Chapter 484 Anger

In the compartment, a terrifying mask lay quietly there.

This was bought when she was in Luoyan City. She bought the mask for Lu Ling and brought it back to Lingshan. What Lu Ling didn't notice was that these masks were a pair. To remind her not to forget something.

Liu Fufeng picked it up and fell into memories.


Luoyan City.

The first time the sisters appeared in Luoyan City, Lu Ling just ran into trouble because of her inexplicable personality.

To be honest, Liu Fufeng didn't dislike Lu Ling like that, and even liked it a little... because Lu Ling was angry because of her at that time.

However, she will be worried.

She doesn't know what's going on with her Ah Ling, but Liu Fufeng knows one thing, that is, Senior Sister will always be Senior Sister, and Ah Ling will always be Ah Ling. There has been an extreme change in identity, and Liu Fufeng also firmly believes in this.


At that time, Lu Ling was confused and lost because of the sudden change, that's how Liu Fufeng comforted her.

"No matter what kind of Aya, I like it."

"As long as Ah Ling is by my side, I feel at ease, no matter what my identity is."

"So, now Ah Ling doesn't have to think too much. I have everything. As for Ah Ling, as long as she dresses up beautifully, lives the way she likes, and does some happy things, then I will be very happy too."

There is another very important thing. On that day, she made an agreement with Lu Ling. From that day on, Lu Ling began to rely on her unreservedly and no longer have any worries.

"Please rely on me."

She said: "Senior sister, please rely on me."

She will become strong enough, and only in this way can she shield her Aling from the wind and rain.


Sighing, Liu Fufeng closed the compartment.

This mask was the mask that she gently pressed on Lu Ling's face that day after her "confession" and Lu Ling's face became strange. It was the other mask of the red evil spirit.

At that time, this mask could cover Lu Ling's expression and her uncontrollable emotions.

Even so, the things in Lu Ling's eyes made Liu Fufeng's heart tremble slightly. Obviously, a long time ago, Liu Fufeng discovered that something was wrong with Lu Ling, and with another masked Lu Ling Make a promise, a promise to rely on her.

Liu Fufeng didn't want to see Lu Ling like that, not because she didn't like it, but because she knew that Lu Ling didn't want her to see it.

"What happened..."

Just now, Liu Fufeng keenly noticed that something was wrong with Lu Ling, she suddenly changed into the strange appearance that day... and she didn't want to let herself see it, so she pretended to be normal.

Maybe other people can't see the difference between Lu Ling and before, but Liu Fufeng is very clear, after all, he is her most important person.

When Ah Ling was nervous, her right thumb liked to press the knuckles of her ring finger... But just now, Lu Ling seemed to be obsessed with food, but her knuckles turned white.

And more importantly, Liu Fufeng's feeling.

Ah Ling has something to hide from her.

Ah Ling didn't dare to look her in the eyes.

Would Aya like this also feel scared?What was she afraid of? There was nothing to be afraid of.

After pondering, Liu Fufeng's expression was not very good-looking.

There is distress on the face, but more of a bad mood.

She was angry.

Liu Fufeng changed his clothes and went downstairs gently.

"Junior Sister, have you changed your clothes? Let's eat." Seeing Liu Fufeng coming down, Lu Ling moved her small stool to Liu Fufeng's side with a smile on her face.

She could smell Liu Fufeng's body, which smelled good.


Lu Ling's initiative was exchanged for Liu Fufeng's indifferent response, it was nothing at all, but Lu Ling hesitated for a moment.

"Eat, eat..." Lu Ling said while picking up the bowl with a forced smile.

Eat without speaking, sleep without speaking.

Coupled with Liu Fufeng's good cooking skills, Zhao Yingge and Luo Hanyi ate the meal very comfortably, and they didn't notice the weird atmosphere between the pair of girls in front of them.

Lu Ling is still the gluttonous Lu Ling, and they all know that Liu Fufeng doesn't eat meat, so it's normal to eat less.

But Lu Ling's own feelings are completely different.

The girl lowered her head with a rather ugly expression on her face.

Is she exposed?

Sure enough, I can't hide it from my junior sister?

With a wry smile, she swallowed the dry rice in her mouth, and one of Lu Ling's knuckles under the table turned white.

That's right, if I could really hide it from my junior sister, then she wouldn't be my junior sister.

Normally, the "deception" she used to herself was very clever, so in Liu Fufeng's eyes, she was another person, and the current disguise could not even deceive herself, let alone Liu Fufeng.

As expected of a junior sister.

Lu Ling picks up the vegetables and pretends to glance at Liu Fufeng inadvertently.

The girl's face was cold, her willow eyebrows were slightly condensed, and Lu Ling could see the sullenness flashing inadvertently.



Why is the junior sister angry?

Is it because of her?
Sure enough, she should hurry up and return "Lu Ling" to her junior sister.

Junior sister... Liu Fufeng really doesn't like her.


Lu Ling lowered her eyes.

You already know this kind of thing, don't you?What's so pretentious now.

He picked up a dry mouthful of rice and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed.

She has no interest in this table dish.

Speaking of which, this is not the first time she has appeared in front of Liu Fufeng... The first time should have been in Luoyan City, and she didn't control her emotions well after being drunk... But there is a person who doesn't have eyesight and uses a dirty She looked at her junior sister with dirty eyes.

She beat him up.

At that time, the junior sister didn't hate her... Then, Liu Fufeng "confessed" to her, and Lu Ling couldn't remember the specifics. It is also very happy.

At that time, her emotions were completely out of control, and it was the first time that Lu Ling, who had a bad personality, felt flustered... As for what Liu Fufeng said later, she couldn't remember clearly, anyway, it was probably something like letting her be herself .

Lu Ling didn't pay attention to it either, because she knew whether Liu Fufeng was telling her, live happily every day, and she was talking about another Lu Ling.

Including the latter sentence of relying on her is the same, so it is Lu Ling who will rely on Liu Fufeng, not her.

Naturally, she would not rely on Liu Fufeng, and she even wanted to have Liu Fufeng in her pocket.

It was only after they met that she realized that when she faced Liu Fufeng, she couldn't get tough at all, and being able to maintain this state was already an extraordinary performance.

Lu Ling suddenly remembered the red mask on Lingshan.

At that time, Liu Fufeng also discovered something, so he bought a mask to cover his face.

Don't want to see yourself?

That's fine, then she won't cause trouble for her junior sister.

After eating, take some time to go back to sleep, there is no need to come out again, at least not in front of Liu Fufeng.

Lu Ling ate silently, but she no longer had that awkward temperament on her body. If Liu Fufeng's own feelings were not still there, she would even wonder if Ah Ling had changed back...

"Junior Sister, what do you think I'm doing?" Lu Ling stuffed a piece of pork belly into her mouth, her mouth was full of oil, and then she looked at Liu Fufeng with a happy face: "Junior Sister, it's delicious."

Finally, Liu Fufeng was no longer indifferent, and said: "Eat more if it tastes delicious, don't be afraid of getting fat, now is the time to grow your body."

"However, you can't just eat meat. Remember to eat some vegetarian food as well. It's better to have a balanced nutrition." As he spoke, he added some vegetables to Lu Ling's bowl.

"En." Lu Ling nodded vigorously.

Head down to eat.

Look, she only likes Lu Ling like this...

After eating the vegetables in one bite, Lu Ling was thinking about a question.

That afternoon, she sold herself to Liu Fufeng, and this body became Liu Fufeng's property... Is this necessary?Yes, it can be taken back.

She somewhat...doesn't want to stay by Liu Fufeng's side that much anymore.

Jealous of herself, obviously it was her own choice, but jealous of another false self.

leave her.

In this case, everyone will be fair, and no one will be able to win her heart, so Lu Ling will be satisfied.

She also has places to go.

East Shenhai is not bad, isn't it?
The owner of the East God Sea Pavilion...

That woman named Mingyue looks easy to bully.

Lu Ling suddenly wanted to know, if she left Liu Fufeng and became the pavilion master of the East Shenhai, what would it be like when the two met after many years.

Liu Fufeng probably doesn't like her, he doesn't like her, and he doesn't like Lu Ling either.

So be it.

Before Lu Ling could swallow the green vegetables, she took a mouthful of rice.

There was a dangerous gleam in the girl's eyes.

Isn't Mo Qing from Eastern Shenhai...he should be able to help him...don't he want her?Can.

As for Mr.... I have no choice but to feel sorry for her.

Compared to Liu Fufeng, Li Zhuzi's weight is not so heavy.

Even this Lu Ling, when faced with some things she is not good at, will still choose to avoid...

"Okay, okay, eat slowly, don't choke." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's stuffed mouth, pressed her head, and then patted her back lightly, helping her smooth down food.

"..." Lu Ling smiled at Liu Fufeng: "It's all delicious made by you, junior sister. I can't eat enough in my life. Naturally, I have to eat more to pay back."

"Young poor, it's alright, let's drink some soup, it's not easy to see you once, and if I choke again, I'm really not afraid that I will feel sorry for you." Liu Fufeng said angrily to Lu Ling, and then poured her a bowl of egg drop soup.

"Drink..." Lu Ling followed Liu Fufeng's words, and suddenly froze, her hand holding the chopsticks became stiff, and her little finger trembled slightly.

What did the junior sister just say?
It's not easy to see me once?

Will she feel sorry for me too?

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Lu Ling took a sip of the soup with the bowl in her hand.

Lu Ling thought that Liu Fufeng had a good look towards her because she acted like another Lu Ling who she thought was false, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

"Junior Sister, what do you mean..."

Zhao Yingge on the opposite side was also a little puzzled by Liu Fufeng's words, she put down her chopsticks and looked at Liu Fufeng, she was also curious about what Liu Fufeng meant, why was it not easy to see Lu Ling once, didn't they all sleep together at night?

On the contrary, Luo Hanyi looked thoughtful. It seemed that Xiaoling hadn't gone back, but... she didn't need to worry about it, didn't she see that Liu Fufeng himself didn't say anything.

"What can I mean? All right, eat your meal, and we'll talk about it after the meal." Liu Fufeng said angrily, looking like I was really unhappy.

However, Lu Ling saw concern and depression from Liu Fufeng's anger. It was obvious that Liu Fufeng was really angry, and what she meant was that she would settle accounts with herself after eating.

Let's do the math.

Lu Ling suddenly felt better.

Just hate her.

Could it be that another self made the junior sister angry?Guess so……

Then, Lu Ling's heart was pounding. She could face Liu Fufeng who didn't like her, but Lu Ling, who had always been the Queen's attacker, also began to feel uneasy when facing her junior sister who cared about her.

She didn't know what Liu Fufeng thought of her. With her junior sister's temperament, she might think that she hurt "Lu Ling", or, after knowing all about her experience and knowing that she was unclean, would the junior sister hate her?
Rather than letting myself slowly expose my filth to my younger sister, it is better to leave as soon as possible and keep the best side of myself in her heart.

Perhaps leaving Lingshan is the best choice.

Lu Ling still thinks so.

But not as eager as before, she wanted to know why Liu Fufeng was angry, why he was angry.

Wei Wei looks forward to it.

On the other hand, Zhao Yingge was confused and confused, she naturally saw that something was wrong with Liu Fufeng, no, no, no, Lu Ling was also weird.

Liu Fufeng was very gentle, but at this moment she was really sullen from the bottom of her heart, and she didn't show it, but everyone present could feel it.

Is it because of Lu Ling?

"Sister Liu... Ah Ling studied very seriously today." Zhao Yingge tried to speak nicely to Lu Ling.

"I know." Liu Fufeng smiled: "My senior sister will not be serious, because I will be unhappy if I know."

Lu Ling: "..."

"Then why are you?" Zhao Yingge was puzzled. It stands to reason that Lu Ling was tired all day, and with Liu Fufeng's temperament, she would never make trouble unreasonably. She usually held Lu Ling in her hand for fear of falling, and held it in her mouth for fear of melting. Now, since he came in, he has been lukewarm to Lu Ling, and there is a strange smell between the lines.

"Sister Zhao, don't worry about it, we will settle the matter between A Ling and me." Liu Fufeng blocked Zhao Yingge's words.

Luo Hanyi tugged on Zhao Yingge's sleeve, signaling her to stop talking.

"Okay, I got it." Zhao Yingge had no choice but to nod, and then gave Lu Ling a wink, signaling her to hurry up and apologize to Liu Fufeng.

Lu Ling turned a blind eye.

Liu Fufeng shook his head, looked at Lu Ling who was eating with his head down, and didn't speak.

With Ah Ling's temperament, she probably doesn't know why she is unhappy.

Looking at Lu Ling like this, she was more angry than distressed, especially when Lu Ling was silent before, Liu Fufeng actually had a feeling that she was going to leave her, and her breathing became short of breath.

So even more angry.

Why don't you believe her, why doesn't Ah Ling believe her.

Liu Fufeng will ask clearly, she is confident, no matter what kind of Lu Ling is, she is her sister and daughter in her eyes.

Of course, before disciplining the child, feed her well.

"I'm full." Liu Fufeng put down his chopsticks and pressed Lu Ling's shoulder.

"Senior Sister, I'll go back to my room first, come and find me after you finish eating, Sister Zhao, leave the dishes and chopsticks and I'll wash them together later."

"Junior Sister, I..." Lu Ling wanted to stand up too, but was pushed back by Liu Fufeng forcefully.

"Sit down and finish eating." The girl's tone was gentle, but there was no doubt about it.

"..." Lu Ling endured it and ate obediently.

Only Liu Fufeng can enjoy this kind of treatment. After all, there is nothing wrong with describing Lu Ling as lawless.

Who made her like her.

(End of this chapter)

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