Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 483 The Sensitive Liu Fufeng

Chapter 483 The Sensitive Liu Fufeng
Lu Ling doesn't want to discuss with this person what ghosts and sentient beings are difficult to cross, whoever wants to cross, what is she doing?

If you don't want to board the boat, you can drown, it's up to you to worry about it.


No one ever came to ferry her across the river.

It's not that Lu Ling has no ideas and opinions, but she really doesn't want to discuss this topic with this person. If she hadn't been an old man's boat, Lu Ling would not have said a word to him.

Lu Ling stood up and lifted the corner of her skirt slightly.

"Let's change the question, shall we?"


"do I look good.

so ask.

Upon hearing this, Zen Master Towo looked at Lu Ling carefully.

The long-haired girl held a short skirt in one hand, her face was a little shy, she should be a very innocent type, but the beauty mole on the corner of her mouth covered her with a faint luster.

Lu Ling is definitely very beautiful, the green fruit is already slightly rosy, I believe it will be picked soon.

However, in the eyes of Zen Master Du Wo, Lu Ling looks no different from the big stone on the roadside. After all, this Zen master can no longer be defined as a man.

The ratio of male to female in his avatar is about half female, and there is no gender gap in thinking.

Of course, common sense still exists.

So Zen Master Towo nodded, expressing that he thought Lu Ling was still very beautiful.

"Then you still have so many questions?" Lu Ling said angrily.

With her in front of her, but only asking her to answer some random questions, isn't she brainless?

"I don't want to be impatient." Zen Master Du Wo shook his head.

He also knew that Lu Ling had great wisdom and an unknown inheritance, but she was still too young...

In fact, he already had an answer to his question. He just wanted to hear what Lu Ling thought. After all, he had just realized a way to reach the sky.

All dharmas have no self, this world comes from "I", the problem of "I" is solved, and the problem of the world is also solved.

"No rush? What you said is simple. Go ahead, I'm going home." Lu Ling and this wood really have nothing to say, they are insatiable, they broke through because of themselves, and now they still have so many problems without thanking her.

"Let's go." Zen Master Du Wo didn't say anything to send me off to the Buddha, looking at Lu Ling's back, a gleam of relief flashed in his eyes.

It is her luck to worship Lingshan, it is also the luck of Lingshan, and it is my luck.


After taking a step, Lu Ling suddenly felt a strange gaze behind her, but when she turned her head, she found that Zen Master Du Wo had already entered meditation, and it seemed that she would not be able to wake up until tomorrow when her class started.

He hesitated.

Regardless of whether he could hear it or not, he spoke softly.

"You asked me a lot of questions, and I'll ask you one too." Lu Ling looked down at her red embroidered shoes, which were chosen for her by her junior sister, and then said expressionlessly: "You have bare feet, only one Cowhide, how can you walk around the world without getting your feet hurt?"

"..." Zen Master Duwo didn't move, but the golden light became weaker.

"It's best to understand what I mean." Lu Ling spread her hands, looking like a child can be taught, and then she became serious: "If you want not to tie your feet, you should not think about how to spread this piece of cowhide all over the world, but make yourself a pair. shoe."

Lu Ling still didn't say a word, if she can't do it herself, she will definitely feel distressed when she sees your bare feet, so she will make you a pair of shoes.

Not now, but there will be in the future.

Then he turned and left with a disdainful expression.


Zen Master Towo opened his eyes.

Sure enough, even if he found the way, Lu Ling still walked ahead of him.

The best way for Zen Master Du Wo to solve the problem of "I" is to make a pair of shoes for himself, and what he wanted to do before was to spread cowhide all over the world.

Of course, he still has this idea now.

However, first make a pair of shoes for yourself, and then look for other cowhide.

The shoes are already there.

Looking deeply at Lu Ling's back.

Close your eyes.



As for Lu Ling, after getting along today, her attitude towards Zen Master Duwo has also settled down.

Indifferent people.

Existence or non-existence is meaningless.

He is not that person, but due to his legacy, Lu Ling is naturally closer to him than to other people...

That's all.

It is enough to have relatives and younger sisters.

As time goes on, Lu Ling will also be confused as her understanding of the world and the new three views gradually improve.

Sometimes she doesn't even know who she is, Lu Ling?Lu Ling?Snow girl?Or someone else... Messy memories often influence her behavior, but Lu Ling also has her own way.

She doesn't solve problems.

The younger sister said she had to rely on her, so she followed suit, and naturally the younger sister would help her solve the problem.

And what she needs to do is to satisfy her junior sister... So, a certain disguise is necessary, in order not to disappoint her.

After walking a few steps, Lu Ling adjusted her mood.

Naturally, you have to pretend to be a little bit, the goal is to hide it from Luo Hanyi, even if she can't hide it from her, then talk about other people.

At this time, it was already sunset time, and Liu Fufeng's medical center was almost closed.

Blinking slightly, Lu Ling washed away the filth on her body, and transformed into a pitiful red medicine flower on the snow mountain, soft and cute.

"get out of class is over." Limping in front of Zhao Yingge, Lu Ling lowered her head, her face flushed slightly: "Sister Zhao, let's go back...I'm a little... hungry."

"Okay, it's getting late." Zhao Yingge never doubted Lu Ling, and she was a little tired of staying here for a day, and wanted to go back soon, then looked at Luo Hanyi who was standing there stupidly, and got angry He came over and said, "Go and help, what are you doing in a daze?"

"Oh... No, what about you, Yingge?" Luo Hanyi came to Lu Ling's side before realizing that Zhao Yingge was still injured, and it would be very inconvenient to push the wheelchair by himself.

"Don't make me say it a second time."

"Yes." Luo Hanyi looked at Zhao Yingge worriedly, but there was nothing he could do.

"That... I don't need anyone to help me." Lu Ling took a step back: "Sister Zhao, I can walk by myself, and it's not a day or two, but sister, why are you bleeding..."

The girl looked at the blood stains on Zhao Yingge's shoulder and was very worried.

"Let the uncle push you, let's go back early."

Looking at Lu Ling like this, Zhao Yingge had no ability to refuse at all, so she could only nod her head: "...OK."

"Let's go."

Luo Hanyi pushed Zhao Yingge, and looked back at Lu Ling who was following her, showing a hint of gratitude.

"Uncle Master... No, Sister Luo..." Lu Ling was behind her, and gently tugged at the corner of Luo Hanyi's clothes.


"Today, I'm sorry... I didn't do it on purpose, I can't control myself." Lu Ling looked very disappointed.

Luo Hanyi could see Lu Ling's reddish eye sockets.

This kind of Xiaoling is the normal Xiaoling.

It seems that the adjustment has been made, and the original Xiao Ling has returned.

"It's okay, it was originally my fault." Luo Hanyi stroked Lu Ling's hair, and continued: "But we have agreed, Xiao Ling, if there is any such candy in the future, remember to save a copy for my sister."

The corner of Zhao Yingge's mouth twitched.

But after Lu Ling heard this, she nodded fiercely, and there was light in her eyes: "That's for sure!"

"Okay, let's go back."

Seeing that Lu Ling had regained her vitality, the three of them went home along the path.



After a busy day, Liu Fufeng could finally rest for a while, but watching the sun gradually setting, she didn't have much time, because she still had to cook for Ah Ling.

She was also tired all day.

I don't know how Aling's study results are in the afternoon?Come back and double check her notes.

"Sister Liu, I'm going back first." Xi Feng had just washed her face, and there were still some drops of water on her eyebrows.

"Sister Xifeng, I'm sorry, there are a little more patients today than before." Liu Fufeng walked up to Xifeng and said.

"Why are you being polite with me." Xifeng touched Liu Fufeng's face: "Take it as my reward for today."

"Ah, the skin is so must be because of cultivation...envy."

Seeing the sad Xifeng, Liu Fufeng shook his head.

After knowing Xifeng's secret, the relationship between the two is obviously much better than before.

"Sister Xifeng, don't you want to stay and have dinner together?" Liu Fufeng turned around wearing something like an apron.

"No, no, no." Xifeng waved her hand: "I still have some things to do when I go back."

Because of what the city lord Xifeng's wife has decided, Luoyan City has been very unstable recently, and some underwater things can't stand it anymore. She still has some things to deal with when she goes back at night.

It's all small things, after all, even if Xifeng's heirs are related to the safety of Luoyan City, but people's bad nature is there, and flies are still troublesome.

The big family didn't dare to disobey her, instead some little shrimps jumped out one by one.

Naturally, Liu Fufeng doesn't need her protection, and there are a few people from the immortal sect living in the nearby yard, but in order not to cause trouble for Liu Fufeng, she will get rid of all the unstable factors tonight.

The city lord may not have killed anyone for a long time, making people forget whose private property Luoyan City is.

"Okay, sister Liu, I'm going back."

"...En." Liu Fufeng looked at Xifeng's leaving back, and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Don't meddle in the nosy things that shouldn't be meddling, she just needs to do good deeds in her own way.

She is kind, but everything still has to be done from the perspective of herself and Ah Ling.

This is also what she taught Lu Ling.

"What are you eating today..." Liu Fufeng hummed a few tunes he heard from Lu Ling, looking at the dishes in the kitchen.

His face changed.

She still can't eat meat, even if it's just a little close, it's uncomfortable, but she can't give Ah Ling a vegetarian diet every day, because Ah Ling is growing up.

Lu Ling has studied for a day today, so she will naturally reward her with something delicious.

After making the decision, Liu Fufeng didn't hesitate anymore, picked up an egg and knocked it on the edge of the stove, and the fresh eggs fell into the bowl.

After a while, the tempting aroma filled the entire kitchen.



"I'm back!" Lu Ling happily entered the door, and then her little nose moved.

"It smells good! Eat, eat, eat!"

Excitedly rushed into the restaurant, there was a table of dishes on the table, and a pot of soup that was keeping warm beside it.

It's very rich, all of which she likes to eat, such as fried pork, braised pork, and eggs... Lu Ling watched her index finger move wildly.

Luo Hanyi beside him couldn't walk anymore.


Liu Fufeng seldom cooks meat, so he can finally eat meat.

However, after Lu Ling was happy, she also found something was wrong.

Where are the juniors and sisters?

The meal was ready, but the junior sister was not in the house.

The little ears moved, urging spiritual energy.

Neither in the kitchen nor upstairs.

Where did you go?

Lu Ling instantly became anxious.

"Xiaoling! Yingge, it's egg drop soup!! Egg drop soup!!" Luo Hanyi yelled, almost drooling.

"Oh." Lu Ling was not in the mood to look at her favorite egg drop soup, looking around for a familiar figure.

"Okay, you go wash your face first." Zhao Yingge looked at Luo Hanyi, quite helplessly.

Of course, seeing the delicious food on this table, her stomach started to rebel, but she was much more tolerant than Luo Hanyi.

Where did sister Liu go?



At this time, Liu Fufeng came out from behind the house, his face was a little sickly pale.

Holding a bamboo tube filled with water in his hand, he rinsed his mouth.

A wry smile.

Enduring the discomfort all the time, he rushed out of the hospital after finishing the work, and then... almost vomited out his internal organs.

"Why can't I get used to it? Why can't I get used to it!" Liu Fufeng walked feebly. Her symptoms weren't allergies, and she was in good health, but she just couldn't stand meat.

Don't like it, it feels like it's caused by extreme dislike.

Obviously A Ling eats so deliciously.

"You can get used to it if you do it more times..." Liu Fufeng comforted himself, she was going to cook for Lu Ling for the rest of her life, and she had to overcome a little thing.

must be overcome.

Walking to the door, looking at the open door, Liu Fufeng froze for a moment.

Have Aya and the others come back?

And at the moment when Liu Fufeng was stunned, a slender figure ran out from the house and threw himself into her arms fiercely.

It's Lu Ling.

She felt Liu Fufeng's aura immediately, and then instinctively did so.

"Senior Sister? What's the matter?" Liu Fufeng touched Lu Ling's back, then looked at her.

"Nothing? Junior sister, where have you been?"

"I didn't go anywhere, I just went to throw out the garbage." Liu Fufeng said, because she saw Lu Ling, her face was not sick at all, instead it was rosy.

"That's good, that's good..." Lu Ling held Liu Fufeng's hand shyly, and continued: "Junior Sister, let's go eat, and I like today's egg drop soup very much, I want to drink ten bowls !"

"Okay, you can drink more if you like, but ten bowls are not allowed, be careful of stomachache."

"Just talk about it." Lu Ling grabbed Liu Fufeng's hand and walked forward without seeing her expression.

Unexpectedly, Liu Fufeng sensed something and paused in his footsteps.

"Junior Sister?" Lu Ling turned around in doubt.

"It's okay, I'll close the door of the clinic, it's getting late." Liu Fufeng gave Lu Ling a bright smile, then turned and closed the door.

Lu Ling has no doubts about him.

Enjoy the moment with Liu Fufeng.

Lu Ling felt that Liu Fufeng's hands were very warm, but Liu Fufeng was just the opposite.

Her A Ling has yin deficiency, even in hot summer, her hands and feet are cold, but it is very comfortable to touch.

Then, Liu Fufeng keenly felt that Lu Ling is much colder than before.

"dinner's ready."

Seeing everyone, he sent Lu Ling to sit down, Liu Fufeng said, "I'll go upstairs and change my clothes first."

"Okay, wait for you to eat together!"


After giving Lu Ling a gentle smile, Liu Fufeng went upstairs alone.


At the corner of the second floor, the girl suddenly turned her head and looked at Lu Ling whose back was facing her, feeling a little worried.


In the house, after changing her clothes, she opened the compartment of the drawer and looked inside.

Lying quietly in the compartment was a mask, a red ghost mask that looked terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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