Chapter 496
"I feel... dizzy."

Lu Ling's guilty expression immediately made the three women present laugh.

Even the discomfort in Zhao Yingge's heart dissipated with Lu Ling's "taking the seat".

"I also feel dizzy. I'll ask the people below to replace me later." Xifeng hugged Lu Ling and kissed her.

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng coughed.

Xifeng likes Lu Ling, she knows, but... Forget it, let's just think it's because her throat is uncomfortable.

"Hehe...hehe." Lu Ling pushed the wheelchair forward a few minutes.

"Replace? Didn't you ask your brother?" Zhao Yingge frowned.

"No, he loves me the most, it's okay to just throw these things away." Xifeng looked indifferent.

Zhao Yingge nodded: "I can tell... the 30-year-old woman is not married yet, if it were with us, she would have been buried to death long ago."

"You!" Xifeng clenched her fists.

"That... stop arguing."

There was a moment of silence in the room.

It was not Liu Fufeng who spoke, but Lu Ling.

"I came out to rest today, Sister Xifeng, Sister Zhao, you..." Lu Ling wanted to say something, but then she shut up.

It seemed that it was not her turn to speak.

Shaking the wheelchair, he hid behind Liu Fufeng.

After Zhao Yingge was stunned for a moment, he said, "We... didn't quarrel, didn't quarrel."

He and Xifeng exchanged a glance, then looked away.

Since they said they were taking Lu Ling to play today, they let each other go, so as not to make Lu Ling unhappy.

Reach a consensus.

Liu Fufeng raised the corner of his mouth.

This pair is really enemies.

What's more, Ah Ling's words are much more useful than her own. This couple has never been together, and Liu Fufeng has said it countless times, but it is useless. Lu Ling's words calmed them down.

Aya is really great.


"What are you doing?" Lu Ling tilted her head and looked at Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng whispered in Lu Ling's ear: "They are not arguing, but have a good relationship, that's why..."

Good Relationship?
Lu Ling nodded with a half understanding.

It turns out that quarreling is also a way to have a good relationship?She thought that only she and her junior sister had a good relationship.


Well, beating means kissing and scolding means love?
However, speaking of it, Junior Sister seems to have never hit herself, so does she love herself?

Then, Lu Ling was taken aback.

Liu Fufeng secretly tapped on the side of her face, leaving a bit of moisture. If it is said that Xifeng kissed the left cheek, then Liu Fufeng kissed the right cheek.

"Junior Sister, what are you doing all of a sudden?"

"This is an apology for not waiting for you after school." Liu Fufeng walked behind Lu Ling and pushed the cart. She wasn't jealous of Xifeng, she just did it if she wanted to.

"I'm not angry." Having said that, Lu Ling lowered her head.

"Okay, the next step is to go to the city lord's mansion, or go directly to my house." Xifeng clapped her hands: "There are many interesting things in the city lord's mansion, but it is a bit big. For my house, I have prepared some food. There are hot springs."

"Hot spring, I want hot spring." Luo Hanyi was the first to speak.



Zhao Yingge didn't speak, while Liu Fufeng focused on Lu Ling.

"En..." Lu Ling touched the books in her arms and the earrings in her arms, and said, "I have a day of class today, and I don't want to be too tired from playing, so go directly to Xifeng's house, when I have time later Have fun again."

Going to Xifeng's house can take time to read books, and Lu Ling likes hot springs very much.

The most important thing is that there are many outsiders in the City Lord's Mansion, and she is not at ease.

"Then listen to Ah Ling, there is a secret passage behind to go directly to my house, let's go, I will lead the way."

Several people followed.



Xifeng's home is completely different from what everyone imagined.

Originally, everyone was very surprised after watching the mechanism on the ground start.

Including Liu Fufeng, it was her first time here.

Everyone wanted to know what Xifeng's home looked like, and whether it was also resplendent.

But when the black iron gate opened, Lu Ling wiped her eyes with disbelief.


too small.

"This corridor..." Lu Ling looked at the corridor that could only accommodate her wheelchair, and swallowed.

"Crossing here is my home, why, what's the problem?"

"No problem, just some accidents." Luo Hanyi said: "Compared to the City Lord's Mansion outside, this place is a bit stingy."

"It's good to be stingy, you feel safe." Zhao Ying sang, and then walked in first.

Xifeng glanced at Zhao Yingge's back unexpectedly.

This sentence can be said to her heart.

"Let's go."


Liu Fufeng pushed Lu Ling in, and the iron door closed. After that, a group of black armor appeared from the shadows, blocked the organ, and firmly protected the only exit here.

"Although it's small, it's still very delicate." Liu Fufeng said to Lu Ling. She had been planning to build a house in Jiufeng after returning to the mountain, so she was very sensitive about the decoration.

"Enn." Lu Ling nodded, the floor would make a crisp sound when walking on it, and the lights were bright, walking on it really gave people a very reassuring feeling.

Soon, the hallway came to an end.

Reflected in front of everyone is a small living room, how small it is, probably as big as the thatched cottage where Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng lived before.

"Welcome to my house, you sit down first, I'll make tea." Xifeng smiled and left.

"This room is small enough." Luo Hanyi said, "It's really stingy."

"I didn't expect that the place she lives in is quite simple." Zhao Yingge looked at the interior decoration in surprise.

A table, with soft cushions, and a small wooden table with a few books on it.

Once the three of them stood inside, there was basically no room left.

Moreover, there is no luxury item found in this room, but there are a few paintings on the wall.

If that counts as painting.

"A girl, an uncle." Lu Ling pushed the wheelchair to the wall and looked up at the paintings on the wall.

It's clearly a child's graffiti.

The painting depicts a man hugging a ten-year-old girl. The painting is poor, but that kind of warm feeling can hit the face.

Looking back at the somewhat crowded room.

"As expected, I feel very safe." Lu Ling murmured,

"I'm sorry, let's make up for it. The hot spring is still relatively big later. My house here is small, but there are a lot of them, just like a beehive." Xifeng brought up a plate, among which was tea for the three of them. Lu Ling's is milk.

"Please." Xifeng handed the tea to Zhao Yingge, who nodded after taking it.

Inexplicably, Zhao Yingge's impression of Xifeng is not so bad, of course, she won't show it.

"Let's rest for a while." Xi Feng said, and then walked to Lu Ling's side: "A Ling, what are you looking at?"

"This." Lu Ling pointed at the painting, "Did you draw this, Miss Xifeng?"

Looking up, Xifeng froze for a moment.

"It's me, the painting is not good-looking, ha ha ha ha." Amidst awkward laughter, Xifeng took down the painting and found a place to put it away.

He moved cautiously, as if he was holding some treasure.

Zhao Yingge looked at the things on the painting, but didn't say anything.

It seems that the relationship between Xifeng and his elder brother is the same, otherwise why is there only his father in the painting?Not even a mother.

But it has nothing to do with her.

Xifeng is ready for the next event.

Dinner, hot spring, play, snack, chat.

Finally, there is the main purpose of inviting Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng and Luo Hanyi here today.

The unopened letter.

Playing around is also very important, but Xifeng feels that Liu Fu might be leaving. After all, he is also a disciple of Lingshan, a member of the Immortal Sect, and maybe he can open the letter from the first city lord.

If Xifeng has any last wish, she, who has great respect for the ancestors of Luoyan City, wants to know what kind of things and what kind of words the first generation left behind.

"Okay, Ah Ling, you can play around here, there are some rare treasures in the nearby room, they are all very interesting, just go around, I will prepare dinner with Sister Liu, today I will show you my craftsmanship." Xifeng Gearing up.

"Let's go, where is the kitchen?" Liu Fufeng was also interested.

Curious, what does the city lord's kitchen look like and what kind of kitchen utensils it has.

Apart from medicine, Liu Fufeng is most interested in cooking.



When the girls were relaxing, Mo Qing was not so relaxed.

He wanted to snatch Lu Ling's heart away from Bai Yunfan, but there was no way. Snacks and the like could no longer bring the relationship between him and Lu Ling closer. After a long silence, he decided to look for foreign aid and find his good apprentice. Help him.

Now the Eastern Divine Sea came out to slaughter demons to wipe Lu Ling's ass, but there were still some people left. His apprentice Dongfang Linglong stayed in the Eastern Divine Sea to entertain some outsiders.

"At this time, Linglong should be practicing..."

After thinking about the seriousness of the problem, Mo Qing opened the jade slip and prepared to have a "video" with her apprentice.

Asking her how to make a girl happy is actually a good choice to ask my junior sister, but he is a bit reluctant to ask this kind of question to his junior sister. After all, everyone knows that Mo Qing and Ye Zun have a bad relationship, but they really know that he likes Li There are still very few people in Zhuzi, except for those in Lingshan, only the disciples at home know his "true face" and how much he loves Li Zhuzi, so Mo Qing has the nerve to ask her.

Cast the spell, unfold the jade slip, half a minute later, the two worlds are connected.

A female voice came from inside.

"Master, why do you miss me? Didn't you go to Lingshan to meet the fairy in your dream?"

The girl said teasing words with an indifferent expression, but she was a little weak, and it didn't sound tempting.

The girl and Dongfang Lianren were alike, especially the charm in the eyes was carved out of the same mold, but Mo Qing frowned.

His own apprentice knows that he would never talk to him in this tone, let alone ridicule his master. Dongfang Linglong is naturally charming, but in fact she is a very conservative and upright girl, somewhat similar to Lingshan's Xu Xu, But he was much more competitive than Xu Xu.

Dongfang Linglong likes to read books, and her biggest dream is to become the number one in the world and to develop the Eastern Shenhai.

Respect the master and be well-behaved.

Definitely not this frivolous girl now.

what happened?

What made Mo Qing even more confused was that Dongfang Linglong was not wearing any clothes at this time. Although the picture only shows an inch below her neck, it can be seen that she is topless.

Could it be that the master is not here?Let yourself go?
Not sure.

Resisting the thought of going back to Eastern Shenhai immediately, Mo Qing spoke seriously.

"Linglong? What's the situation with you? Why don't you wear clothes? How decent are you?"

"What's the matter? I'm taking a bath. I don't wear clothes in the bath. Besides, Master, it's not like you haven't seen it." The girl's face was a little red, and she picked up the petals in the water and poured them on her head. , water droplets dripping along the girl's perfect profile, bringing a different sense of beauty.

Mo Qing's frown deepened, Dongfang Linglong's spirit was a little abnormal, her eyes were in a trance, as if... like... drunk.

Moreover, the color of the water was weird. He didn't remember that there was a pale pink spring in the Eastern Divine Sea.

And one more thing.

"When did I read it?" Mo Qing said: "This kind of thing can't be joked."

"Who are you kidding, Master, you still want to start a mess and never give up." The girl smiled charmingly, then looked at the man in the picture who was about to go into a rage, and waved her hand: "Okay, okay, I'm joking, when you were young, Master, you gave me back You forgot I took a shower."


Mo Qing took a deep breath, it was not a bath, but a marrow wash.

Dongfang Linglong was just a few years old when Dongfang Lianren sent her to the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods. Dongfang Lianren said that Linglong was her sister, but Mo Qing didn't believe it.

But it's true that they have a good relationship.

Moreover, Dongfang Linglong's talent is very good, so Mo Qing washed her scriptures and marrow, and they became a bath together in this girl's mouth.

Let my sister hear it, and don't eat him.

"Linglong..." Mo Qing was about to speak when she was interrupted.

"Master, why are you looking for me at night? Didn't you go to Lingshan to meet the fairy in your dream? You still remember me, it seems that I am still very attractive." The girl grinned and continued: "But even though I am attractive, Master, you must have something to come to me. Tell me, what is it?"

"..." Because Linglong was in a strange state, Mo Qing didn't want to say anything at first, but after sighing, she still opened her mouth and told Dongfang Linglong everything.


After a while.

"What? Master, you haven't seen Venerable Bamboo's face yet?" The girl stood up in surprise, and was covered in water vapor at the same time.

"... Sit down." Mo Qing twitched the corners of her mouth.


Then, the girl said: "Master, I didn't mean you, are too cowardly, if I were Venerable Bamboo, I would not marry you, look at your promise, and still think about Xiao Lu From Aya... I, I really..."

"I also want to go up the mountain, but I have been here for more than a month, and I have no chance to go up the mountain." Mo Qing said helplessly: "Besides, do you know who is the person who came down from Lingshan to receive your master and me?" ?”

"Who is it? I don't believe it anymore. Master, you represent the face of Eastern Shenhai? They can still leave you alone." The girl stood up angrily.

"……sit down."


"You haven't seen the person who came down from Lingshan, but you should know, Mo Yu."

"Mo Yu? Wait, Mo Yu?" The girl was taken aback for a moment before she understood, and then her face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Lingshan is too much, too much!! Let her come over to suppress you, master. This doesn't take our Eastern Shenhai into consideration at all. How can you say that you represent our southern region, master, and let her let you hang out for so long? , I don't believe that this is Mo... uncle's own idea, there must be someone from Lingshan behind it."

Mo Qing froze for a moment.

Today's Linglong is really strange, how can a well-behaved and quiet girl become like this.

The girl continued filled with righteous indignation: "They are revenge! Revenge for the resentment caused by my uncle's words last time, it is really stingy, and you are not allowed to talk about it when you come here to benefit? Why? Our inspector appeared in Luoyan City So what? It's just a little thing, who doesn't know who, if you want something and don't let it be said, I think they are just being a bitch... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

In the picture, a hand suddenly covered Dongfang Linglong's mouth tightly.

Mo Qing stood up abruptly.

"who is it!"

The man ignored Mo Qing, the picture gradually shifted, and what he saw was a pool of spring water, pink spring water, and a mature woman wrapped in a bath towel.

Her figure is countless times better than Dongfang Linglong.

"You dead girl, what do you say about Lingshan? Do you think I'm dead?" The woman pushed Dongfang Linglong's head into the water, and then lifted it up.

"Sister... um..."

Press it again, bubbling and bubbling upwards, after drinking the pink water, Dongfang Linglong passed out like this, and was thrown out of the screen by the woman casually.

Then, the woman quietly soaked in the spring water, as if the violent person before was not her, she was as beautiful as a painting, enchanting and charming, Dongfang Linglong was just an immature little girl in front of her.

"Isn't this Venerable Mo? What a coincidence." The woman licked her red lips and said with a smile.

Mo Qing avoided the woman's fiery figure.

Take a deep breath.

"Pity Dongfang, it's you."

(End of this chapter)

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