Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 489 The Suffering Shushan and Lu Ling's Suitors

Chapter 489 The Suffering Shushan and Lu Ling's Suitors

After the silk-like flames in the room disappeared, only Liu Fufeng was left standing with his hands stretched out.

The method of burning time can be used by Lu Ling. As the master of Li Huo Hong Ling, she can perfectly control all the flames, so naturally there will be no problem, but Liu Fufeng is different.

Close contact with Hong Ling Lihuo may leave sequelae, especially her current cultivation level is too low.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Hong Ling still conveniently fixed Liu Fufeng, using the spatial fluctuation leaked from Liu Fufeng's body to imprison her tightly.

It can be regarded as controlling her time in a disguised form.

The space ability is not only used for jumping, the specific ability has been used once by Hong Ling in Luoyan City and Burning City. If it is used properly, the space ability can also create the illusion of turning back time.

And Liu Fufeng was fixed, so he could only wrong her to stand for a while longer.

After Lu Ling came out, she would also recover.



At this time, Lu Ling and her desk appeared in a strange space.

It was boundless, like a vast void, but it happened to be very bright, but there was nothing but her and the table.

"here it is……"

[Here is the inside of the "world", a friendly reminder to the host that the time has begun to pass, and the remaining time is behind the name on the panel. After the time is over, the host will be removed from the "world". 】The system said.

"This is the place where you can control the flow of time, right? I know." Lu Ling glanced at her own panel, and sure enough, the countdown to four hours had already begun.

However, although time is precious, she is not in a hurry to learn.

"System, I'm here. Where's my junior sister? She's still sleeping." Lu Ling said.

If Junior Sister gets up and finds that she is gone, she will die of panic.

[The host please rest assured that if you lose the permission to use the "world" or choose to leave the "world", you will return to the previous coordinate point, and the time will not pass by a second. 】

"Is that so?" Lu Ling nodded, which means that she stayed here for four hours, and only a moment passed outside... Well, that's good, so the junior sister won't worry.

Sure enough, it was the right thing not to offend this system, see, controlling time, this is her ideal system.

This is her golden finger.

Lu Ling didn't want to look at the previous waste panel for a while.

"By the way...the system." Lu Ling suddenly became timid, and she looked down at the soles of her feet.

It was pitch black, unfathomable, like an abyss, and it made my heart palpitate.

"Can you, transform this side, I'm scared."

She is afraid of heights.

Lu Ling is honest.

[Okay, host, is it okay to add a floor. 】The mechanical female voice did not look down on Lu Ling, but unexpectedly cooperated.

"Yes, yes." Lu Ling nodded repeatedly. In her mind, since it is an omnipotent system, it is always possible to transform the space.

[The host please wait quietly for ten seconds. 】The female voice of the system disappeared after saying a word, and then under Lu Ling's eyes, the world seemed to become a little blurred, and then it slowly unfolded like a scroll, and the wooden floor was formed under the feet.

In the void, it is like a floating island supporting Lu Ling on it. The floating island is not big, only the size of four or five medical clinics, but for Lu Ling, as long as she doesn't let her stand on such a high place.

"Well, the wooden floor is amazing." Lu Ling jumped on the floor, then nodded with satisfaction.

[The host please cherish the time. 】

"I understand, I'm starting to study now! I finally have time." After sitting down, Lu Ling opened today's notes on the exercise "Shenlan" and began to practice.

The time has been arranged, one hour of "Shenlan", one hour of the method of using aura taught by the monk, and two hours of research on "Basic Sword Art" and the structure of the sword.



Seeing that Lu Ling started to review the exercises, Hong Ling nodded. This girl is still serious about her studies.

In general, apart from the fact that this girl is a little timid, Hong Ling is still very satisfied with her, and it is not in vain that she gave Lu Ling a piece of land from Shushan.

Well, a floor is not worth her to use Hong Ling fire to forge, so Hong Ling took a ready-made one.

She is most familiar with Shushan.

Now the red sandalwood floor under Lu Ling's feet is exactly what Hong Ling picked up from the Shushan Jiange Dojo.

As for what Shu Shan has nothing to do with her.

Red sandalwood is not a precious thing, if it is used by Lu Ling, I believe they will not feel bad.

Well, don't feel bad,

What Hong Ling doesn't know is what's going on in Shushan now.

Probably can't open the pot anymore.

The scabbard of the fairy sword is broken, Shushan must make a scabbard for the fairy sword as soon as possible, but that is Lihuo Hongling, how can ordinary scabbards withstand the flames, so the scabbard that Hongling needs is the top in the world of cultivating immortals magic weapon.

Just preparing the materials, Shushan has used all the collections of the thousand years, and it also has the personal collections of several old venerables. This is not enough. The head of Shushan personally took a trip to Qionghua Holy Land Only then did people "donate" some materials.

Of course, these materials are also worthy of the head of Shushan Mountain personally. Qionghua Holy Land is the richest among the seven holy lands and has been inherited from ancient times.

After all, the matter of Immortal Sword is too involved to be careless.

Although Qionghua Holy Land didn't ask for money from Shushan, the people of Shushan naturally save as much as they can, and strive to pay it back as soon as possible.

And Hong Ling didn't simply lift a floor. As a sword pavilion, it was engraved with formations. Now that it was destroyed, it naturally couldn't bear the sharpness of Shushan's sword intent.

Although Hong Ling only took in one of the hundreds of dojos, it triggered a chain reaction. The sword energy in one dojo was out of balance, destroying the center from the inside.

Therefore, all the Jiange dojos were torn apart by the sword intent spheres of thousands of disciples.

A huge pothole was blown up on the spot, and the mountain peaks that entered the clouds were torn apart by the sword energy. In this way, no one knew that the disaster was caused by the land being stolen. It is in disrepair, lamenting that the house leaks happen to rain all night, and now Shushan gathers the power of all the venerables to fuse the scabbard materials, and it is impossible to repair the enchantment of the dojo in a short time.

However, in fact, even if the formation is destroyed, the formation on the side dojo is not easy to destroy. Only when the Venerable Realm goes all out and spares no effort can a gap be opened, but the strength of the Venerable Realm has not yet been used under the Haoran Sword Formation. was wiped out first.

But there are exceptions to everything. The ultimate sword intent can cause destructive power beyond one's own cultivation. It is Lezheng Luoting who caused everything. She got the "Seven Killing Swordsmanship" from Ye Zunzun, which contains the kendo of Xiao Gongzi. ", and in just a few months, they have been integrated and mastered, reaching the state of great success.

Hong Ling's flames cut the seal, and then, the girl blew up a dojo in Shushan with a single sword strike.

You know, when I met Lu Ling, she was only at the soul-forming state, but now she is at the Void Transformation state, almost at the peak, and her cultivation is catching up with Ye Guanyue and Yun Xiao, even the latter two dare not He said that he was sure to eat her.

After Ye Guanyue recovered from her injury, she went to Tianguangxu to practice, and Yun Xiao was punished under the broken ancestral sword because of a mistake she made before. When she was free, she liked to go to the dojo and give advice on the cultivation of these juniors and sisters.

Although he made Shushan lose someone, but in terms of cultivation, he is not inferior to Shen Gui, so his advice is more useful.

Then, Le Zheng Luoting approached him and asked for a fight. Yun Xiao was also curious about how compatible this little junior sister was with the "Seven Killing Sword Classic", so he agreed.

Who knew that Lezheng Luoting was making rapid progress, and he was attacking deadly hands. The sword energy was so fierce and terrifying that he could only defend passively. Then, suddenly, the floor disappeared, and it couldn't be said to have disappeared, as if it had spontaneously ignited , Now that I think about it, it may be caused by the leakage of the flame of the fairy sword, after all, there is no scabbard.

But at that time Yun Xiao was in a daze.

Then, a sword energy was not blocked and flew out.

Then, as if a fuse had been ignited, the middle peak of Shushan Mountain, and the Lunjiang Pavilion covering the Taoist temples exploded.


That's a miserable.

Fortunately, with the Haoran Sword Formation, Shushan disciples did not suffer any casualties, but tens of thousands of disciples looked up at the plain-like land in front of them, and they were speechless.

Among the seven holy places, only Lingshan is like the mortal world. It pays attention to sunrise and sunset. Of course, it does not include Liufeng. in reverse.

And Shushan is naturally the same as other holy places, only the new disciples will sleep, other disciples don’t sleep. , this dojo is still full of people.

Tens of thousands of sword auras swept across the sky, and even the dark clouds in the sky were wiped away. There was no cloud in the sky, and the bright moonlight shone on the Shushan disciple's face, reflecting bewilderment, while Yunxiao's face was full of despair and collapse.

This used to be the middle peak of Shu Mountain, majestic and straight, but now it’s blown up like this. The sword pavilion of Venerable Ye was split in half by a sword, the ancestral sword was broken, and the scabbard of the fairy sword was destroyed. Now the middle peak is gone, a good Shu Mountain become tattered.

The dojo is gone, where will I go to practice swords in the future...

Yun Xiao stood on the ground stupidly, turned around after swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Under the night, a young girl stood there, her body seemed to be shrouded in a haze.

Wearing a long red dress, with a round face and almond eyes, there is an irresistible charm in the heroic posture, and the whole body is filled with a scarlet aura.

At this time, the girl was inserting a magic sword that was half like ink and half like blood into the scabbard, then turned around on her back and was about to leave.

"Junior Sister, wait." Yun Xiao called to stop Le Zheng from falling into the court.

Looking at Yun Xiao with a bitter face, Le Zhengluo didn't show any expression: "Senior Brother Yun, what's wrong?"

Yun Xiao is used to Lezheng Luoting's indifference. It should be said that since the last heavy snow incident in Shushan, the little junior sister seemed to be a different person, and she no longer hid her true nature. Whoever has a good face is out of tune with Shushan.

"Junior Sister, what should I do about this dojo?" Yun Xiao had a headache.

"What does it have to do with me?" Le Zheng smiled charmingly, then turned cold and was about to leave.

Even if it was caused by her sword energy, it has nothing to do with her if she really wants to pursue it. The role of the dojo is to compete in martial arts. Now she knows her own strength, which is much worse than Yunxiao, which shows that she is not working hard enough. The current Huaxu It's not enough to be at the peak of the world, she wants to break through, she wants to walk in front of Ye Guanyue, walk in front of Gui Hui Lai Xi, and be the No.1 of this generation.

Not to slap those who don't like her in Shushan, but for her own beliefs.

So she has to go back to practice, hurry up and practice.

Even Yun Xiao can't beat him, so how can he fight that girl then? Brother Yun can't even catch her sword.

Take all the time to practice, she will put Lu Ling under her body.

If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. If you don't get Lu Ling, then it will become her property, but if possible, Lezheng Luoting will win.

Turn away.

However, even if it was possible that the formation was accidentally destroyed because of the leakage of the fairy sword flame, one person still needed to stand up.

Watching the little junior sister leave, Yun Xiao took a deep breath.

Who told him to be a senior brother? When it's time to take the blame, he has to take the blame... The situation of the little junior sister in Shushan is already very bad, and basically everyone criticizes her from top to bottom, so he has to protect her.

Besides, as a senior brother, he should have stopped these disciples as soon as possible after discovering something was wrong. Lezheng Luoting made great progress and he did not stop him, but this is not an excuse. Although Luoting is his junior sister, if he really wants to say something, the two In fact, there is a generation gap between people, which is probably the gap between Shen Gui and Lu Ling.

At least Yunxiao also has a crime of unfavorable supervision.

Unlike Lezheng Luoting, Yunxiao has a very good reputation and popularity in Shushan.

Just tell the master, stop it if you confiscate it...

Well... Yun Xiao had a bitter face.

This time, it is estimated that he will stay under the ancestor sword for several years.

Tianguangxu... goodbye.

The sword light flashed, and several white-clothed men appeared. Seeing that Zhongfeng's original position was empty, they were shocked at first, then their faces were full of pain, and finally they were angry.

"Yun Xiao, what happened!" the leader said seriously.

Yun Xiao walked up resolutely.

The back is so depressed.

He is miserable.



Luoyan City.

Lu Ling didn't know that just because she asked for a floor in one sentence, Shushan exploded another mountain, which was the most important middle peak.

She is studying hard.

After "Shenlan" has been consolidated, she can already run the first few sections proficiently, and what the great monk taught her, although she has mastered all seven methods at the beginning, but now she can only use one or two to resolve the regulation The ability of spiritual power has dropped several notches.

It’s not that she doesn’t know how to do it, but that it’s unstable... It seems that she still has to learn slowly, but fortunately, another she asked for an annotated rubbing copy from the great monk, and it’s not difficult to learn, it’s just a matter of time .

Before I knew it, two hours passed.

Lu Ling yawned.

There is still the most important thing to look at.

The structure of the sword and "Basic Sword Art".

"Well, Teacher Bai said that a sword has a blade and a sword... What is the sword..."

Lu Ling, who can't remember the sword and the sword frame.

The girl is studying hard.

(End of this chapter)

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