai still doesn't know what Dong Shenhai thinks about the inheritance of Xuenv's bloodline, but if they are still as fanatical as they were back then, maybe Lu Ling will really take over the rights of Dong Shenhai.

As one of the Seven Great Sacred Lands, the right to belong is like a joke... But this is the truth, and it is also the difference between Dongshenhai and other holy lands.

The Eastern Divine Sea originally existed for Xue Nu. In the hearts of the older generation, Xue Nu is a god, a belief, and her status is no less than the true Buddha's meaning to the Great Sad Valley. His master has brainwashed him all the way, and when he mentioned Xuenv, he only had admiration and longing in his heart.

Of course, the current Lu Ling is just Lu Ling, and she hasn't reached that height yet.

"Region Master? You mean the Chief Territory Master?" Mo Yu was stunned for a while and shook his head, obviously not believing it.

"Sister, will I lie to you?" Mo Qing didn't say anything else, she looked into Mo Yu's eyes, and after a while, Mo Yu believed it herself.

Her brother would not lie to her.

But she still didn't believe it.

The main reason is... Even if what he said is true, this matter is too important to tell her... Mo Yu regrets it now, her temporary curiosity will not bring trouble to Mo Qing, right?

"How should I put it, if Lu Ling comes to the East Shenhai, the old man is going to teach him by hand. As far as the potential of the ice bloodline is concerned, in 20 years, she will break through and become an ice-type venerable in just 20 years, and she will be among the top batch " Mo Qing said seriously: "Although I don't really believe it... After all, Linglong is only as old as 30 years old. reason."

"..." Mo Yu stopped talking.

I don't believe it, I didn't hear it.

These words were written on his face.

The stakes were high, and her tantrums were completely put away.

It took a long time to digest the news.

"Whether it's true or not, I'll treat it as fake..." Mo Yu looked at Mo Qing complaining.

Good job you did.

She wouldn't report this kind of thing, and it wouldn't be true if she didn't report it...but Mo Yu was going to pretend that she didn't hear it.

She believed what her brother said.

But other people definitely don't believe it, so Mo Yu thinks that Mo Qing is telling lies.

"It's not a big deal." Mo Qing didn't care at all, he poured a glass of water for Mo Yu, and then said slowly: "Sister, do you think Lingshan might release Lu Ling?"

"Let go?" Mo Yu took a sip of water, then shook his head: "Impossible, not to mention anything else, even if it's because of the bamboo, it's absolutely impossible to let my child out."

Who knows what Dong Shenhai said is true or not, she believes it, but the people in Lingshan don't believe this kind of nonsense, they don't understand the meaning of Xue Nu to Dong Shenhai, just like Mo Yu, Mo Yu is just a simple Believe in your brother.

Besides, it was impossible for Lu Ling to send it out because of the cold snow and snow, and now... Li Zhuzi would not agree, and there was a Xihuang who had a very subtle attitude towards Lu Ling.

Therefore, it is basically impossible, so there is no need to think about Dong Shenhai.

Mo Yu suddenly remembered something, said.

"Don't talk about you, there is a Shu Mountain outside. Although I don't know what awe-inspiring righteousness is, you don't know what awe-inspiring spirit means to Shu Mountain, right?"

In terms of importance alone, Lu Ling's importance to Shushan is not much worse than that of East Shenhai.

"Shushan?" Mo Qing's face darkened, "Those stupid guys..."

"But sister, what you said is right... It is impossible for Lingshan to let Lu Ling go... However, if there is no problem if you come to teach for two days, it is the same as Shushan."

"It should be fine." Mo Yu nodded, then flipped through the book in his hand, and murmured: "This girl..."

The importance of Lu Ling... is greater than she imagined.

"Lu Ling's words, now you don't have to think about it. Zhuzi thinks that Shushan can teach, and Dongshenhai can also teach, but they can't touch the core things. The core things still have to come from Lingshan. This is the bottom line." Mo Yu reminded. It's a good thing that Mo Qing has a heart for Lu Ling, but if she crosses the line, it will make Li Zhuzi unhappy.

"I know how to measure, but... Sister, look, can you reveal the importance of Lu Ling to us and Zhuzi?" Mo Qing pouted Mo Yu.

"Get out." Mo Yu was not polite at all, and looked at Mo Qing with contempt.

"Use it on me?"

If he didn't know that Mo Qing would not lie to her, Mo Yu would have thought that Mo Qing was praising Dalu Ling's importance, and then used her to confuse Lingshan...

Of course, it's just a joke.

Who can deceive such a truth that no ghost will believe?You can also deceive her.

"No, Lu Ling won't be wronged when she comes here, and because of the bamboo, if Lu Ling has a high status in the East Shenhai, it will only be good for Lingshan, isn't it?" Mo Qing coughed twice, turned around, looked To Mo Yu looked at him like a fool.

"Who are you fooling? Relationship? What's the relationship?" Mo Yu got up and straightened his Taoist robe: "You are still my younger brother, and Linglong is Dongfang Lianren's younger sister. Is your heart towards Lingshan now?"

"Hehe..." Mo Qing smiled awkwardly: "Well, there is no harm in telling Zhuzi."

"Then you can use Xiaoen Xiaohui to win Zhuzi's favor, can't you?" Mo Yu had a see-through expression.

"..." Mo Qing didn't say anything to this woman who knew him well, and he didn't have any face in front of Mo Yu.

"See how promising you are." Mo Yu shook his head, neither saying yes nor no.

Looking at his younger brother's face, a little unhappiness flashed in his eyes, but he hid it well.

"Okay, let's prepare dinner, I'll study this book."

"Yes." Mo Qing didn't know why her sister suddenly lost her temper, so she went to prepare the ingredients.


At this point in time, the girl who influenced Lingshan, Shushan Sword Sect, Dongshenhai, and even Yihua Palace is studying seriously.

Hold a brush and take notes.

At the same time, there was a look of confusion on the little face.

At first she thought that Bai Yunfan was going to teach her swordsmanship, but who knew that was not the case at all, and the wood she was carrying was not in a hurry to make a wooden sword for her, but was thrown casually in the yard.

Since returning, she was learning nothing but the construction of a sword.

In the teacher's words, every part of the sword is equivalent to the internal organs and meridians of the human body. If you don't understand these things, you can't practice swords.

Ever since, Lu Ling was overwhelmed by a pile of knowledge.

Bai Yunfan opened the door to a new world for her.

It turned out that the sword was not what she knew, and it also had a lot of unique knowledge. Lu Ling fully understood that she just liked it blindly before.

Only the body of the sword includes - front, ridge, from, side, wax.

There are also a bunch of things that she can't even understand.

But Lu Ling is still trying to remember.

"Okay, today's time is almost over." Bai Yunfan drank his saliva, walked to Lu Ling's side, looked at her neat notes, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Tell me, where is the sword spine? What is its function?"

Hearing this, Lu Ling glanced at the note in her hand, her voice was soft and unassuming: "The ridge, the raised part of the sword body's midline, is...the function is...ah, I found it, the function is the keel, which can effectively strengthen the sword body strength, you can also adjust the weight distribution of the sword body to make it even..."

Listening to the little girl's emotionless reading, Bai Yunfan stretched out his hand to close her note.

"It's not bad. I remember being very serious. Then I'll test you." Bai Yunfan looked into Lu Ling's eyes: "What's the difference between the blade of the sword and the grid of the hilt?"

Lu Ling looked at the pressed notes, and then at Bai Yunfan.




The two stared at each other for five seconds.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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