Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 477 Role Playing Game

Chapter 477 Role Playing Game
If Xuechen had been awake just now, he probably couldn't help but come out and fight Luo Hanyi desperately, but Hong Ling, who is also a sister, saw Luo Hanyi bullying Lu Ling in broad daylight, not only did not have any jealousy, but found it very interesting.

In a sense, it's interesting to watch.

Anyway, Lu Ling is also her host... Well, I don't know how to put it, Hong Ling's attitude towards Lu Ling is a bit strange... Besides, Luo Hanyi didn't have any malicious intentions, at most she just wanted to take advantage of her. If I really want to do something to Lu Ling, it doesn't have that function, and the Luo Hanyi suit played by the Lingshan girl doesn't know it...

Not only won't she, she has absolutely no resistance to this kind of thing, otherwise she wouldn't be bullied and couldn't find Bei...

However, no matter how weak people are, they will become aggressive when they see Lu Ling. This also shows Lu Ling's attributes and destiny. It must be Lingshan's total suffering... Well, there are people in the new generation who are weaker than her. Tang Sheng is also a weak girl.

After today, Hong Ling silently remembered a lesson - in the future, when materializing items for Lu Ling, if a large amount of aura is needed, not only must the aura be encrypted, but also the aura in it must not be discovered... Otherwise, the Things like today will happen.

Fortunately, Luo Hanyi's character is right there, otherwise Hong Ling might have to make a move if it were someone else, either erasing her memory or killing her directly.

Although things like treasures are meant to be competitive, they can only grow when there is a crisis, just like Shen Gui's battle to the death in Tianguang Ruins.

But Lu Ling is different, at least not now.

If you have to say it, there is actually no difference. The children of the poor are still in charge of the family.

But Hong Ling said she was different, so it was different. Hong Ling hadn't planned to let Lu Ling accept the cruelty of the world... She could ignore what she had experienced before. At that time, Lu Ling hadn't awakened yet. There is an essential difference in her memory, and it is not a problem to say that she is a newborn.

She doesn't care about what Lu Ling has experienced before, but no one else is allowed to move in the general direction afterwards. If it is her master, then the master's route can be left by the master herself...or she can decide.

Then, whoever disrupts her plan, she will send him back to her mother's arms.

No one can.

Xiaoxue can't.

Liu Fufeng's words...she has too much influence on Lu Ling, and Hong Ling can no longer control her, but Hong Ling's affection for Liu Fufeng is actually very high, no matter who can blacken and massacre the city for Lu Ling She doesn't hate the girl, or the gentle girl at home, she even likes it very much.

The path Liu Fufeng chose for Lu Ling was the one that Hong Ling thought was appropriate.

So except for Liu Fufeng, no one else can disrupt what she has set.

Nor can the demons.

She would think so, that is to say, even if Xueluo Qianhan was exposed now, the demons would not start a war with the human race, unless they planned to face a fairy sword with all their strength.

There is a huge gap between a fairy sword that needs the life of a venerable in Shushan with a single blow, and a judge who can strike independently.

That queen knows what to do, she has no choice, even if she knows that Hong Ling will pay a price for interfering with the general situation of the world at will, the life of the fairy master for the first time is one of the costs... But she can't suppress the future of the demons Go bet with Hong Ling.

Because this fairy sword is actually a lunatic.

If the fairy lord hadn't restrained her back then, she might have wiped out the other three clans to please her master... Even after so many years, the survivors are grateful to the person who trained Hong Ling to look like she is now... The way of balance It is also listed as the top-level rule, not one of them.

There is no way, Hong Ling back then was really capricious.

Luo Qianhan's waywardness was actually learned from her. At that time, Xiaoxue was still a good baby, and her dream was to protect her mother's world when she grew up...

The reason why it became bad was actually because she saw her sister who was also a judge colluding with a human being, and she also fell into her identity and regarded herself as a concubine...

Yes, the original rebellious girl is none other than this fairy sword that has guarded the human race for thousands of years.

"It's been a long time... I can't believe it. Back then, I was much more self-willed than you." Hong Ling sat on the ground with her sister in her arms, with a look of reminiscence on her face.

The fall of the master changed too many things, the biggest being her personality.

From being willful and surly to later being quiet and inaction... She lost the most important person, and also lost most of her emotions. After that, her sister became her most important person.

At that time, she had no emotions, and she did and said a lot of things that made Xiaoxue hate her... Now there is no chance to redeem her...

Hong Ling in Shushan is only fulfilling the agreement with her master, she has no sense of belonging to Shushan... In fact, the devil in Shushan Sword Tomb and the venerable of Shushan are the same in Hongling's eyes, and she will return to her mother sooner or later In her arms, life and death are but floating clouds.

There will always be more blood stained on the fairy sword than people imagine now, and the duty of the judge is to slaughter those races that Heaven thinks are inappropriate...

Hong Ling was an early adult, and the blood on her blade would not be clean even after 1 years of washing. In contrast, the seemingly willful Xuechen is actually much purer...

It's just that [-]% of the lives of the demons are nothing.

I used to have no emotions, and then I developed a gentle temperament by serving the master, and then I lost my emotions again after undergoing changes...

However, recently, her emotions have slowly recovered.

It will be interesting to see Lu Ling's predicament.

This subtle change also shows that she has realized Lu Ling's true identity, and at the same time she is more vigilant about the general situation.

The person who can restrain their sisters, a pair of lawless judges, is still a growing girl... It is simply the best tool to use.

This is also the most important reason why Hong Ling decided to stay with Lu Ling.

She is powerful and invincible, but there are also things to be afraid of.

But so far, Hong Ling feels that Lu Ling has grown up very well, has her own ideas, knows what she wants, has people she cherishes, and is easy to be satisfied...

So she likes Liu Fufeng very much.

days are long.

The figure of Hong Ling holding Xue Chen gradually faded away.

She was also very interested in the next monk who looked like a mother.

If he can really influence Lu Ling, then don't blame her for being ruthless, he can't intervene directly because it may disturb his mother, but she can't stop a little guy of the fourth level of the Venerable if she stumbles casually.

"Don't ask for trouble."


At this time, Lu Ling was in a very critical moment. Luo Hanyi had always been the weakest in Lingshan. Anyone who saw him could come up and bully him once or twice. Among them, she also has no majesty at all. The girls in Lingshan often say that Master Luo Bai has a handsome face, and he is obviously not inferior to Senior Sister Shen when he is serious... It turns out he is a fool.

She is really used to being weak. Even in Qifeng, her base camp, the girls in Qifeng are more willing to obey Luo Xian's orders than Luo Hanyi's. If there is a conflict between the two orders, then Lingshan disciples will give priority to obey. Luo Xian's order - anyway, Qifeng's peak master's order and Luo Hanyi's personal identity token are all in Luo Xian's hands, whoever does not listen to her.

Luo Hanyi was at the absolute top of Lingshan, and as one of the nine most respected people, he was actually a weakling who could be bullied by anyone.

It is in such an environment that she has been suppressed for too long... If she is suppressed for too long, she will rebound.

So, now Luo Hanyi is a bit addicted.

She imitated how Shen Canghai and Dongfang Lianren flirted with her and used it on Lu Ling... Looking at this little girl's helpless look, Luo Hanyi felt unprecedented pleasure and satisfaction.

It turns out that the feeling of bullying is so comfortable, no wonder they all like to bully me...

For a moment, cultivation was not so important anymore, she found the feeling of being an attacker, and her life became more hopeful.

Luo Hanyi suddenly felt emotional, his eyes turned red for a moment, but he quickly recovered, and then he was unwilling to come out of the state of Shen Canghai, and sank deeply into it.

Very important.

But now Luo Hanyi only wants to find what he lost in Lu Ling. She is afraid of Shen Canghai. Lu Ling's words... can be regarded as Shen Canghai's niece...

There is also a pleasure called revenge.

Certainly the revenge of the weak.



Well, I have now restrained Xiaoling's hand...

Luo Hanyi looked at Lu Ling's hand tied with a ribbon, and thought for a while.

If it was Shen Canghai, what would he do now...

Oh, remembered.


Lu Ling relied on the big tree.

"Uncle, why did you become a different person, Uncle, let me go, otherwise, I, I'm going to call... I, save... woo woo woo woo..." Lu Ling looked at Zhao Yingge in the distance Just as he was about to shout, Luo Hanyi stuffed his mouth tightly with the red cloth torn from Lu Ling's skirt.

"woo woo woo woo……"

And now Luo Hanyi has become the second Shen Canghai, what she said and did to Lu Ling was what Shen Canghai once said and did to her.

"A Ling, what do you want to be called? With the senior sister, no one will care how loud you shout..." Luo Hanyi smiled at Lu Ling, stretched out his hand to touch her beauty spot, and then put it on his nose to sniff He sniffed, showing a satisfied expression.

"Also, how many times have I told you to call me sister or senior sister, don't call me uncle, you're old... I'm really disobedient, but it's fine if you don't, then I can..."

Luo Hanyi put his hands on Lu Ling's waist, pinched Lu Ling's itchy flesh with his long-sleeved fingers, and pulled down violently while Lu Ling was struggling.


The red girdle turned into two pieces.

In an instant, after losing the waistband, the little skirt slid down a few inches, exposing a few inches of skin to the air.

"Woooooo..." Lu Ling frantically shook her head.

"Don't worry, we still have... one, two, three, four... about a month to have fun." Luo Hanyi wrung his fingers and smiled brightly at Lu Ling.

Back then, Shen Canghai pulled her to train her, that was the prelude, but now it's Lu Ling's turn.

After a burst of whimpering, seeing Luo Hanyi unbuttoning his jacket, Lu Ling really panicked.

It's bloody.

[Snow dust!snow dust!Xiaoxue! ! !Your master is about to suffer, help! 】

[Snow dust! 】

【If I don’t come out, I’m going to be angry!】

But no matter how Lu Ling yelled, there was no response. The little girl was being hugged by a woman. She didn't want her to wake up. No one could force her to wake her up.

Seeing that Luo Hanyi had unbuttoned the second button, Lu Ling finally put away her slightly playful thoughts before, and really felt scared.

She didn't know what happened to Luo Hanyi, but the current Luo Hanyi gave her the feeling of a heavy master... the one who took off her clothes some time ago.

Seeing Luo Hanyi's size getting bigger and bigger, Lu Ling closed her eyes.

She needs help.



Three seconds later, Lu Ling stopped struggling.

Luo Hanyi froze for a moment, then smiled.

"It's good not to resist, I like obedient girls..."

With Shen Canghai's words, what is he going to do next?

Luo Hanyi wanted to play a suitable role, but he ignored the temperament of the girl in front of him.

Opening her eyes slightly, the beauty mole on the corner of the girl's mouth rose a little.

She doesn't like trouble.

I don't like to bear the darkness even more, because I have already carried enough for her.

It would be nice if I died, I've always thought so.


Absolutely, don't allow others to bully yourself.


The sudden change made the women in Lu Ling's knowledge sea frowned.

"This is... two people? No... it's one person."

Lu Ling's "another" consciousness is completely different from her own, which makes Hong Ling a little surprised. Although she has known it for a long time, but after feeling Lu Ling's emotional switch at a close distance, Hong Ling finds that things are more serious than she imagined.

It's not a personality thing...

There is only one Lu Ling, and there has always been only one Lu Ling.

But because of Lu Ling herself, it seems that there are two personalities. She is not a split personality. Hong Ling can confirm this, and it should not be a dual personality. is not well defined.

It all depends on how long Lu Ling can lie to herself.

And there is a very serious matter in front of her, if Lu Ling finally completes the split, then her master is the current Lu Ling, or the original Lu Ling.

Or are they two sisters, one for each?
Not kidding.




Under Luo Hanyi's slightly surprised eyes, a layer of blue light flashed across Lu Ling's body, she spat out the cloth in her mouth, and at the same time easily broke free from Luo Hanyi's shackles, looked at her bloodshot hands, shook her head, showing a dissatisfied expression.

"It's really troublesome... When I get nervous, I even forget that I am no longer an ordinary person. This psychological quality is useless to build a soul-splitting state..."

Then, the sound of a hard object shattering came from Lu Ling's mouth.

"It doesn't taste very good either." After chewing the half-melted lollipop, Lu Ling glanced at Luo Hanyi, a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes.

After being taken aback for a moment, Luo Hanyi withdrew from Shen Canghai's state, and no longer unbuttoned his own buttons, but re-buttoned them one by one.

Lu Ling had already swallowed the sugar, and she didn't want it anymore. It would be impossible to kill Lu Ling, and then it would be more comfortable to be herself, so let's accept it. It's a bit uncomfortable to keep learning from Shen Canghai.


"Xiao Ling?"

"What's the matter?" Lu Ling tilted her head and looked at her, her expression was still innocent as before, and because the corset was broken, she was holding the skirt with one hand, showing the girl's shyness to the fullest.

Ke Luo Hanyi keenly sensed that something was wrong.

It's not right.

The current Lu Ling is completely different from before.

"What's the matter? No problem." Lu Ling pursed her lips.

I like to play role-playing, you're done, it's my turn.

"It's" Luo Hanyi took half a step back, closed his eyes for a while and then opened them again.

He stared deeply at Lu Ling.

Then his whole body trembled, his hairs stood on end, and he pointed at Lu Ling and said in surprise.

"who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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