Chapter 481 Memory
The time in a day is divided into four parts, three classes occupy three parts, and the rest is Lu Ling's own time, which is pitifully small.

The last class was an hour, that is, two hours. Lu Ling finished all the lessons in one hour, and then began to rest.

No one would think that she was lazy in this kind of thing, like Zhao Yingge who thought that Lu Ling should take a good rest.

If Ah Ling hasn't woken up after class, then she will carry her back.

Think so.

It's a pity that the girl didn't sleep so soundly during the one-hour rest time, which was even painful.

The thin eyebrows were tightly tangled together.

It was like a nightmare.

Zhao Yingge couldn't see it from a distance, but Zen Master Towo turned a blind eye.



In Lu Ling's consciousness, Hong Ling looked at the pitch-black door in front of her, pushed it and found that she couldn't open it.

A seal.

Forcibly invading Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness at this time, she can do it, if she is willing to fight this girl forever.

Hong Ling obviously wouldn't do that.

"never mind."

He gave up digging Lu Ling's secrets. After all, if you know everything, many things will be meaningless.



In the dream, Lu Ling seemed to be forced to leave a warm place. After passing through a layer of mirror as thin as a cicada's wings, she looked back and saw a woman smiling at her.

very warm.

Lu Ling wanted to escape from the person who was holding her, but she couldn't use any strength at all. She looked at the woman who was getting farther and farther away from her, and stretched out her hand to grasp her claws, but it was all in vain.

Afterwards, Lu Ling saw a door, and beyond the door was a scarlet world.

She was getting farther and farther away from the woman on the other side, and finally fell into a deep sleep. When she closed her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the bloody words in the air.

The most eye-catching thing is the word "Xuan", which is tattered but has a cold light.

After feeling weightless for a while, Lu Ling slowly opened her eyes, and sat up propped up on the ground, her eyes a little dazed.

"Xu... Mother..."

He froze for a moment, then woke up.


It's also interesting, where does her mother come from? The one who resembles her mother the most is Li Zhuzi, um... Junior sister sometimes gives her an illusion.

Alright, what kind of trouble did I cause when I came out this time?

Because of the inexplicable dream, Lu Ling was in a bad mood and wanted to kill someone.

However, immediately Lu Ling discovered something was wrong.

This courtyard...was very familiar. After a closer look, I found that this was the place where she had slept before, but the pool of snow lotus had disappeared.

Looking down at her short skirt, Lu Ling's eyes were a little strange.

She didn't go back?
She thought she had already gone back, and then "Lu Ling" was drunk again, or woke up after getting into trouble... As for the previous dream, she had almost forgotten it.

"How long have I been asleep?" Lu Ling straightened her messy long hair and looked at the old monk.

"A little less than half an hour."

"Half an hour? Twenty minutes..." Lu Ling fell into deep thought.

shouldn't be...

If others don't know, how can Lu Ling not know her own situation?The second personality is just a cover... In fact, there is one and only one Lu Ling.

As long as she wants to go back, there is no saying that she can't go back.

As for why she became like this when she was drunk, it was just because she was a poor drinker.

After getting drunk, he will return to his original nature.

Of course, Lu Ling wouldn't think too much about these things, just like Hong Ling said, who knows if she will really split completely?

It all depends on Lu Ling's own attitude.

"...Then don't sleep." Lu Ling rubbed her temples, lifted her spirits, and raised her head.

The sun has set a little bit, and the sky has become dusk.

Why don't you want to go back.


His knuckles turned white.

Then, a figure appeared in her mind, and her mood calmed down instantly.

It turned out to be the case.

Not seeing her, really still not reconciled.

Sitting down on the spot, pressing the bottom of her skirt, Lu Ling smiled.

The voice is very loud, completely different from the previous innocence, and it is eye-catching.

Zhao Yingge wanted to look forward, but was held back by Luo Hanyi.

Luo Hanyi shook his head.

"...Forget it." Zhao Yingge looked away.

Zen master Du Wo closed his eyes, and he never talked too much, following the principle of not listening to what he shouldn't listen to, and not seeing what he shouldn't see.



Having laughed enough, Lu Ling looked at the old monk in front of her.

"Give me a copy of your book, I'm too lazy to take notes."

She knows it, but she will forget it if it is not complete, and she still has to study it often.


Nodding, Zen Master Towa was just about to take the book in Lu Ling's hand, when suddenly there was silence between the heaven and the earth, as if some kind of enchantment had opened up.

In an instant, time froze, whether it was Zen Master Du Wo, Zhao Yingge Luo Hanyi, or even Lu Ling remained motionless.

Even the wind stopped, and the temperature dropped many degrees.

One hand snatched Lu Ling's book halfway.

It was a snow-white hand, a little sickly white and a little small.

A figure appeared out of nowhere in the courtyard, dressed in a dark blue ordinary Taoist robe, the woman was not tall, she looked about as tall as Liu Fufeng at most.

He was dressed in a dark blue Taoist robe, with a bun tied into his hair.

It was she who suddenly appeared and snatched the book from Lu Ling's hand.

The sound of flipping the book, from beginning to end, the woman closed the book after confirming something.

" doesn't seem to be a problem, it won't conflict with the Ice can learn it."

Then the woman walked up to Lu Ling who was still in the posture of handing out the book, and looked at her carefully.

"This Snow Maiden."

A trace of fanaticism flashed across his delicate face.

"Sure enough, the warning to Xiao is correct...don't let them get involved in the snow girl..."

Silent, the woman looked at the sky, where was the direction of Lingshan, and sighed after a while.

She wasn't sure about fighting Yun Shu, and relying on robbing... wasn't the way to go.

How did he enter Lingshan?

Snow Maiden...the person that Master has been looking for all his life has appeared in his own generation...she will definitely lead the Eastern Shenhai to the glory it once should have.

The woman had been guarding the barrier in Tianguangxu, but Lu Ling had made a lot of noise a while ago. After understanding the situation, she first warned Mr. Xiao and Weng Xiaoli not to have Lu Ling's idea, and then...before going back , must have a look at the future East God Sea Pavilion Master.

She was startled when she found out that Lu Ling was learning the exercises of the Great Sad Valley, but after checking, she knew that this exercise was not harmful to Lu Ling, but beneficial.

As for Zen Master Towo, she recognized it after thinking about it for a while.

She has been guarding the barrier in Tianguangxu all year round, but she has only one attitude towards the demons...kill.

So when facing this alien, she was motivated to kill... However, in view of his usefulness to Lu Ling, he was spared, and... since Yun Shu didn't kill her, of course she would Her reasoning, I don't get involved.

Lu Ling has her own way. She is still too young to be called Xuenv, and her personality is a little soft after investigation, obviously she has not experienced tempering.

"Okay... I've seen it too, it's time to go." The woman turned around and was about to leave.

At this moment, the woman's face froze suddenly.

"Well, it feels good."

A girl's voice came from behind.

The woman turned her head stiffly, and saw Lu Ling sniffing her palm.For a while, I didn't know what to say.

I don't know how many years no one dared to tease her... There was no words, let alone actions... Now she was actually touched by a girl in her teens?
Most importantly, she didn't feel any breath.

"You are not affected?" The woman looked at Lu Ling in surprise.

"You mean this thing?" Lu Ling pointed at the light blue cover in the air, and grinned, "It's just some water aura, don't look down on me too much, woman."


Well, this is the weak girl Canglan and the others talked about?Yes, if necessary, she will go back and teach the current East Shenhai what it means to be weak.

However, she is much satisfied with the current Lu Ling.

She was able to break free from her enchantment, and her personality was strong enough, yes.

However, what Lu Ling said next made her eyebrows tremble fiercely.

"Little sister, how old are you this year?"

Lu Ling asked.

The main reason is that the woman in front of her is not much taller than her, she can barely be considered a big loli, and her appearance is average, her face is a bit delicate, but she is definitely not as good-looking as her.

Lu Ling was not very interested in her.

"Xue Nu... Xue Nu..." After muttering a few words, the woman stabilized her emotions.

it's time to go.

After a while, Yun Shu should have found out. She had agreed with Yun Shu not to appear in front of Lu Ling. As for this impolite girl... Because of the halo of Xue Nu, she pretended not to hear.

"I said, don't rush to leave." Lu Ling stood up: "Who are you?"

Seriously, she felt a very strange feeling in front of this woman, somewhat similar to Mo Qing's.

"You can't know now, the time is not ripe."

"Pretend, keep pretending." Lu Ling smiled disdainfully: "Okay, I'm not interested in you right now."

Normally, Lu Ling would definitely take something off this woman, but now she is full of messy thoughts and has no desire for this strange woman.

"Tell me your name, let's go." Lu Ling waved her hand.

"Name..." The woman looked at Lu Ling and suddenly smiled: "Very good, you are very good, I am looking forward to it...don't let me down."

"Don't talk nonsense." Lu Ling drew a circle in the air with her fingers, and the woman's barrier began to collapse.

"It really is the ice master." The woman took a deep look at Lu Ling and said, "Remember, my name is Mingyue. I hope to see you in Haige soon, the future domain master."

Then, a flash disappeared.



On Lingshan, the young Taoist put down the novel in her hand and looked at Luoyan City with a frown.

"Women who don't keep their promises, you should go fast."

Shaking his head, he continued reading.



"Mingyue?" Even if she knew the name, Lu Ling didn't care at all, anyway, she couldn't remember it anyway.

As for the origin of this woman, Lu Ling can probably guess that it is probably the Eastern God Sea that Xuechen mentioned.

Snow Girl... She is Snow Girl... No, it should be said that Lu Ling is Snow Girl.

She is not very clear about the relationship between Xue Nu and Dong Shenhai.

my servant?
Cut, it's just a relationship of mutual use, but this way Lu Ling is more comfortable.

The expression is a little strange.

She used to have nothing, but now she suddenly has a lot of possessions, let alone Luo Qianhan, there is also a Xihuang who appeared out of nowhere, the old monk in front of her, and a group of people from the Eastern Shenhai.

Lu Ling was already numb.

It doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with her.

For her now, being able to conquer Liu Fufeng is the biggest goal... Unfortunately, she is completely passive.

She has a lot of things, but she herself has become Liu Fufeng's things...Of course, she doesn't think this is a bad thing, anyway, Liu Fufeng likes another Lu Ling, not her unclean person.

Lu Ling looked at the yard next to her...wanted to see her.

There is still a little time, and the junior sister is not finished yet.

Finally, the enchantment dissipated.

Zen master Du Wo came out again, and immediately glanced around.

"Okay, don't read, who can you see? The gap is too big, let me expand the book first, by the way, add some notes of your own." Lu Ling played with her hair and said casually.

"Yes." Zen master Towo nodded, feeling a little helpless.

No matter how bad he is, he is still a venerable... He is not ranked next to Lu Ling at all. The aura just now is probably another great power.

Well, if he knew that his Buddha had just touched someone's ass, he didn't know what his expression would be.

"Finished? Well done." Flipping through the book full of detailed explanations, Lu Ling nodded in satisfaction, looked at Zen Master Towo, and said: "You are very obedient, I like you very much, by the way, what do you think? What do you want me to do? Or if you have any requirements, you can talk about it.”

So far, Zen Master Towo has given Lu Ling a good impression.

She has a bad personality, but she is still kind to her own people... Well, to use her, she has to give something sweet.

For example, Lu Ling knew that Luo Qianhan liked her, so she didn't mind trying Luo Qianhan's taste, and tied her tightly to her body with a little trick.

As for this old man, if he also wants to taste himself...

It's not impossible to consider, the premise is that he can show his worth enough to make her feel the need to win him over.

Hearing Lu Ling's words, Zen Master Du Wo was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lu Ling.

It stands to reason that a dead man shouldn't have any requirements.

But he also has his own obsessions, and it would be the best thing if he could listen to her teachings in front of Lu Ling.

"Afraid... I dare not say what I want, but I have a doubt."

"Doubt? Tell me."

"My Buddha said that it is difficult for all living beings to get through." Zen Master Du Wo looked at Lu Ling: "But I want to know that the world is on the other side, and all living beings are in the mud but do not want to get on the boat. There is a way to resolve it."


The air was suddenly quiet.


What ship?

Meow meow meow?


Hearing this question, the fascination in Lu Ling's eyes disappeared for a moment.

Okay, this is excellent.

The question came, she didn't know anything, how should she answer?

Hmm... This kind of monk is generally more stubborn.

Try fooling around?
(End of this chapter)

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