Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 490 People live to learn

Chapter 490 People live to learn
It is recognized that Lu Ling's learning efficiency is very high. Both Li Zhuzi and Tang Keyu think so.

This little girl looks silly, but she is actually very smart.

Lu Ling used to think so too, but now she feels that she is stupid to death.

After half an hour.

Lu Ling closed the book and began to recite.

"A sword is composed of two parts: the blade and the hilt. There is the blade edge, which is the sharp part of the front end of the sword body; there is the spine, which is the convex midline of the sword body; Collectively known as wax."

As she spoke, she paused for a while, the girl's face was full of confidence.

"There is a sword stem at the back, which is the handle part of the hilt. There are mainly two types: flat and round. Sword head: the round part at the end of the stem, also known as tan. Sword hoop: the round shape on the stem. Raised ornamentation, sword gauze: a rope wound around the stem, bridle: a leather cord attached to the head of the sword, intended to be hung from the wrist for easy access..."

Shaking his head, he finally slammed on the table.

"There is also the tassel of the sword, which is the tassel tied to the head of the sword, also known as the sword robe. The sword with the tassel is called the Wenjian. It is worn on the body of the literati and nobles. It evolved from the early sword rein and has a certain use in swordsmanship routines. , Finally, there is a [chamber] set on the sword body, which has the function of protecting the sword body and making it easy to carry."

The so-called "room" is actually a scabbard and a sword box.

"Well, I've memorized them all." Lu Ling nodded, then opened the book for comparison.

"The sword body, the hilt...huh? This is..."

Then, the girl's face fell down.

No wonder it feels weird, there are sword frames and swords.

Why can't I remember it! ! !
Lu Ling knocked on her head, holding the book and reading it with all her might.

"The sword is the edge from the outside, that is, the edges on both sides of the sword body, and the sword grid is the guard between the sword stem and the sword body. Its function is..."

After half an hour.

Lu Ling closed the book.

Then I was dumbfounded.

What did you just watch?
Opening the book, suddenly realized, closing the book with a dazed expression.

Opening the book, he suddenly realized, and closing the book with a dazed expression.

The above behavior was repeated countless times, and finally Lu Ling gave up.

She also noticed something was wrong.

She shouldn't be unable to remember such simple things...

Then, Lu Ling suddenly thought of Xuenv, this is the woman from her predecessor, if something goes wrong, it is probably related to her.

"Well... Xuechen's body..."

In Lu Ling's mind, she thought of the ice-slender sword. The hilt and the sword body were integrated, and there was no so-called guard.


Lu Ling was excited, which should be the reason why she couldn't remember.



At this moment, a girl lay quietly in the iron sword box between Lu Ling's eyebrows. Her whole body was sealed with red flames, she was sleeping soundly, with a sweet smile on her face.

However, Lu Ling couldn't remember that the sword frame and the sword are actually her fault.

Yes, the pot of snow dust.

The snow is falling and the cold is cold, the whole body is crystal blue, and the attached luminous light is as clear as autumn water. The sword body and the hilt are connected, and there is no sword frame or sword guard.

The Immortal Sword Xueluo Qianhan has everything, except that there is no sword frame and sword guard.

That Xuechen is also very wronged, she was born with this look, can there be a way?
The sword grid is a gauntlet, and she won't hurt her master, so what do you need the gauntlet for?
Yes, the tsuba is very important. As the link between the sword grid and the scabbard, it refers to the fine iron between the sword body and the guard. The general material is various spiritual objects, which are used to neutralize the spiritual energy between the hilt and the blade. Conflict, in the case of ordinary swords, it is used to prevent the scabbard from slipping, to block the sword or to look beautiful, and it can also be used to protect the sword body by blocking the scabbard.

Here comes the problem, she is a fairy sword, except that she can hurt herself, she doesn't need protection at all, the conflict between the hilt and the blade's aura is even more a joke, will the fairy sword born of heaven and earth conflict with itself?
But unfortunately, the things she doesn't have are the most important things for a sword... that's okay.

Xuechen was afraid that her master would think she was useless, so she used a little trick to weaken the sense of presence brought by the sword frame and sword, so Lu Ling couldn't remember it.

But Lu Ling didn't think about Xuechen. After she figured it out, she automatically threw the blame on Xue Nu.

It should be Xuenv, that's why she can't remember the structure of the sword. Damn Xuenv, if this is the case, what will Teacher Bai do to test her tomorrow...

So Lu Ling opened the book and continued to recite.

10 minutes later.

give up.

I really can't remember, I forget everything once I close the book.

Forget it, if you don’t have it, you don’t have it. It shouldn’t be an important thing. Lu Ling’s thoughts are exactly the opposite of Xuechen’s.

Immortal sword is the top sword, right? Xuechen doesn't have that much, so it shouldn't matter.

Moreover, she was right, Xuenv would only remember what she thought was important, and her sword didn't even have a sword guard, so in Lu Ling's consciousness, this thing was dispensable, not all The pot of the little girl.

As time passed, Lu Ling became more and more like a snow girl.

"Memorize it." Lu Ling closed the book and nodded in satisfaction.

The sword frame is not important, it has been thrown away by her.

Opening the panel and taking a look, she still has more than an hour.

Save the good stuff for last, and it's time to see what she's finishing with.

The basic sword art from the Great Thousand World, the so-called Great Thousand World should be her previous world, all in Chinese.

What did you write?

Lu Ling is very curious, but since the name is called "Basic", there is definitely nothing wrong with studying hard.

She likes swords, but that's all she likes. She has sword techniques in her mind, such as the previous "Wuhen Jianjing", but they are too immature, and they can't even be considered routines, let alone sword intent.

Now that you have decided to learn swordsmanship, you have to learn slowly, and you can't stop being so ignorant.

Lu Ling took a sip of the water on the table, opened the "Basic Sword Art", and picked up the pen at the same time, ready to write down the things she didn't understand at any time.

This book is made by Hong Ling who synthesized most of the swordsmanship in Lu Ling's database. There are dozens of chapters in the routine chapter alone. All integrated, the cheat book will automatically select the routine that suits Lu Ling.

That is to say, this "Basic Sword Art" is the best entry-level kendo technique in the world today, and it contains not only the knowledge of the world, but also Hong Ling's own insights.

Lu Ling soon fell into it.

The so-called foundation, Lu Ling flipped through the catalog, and dozens of chapters were marked out in densely packed small characters, and this book also added space secrets. It looks like a thin book, but it is actually a library. Enter The page number can be transferred to different chapters, which is like black technology for Lu Ling.

Swordsman Chapter, Concise Sword Chapter, Sword Step, Technique, Eye Technique, Body Technique, Flower Pulling Chapter, Spiritual Essentials, Sword Holding Technique, Actual Combat Chapter, Sword Enlightenment Chapter, Basic Routine Chapter, Advanced Routine Chapter, Sword Intent Chapters, Sword Poses...

Lu Ling can't read the chapters one by one. This is just the basics of swordsmanship. It turns out that the way of swordsmanship is such a broad and profound thing. Lu Ling can't wait to turn to the back to see the power of the sword. not open.

A little lost, but quickly cheered up.

Sure enough, you can't eat a fat man in one bite, let's start learning from the most common swordsman chapter...

Lu Ling honestly learned from the beginning.

The first sentence of the opening paragraph.

【For you, what is a sword? 】

A question, but no answer marked, Lu Ling thought for a while.

A sword is a sword, what can it be.

Then he turned a page and wrote three big black characters [Swordsman Chapter].

[A sword is a weapon.With double-edged body and straight head, it can hurt people horizontally and vertically, and stabbing can penetrate armor.Extremely dangerous, born to kill——"Martial Arts"]

Wu Jing?It sounds great.

Looking down excitedly.

【The sword is also the blade of the heart.It can be used for killing or protecting. Killing and protecting are only in one thought. 】

Lu Ling frowned.

The introduction to the swordsman chapter is said to be the most basic foundation, why are all words useless.

In the beginning, it was born to kill, but what about the blade of the heart later?not understand.

Can you hurry up and start learning.

For a little girl who doesn't know anything about swords, these things related to sword hearts are a bit esoteric, but now Lu Ling remembers them, and they will always be useful in the future.

After turning a few pages back, I arrived at the most basic of kendo.

The structure of the sword and the significance of each position in different swordsmanship routines, as well as what kind of body skills should be matched, there are more than a dozen postures for holding the sword alone, corresponding to different mentality and sword intent.

At the same time, there are basic martial arts knowledge that should be known when learning martial arts.

For Lu Ling, this opened the door to a new world, a small book, all-encompassing, using the sword as an introduction, throwing bricks to attract jade, showing Lu Ling a field that she had never touched before.

As a natural sword master, nothing attracts her more than the way of the sword.

The girl is like a sponge, absorbing this knowledge crazily. Although her legs and feet are not good enough to learn routines, there is always no harm in seeing it first.

Wang Yuyan also knows nothing but only martial arts knowledge.

It's decided that this book will be her key study in the future, it doesn't matter if she can't move her legs, her goal now is to prepare to be the second Wang Yuyan.

It turns out that kendo is such an interesting thing.




Time is fast.

In just over an hour, Lu Ling couldn't watch much at all, but even though she only saw a little bit of superficiality, she was still very excited, because it meant that she had firmly embarked on the road of martial soul, the dream of holding a sword to the end of the world. Also officially set off.

I glanced at the time and found that there were only a few minutes left in four hours...

It stands to reason that Lu Ling should be very sleepy after studying for four hours, but because of the new knowledge, she is very energetic now and can't sleep at all. She wants to study him for another ten hours.

But Lu Ling thought about what it would be like if her husband was teaching her.

Work and rest can be combined.

So Lu Ling closed the book and put it close to her body.

It's time to rest.

"System, this time is used up. Is there any way to get extra time in the future?" Lu Ling asked. She now understands how precious this extra time is to her, but after the four hours are used up, she still hasn't Found a new way to get it.

[The "world" is prepared for the host, and the time is currently only derived from the mission rewards. After the host enters the Soul Realm and completes a series of pre-quests, the mall can be opened, and there is world time for sale. 】

"Pre-mission? The mall?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment and then immediately became excited.


This is the orthodox golden finger.

According to the meaning of the system, it should be opened only after reaching the Soul Realm.

"System, is there anything in the mall?"

【Yes. 】

"System, what do you spend in the mall? Do you spend money? But I have no money."

【Insufficient permissions. 】

"You just don't want to talk to me, don't say that you don't have enough authority."

[The system has no emotions. 】

"Cut." Lu Ling didn't believe what it said, but she wasn't worried either. Anyway, the system shouldn't harm her, at least not now, but it could provide her with convenience.

"By the way, I have one last question. If there is everything in the mall, are there lollipops for sale?"


I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lu Ling always feels a chill on her back.

[The world time has passed, the host, please get ready, five, four, three, two, one, the authority is withdrawn, the space is compressed, and the flow rate returns to normal. 】


"Alas?" Lu Ling was surprised, the surroundings suddenly lit up, and after a moment of fainting, her ears cleared up.

Back to the medical hall in Luoyan City.

The table was back, the water on it was still hot, and she was sitting beside the table.

Before Lu Ling could react, she was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

The hair is creepy.

Lu Ling screamed and rolled off the chair.

"Who! Who!"

"Senior sister, what are you doing?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Lu Ling opened her eyes and saw Liu Fufeng in pajamas.

"What, so it's you, junior sister..." Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"Otherwise, who else could it be?" Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling with a guilty look on his face, a little strange.

But she didn't think much about it, because she watched Lu Ling get up, and she just sat down and didn't do anything.

Lu Ling also realized this. If the time had just passed by a second, the junior sister probably didn't know that she had just left.

"Well, Junior Sister, I...I get up..."

"Get up and go to the toilet? Didn't I prepare a basin for you?" Liu Fufeng sat down beside Lu Ling, looking at her tenderly.

"Junior Sister, I... I was wrong." Lu Ling blushed and looked at the basin not far away, and whispered.

"It's fine, it's fine, there's nothing to apologize for." Liu Fufeng knew that her Ah Ling had returned, and held Lu Ling's hand: "Senior Sister, can't you sleep?"

"No, it's mainly because... I want to read a book." Lu Ling said.

"En." Liu Fufeng nodded, Lu Ling looked like she wanted to read a book, and the children at home woke up to study in the middle of the night, wouldn't parents be unhappy?

Absolutely not.

But Liu Fufeng disagreed.

Because now Lu Ling's eyebrows and heart are exhausted, and her eyes are a little bloodshot.

"Senior sister, studying is a good thing, but you have to divide your time. If you don't sleep now, how can you have the energy to go to class tomorrow?"

"Well, I'll go to bed now." Lu Ling nodded obediently, joking, she had learned everything, she was really tired.

Liu Fufeng is also very strange, Ah Ling is too obedient, she looks like she is eager to rest, she just got up...

The nose moved.

She seemed to smell a little bit of space in Lu Ling.

No, what was she thinking, she must have gotten too close to her, and accidentally got infected.

"By the way, do you want me to accompany you to the bathroom?" Liu Fufeng smiled.

"No, no." Lu Ling waved her hands again and again, limped all the way and jumped onto the bed, got into the quilt directly, and poked her head out to look at Liu Fufeng pitifully.

"Junior Sister, go to sleep."


After blowing out the lights, Liu Fufeng went to bed, hugged the girl in his arms, and closed his eyes.

The night is still long.

(End of this chapter)

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