Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 480 Lu Ling's One Day

Chapter 480 Lu Ling's Day ([-])
Sensing Lu Ling's impatience, Zen Master Du Wo didn't talk nonsense, took out the book in his hand, and handed it to Lu Ling.

He didn't ask Lu Ling if he knew the location of the meridian, he had extraordinary confidence in Lu Ling.

And Lu Ling did not disappoint him.

"That's it?" Lu Ling showed some contempt.

It's just a slight cold. She used to not be able to suppress the coldness in her body, but now it's different. With her control, Xuechen's coldness is not to mention fighting with her. Even if she can survive, it is a problem. Be merciful, now she can swallow Xuechen's chill by herself.

The reason why I didn't do this is because this thing is good for me. After absorbing it according to the method of Mo Qing and Zen Master Du Wo, I can get a lot of spiritual energy for nothing, so why not do it.

"Okay, master, sit on your side, I'll do it myself." After flipping through the book, Lu Ling said that it was all trivial.

"Yes." Zen Master Du bowed his eyebrows and went to sit under the tree.

Of course, his eyes never left Lu Ling for a moment.

I don't know why... Seeing this Lu Ling who is completely different from before, Zen Master Towa has a very weird feeling... It's not dissatisfaction with this weird girl.

But... where did I see it.

Lu Ling felt more familiar than before.

But he didn't ask, and sat quietly under the tree.



In the distance, Zhao Yingge scolded Luo Hanyi enough. In a blink of an eye, he saw Zen Master Duwo abandoning Lu Ling and going to rest by himself. Looking at Lu Ling again, sitting in the courtyard and reading a book, he felt a little dissatisfied.

It is not required to be as good to A Ling as Mo Qing is, but it must be similar to Bai Yunfan.

"Xiaoling herself should be fine." Luo Hanyi wiped away the tears from being scolded just now, and said while looking at Lu Ling.

"You take care of yourself, and I will clean you up at night when I go back."

"..." Luo Hanyi shuddered for a moment and stopped talking.



Lu Ling wants to learn by herself, not because she is arrogant, but because she is really trivial.

After a brief look at this mental method, it is similar to what Mo Qing taught before, except that Mo Qing controls the cold air by himself, and this mental method is the power to transform conflicts. There is not much difference in essence, and it is similar in learning. To act along the meridians.

The only more difficult thing is that the control of spiritual power is extremely demanding, so the original plan of Zen Master Du Wo was that if Lu Ling couldn't do it by himself, he could use his own Zen power to help Lu Ling sort it out. Of course, it is no longer necessary. up.

If the mind is quiet enough, one can perfectly control one's own power.

The so-called nuances are nothing more than a simple matter to Lu Ling now, so she can do it alone.


After half an hour.

"It's boring." Lu Ling stretched her body, and the girl's beautiful lines showed in the air. She stood up and stomped her feet vigorously.

The dust on the skirt fell with the shaking, and some filth was stained on the white thighs, but Lu Ling obviously didn't care. She walked under the tree and patted my Zen master's face like a dead tree.

The girl's impolite behavior brought out crisp applause.

"Hey, practice is over."

Zen Master Towo opened his eyes, his cloudy vision made it impossible to see his emotions.

not going to be mad.

I still don't understand when Lu Ling came to him...but I will get used to it after thinking about it.

"What weight is it?" Zen Master Duwo asked.

There are seven levels of mind, seven skills, Lu Ling in the past naturally couldn't do one level, but now Lu Ling probably has learned at least three ways to control aura.

"What weight is it?" Lu Ling shrugged and threw the book to Zen Master Duwo.

"There are only seven in total, what's the difference? It's simple and dead, not challenging at all." Lu Ling raised her bangs, put her hands behind her back, and looked straight at Zen Master Du Wo.

"Why, you don't believe it?"

"..." Zen Master Duwo didn't say a word, why should he believe it?At most, he was a little surprised, after all, in his heart, Lu Ling was the only true Buddha appointed by heaven and earth.

Of course, saying that Lu Ling could finish learning all at once, his mood still fluctuated enormously.

"Forget it, let me open your eyes."

The girl snapped her fingers, and then a diamond-shaped water splash appeared out of nowhere in the air, spinning slowly.

"First trick, point."

Lightly touch the middle of the snowflakes with the index finger, the spiritual energy spreads out like water ripples, and the water droplets gradually freeze from the inside, just like a human meridian, veins of solid ice appear from the inside, and the cold air develops along with the veins.

After the flash, a beautiful and gorgeous snowflake appeared in the air, its shape was exactly the same as that of the heavy snowfall when Xuechen used Lu Ling's body at the foot of Shu Mountain.

It is also a symbol representing the Snow Maiden.

"The second technique, chemical."

With a wave of your hand, the snowflakes melted into water droplets and split into dozens of drops, hundreds, thousands, thousands of drops...

Three seconds later, dense drops of clear water gathered over the entire yard.

Zhao Yingge didn't have time to scold Luo Hanyi at this time, so she asked her instead.

"How is this going?"

"I don't know, but I can feel a lot of aura... This is made by Xiao Ling? How is it possible!" Luo Hanyi looked at Lu Ling who was calm and breezy, and could stuff an egg into his mouth.

Such an exquisite manipulation of spiritual power, even she can't do it...

Of course, what surprised her was still below.

"Forget it, it's a bit troublesome to use each technique... Let's go together." Lu Ling turned around, pinched the corner of her skirt with one hand, pulled it up a little, and bowed to Luo Hanyi and Zhao Yingge to give a ladylike salute.

Naturally, the second daughter had never seen this kind of etiquette, but Luo Hanyi blushed for a moment because of the obscene clothes under Lu Ling's short skirt.

"Show, start."

A crisp finger snap.

Not to mention Zhao Yingge, even Zen Master Du Wo felt the biting cold.

Thousands of water droplets densely packed in the sky froze instantly, and then, snowflakes exactly the same as before appeared.


Waving lightly.


In this courtyard, snowflakes are falling.

It is different from the power when using Lingshan aura back then, the current heavy snow is a scene created by Lu Ling perfectly using her pitiful aura.

Luo Hanyi was already dumbfounded. Although Zen Master Duwo didn't say anything, the tightly clenched hands showed that he was not calm.

Attention to detail, or the top level of attention to detail.

Just like what Young Master Xiao, Li Liweng, and Mo Yuan said when they were in Shushan, the large-scale snowfall still keeps the snowflakes intact, which is definitely the top-notch detail.

No one who has been polished for more than 500 years should not think that he can control his own power so perfectly.

After the heartstrings fluctuated for tens of seconds, Zen Master Duwo uttered the Buddha's name and calmed down.

Without this ability, can you still be called a true Buddha?
It is his own practice is not enough.

And Luo Hanyi... probably had a dislocated jaw.

Snowing is easy, and she could do it before, but you have to know that Lu Ling is only divided into the soul state now, and the upper limit of the spiritual power of the soul level is there, that is, Xu Xu was so great back then that he could condense a fire lotus... that is already Talented.

Lu Ling, what is this?
The snowflakes all over the sky made her shiver when it fell on her face, and each snowflake had the same size and quality.

Isn't this girl really a powerful seal of the human race who is playing here?

Even Luo Hanyi has this kind of conjecture now, there is no way, the ability like Lu Ling's ability to use one part of her strength as ten or one hundred is really too much.

She can't accept it. If this is the case, has her 400 years of cultivation been practiced on dogs?
Hmm... For Luo Hanyi, it's really hard to say.

"Could it be dreaming... Yingge, pinch me." Luo Hanyi muttered to himself, looking at the sky.


A loud slap.

Luo Hanyi screamed and covered his face, there was a bright red slap mark on the side of his face.

"Sakura, why did you hit me?"

"It's not a dream." Zhao Yingge looked at her contemptuously. Zhao Yingge didn't know what Lu Ling's actions meant. Anyway, for Xianmen, a snowfall is so great.

So in Zhao Yingge's eyes, Luo Hanyi is just a bluffing little fool.

"...Yeah, it hurts so much... It's really not a dream..." Luo Hanyi stood there dumbfounded.

Zhao Yingge shook her head.



At this time, Lu Ling's power fluctuations attracted the attention of many people.

Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan were the first to bear the brunt, the former passed away after being surprised, who is Xue Nu?What's so surprising, and now he is thinking about how to cook for his sister... For Lu Ling, he just needs to practice hard.

Bai Yunfan looked suspicious.

He was careless, and he didn't feel how terrifying Lu Ling's control over Xue Hua was, but he just felt a little strange for no reason.

The way it snows...why does it look so familiar?

stunned for a moment.

No way……

His face changed, and Venerable Ye's sword energy flashed before his eyes.

"Well... I don't know anything, I don't see anything, I don't see anything, it's getting late, go to bed."

With the scorching sun in the sky, Bai Yunfan shielded his consciousness and got on the bed.


Some idlers also noticed that at this moment, Weng Xiaoli and Young Master Xiao had not left Luoyan City.

"It's her." Young Master Xiao shook his head: "It's a pity, she is not suitable for my way now... let's go."

"Why don't you go and see? I know you like her very much, both of them." Weng Xiaoli said with a smile.

Rarely, Young Master Xiao did not refute.

"There's nothing to see, nothing to observe."

"Why, shouldn't I say at this time, I hope she can satisfy you in the future?" Li Liweng feels a little sorry for Lu Ling, but he also understands that Lu Ling's current identity is too sensitive, not to mention Dongshen who just came to the door The old woman in the sea, even Yun Shu, they couldn't pass that test.

Young Master Xiao was number one in the world back then.

The real No. [-] in the world, before Jianfeng, the word of killing has been engraved in the bones of the demons. The young people of today were the well-deserved gods of death back then.

How strong is the way of such a person?
Needless to say.

"True geniuses have their own ways, don't they?" Young Master Xiao looked in Lu Ling's direction, feeling a little regretful, that's what he said, but if possible, he was still very optimistic about Lu Ling.

As big as Ye Zun, as small as Shen Gui, none of them fit his way.

In fact, Lu Ling is not suitable either, there is too much seductiveness and there is not enough decisiveness, otherwise, even if he confronts the two senior sisters from Lingshan and Dongshenhai, he will not be afraid.

Inheritance, naturally cannot be compromised.

Unfortunately, Lu Ling is not suitable.

So be it.

Although Mr. Xiao is conceited, it is not certain that his way is the most suitable for Lu Ling.

So, sometimes it's not a good thing for a little girl to have too much talent.



"Snow Girl's method is still very useful." Lu Ling looked at this beautiful scene with a rosy face.

In the scene of melting snow, she also borrowed from the ice and snow in her sea of ​​consciousness, and the effect was better than she imagined.

"Well, ready to call the curtain call."

Lu Ling sat down and fiddled with the corners of her skirt.

The place where the snowflakes fell before all took root and turned into vigorous seeds. After a while, illusory shoots grew on the ice-blue seeds.

Following the fluctuation of the spiritual power of Lu Ling's fingertips, baby lotuses gradually grew on the ground. In just a moment, the ground was full of buds of transparent flowers, including lotus and lotus.

Biting her nails lightly, Lu Ling spat out two words.


As if they were ordered by Baihua Fairy, the flower buds scrambled to open the buds. Immediately, gorgeous and beautiful flowers filled the courtyard.

They have one similarity, that is, they are all ice blue and transparent, crystal clear and full of aura.

And Lu Ling just sat on the ground like this, the aura around her was like a small boat. On a midsummer day, the girl boarded a small boat and went boating among the lotus. Such a beautiful scenery was jaw-dropping.

The ice flowers in a courtyard brought coolness to the scorching summer. Lu Ling stretched her body and lay on her side in the ice boat in a seductive posture.

Seeing Zen Master Towo and the two women in the distance with blank eyes, Lu Ling nodded in satisfaction, and then tapped the old monk's eyebrows.

"How about it?"

Seeing Lu Ling asking him, Zen Master Du Wo broke away from the scene in front of him, and finally there was a wave on his expressionless face.

With his mental strength, he almost fell into it.

This flower... is dangerous.

Such a huge mental power.

Zen Master Du Wo felt terrifying spiritual power from Lu Ling. Her sea of ​​consciousness really seemed to be a vast ocean, so that he couldn't break free for a while.

"Wuliang, the purity of my Buddha's spiritual power has never been seen before." Zen Master Duwo stared at the girl lying on her side in front of him, with fire in his eyes.

I saw so many incredible things today, compared to Lu Ling, who completed the knowledge he was going to teach in the next month in one day, it was just a speck of dust, which was quite normal.

He didn't dare to imagine that Lu Ling, who was only at the Soul Realm, had such abilities, what if she was also at the Venerable Realm?
This filthy world must be washed clean.

"Learning is learned." Lu Ling fiddled with the snow lotus under her body, and said casually: "But this cold air still needs to be absorbed slowly..."

"Why?" Zen Master Duwo didn't understand.

"There's no reason." Lu Ling teased Bingxue Huarui without elaborating.

She learned it because she is powerful enough, patient and careful enough to support and control spiritual power, and the other Lu Ling...

She also needs exercise, so she can't be in a rush.


He yawned, and the lazy and charming color spread between his eyebrows.

Some are tired.

Is it too much power?Looking at the overwhelming spiritual power in her body, Lu Ling shook her head.

If she sleeps for a while, she will go back.

It's almost there, the plan can't keep up with the changes, and she won't be able to see her junior sister, but it doesn't matter, their days are still long.

Moreover, Junior Sister... Liu Fufeng likes Lu Ling, not her.

The snow lotus under her body was clean and translucent, she reached out and crushed it.

He frowned slightly.

"By the way, get out of class is over in half an hour, right? I'll take a nap." The girl turned over and closed her eyes among the flowers.


(End of this chapter)

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