Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 478 Lu Ling's One Day

Chapter 478 Lu Ling's Day ([-])

"It's not bad, I remember it very seriously, then I'll test you." Bai Yunfan looked into Lu Ling's eyes: "What's the difference between the blade of the sword and the grid of the hilt?"

E, the outer edge of the sword, that is, the edges on both sides of the sword body.

Grid, the guard between the sword stem and the blade.

Both of them can be used to block. They are used differently in different shapes and have many similarities, but the differences are also obvious, and it is easy for beginners to confuse them.

Bai Yunfan thought that Lu Ling studied very seriously before, and kept writing with little hands. Because he had to take care of Lu Ling's writing speed, Bai Yunfan's lecture speed was also much slower.

Seeing that Lu Ling accidentally got ink on her little face, Bai Yunfan has great confidence in this girl who studies hard.

If it was Lu Ling, she should be able to answer it.

Bai Yunfan closed Lu Ling's note and looked at her expectantly.


Lu Ling looked at the note being pressed, and then at Bai Yunfan, her little face was a little embarrassed because of the ink stained unconsciously.


Seeing Lu Ling's bewildered look, Bai Yunfan fell silent.






The air froze.

The two stared at each other for five seconds.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Finally, Lu Ling broke the silence.


Lu Ling raised her head and looked at Bai Yunfan with an innocent and innocent smile, which was very cute.

"What is it?"

Bai Yunfan: "..."

What is it?
What is it?
Gritting his teeth and looking at this cute little girl, Bai Yunfan clenched his fists.

From seeing Lu Ling's blank expression, he guessed that Lu Ling might not be able to answer, but it's okay if he couldn't answer, Bai Yunfan didn't think it was a problem, it wasn't a problem.

But Lu Ling doesn't even know what a sword is, so Bai Yunfan's heart can't accept it. You must know that a sword is equal to the heart of a sword, which is what he focuses on explaining. The place where the scabbard is connected refers to the refined iron between the sword body and the guard. The general material is various spiritual objects, which are used to neutralize the conflict between the hilt and the blade. For all swords, it is to prevent the scabbard from slipping, It can be used to block the sword or to be beautiful, and it can also be used to protect the sword body by opening the scabbard.

Its importance is no less than the blade of a sword.

Such an important thing... Lu Ling doesn't know?

Did everything he said go in one ear and out the other?
Bai Yunfan looked at Lu Ling with an innocent face, and took a deep breath.

Don't blame her... don't blame her, I didn't make it right, didn't I just forget the sword?It may be that the tsuba and sword frame are recorded as one thing, which can be forgiven, a common mistake made by novices.

So comforting himself, after a while, Bai Yunfan tried to soften himself.

He doesn't know how to be gentle, so his expression looks weird, even a bit lewd.

"A Ling, you just don't know about swords, right... It's okay, let me tell you, this is the fine iron at the link on the sword lattice, don't forget to know this time."

"I see."

Lu Ling said with her head down, her voice was very quiet and well-behaved, Bai Yunfan was relieved.

"By the way, Teacher Bai." When Bai Yunfan adjusted his mood, Lu Ling raised her head a little embarrassedly, looked at him with wide eyes, her eyelashes flickering.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yunfan said kindly.

"What is the sword grid, I forgot... can you..." Lu Ling pointed to Bai Yunfan's hand that was still pressing on her note: "Let me see..."


"Huh? What sound?"

Lu Ling seemed to hear a sharp bone rubbing sound, a bit like the sound when she was grinding her teeth, and looked at the source of the sound strangely... her Teacher Bai.

"Teacher? Are you uncomfortable?"

Seeing the little girl's concerned eyes, Bai Yunfan's face was expressionless, but the muscles around his mouth were stiff, and he could tell he was clenching his teeth tightly.

"No, I'm not sick. I'm fine. If you want to see it, go and see it..."

Move your hands away from Lu Ling's notes.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Lu Ling happily snatched back her notes, opened them, and searched for the things she wrote down earlier.

"The sword... the sword... I found it, um, and the sword... here, but the difference... the difference... huh?"

Let out a doubt.

"Teacher, what is the difference? I can't see clearly..."

Before Lu Ling finished speaking, there was a sudden scream.

Because her feet were off the ground suddenly.

Bai Yunfan supported her underarms from behind, and then raised her directly.

Lu Ling struggled to turn around and shouted loudly: "Teacher, what are you doing..."

"What are you doing..."

Bai Yunfan threw Lu Ling onto the bed with a bang.

"it hurts……"

Although it is a bed, the facilities are rather crude. Lu Ling's buttocks are sore and her eyebrows are twisted together because of the hard plank, but there is no time for her to complain, because at this time Bai Yunfan supported her shoulders with both hands, She pressed hard on the bed.

The two were very close.

"..." Looking at the man who was close at hand, Lu Ling swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and some sweat oozed from her forehead.

Not because of anything else...but because of Bai Yunfan's expression...gritting his teeth as if he wanted to eat people...

Seeing that Bai Yunfan was about to bite her, Lu Ling tried to struggle, but after realizing that Bai Yunfan's hands were pinching her on the bed like iron clamps, and she was motionless, Lu Ling gave up. She shrank her neck and spoke in a low voice.

"Teacher... If you are like this, I will call..."


A hashtag appeared on Bai Yunfan's head.

"You girl..." Bai Yunfan's suppressed anger finally burst out, one hand pressed Lu Ling on the bed, and the other hand ruthlessly tore Lu Ling's small face.

"Call! What's the name!"


"Are you a pig! I talked for half an hour and didn't remember anything, huh? It's all in the left ear and out the right ear, right!!!!"

"I asked you before if you understood something about swords, you nodded to me, nodded to me, nodded to me..."

He squeezed Lu Ling's face in the middle and made her very funny, but Bai Yunfan had obviously lost control.

Of course, his strikes were measured, and it didn't even hurt much... Of course, it wouldn't be comfortable either.

"I didn't understand what you nodded? I don't think you are stupid at all. Why can't you remember such a few things? You still want to learn swords, want to learn swords, learn swords!!!!"

"I...I want to learn..." Lu Ling's voice was muffled because of Bai Yunfan's "abuse" of her small face.

The girl felt a little aggrieved.

"I don't know why... I just... can't remember..."

It's not that Lu Ling didn't study hard, her mind is still very smart, Tang Keyu, Li Zhuzi and Mo Qing who only taught Lu Ling for a day all have a say.

In terms of cultivation, Lu Ling's talent can be called a monster.

But what Teacher Bai said had nothing to do with cultivation, it was all dead knowledge. She was afraid of forgetting it before, so she just kept writing it, without thinking about it at all...

"Can't remember, can't remember? Then I ask you if you understand what you nod?" Bai Yunfan shouted at Lu Ling.

Not polite at all.

The saliva almost sprayed on Lu Ling's face.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Lu Ling closed her eyes and apologized to Bai Yunfan.

She didn't understand at first, but after being taught a lesson, she knew why Teacher Bai was angry... Blame her for not learning well.


Lu Ling felt a little wronged.

It hurts...

Her face won't be swollen...

"Sorry, I will study hard when I go back..."


Seeing the girl with her eyes closed, her eyelashes fluttering, she seemed to be resigned to her fate, and she seemed to be saying, I can't resist anymore.

Bai Yunfan's heart also trembled, and then he showed helplessness, and his anger almost disappeared.

Don't blame him, Lu Ling's performance is really a bit bad, after all, Lu Ling was still very smart when she was with Mo Qing, and Bai Yunfan couldn't remember meridians clearly because she didn't need them, but Lu Ling memorized them by heart. In his heart, Bai Yunfan has some expectations of her because of her spirituality and intelligence, but... this girl who was extremely intelligent from Mo Qing's side has become a fool to him.

How to be happy.



Outside, after Zhao Yingge listened for a while, she asked Luo Hanyi to push her closer to the window.

Seeing Bai Yunfan push Lu Ling to the bed at first frightened her, thinking that Bai Yunfan was going to do something to Lu Ling because of his beastly behavior... After all, Bai Yunfan gave her a very bad impression.

But after figuring it out, he looked at Bai Yunfan with some sympathy.

It seems that he was confused by Lu Ling...

It can also be seen from this that this unscrupulous man in Shushan really wants to teach Lu Ling well, so her concept of Bai Yunfan has changed a little, and her favorability has improved a little.

"Stupid woman, do you think this girl can learn?" Looking at the densely packed small characters in the notes on Lu Ling's desk, Zhao Yingge, who was not good at studying and hadn't studied for a few years, looked away.

"With so many, she will be very tired."

"Ah? It's okay." Luo Hanyi didn't take it seriously, and looked at the butterflies in the grass beside him, and said casually: "We girls from Lingshan, such a small matter is nothing."

"I said it would be very tiring." Zhao Yingge was a little displeased.

"It's all right." Luo Hanyi wasn't worried about Lu Ling at all.

"Stupid woman." Zhao Yingge spat at her, and then looked at the giant tree that Bai Yunfan casually dropped in the yard...

This man is not pleasant, but he is indeed very powerful...

"Help me down."


"Let's go and have a look."

"Yingge, what are you going to do? Your injury hasn't healed yet, so be careful..." Luo Hanyi's mouth couldn't be opened and closed after speaking.

I saw Zhao Yingge leaning on her, lifting the corner of the giant tree with one hand, three feet off the ground.

This tree weighs at least a thousand catties...

"Ahem, a little bit reluctant."

After holding on for a while, Zhao Yingge carefully put down the wood without making a sound. After getting up, her chest heaved violently.

"The fairy gate is the fairy gate... It's completely incomparable." Zhao Yingge shook her head. She could lift this log, but it was absolutely impossible to hold it on her shoulders like Bai Yunfan. She would probably be crushed to death.

"No, no, no..." Luo Hanyi shook his head like a rattle, looking at Zhao Yingge as if he was looking at a monster.

What kind of power is this...

"Yingge, your strength is many times stronger than Junior Brother Bai, he didn't lift it with his own strength..."

"Actually, I just can't handle it." Zhao Yingge said casually.

"Yingge, why are you so strong...I haven't heard you say it..." Luo Hanyi showed a cautious expression. She has lost all her strength now, and her body is the strength of a mortal. Slap her to death...

"It's always been like this, but recently it seems to be bigger than before. I don't know why." Zhao Yingge looked at his hands, and then sneered: "It's just brute force, it's useless."

If it is really useful, it will not be beaten to death by a few good players.

Her physical strength has its limits after all.

"No, if I knew you had such great strength, I wouldn't have to be criticized by Dongfang..." Luo Hanyi felt aggrieved.

At first she wanted Zhao Yingge to enter Lingshan, but Dongfang Lianren almost made her cry. If she had known that she had natural supernatural powers, at least she wouldn't be scolded so badly.

"Spoil? Dongfang?" Zhao Yingge turned her head and looked at Luo Hanyi suspiciously.

"No, no, it's okay, it's okay, hehehe..." Luo Hanyi realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly changed the subject: "Well, tonight...wait, Yingge, your shoulder..."

"Huh?" Zhao Yingge saw that Luo Hanyi was changing the subject, but suddenly tears welled up in her eyes.

This is not an act.

"What's wrong, why are you crying?"

"Yingge, blood..." Luo Hanyi pointed upwards at Zhao Yingge's breasts, his eyes filled with distress, as if he wanted to touch but dared not.

"Blood?" Zhao Yingge frowned and looked down.

There were faint blood stains on the white clothes.

It is estimated that the force was too strong, and the wound burst a little, but it didn't hurt, it wasn't a big deal.

"It's okay, just take some medicine."

"How can it be all right! Just wait, I'll go back and get the silver needle... and the golden sore medicine, by the way, I still have some snow lotus in my room..."


Zhao Yingge twitched the corners of his mouth as he looked at the woman who hurried back to the hospital because of a slight injury.

The mood is a little complicated.

What kind of relationship do they have?
The same gap as the sky, but because Luo Hanyi made it shrink into a line...

"Silly woman."

Concentrating her eyebrows, Zhao Yingge leaned on the wheelchair, glanced at the room, and then at the sun.

"It's been an hour, it's time for the next class."


In the room.

After venting his anger on Lu Ling, Bai Yunfan didn't feel sorry for Lu Ling at all, he lifted her from the bed easily by holding her by the ear like a rabbit.


Lu Ling said pitifully, her little face turned red from Bai Yunfan's ravages, like an overripe apple.

"Okay." Bai Yunfan didn't look at Lu Ling, lest his serious face collapse...

In fact, he doesn't know, he has no image in Lu Ling's heart... In fact, it is really uncertain who is coaxing whom now.

Lu Ling is much smarter than he imagined.

At this time, Bai Yunfan suddenly felt movement, turned around, and found that the little girl was gently tugging at the corner of his clothes.

"Well, teacher, I will read the book carefully when I go back, and try not to let you down."


Bai Yunfan was silent.

Well, he lost.

Open up.

"I'm not angry either."

"Yeah." Lu Ling nodded in agreement.

Not angry.

Really angry, her face is probably swollen into a bun.


Looking at the girl's shining eyes, Bai Yunfan didn't know what to say for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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