Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 475 First Reward

Chapter 475 First Reward

"I'm not angry either." Bai Yunfan said so.

"Yeah." Lu Ling nodded like a chick pecking at rice. She was very obedient on the surface, but she was actually slandering her inwardly.

This is not angry yet?
If she was really angry, her face was probably swollen into a bun... Lu Ling curled her lips after touching her own face.


Looking at the girl's shining eyes, Bai Yunfan didn't know what to say for a moment.

"It's not that I'm strict, it's just that these things are really important. The sword is the second life of a swordsman. It is also a partner, family... These things may be useless, but you must know, as long as you understand, some swords You can fully understand its meaning by combining the things in the sword move with the structure of the sword..."


Looking at the girl who half understood, Bai Yunfan sighed.

"Okay, you still have class, so I won't keep you." Bai Yunfan said: "After you go back, take a good look at what I said today...then..."


"After understanding the structure of the sword, tell me what kind of sword you want, and then I will make you your own wooden sword." Bai Yunfan said.

This is also one of the purposes he taught Lu Ling this knowledge.

Without understanding the structure of the sword, Lu Ling only relies on imagination, and she may not like the sword that comes out. It kills two birds with one stone, so why not do it.

"Oh? That's right!" Lu Ling suddenly realized, and excitedly said: "I will definitely study hard when I go back! Don't worry, Teacher Bai!"

"Okay, okay, let's go." Bai Yunfan was a little angry when he saw Lu Ling's stupidity, but he couldn't get angry at all when he heard her voice.

He himself has an apprentice, but his apprentice is different from Lu Ling...the latter is weak and a bit coquettish, and his attitude of not being afraid of him at all makes Bai Yunfan feel weird.

Seeing that Lu Ling was about to pack up and leave, Bai Yunfan suddenly called her.

"Remember not to be late tomorrow...and, careful with that old monk."

Lu Ling froze for a moment, smiled, and nodded heavily.

"Know it."

Push the door and go out.

As soon as he went out, the sun shone on his face, driving away a trace of fatigue from the corners of Lu Ling's eyes.

"Two hours have finally passed... There is still one class..." Mumbling, Lu Ling saw Zhao Yingge beside her, and skipped past.

"Sister Zhao, please wait so long."

"It's okay." Zhao Yingge turned her back to Lu Ling, preventing her from seeing the blood on her shoulder.

"There's still a little time left, take a break and wait for Hanyi to come back before going to class. I'll bask in the sun for a while, Aling, you go under the tree for a while." Zhao Ying sang, her tone unquestionable.

"En." Without doubting him, Lu Ling went to the shade, sat down against a big tree, and opened her notes.

"Sword... sword grid... sword spine... why is it the same as human meridians..." Lu Ling scratched her head.

Suddenly, a voice in her head caught her attention.

[Mission reminder, in view of the deepening of the host's strategy for Venerable Fanyun, which is extremely excellent, a reward is hereby issued, and the reward is suitable for matching. 】

"????" Lu Ling was a little confused.

Who attacked him?She didn't.

"What did you say, the system? I didn't do anything."

[The host is very good, if born in the same era as these men, the possibility of being fascinated by them is [-]%. 】

"Hey, what are you talking about, I'm angry."

Hearing the woman's emotionless voice, Lu Ling felt a little bored, what is she like?A coquettish bitch?

[After matching, the similarity between the host and Venerable Bamboo when they were young is 80.00%. Gluttony, laziness, faith, and a little more weakness can arouse men's desire to protect. This weakness does not come from the heart, but the tenacity of the host It is more obvious, and the host during the study can achieve the evaluation of Jingruo Songgu... In addition to the host's full passive means of teasing men, it is easy to capture them. 】

The system gave Lu Ling a serious analysis.

Of course, Lu Ling acted as if she didn't hear anything, there were too many flaws, and this system was poisonous.

But Lu Ling was still a little happy.

"You said, I look a lot like my husband when I was young?"

I am delighted.

【...The reward has been issued successfully, please ask the host to inquire. 】The system doesn't seem to want to talk to Lu Ling anymore.

"Wait, system, you are always on me, I will be very ashamed." After being free, Lu Ling finally had time to think about this issue.

"I'm at a disadvantage when you watch everything in the shower and sleep."

Lu Ling's face turned red.

[The host does not need to worry, this system only focuses on things related to posting tasks. 】

"I don't believe it, then you are going to lie to me."


After a while, there was no sound.

"...Cut." Lu Ling pouted.

She didn't expect to have an answer in the first place. This system can directly appear in her mind and is out of her control. It is not bad to get an ambiguous answer.

Now was the time to take advantage of each other, she understood.

Then he touched his chest curiously.

Rewards, don't want them for nothing, she also wants to know what the capabilities of her system are, if she really has the ability to reach the sky, it is not impossible for her to work for it.

Feeling a round object in her bosom, Lu Ling was a little surprised.

"It can really appear on the body out of thin's amazing."

Then take it out.

Looking at the half-slap-long thing in her hand, Lu Ling fell silent.


A ball the size of a thumb, wrapped in a layer of plastic paper, with a plastic rod pierced in the middle.


This is her reward?
However, the girl who should have been disappointed was not disappointed at all. Instead, a trace of excitement flashed in her eyes.

Carefully tore off the wrapping paper with the brand on it and put it in her pocket, Lu Ling moved her nose, then stuck out her tongue and licked it.

Sweet and sour, with fruity aromas.


If Zhao Yingge turned around, he would find that Lu Ling's body was stiff, and she gradually collapsed, leaning against the tree with a small stick in her mouth.


With some sobs, Lu Ling's eyes were full of happiness, and the corners of her eyes were still moist.

very sour……

No, it's so sweet...

It was even more delicious than the dim sum I had eaten in Luoyan City before.

Yes, the reward that system gave her was an ordinary apple lollipop with the brand of a famous manufacturer on it.

Lu Ling originally wanted to complain, the most stingy system in history, the reward is only a candy.

But Lu Ling didn't expect that it was really a candy from her previous world, and she was very gluttonous and had a very developed sense of taste, so after taking the lollipop in her mouth, all the dissatisfaction disappeared, and only the sweetness remained on her face. Under the happiness.

The girl was lying on the ground, curled up like a kitten, her eyes narrowed, and she purred slightly.

I am really happy.

The little tongue slid on the candy, and Lu Ling opened her eyes and sat up.

This system is really powerful, the lollipops from the previous life can be transformed, does it mean that there are still many good things.

want to.

want to.

want to.


In the space, seeing Lu Ling's embarrassing appearance, Hong Ling showed a natural expression.

This girl is like this, if she gives Lu Ling some magic weapon, Lu Ling probably won't care at all.

There are already lessons learned.

Among other things, Tang Keyu's engraved Yuqin for Lu Ling is a rare magic weapon, and he has been nourished by Tang Keyu's side for a hundred years. Even if it is inferior to Qin Qin's Qin, it is not much worse, so Li When Zhuzi knew that Tang Keyu gave this pair of earrings to Lu Ling, he was very surprised.

Later, I absorbed the Zen power of Zen Master Duwo... It was such a precious magic weapon, Lu Ling threw it with the snacks casually.

The same is true for the two colored glazes, one ice and one fire, which would be robbed in the world of cultivating immortals now, but Lu Ling didn't care at all.

Not to mention, the identity of her younger sister, Xianjian Xueluo Qianhan, is a treasure, an absolute treasure.

Lu Ling didn't know it before, but later she found out that Xiaoxue is a fairy sword... What's her attitude?And treat her like a pet...

From this, it can be seen that there is a problem with this girl's values, or that her vision is very low, and she only likes what is in front of her eyes.

That's fine, don't aim too high.

Because she had some understanding of Lu Ling, Hong Ling, who didn't know what reward she should give Lu Ling, thought of lollipops, the "weapon" in Lu Ling's memory, which was as high as 5.00% lethal to loli.

As a result, Lu Ling was brought down without hesitation.

"Hmm... sweet and sour, better than many snacks, but it's not that exaggerated." Hong Ling opened the package and ate one, then crunched it and swallowed it.

She extracted this candy according to Lu Ling's database. Although it is very simple, most of the elements have never been seen before... She personally doesn't like many food additives, and it takes a lot of effort.

It can make Hong Ling feel strenuous, and the value of this little candy will skyrocket.

"The effect is better than expected." Seeing the girl's reluctance to eat, Hong Ling nodded.

With this lead, Lu Ling should be motivated.

This girl who doesn't like cheats or magic weapons, but just likes her junior sister and snacks looks difficult to serve, but in fact she's pretty good at it.



"Wuuuu, the system, you are so good...I never thought I could eat it. Is the taste like this in my memory..." Lu Ling has no morals at all, and she was extremely afraid of the system before, but now she can't wait to put all the praises she knows On this system that doesn't know where it came from.

Well, it really is much more useful than a magic weapon. Tang Keyu sent a pair of guqin, but in exchange for a thank you from Lu Ling, and a lollipop made Lu Ling sell her heart.

"System, will there be more in the future?" Lu Ling asked cautiously with her cheeks bulging.

What if I can't eat anymore... what to do.

[Yes, as long as the host completes the task well, there will be as many rewards as you want. 】

"That's good, that's good, I will do it, I will do any task."

Anyway, these tasks are not harmful to her, so why not do it?

Although the food is good, Lu Ling can still distinguish the priorities...

It's just that she really wanted to eat things that she couldn't eat prove that she really lived.

Of course, now Lu Ling whose life is completely filled by Liu Fufeng is no longer obsessed with these things, but this does not affect Lu Ling's liking for food.

"System, I want roasted duck, roasted young chicken, roasted goose, stewed pig, stewed duck sauce chicken, bacon, pine flower, small belly, dried meat, sausage, assorted Su pan smoked chicken, white belly, steamed eight-treasure pig, glutinous rice, stuffed duck..." Lu Ling flipped The memory in my mind kept reporting a lot of dish names, and after taking a few breaths, I showed expectant eyes: "Do you have all of these?"

[As long as the host completes the task perfectly, everything is available. This system can be exchanged for any magic weapon from the heavens and the world, as long as the host can afford the price. 】

"...Well, I see." Lu Ling swallowed.

She doesn't want to think about secret books and magic weapons now, and I guess she can't afford to exchange for her virtue... It would be a great fortune to be able to exchange for some delicious food...

"System, in exchange for food, what is the price... Is it expensive... I don't have any money..." Lu Ling cautiously probed.

It stands to reason that other systems eat at the price of cabbage, but it is not guaranteed that this system is different from others. After all, her system is the only one that uses lollipops as extra rewards.

Well, knowing that it can be exchanged for food, the status of this system in Lu Ling's heart has risen sharply, and it has become her family's. If anyone wants to grab it, don't blame Lu Ling for working hard with him.

[Because it is a product of the great world, it is more precious, but as long as the host works hard enough to complete the task, it is relatively easy to get. 】

"Okay, okay, I'll work hard, hard." Lu Ling nodded repeatedly.

Now she is really motivated, unlike the slack when she completed the task of conquering Bai Yunfan before, she plans to go all out for future tasks.

Of course, she didn't do it all for food...not [-] percent.

A system that spans a mysterious Lu Ling knew, and she didn't ask many questions she wanted to ask.

She didn't know what the purpose of this system was, she didn't know if it was dangerous, she didn't even know if the emotionless setting of the system was real or just pretending...

She can only take her time... It is a pleasant surprise to have something to eat now.

After talking to the system for a few words, Lu Ling stood up with a lollipop in her mouth.


far away.

"A Ling, come here!" Zhao Yingge called Lu Ling, and at the same time said to Luo Hanyi beside her.

"I'll talk about taking medicine later. Do you want me to change clothes here? Let's take Aling to class first, and find that old Zen master..."

"Understood, Yingge, you wait for me, I'll call her, I'll be right back."


Trot all the way to Lu Ling's side.

"Xiaoling, it's time for class... eh? What are you eating?" Luo Hanyi said, staring at Lu Ling's bulging cheeks for a moment.

There was a sweet and sour smell in the air, Luo Hanyi unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked straight at Lu Ling.

"What are you doing..." Lu Ling's tone was vague, and her eyes were full of vigilance.

"It seems very sweet." Luo Hanyi licked the corner of his mouth, staring at the icing on Lu Ling's lips.

"Can you let me taste..."

(End of this chapter)

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