Chapter 495 Daily Life
"Why should I trust you?" Lu Ling was unhappy.

Whether she believed it or not, she was very upset that her junior sister had left first.

"This..." Hei Jia froze for a moment.

For a while, he really didn't know how to make Lu Ling believe them.

The city lord just asked them to protect Lu Ling and go to the city lord's mansion, but he didn't say what to do if Lu Ling didn't want to go together.

It is impossible to take her away by force...

It was a little difficult for a while.

Unexpectedly, after seeing his embarrassment, Lu Ling waved her hand, shook her wheelchair, and took a few steps forward.

"Okay, okay, just go with you, it's really troublesome."

She doesn't like embarrassing others.

Besides, Lu Ling believed that these people would not lie to her. Where is Luoyan City?

There is one more thing that Lu Ling didn't forget, Master Uncle Shen asked her to investigate the people in Luoyan City, especially the men.

These black armor should be considered men.

Lu Ling didn't know what Uncle Shen wanted to do, and she didn't want to know, but she knew that if she didn't give Uncle Shen an answer, she would be in bad luck.

Believe these people are always right.

Just unhappy, even a little bit wronged.

"Thank you, daughter." Hei Jia heaved a sigh of relief, looked curiously at the wheelchair under Lu Ling, and said, "My dear daughter, we have prepared a carriage..."


Lu Ling looked back, and sure enough, there was a carriage behind that group of terrifying horses, but the people on the horses were too majestic, so they didn't see it for a while.

It was a very luxurious frame, and Lu Ling felt her heart skip a beat when she glanced at it.

How much does it cost...

She didn't know that in order to "show off", Xifeng came to pick up Lu Ling and used her own frame. Of course, there was also the idea of ​​making Lu Ling comfortable.

However, she underestimated how cowardly Lu Ling was. With such a luxurious frame, Lu Ling felt her heart itch, but she didn't dare to sit on it...

It must be very eye-catching.

This is nonsense.

With so many black armors, they basically want to slaughter everyone who wants to kill them all. How can they not attract attention?

"Is it far from here to the City Lord's Mansion?" Lu Ling asked in a low voice.

"Not far, Rifle Street, does Qianjin know?"

"I know." Lu Ling nodded, and her junior sister took her to play.

"About twice the distance." Hei Jia said.

"..." Lu Ling wilted instantly.

If you shake it over, it is estimated that your hands will be peeled.

"Then I'll come down and go." Lu Ling got up, and she was used to walking, at most it would be a little troublesome.

"Qianjin..." Hei Jia stopped Lu Ling, Xi Feng asked them to protect Lu Ling, and even used her own car, needless to say how much it hurt her, if Lu Ling was allowed to walk alone, they probably would all be together in the future You don't have to walk, just lie down on the bed.

However, looking at this little daughter, the frame is unwilling to sit on it no matter what.

"My dear, otherwise, I'll push you there?" Hei Jia hesitated and asked.

"Push? Yes." Lu Ling nodded, just in time for her to read a book.

"That's it." Hei Jia put on his helmet and winked behind him.

A burst of neat metal sounds combined with this uniform pace, made way for Lu Ling.

"My daughter, let's go."

"En." Lu Ling looked at the book in her hand and forcibly diverted her attention.

Hei Jia pushed Lu Ling into the middle of the battle formation, and then this huge lineup rushed towards the City Lord's Mansion in the inner city of Luoyan City.

Along the way, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Xifeng had specifically instructed that others should see her, so while protecting Lu Ling, Hei Jia allowed people to see the little girl in the wheelchair well.

"That is……"

"I saw her at the teahouse before..."

"I saw it in Xiaoxiang Pavilion, the little daughter likes rhythm very much..."

"What is her identity? So many black armors."

"I don't know."

"I might know a little bit, Liu Qianjin, you know..." One person lowered his voice.

"I know Miracle Doctor Liu, but there is no news about her..."

"Shh, don't talk too much."

"Understood, but if it's Liu Qianjin, we will be blessed in Luoyan City." The person who spoke was a doctor in Liu Fufeng's shop.

"Then what is the identity of this little daughter?"

"Who knows, but from now on, she is the daughter of our Luoyan City. She is a real daughter. When I go back, I have made it clear to the boys at home. Be more clear about your tricks."


Thousands of eyes focused on Lu Ling, but she didn't care anymore.

Immerse yourself in the sea of ​​books.

Lu Ling's ability to escape from reality is full.

At this time, there was another person who should have seen this scene the most but did not see it.

The middle-aged wealthy businessman who was once beaten by Lu Ling was also the chief culprit who hurt Zhao Yingge. If he recognized Lu Ling, he would probably run away from Luoyan City as soon as his family property was gone, or beg Lu Ling not to recognize him.

It's a pity that this rich businessman was beaten up by Shen Gui before, and he didn't want to get out of bed for a year and a half. He couldn't eat, and he was a lot thinner than before. He was lying at home at this time, so he couldn't see it. The scene in front of me.

He can't get away.

Xifeng has already focused her attention, dare to bully Lu Ling... she will naturally deal with him when she finds an opportunity.

As for the beating he received, it doesn't matter.

Luoyan City is hers, so it doesn't matter.



At this moment, in the city lord's mansion, Xifeng in female attire was casually sitting on the office, raising one leg.

Liu Fufeng, Zhao Yingge, and Luo Hanyi were all there.

Zhao Yingge looked at the extravagance in the city lord's mansion with an ugly expression, then looked at Xifeng: "What's your relationship with the city lord?"

"He's my brother, can't he?" Xifeng shrugged.

Resplendent and resplendent, glazed flooring, gemstones as lamps, and walls inlaid with colorful colors, it is like a dreamy scene.

"It's so extravagant, I'm afraid that the income of the outer city for several years is not enough for a table." Zhao Yingge mocked.

"What do you know, many times, if you don't make it like this, the people below won't be at ease, brother is not a person who likes luxury, forget it, there are many things that you, a wild girl, can't explain clearly." Xifeng A rare explanation.

Of course it was explained to Liu Fufeng.

It was not the first time for Liu Fufeng to come here. Although she had never asked about the luxury of this mansion, Xifeng knew that she cared about it very much.

"Who knows." Zhao Yingge chuckled, and looked at Xifeng with great interest: "So you're the city lord's younger sister... Then I'm curious, you have such a noble status, come to Liumeimei Medical Center to be a bookkeeper, is it right?" What do you want?"

"Girl Zhao, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Xifeng narrowed her eyes.

"Bitch, you really think you're noble when you say you're noble? The city lord's younger sister?" Zhao Yingge stared back.

On the other hand, Luo Hanyi remained silent, looking at Xifeng with strange eyes.

younger sister.

She remembered that she seemed to have read the information about Luoyan City before... She didn't take the name Xifeng to heart before, but when Xifeng reminded her, she remembered that she was also a peak master after all, so how could she not know about Luoyan City? Case.

Not to mention, Luoyan City was established by her, Dongfang and the others.

If I remember correctly, the current city lord is a...

Luo Hanyi pretended to be dumb in a very sensible way.

"Okay, stop arguing." Liu Fufeng said, and the two of them shut up.

"Sister Xifeng, tell me, is this really appropriate? I'm a little worried..." Liu Fufeng said worriedly.

"What are you worried about? I have sent a whole team out." Xifeng said, "Besides, it was my sister who said that Ah Ling has been obsessed with studying recently, she would definitely not agree to let her come over to play, so we came here first ah."

"That's what I said, but..." Liu Fufeng hesitated, she was hesitant before being dragged into the car by Xifeng...

But there is no way.

Liu Fufeng could imagine that if she told Lu Ling to go out to play at night, Lu Ling would definitely refuse.

But people can't collapse too tightly, they still have to rest.

Aya should understand.

"Okay, I'll pour you tea, Ah Ling will be here soon, don't worry." Xi Feng said.

"En." No way, Liu Fufeng could only nod his head.

She sat on the chair with a sad face, while Luo Hanyi obediently stayed behind Zhao Yingge.

Xifeng went to pour tea, Zhao Yingge shook her head, and her tear mole trembled: "I can't tell, I also met a big man, the sister of the city lord? Interesting."

Looking at it this way, my previous vision was too low.

The person who bears the hatred of her extermination is the person from Luoyan City...

She will take revenge herself, without anyone's help.

snorted coldly.

Knowing Zhao Yingge's information, Luo Hanyi firmly held her hand.

Feeling the warmth of the palm, Zhao Yingge froze for a moment, then shook her head.

"Silly woman."



Time passed quickly, and when Lu Ling closed the book, she had already appeared on the first floor of the City Lord's Mansion.

If you put down the book, you will be stupid.

Where am I.

Is this dreaming?

This table, this chair, this chandelier...

Looking back, she realized that those army-like black armors had disappeared, and only the uncle was left behind her.

"Yo, here we come." Xi Feng appeared from the side holding tea.

"Sister Xifeng, this is..." Lu Ling swallowed, not because she was greedy for tea, but because she was surprised by the wealth of the house.

"This is's office, how is it?" Xifeng said casually, "Aling, wait a minute, sister Liu is upstairs, I'll take you up later."

Walked a few steps to Hei Jia.

"How are things going?" Xifeng asked in a low voice.

"Return... Qianjin, according to your order, the people of the four families have seen it."

"Okay, good job, go get busy."




After sending Hei Jia away, there were only two people left in the hall.

Because she wanted to entertain Liu Fufeng and others, Xifeng temporarily dismissed those beautiful maids, and there were only a few of them in the entire city lord's mansion.

So Xifeng rushed forward.

He lifted Lu Ling out of the wheelchair and kissed her hard.

"A Ling, are you startled?"

"Huh?" Lu Ling was still a little confused.

"Isn't it surprising enough?" Xifeng hugged Lu Ling's face and rubbed: "Isn't this beautiful?"

"Good-looking is good-looking... But, isn't it a bit too..." Lu Ling pointed at the crystal floor where she couldn't see it at a glance, not knowing what to say.

Like the "world" given to her by the system, Lu Ling conservatively estimated that the city lord's mansion could accommodate an army of several thousand people.

Lingshan is not so...excessive.

"Take whatever you like." Xifeng said.

"..." Lu Ling swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then turned her head: "I don't want anything."

"So good." Forcibly kissing Lu Ling on the face, Xi Feng carefully put Lu Ling back on the wheelchair: "I asked them to bring you here before, is the car comfortable?"

"...comfortable." Lu Ling wisely did not say that she did not dare to sit.

"It must be comfortable, give it away if you like it...forget it, Sister Liu will be unhappy." Xifeng shook her head.

Xifeng really likes Lu Ling, likes her very much, and loves her like her own sister.

"A Ling, let me tell you, they should all have seen you. From today on, in Luoyan City, your words will work. You don't need to spend money to do anything, believe it or not?" Xifeng said with a smile.

She just let Lu Ling show her face, unlike Liu Fufeng, she didn't have any intention of using Lu Ling.

The little girl she loves naturally can no longer be bullied by the blind. With a precedent, Xifeng wants to make all the problems aborted.

"Really, I..." Lu Ling wanted to refute, but didn't know what to say.

The city lord... the city lord's younger sister?It should be similar to the emperor... Talking seems to be easier than Lingshan.

"By the way, let me tell you, I pulled Sister Liu here forcibly, and she has been very worried about you." Xifeng knelt down, looked at Lu Ling and said.

"Junior Sister..." Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, and the dissatisfaction with Liu Fufeng in her heart dissipated immediately.

"Aling, let me ask you a question, if you don't use this method, my sister invites you to play, you can come or not, tell the truth." Xifeng said.

"..." After Lu Ling was silent, she shook her head.

"Sister Xifeng, I'm running out of time lately..."

"Look, Ah Ling, you've been studying recently. If you don't cut it first and play it later, I can't please you, a great god." Xifeng touched Lu Ling's head, and liked this sensible little girl very much: "Time is always squeezed." Come out, it’s not good to be too tired, just take a day off, it can also reassure Sister Liu, right?”

"Well...then take a rest for a day." Lu Ling nodded, and at the same time added in her heart: to make the younger sister feel at ease.

"Okay, let's have a good night's rest today, my sister has a lot of delicious and fun things here, including you haven't seen them before." Xifeng said.

"Really?" Lu Ling's eyes lit up.

She endured the pain of not even eating Mo Qing's snacks during the day, but now that she's relaxed, she's hungry a lot.

"Of course, I'll push you up. I built a path for your chair, Ah Ling. Let's go up slowly." Xifeng said, pushing Lu Ling upstairs.

After opening the door, Liu Fufeng sat quietly by the side, absent-minded.

Zhao Yingge didn't move, she didn't move, and Luo Hanyi didn't dare to move.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Look who's here!" Xifeng pushed Lu Ling in.

"A Ling!" Liu Fufeng stood up suddenly, and after realizing that he had lost his composure, he sat down again.

Lu Ling slid the wheelchair over.

"Junior Sister, I'm out of class."

"Well, it's fine after class is over, tonight we'll have dinner at Xifeng's house..." Liu Fufeng wanted to say something, but he didn't know what he wanted to say.

It's inappropriate for her to be worried about such a small matter.

"Well, I just got a little tired recently, I want to eat something delicious." Lu Ling looked into Liu Fufeng's eyes and said.

Hearing Lu Ling's words, all of Liu Fufeng's haze disappeared in an instant, and he nodded vigorously: "Have fun today, let's go together."

At this time, Zhao Yingge spoke.

"You can play, but it won't be here. I don't like the office place, so I dazzle my eyes."

"What is an office place? The city lord's mansion is's house for a kilometer behind, and this is just one of the mansions that are open to the outside world." Xifeng chuckled: "You have never seen the world so you feel uncomfortable, don't you?" It's normal, is it a little girl who hasn't gone to school after all, can't stand this copper gas? It's worthless."

Xifeng naturally didn't think of other people when she said that, she was only targeting Zhao Yingge.

Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling, and Luo Hanyi are all from Lingshan. Can people from Lingshan take a liking to this stink?
In fact, she just didn't like Zhao Yingge, and deliberately disliked her.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ling agreed.

The little girl felt like she didn't know where to put her hands and feet. The back of her wheelchair was a tens of meters long and three meters high nanmu frame, on which a series of rare treasures were densely placed, and the value could be felt with closed eyes.

If it breaks, she won't be able to pay for it if she sells it.

Lu Ling swallowed a mouthful of saliva, blushing and said.

"Sister Xifeng, the things here are too expensive, I feel a little...wrong, I feel dazzled."

Almost slipped.

Just want to get out of here now.

Lu Ling vividly and vividly interpreted the hopeless words in Xifeng's mouth.

Please don't take your seat on the number and it's her.

 Thank you all for your daily recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets. I haven’t said anything for a long time. I read the daily votes and everything. They are all motivations for code words. It’s better not to tip as much as possible. Yesterday book friend Huai Ming Zhenbai donated a lot of money in one breath. He was very surprised at first, but later... how should I put it, I feel that what I wrote is not worth it, but it is really best to have your support , I don’t want to say anything. After I’ve been busy for a while, try to double-update it. Like now, 4000 words count as one update. This book has been delayed for a long time, but I followed the outline (yes, I There really is such a thing, and there are detailed character designs), the rhythm is so slow... then I can only write more, the writing is watery, and the writing is hypocritical. I believe you are all used to it... But all the time, what I wrote It's all like the title of this chapter, the daily life I love... Thank you for your support, thank you. [By the way, I'm uneasy because my Amway is thrown in the group, the group number is in the profile, I like cute little ones who can eat Amway]

(End of this chapter)

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