Chapter 482
Lu Ling is very confident in herself now, in various senses.

If the old monk wanted something, Lu Ling would consider giving it to him as long as she could... But what she didn't expect was that the old monk didn't want anything, but wanted to answer a question for him.


The point is that it is difficult for her to refuse now, because Zen Master has always been very kind to her, and asked this question with a low profile, which almost blocked her escape route.

There is no way, so let's fool around... In my impression, the spirit of this old monk should be different from that of ordinary people. In other words, it should be easy to fool.


Lu Ling was thinking about the possibility of fooling him, or simply said that she didn't know...

And Zen Master Duwo looked at Lu Ling in deep thought with serious eyes.

This problem has been bothering him for many years. A difficult situation for all sentient beings is like a huge dark cloud, which has been weighing on his head for many years, and he can't see the way forward.

Looking forward to, Lu Ling can give him the answer.

It is not required to be a specific plan, even if it is a general direction.


Well, it should work.

After thinking about it, Lu Ling decided to fool him.

Anyway, since he can ask her, it means that he doesn't know the answer himself, doesn't he?Moreover, the Buddhist epithets she just found out in her memory were all vague and mysterious things, which many monks could not explain by themselves.

Probably just a meaning.

"Ahem..." Lu Ling coughed to attract Zen Master Du's attention, and then said, "Master, are you going to solve this problem?"

Lu Ling called "Master" very seriously, without the playful feeling before.

"Yes." Zen Master Towo nodded.

"That's good... I'll think about how to say it." Lu Ling looked calm on the surface, but actually began to quickly search her memory.

The keywords are 【Buddha】 and 【Problem Solving】.

Well, Lu Ling thinks that it is impossible to solve his problem directly, so it is better to solve this monk directly.

It can't solve the problem, but it can solve you.

As long as you have no doubts, isn't it all right?
"Yes." After seeing something, Lu Ling's face changed, and after a while, she said seriously.

"There are two emptinesses in the practice of Buddhism, one is the emptiness of people and the other is the emptiness of dharma... Well, do you understand me when I say this?"

"Yes, but I still hope that my Buddha can tell you the specific meaning." Zen Master Duwo nodded. He has a very high level of Buddhist practice, but he is very unfamiliar with the terms in Lu Ling's mouth, but what Lu Ling wants to express can understand.

Lu Ling had a strange expression upon hearing this.

You can really understand.

You must know that the languages ​​of the two worlds do not understand each other, and Lu Ling is now acting as a translator, which is not that rigorous in itself.

Not to mention after the translation, she didn't even know what the hell she said when she read the original text, but this master can understand it...

If she doesn't understand, she still has to pretend.

"Then let me explain a little bit..." Lu Ling cleared her throat.

"Introduction to Buddhism has two essential meanings: one is the emptiness of all living beings, and the other is the emptiness of all dharmas. If all living beings are not empty, it is called self-attachment. If all dharmas are not empty, it is called dharma attachment."

"Introduction to Buddhism?" Upon hearing these words, Zen Master Towa was stunned for a moment, and then he repeated what Lu Ling said, and after a while, his eyes lit up.

"People are empty... Dharma is empty? Dharma? Buddha?"

You are the one.

Looking at Zen Master Du Wo's fiery eyes, Lu Ling curled her lips. Can this old guy's mind be more obvious?

It's a pity, if he really wants her simply, it's okay, at least she doesn't have to worry so much now.

Zen Master Du Wo seemed to have discovered a new continent, and asked Lu Ling eagerly: "I am a Buddha, I have a question, do people and dharma emptiness mean that this world, in terms of people and dharma (Buddha) , there is no real me, so who am I?"


Meow meow meow?
I know who you are?Who are you?Where do you have so many questions?
Lu Ling suddenly realized that she seemed to have lifted a rock and shot herself in the foot.

For Zen Master Du Wo, what Lu Ling said was completely different from what the Great Sad Valley taught, and more like the level of "Tao", which fits the Tao that Zen Master Du Wo has explored for himself over the years, and his Tao I don't know clearly, otherwise I wouldn't have been almost killed by the fourth life robbery.

But now there is a living Buddha in front of him, listening to her words, his way began to become clear.

Zen Master Du Wo, the name was originally part of his obsession.

The Tao here is not Taoism, but the way.

"My Buddha, who am I?"


I said I don't know who you are.

Lu Ling resisted the urge to curse, and after a while, she made up her mind.

Don't you have wisdom roots?Can't you understand?Then realize it yourself.

So, Lu Ling directly translated it bluntly, regardless of whether the old monk understood it or not, anyway, she did not understand it.

Lu Ling said: "What is self-attachment? It is self-attachment that I can dominate. To dominate is consciousness, and there is no real self. If I can dominate, who would go to hell: willing to be a beast, so there is no self in the body, it is all consciousness, separation and attachment Consciousness is the root of life and death, and it should be cut off urgently, not tolerated. So the Buddha you mentioned is all about cultivating the concept of selflessness, so as to obtain the emptiness of others."

"What is law enforcement? The five internal organs of the Dharma and the five dusts outside are all created by the four elements, which are called form dharmas. Receiving thoughts and knowing them are called mind dharmas. I don’t know, I think it’s real, I’m confused and create karma, life and death are endless.”

Some messy things started to spill out.

Taking advantage of the free time, Lu Ling took a look at Zen Master Du Wo.

To her surprise, not only did the old monk not understand, but he looked thoughtful.


what monster is this?




Seeing Lu Ling's moment of bewilderment, Hong Ling smiled.

"This girl is also very cute, but it's normal, after all, this is her too."


Lu Ling thought that what she said was useless, but in fact, this was the Dharma from the world. There are real Buddhas in that world, and there are many gods and Buddhas in the sky.

It's just that he didn't practice the skills, but what Chan Master Towo lacks now is nothing but a direction.

Therefore, what Lu Ling said to Zen Master Du Wo is very precious, not only to him, but also to the Great Sad Valley.

Unlike Lu Ling, a false Buddha, there are countless people in the Valley of Sadness who are more obsessed with Buddhism than Zen Master Du Wo, and she has a world of complete Buddhist scriptures...

For a place like the Great Sad Valley, she is no different from a true Buddha.

It's just that Lu Ling didn't know it, and thought it was useless.

Well, she looks good.

Hong Ling was originally very wary of Zen Master Duwo because he had the smell of a mother in him, but now it seems that he can't influence Lu Ling at all, and it is more convenient for Lu Ling to influence him.

That's fine too.

If Lu Ling really becomes like him, Hong Ling will have a big head. Before Lu Ling becomes like this, she will definitely get rid of this old monk.

Now it seems that her host is pretty good except that the boundaries of races are not clear enough.



"All living beings are dependent on me. If they leave this attachment, there will be no place of birth... I don't know the emptiness of all dharmas, and I will suffer life and death forever. Therefore, as long as I can realize the dual emptiness, I will prove the dharma of no birth. Then, study the law , what you learn is the meaning of Er Kong, do you understand?" Lu Ling said seriously.

In fact, looking at Zen Master Towo's comprehension, she has almost reached her limit.

It was the first time I felt so tired talking.

"Understood, I understand, I understand." In Lu Ling's sight, Zen Master Du Wo suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lu Ling, with a calm expression on his old face.

The true Buddha, sure enough, with the true Buddha leading the way, as long as he understands a few words, he can find his own way.

That everyone is like a Buddha is what Lu Ling wants to tell him?

Under Lu Ling's surprised gaze, a faint golden light appeared on the surface of Zen Master Duwo's ​​body. Although it was not dazzling, it exuded a solemn halo.

Then, the golden light trembled slightly.

The bamboo leaf imprint belonging to Li Zhuzi on Zen Master Duwo gradually disappeared.

On Lingshan.

Li Zhuzi, who was reading the sixth peak "Moon Bright Wind Clear Judgment", suddenly raised his head.

Her seal disappeared?
The last information that came back was that Zen Master Towo's soul was repairing itself at an extremely terrifying speed, that speed surpassed any healing venerable, and he could heal all the wounds on his body within 1 minute.

This scene illustrates one thing.

That monk, enlightened?

It's still at the leap level, otherwise you wouldn't get such a big denial.

Only when the degree of enlightenment deepens, will there be such a degree of power.

This kind of situation is unavoidable. In the entire history of the human race, only a few people have it... After all, it is basically impossible for everyone to achieve epiphany in the Venerable Realm. Their way is to follow the steps Yes, there is no such simple epiphany.

What happened to that monk?
Li Zhuzi was a little curious.

You know, since this enlightenment has attracted the help of the rules between heaven and earth, it means that he must be stronger than before, at least the fifth level of strength.

This old monk who almost died in the fourth catastrophe actually walked ahead of her.

All of a sudden, how did you become enlightened?

It can't be because of Aya.

Well, just kidding.

Her Ah Ling herself knew that it was impossible.

Probably because it can't be broken or built. After all, he is the only one in the world who can be stepped on by the ancestor... no, can be stepped on by sister Yun and not die.

The breakthrough has nothing to do with her, as long as he finishes what he told him well.

Continue to write the mental method for Lu Ling.

It is not a big problem for Li Zhuzi that the news of my Zen master's cultivation level is further improved. She has never paid much attention to the cultivation level, otherwise she would not be the fourth level with her talent.

It doesn't have much to do with her that my Zen master has reached the fifth level.

In Luoyan City in Lingshan, even if he was given eighth or even ninth level of cultivation, he had to stay quietly.

For details, please refer to Young Master Xiao and Li Li Weng in Shushan, and Mingyue in Dongshenhai whose ass has just been touched by Lu Ling.

It's just a five-fold, and it can't afford the waves.



There is no spiritual vortex, no earth-shattering vision, and no lotus accompanying him. Zen Master Duwo only has a faint golden light on his body, just like an ordinary old monk.

Lu Ling gave him a direction, and part of the depression in his heart disappeared. In addition, he was able to stand up after being broken, and before he died, thousands of clones returned to his body.

Under the superposition, it is a matter of course that he will break through.

After a while, Zen Master Du Wo opened his eyes and looked at Lu Ling with a kindness in his eyes.

After breaking through, he was able to clear away some fog, and understood that Lu Ling was not just his Buddha.

Now, not only has the cultivation base of the heyday been restored, but it is much stronger than before.

"What are you?" Lu Ling could finally ask.

After asking, Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth.

Just because of what she said?

Lu Ling was a little speechless, but there was nothing to say, because the old monk in front of him clearly showed that even if he broke through, he still only had himself in his heart.

Well, it's weird.

Anyway, that's probably what it means.

She deserves it.

How about it, your cultivation base has recovered, it should be a good gift.

Lu Ling thought so.

"What did you realize?" Lu Ling asked curiously. She really wanted to know what the old monk's brain circuit see if she could also have an epiphany.

Zen Master Duwo looked at Lu Ling and said slowly, "I have always had a doubt."


"The little monk called himself "passing me" because he didn't understand one thing. Why didn't the Buddha save the demons when he saved all living beings?

"Being on the edge of a dead end?" Lu Ling pretended to understand.

Zen Master Duwo said: "Now, the word Duwo finally has an explanation. There is no real "I" in terms of people and dharma. Therefore, Buddhism is to solve the problem of "I". Once my problems are solved, the problems of the world will be solved, because this world comes from this "I", and it is precisely because I have figured this out and completely penetrated my way that I can break through."

He shared what he had realized with Lu Ling, but he didn't expect Lu Ling to have a bewildered expression.

He may have seen it, but he didn't want to say it. After all, Buddhas are mysterious.




Lu Ling was stunned for three seconds.

There really is an answer to the question of who am I, and he figured it out by himself.

It's so powerful, you can't learn it, you can't learn it.

Seeing Lu Ling's strange eyes, Zen Master Du Wo was puzzled: "Is there something wrong?"

"No, no, you are awesome. By the way, is your body okay?" Lu Ling waved her hands again and again, and then showed a caring look. Only she knew if it was true or not.

Zen master Du Wo nodded. Not only is he not having any problems, but he is very good. He has never been so good. Let alone the fifth-fold life calamity, he has a premonition that even the sixth-fold life calamity is not impossible.

He walked ahead of his peers, and now he may be stronger than Mo Qing and Ye Zun.

look up.

The dark clouds that were weighing on her body also disappeared, and it was all because of her.

He looked down at Lu Ling with soft eyes.

Lu Ling felt a little uncomfortable being looked at, and her eyes were a little dangerous: "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing." Zen Master Towo shook his head.

A breakthrough in cultivation might have made her happy in the past, but now that's the case, because no matter how strong he is, he can't help Lu Ling... At most, when she needs him with this cultivation, she hopes to give it to her. She brings convenience.

The eyes were no longer purely fanatical, but also had some indescribable emotion, and it was this emotion that made Lu Ling feel uncomfortable all over.

"Okay, okay, that's it, I'm going to dismiss the get out of class." Lu Ling said.

"There is still a little time." Rarely, this time Zen Master Du Wo did not listen to Lu Ling's words, but said instead.

"My Buddha, the problem of "I"."

"Problem? What's the problem?"

"It's hard for all living beings to get through."


You can do it, co-author, what I just said is nonsense, right?

If possible, Lu Ling would like to take off her skirt and throw it in his face.

So what exactly did you realize?Shouldn't it all be resolved?
Lu Ling stood up and lifted the corner of her skirt slightly.

"Let's change the question, shall we?"


"do I look good."

(End of this chapter)

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