Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 476 A Crisis Caused by a Lollipop

Chapter 476 A Crisis Caused by a Lollipop

Luo Hanyi trotted all the way to Lu Ling's side.

"Xiaoling, it's time for class... eh? What are you eating?" Luo Hanyi said, staring at Lu Ling's bulging cheeks for a moment.

There was a sweet and sour smell in the air, Luo Hanyi unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked straight at Lu Ling.

"What are you doing..." Lu Ling's tone was vague, and her eyes were full of vigilance.

"It seems very sweet." Luo Hanyi licked the corner of his mouth, staring at the icing on Lu Ling's lips.

"Can you let me taste..."

Hearing this, Lu Ling shuddered suddenly, and a chill went straight from the soles of her feet to the top of the sky.

try it?

What to try?
No, no, no, no.

Absolutely not in every sense.

Swallowing her saliva, Lu Ling tightly pursed her lips, and at the same time licked a little bit of icing sugar off her lips, then took a few steps back, and looked at Luo Hanyi tremblingly.

The eyes are full of vigilance.

"Stingy." Luo Hanyi was unhappy: "You can't even give me a taste?"

"It's not...I..." Lu Ling was also very wronged, what should I try?Do you want to taste her light lips, or the candy in her mouth... no matter which option is absolutely unacceptable.

And...even if Luo Hanyi didn't mind that she had eaten it, Lu Ling herself didn't care...but she couldn't bear it.

How could she be willing to give such sweet and sour candy to Luo Hanyi.

Even if she is his uncle.

Therefore, Lu Ling put away that bit of bewilderment, and put on firm eyes.


"Just for a moment..." Luo Hanyi looked at Lu Ling and swallowed.

"If you don't give it, you won't give it." Lu Ling was not a generous person in the first place, and she was even more stingy when she became stingy. Now Lu Ling, if anyone can take food from her mouth, there is one and only Liu Fufeng. , Li Zhuzi is not good.

Lu Ling's firm thin eyebrows can already show her determination.

"You girl..." Luo Hanyi was also dissatisfied, and pressed Lu Ling directly against the tree: "I can't cure you..."

Even if she became a useless person, her physical fitness was far stronger than Lu Ling's. With her shoulders locked, Lu Ling couldn't move for a while.

"Uncle, you are too much..." After Lu Ling finished speaking, she tightly shut her mouth.

And just as Lu Ling opened her mouth to speak, the aroma of candy permeated from her mouth and sprayed on Luo Hanyi's face, making her face turn rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even her breathing became a little rough.

"Xiao Ling, this is the first time I smell this kind of smell... Don't blame me..." Luo Hanyi licked his upper lip.

In fact, I don't blame her, she is not a gluttonous person, at least far worse than Lu Ling.

However, the girls in Lingshan have a lot of meals three times a day, so they have a greater demand for snacks... And Luo Hanyi is just the group that prefers sweets. I've had a sweet tooth...the thing I still like now is Li Zhuzi's bamboo-colored lotus seed cake...but although the lotus seed cake is good, I can't eat it every day, and the bamboo is not given to her.

He is very stingy, Li Zhuzi didn't give it when he was alone before, but now that he has Lu Ling, he doesn't have enough to eat, let alone give it to Luo Hanyi.

Luo Hanyi had slandered Li Zhuzi more than once, but Lu Ling's performance at this time made her even more dissatisfied.

As expected of master and apprentice, both of them are stingy.

But she must try it today... and there are more important reasons.

"Uncle... woo woo woo..."


Luo Hanyi sealed Lu Ling's mouth with one hand, and at the same time pried open her teeth with the other...

Luo Hanyi panted heavily and turned to Lu Ling, and at the same time said: "Xiao Ling, don't blame me..."

With Luo Hanyi's eyesight, it is natural to see that the food Lu Ling eats is something that does not exist in this world, not to mention other things, the pile of food additives is not something she has seen before...

Something that has never been seen in the world is still sweets... And what Lu Ling didn't know was that the lollipop in her eyes came from a world-famous manufacturer, but it was actually made by Hong Ling herself. Ling's large database can perfectly produce all kinds of food additives, but Hong Ling is keenly aware of the disadvantages of these things besides the she gave up copying them.

In fact, the lollipop that Lu Ling ate was a modified version... some food additives were replaced by Hong Ling with substitutes... and the things used were the natural treasures in this world, obtained by adding the essence extracted from Hong Ling Lihuo Yes, an additive that tastes the same as Lu Ling remembers... A small lollipop contains a huge aura, but considering Lu Ling's body, Hong Ling deliberately encrypted the aura, which cannot be absorbed , but although it cannot be absorbed, the huge aura can also make this lollipop more delicious.

What Luo Hanyi sensed from Lu Ling's mouth was that besides the spices that did not belong to this world, there was also a huge amount of aura... So much aura was undoubtedly equivalent to a fatal temptation to Luo Hanyi, who had lost all aura.

Can Luo Hanyi withstand the temptation?

the answer is negative.

"Uncle...uncle, you... woo..." Feeling a finger invaded her mouth, Lu Ling tried her best to push the candy deep into her left cheek with her tongue, and at the same time, her eyes became wet unconsciously because of the foreign object up.

In Lu Ling's eyes, this uncle who used to be soft in the past is definitely a slut. Even Luo Hanyi's pupils shrank a lot due to excitement.

"Don't blame me... I don't know, I don't know if so much spiritual energy can awaken my spiritual power... Besides, the smell... the smell..." Luo Hanyi's chest heaved violently, and he was determined to kill Lu Ling. To play broken.

It's just that Lu Ling resisted fiercely, and it was still a little difficult for Luo Hanyi to take the candy out of Lu Ling's mouth for a while... One hand rested on Lu Ling's teeth to prevent her lower teeth from crushing the candy, and the other hand was stained with Lu Ling's candy. Aya's drooling fingers pulled out of her mouth.

stared at his fingers.

The air froze, Luo Hanyi stopped breathing for three seconds, and then leaned forward.

"Master, don't! You're broken!!!" Seeing Luo Hanyi unconsciously opened his mouth, Lu Ling panicked and shouted loudly at the same time.

She could see that this uncle is not a female hooligan like Uncle Shen, nor is she the kind of pervert that the young lady told me... She just wants to eat... But for this sake, it is no different from a pervert ah.

do not……

"Uncle, don't be like this. I've eaten it all. If you really want it, I'll give you a new one later..." With a foreign object stuck in her mouth, Lu Ling's voice was a little fuzzy, but Luo Hanyi could still hear it clearly .

"Oh? That's okay too?" Hearing Lu Ling's words, Luo Hanyi's eyes regained some clarity.

"But can you still buy this elixir? Where did you buy it? There is so much aura, if I eat it, maybe it can awaken my spiritual power..." Luo Hanyi asked a series of questions, Then the voice was a little lost: "Enough is enough, enough is causing trouble for Xian'er."

She was born with a lack of soul, and then forcibly empowered her for a period of time after Luo Xian's transformation, causing her spiritual disorder to gradually shrink and finally turned into this...

It has already caused Xian'er a lot of trouble, and now she has to worry... Luo Hanyi can't take it anymore.

Can't stand it.

If she can recover her cultivation before returning to the mountain this time, she can help Luo Xian deal with some affairs... In this way, Xian'er can also have time to practice.

She has been left behind by Shen Gui and Xu Xu for a long time, Luo Hanyi doesn't want Luo Xian to be thrown away too much because of the Seventh Peak's affairs and thus lose the qualification to run for the senior sister... She will blame herself and feel distressed.

And the inexplicably large amount of pure spiritual energy from Lu Ling made Luo Hanyi see hope.

The longevity fruit is nothing more than that... If you can get it, even if you can't awaken her power, you can use it for a long time just by collecting it.

"Where did you get it?" Luo Hanyi looked at Lu Ling expectantly.

"Ah? I...I..." Lu Ling was a little dumbfounded by the series of questions.

Where did you get it?It was given by the system... It's impossible for her to tell Luo Hanyi about this kind of thing.

But it would be a lie to say that she bought it in Luoyan City... She didn't want to lie, even if she had only known Master Luo for a few days, he was an elder of Lingshan, and Lu Ling would not lie to her.

"I... I don't know either." Lu Ling hesitated for a long time before saying such an answer.

She could say that she picked it up...but that was still a lie, so she gave such an inconclusive answer.

Fortunately, she was facing Luo Hanyi, not because she was stupid, but Luo Hanyi would not ask Lu Ling's secrets... All she needs to know is that Lu Ling can't get a second treasure right now.

"No more?" Luo Hanyi frowned.

"For the time being... it should be gone." Lu Ling said with some difficulty.

"I'll look for it..." After saying this, Luo Hanyi touched Lu Ling up and down at an extremely fast speed. Although she found a strange paper in her pocket, it smelled of aura...but it couldn't be eaten. , also useless.

Really gone.

Luo Hanyi had no choice but to believe Lu Ling's words, and she took it as a treasure that Lu Ling had picked up in the yard and had never seen before.

Luo Hanyi was not interested in Lu Ling's secret.

Now she just wants to eat Lu Ling whole.

"If not……"

"Uncle Master..."

Lu Ling wanted to retreat, but found that she was firmly fixed on the tree and could not go anywhere. Seeing Luo Hanyi's face getting closer and closer, she couldn't help feeling a little desperate.

What a bad day.

She had just been pressed on the bed by Bai Yunfan, and within an hour, she encountered a bigger crisis.

Teacher Bai was just angry, at worst, he would beat her up, she was not afraid, but Luo Hanyi was different.

She has only two options on her side.

Either spit out to her what she has eaten, or she will fetch it herself...

This Lu Ling was unacceptable anyway.

Neither the common sense in her previous life nor the thoughts instilled in her by her junior sister would allow Lu Ling to accept such a thing, even if she and her junior sister were asked to do this kind of thing, Lu Ling would not be willing, let alone this uncle Luo who just met up.


Lu Ling has no choice, she is stronger than others now, her arms can't twist her thighs, she has no room to resist.

Junior sister, help me...


Looking at the weak girl, Luo Hanyi's heart was as hard as a stone.

If it was normal, Luo Hanyi would be very shy to do this kind of thing to a girl... But now is a special period, when all kinds of emotions are mixed together, Luo Hanyi has already abandoned her sense of shame.

Bullying Lu Ling was for her apprentice Luo Xian, and for her own cultivation, not just for the sake of appetite...

"Either hand it over, or..." Luo Hanyi thought about how to intimidate Lu Ling.

How did Shen Canghai and Dongfang bully her usually...


Luo Hanyi's eyes changed. She was originally a domineering president. With this change, she felt as if she had been possessed, including some small personal habits. She began to evolve towards Shen Canghai, whom she was most afraid of.

"A Ling..." Luo Hanyi narrowed his eyes, and pulled out the hand that touched Lu Ling's teeth. The crystal in the sun was a little lustful, but Luo Hanyi didn't notice this at all. Lu Ling wiped her face.

Lu Ling shook violently.

The uncle's name for her has changed. He used to call her Xiaoling... Now he suddenly changed his name, meaning that she is mature and ready to eat...

"A Ling, you'd better listen to your senior sister..." Provoking Lu Ling's chin, Luo Hanyi looked at Lu Ling and licked his lips with a somewhat hungry expression.

"If you are disobedient, you will be punished... oh...hehehehe..." Looking at Lu Ling who dared not move, Luo Hanyi laughed like a silver bell.

Good to hear.

Very innocent.

If she didn't stick her hand into Lu Ling's skirt.

"Uncle Master, what's wrong with you." Lu Ling firmly pressed Luo Hanyi's hand, making the last resistance.

"I'm fine, Ah Ling, you should worry about yourself..." Rubbing Lu Ling's face lightly, Luo Hanyi opened his eyes a little.

Looking at the "dangerous" Luo Hanyi, Lu Ling swallowed, and suddenly felt that the candy in her mouth was a bit bitter.

It seems... to play too big.

If Master Luo was still very soft before, now Luo Hanyi's eyes are really cannibalistic, making Lu Ling's hair stand on end.

Although Luo Hanyi pulled his hand out of her mouth, Lu Ling no longer dared to bite the candy into pieces.

She had a premonition that something terrible would happen if she crushed it now...

Or... spit out the candy and give it to Master Luo, throwing away your purity for a small lollipop... No matter how you look at it, it's not worth it.

Well, whether her purity is still there is a problem, but the junior sister said that she is clean... Then she is clean, and the uncle can't let the uncle give it away.



At this time, when Lu Ling fell into a crisis of chastity, the perpetrator was watching the situation outside from Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness.

It has nothing to do with Luo Hanyi becoming like this, that girl has some mental problems... no wonder she.

However, Hong Ling still liked what happened now.

If Xiaoxue saw this scene, she would definitely be furious...

Glancing at the sleeping young girl in her arms, Hong Ling lowered her head and gave her a tender kiss on the forehead.

"Let's go to will be very troublesome if you wake up."

Then Hongya looked outside.

She is different from Xiaoxue, even if she is the master, she will not have the slightest bit of possessive desire.

The concubine that Luo Qianhan called herself was fundamentally different from the concubine that Hong Ling called herself when facing someone.

It's just that Lu Ling is not her master yet, so she can be regarded as a host.

"Host...come on."

Hong Ling raised the corner of her mouth.

Staying by Lu Ling's side was indeed the right choice.


(End of this chapter)

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