Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 500 Learning Results

Chapter 500 Learning Results

"Can't open it? Then don't open it. It's not a good habit to read other people's letters." Lu Ling said casually, and then felt that the atmosphere was a little quiet. When she looked up, she found that Luo Hanyi and Xifeng were looking straight at each other. looking at her.

Sudden chills down the spine.

"You... what are you looking at me for?"

Leaning to her junior sister, Lu Ling swallowed her saliva.

" come and try?" Luo Hanyi smiled at Lu Ling: "Look, she said that the strangeness was caused by the sound of the piano, that is to say, it was because of the meditation spell, in the final analysis it is the spiritual power of Lingshan... Your master Uncle, I don't have any spiritual power in my body now, so I can only rely on you."

Liu Fufeng has not yet condensed her energy, and the characteristics of her spiritual power have not yet been determined, so her power is useless.

"I don't want it." Lu Ling shook her head.

She was not curious at all. It was wrong to secretly read other people's letters.

"Junior sister won't agree either." Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng, who nodded.

"Sister Liu." Xifeng coughed, Liu Fufeng shook his head helplessly, and said.

"Since Senior Sister is unwilling, forget it."

She will not force Lu Ling to do something she doesn't like.

"Hello, Junior Sister." Lu Ling hugged Liu Fufeng's hand.

"Just take it as a favor for my sister. Besides, this is a letter from hundreds of years ago. I don't know who it is for." Xifeng looked at Lu Ling: "Besides, this is a letter from the first city lord of Luoyan City. , as the younger sister of the current city lord, who is also the descendant of the first city lord, can't I watch it?"

"Huh?" Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

It seems to be such a reason...


At this time, Luo Hanyi said: "Forget it, you're not obedient at all, it's useless to hurt you... Forget it, she doesn't want me to go find Shen Gui, Shen Gui still listens to me very much."

"..." Lu Ling wavered.

Glancing at his junior sister, the latter nodded.

"Forget it, it's okay if I promise." Lu Ling said with a bitter face.

"I'm just waiting for your words." Luo Hanyi chuckled, then handed the envelope to Lu Ling: "Touch it with spiritual power, although you, Senior Sister Shen, are obedient, it's best if you don't get involved with Shen Canghai It's better not... sister, I still like you more."

"Cut." Lu Ling pursed her lips, wiped her hands and took the red envelope, and then asked, "Is it enough to input spiritual power?"

"En." Luo Hanyi nodded.

"How much?" Lu Ling asked.

"Amount?" Luo Hanyi didn't even think about it: "Use as much as you have."

How much spiritual power a little girl in the soul state can have, she doesn't think it's enough.

"Use as much as you want, that's twelve points of force, right, I understand." Lu Ling nodded, took a deep breath, and then closed her eyes to adjust her state.

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng wanted to say something, but he still couldn't say anything.

What if it's really not enough?
And she also wanted to see if what Ah Ling had learned from Mo Qing and the old Zen master was of any use.

So everyone just stared at Lu Ling.

"Ready." The girl was wearing a bathrobe, opened her eyes, and held a bright red envelope in both hands, giving people a pious illusion.

"Jingyan Jiuzhong..." said softly.

Shocking Rock Jue, Luo Hanyi knows it, although it sounds like an earth-type method, but it is a solid ice-type foundation-building method, and it is also a pure yin one, which is suitable for Lu Ling, but as a basic method, it is nothing Offensive, but it is still possible to release spiritual power.

They looked at Lu Ling expectantly together.

"The shocking rock is ninefold, the shocking rock is like snow." Lu Ling spat out a few words, but nothing happened.

"Xiao Ling? Where's your spiritual power?" Luo Hanyi looked at the silence around him, and looked at Lu Ling in confusion.

"Ah, I suddenly remembered, uncle, you should come out of the hot spring first." Lu Ling said.

"What are you going out for..." Luo Hanyi was about to say when Xifeng pulled her up.

Everything is listened to by Lu Ling now.

"We're out, then what?" Xifeng asked.

"Then... Forget it, sister Xifeng, go and watch in front of the house over there." Lu Ling pointed to the side hall where she changed clothes.


After listening to Lu Ling, Zhao Yingge, Xifeng, Luo Hanyi, and Liu Fufeng just left the courtyard, leaving only Lu Ling crawling out of the hot spring in a bathrobe and standing on the bank, holding the letter in her hand.

It was already dark, but Xifeng's place was brightly lit.

Looking back at the four women wearing bath towels, Lu Ling turned around reassuringly.

"High's never been done before."

Since her realm stopped growing, her upper limit of spiritual power has been expanding, and she still doesn't know where the limit is, so just take this opportunity to try it out.

The girl calmed down, holding the red letter.

"Shocking rocks like snow."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Ling's dark eyes instantly turned into a transparent ice blue, like cold glass.

A strand of bangs and sideburns on the forehead also turned into ice blue, but because their backs were facing everyone, others didn't notice it.

Spiritual power, full force.

Zhao Yingge shivered suddenly, looked at the goosebumps on her arms and said, "Is it a little cold?"

Liu Fufeng didn't speak, looking at the icy blue of Lu Ling's temples, he seemed to be remembering something.

"There hasn't been any changes yet. I don't know how much spiritual power this girl has..." Luo Hanyi said curiously, then looked at Lu Ling, and waved his hands: "Here we come!"

A gust of wind swirls and rolls up the fallen leaves on the ground, slowly spinning around the courtyard.

"With so much spiritual power, it should be pretty good." Luo Hanyi said.

"Spiritual power? I haven't started yet?" Lu Ling froze for a moment, then shook her head.

High effort, just start now.

"Is it snowing?" Xifeng looked at the pitch-black sky, where flakes of snow were falling.

"It's snowing? Isn't it summer?" Luo Hanyi was taken aback.

"I just said it was cold." Zhao Yingge tried hard to calm down her goosebumps.

However, Lu Ling didn't give them time to discuss any further.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time, goose feathers are falling from the sky, flying catkins like willows.

This is just the reaction of the world's aura caused by a pure burst of spiritual power, it's nothing.

Looking at the envelope in her hand, Lu Ling took a deep breath.


With an order, something invisible seemed to explode between heaven and earth.

The ice-blue gas condensed into a substance, and then diffused in the courtyard. Soon, a thick layer of fog formed in the courtyard, and the visibility was less than five meters away. From five meters away, everything could only be seen as an outline .

The ice-blue mist looked strangely strange under the dark night.

Seeing this vision, the others didn't express anything, but Luo Hanyi... She stared blankly at the clouds and mist in the yard, and after a while, she jumped up on the spot.

"Aura! It's aura!!! Lots and lots of aura! What's going on!!!"

Although it is ice-type aura, this amount... the amount of mist that can be manifested can already be described as terrifying.

If she "eats" them all, she can return to her peak in an instant.

It's a pity, it's ice-type, she can't eat it...

After being lost, Luo Hanyi finally came to his senses.

"Is it Xiaoling? Did she make this?"

"Nonsense, otherwise it's still you." Zhao Yingge shook her head, just such a little movement, it was far worse than the last time Lu Ling made a pool of ice lotus: "Speaking of which, I wanted to talk about you last time, why not?" As for Master Uncle, why do you act as if you have never seen the world before?"

"Last time? I remembered..." After being reminded by Zhao Yingge, Luo Hanyi thought of Lu Ling's exquisite technique of controlling aura last time, but that person wasn't Lu Ling...

and many more.

It's Lu Ling.

Even the schizophrenia is essentially a person, but she chose to separate "Lu Ling" from this stupid and cute girl, so she underestimated her.

"That means, that stock..." Luo Hanyi swallowed.

She asked Lu Ling to do her best...


"What's wrong?" Xifeng didn't understand. It was the first time she saw the fairy method. Although the fog in Lu Ling's courtyard was quite magical, it was nothing. Pay attention to the shiny envelope - the envelope has been shining since the fog appeared, if Lu Ling hadn't finished finishing it, Xifeng would have rushed up.

"Sister, is your yard important?" Luo Hanyi asked cautiously.

"Of course it's important. It took me a lot of energy to build this hot spring." Xifeng said.

For a moment, she didn't understand what Luo Hanyi wanted to say.

"It's okay, it's okay...hehe..." Luo Hanyi knew that it was unrealistic to stop Lu Ling now, so he swallowed and hid behind Zhao Yingge.

"Look... look... hehehehe..."

"Isn't this what I've been watching all the time?" Zhao Yingge shook her head and continued to look at Lu Ling.

Among the crowd, only Liu Fufeng did not take his eyes off Lu Ling from the beginning to the end. She kept staring at the long-haired girl looming in the thick fog, her blue hair like a waterfall.

This is her Aya.

How long has it been?Ah Ling has so much spiritual power, she is very happy.



Beside the medical hall, Mo Qing glanced in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, and was taken aback for a moment.

There was a strong aura coming from there, and the ice aura in the air was excited.

"Lu Ling? Aren't you going to play?"

Shaking his head, it has nothing to do with him, but after chatting with Dongfang Lianren just now, he decided to teach Lu Ling some secret techniques. Anyway, in terms of the suitability of the skills, Yujian in Shushan can't catch up with Eastern Shenhai .



"Senior sister, hurry up, it's a bit cold." Liu Fufeng said.

After a while, Lu Ling responded.


His voice was a little low, as if he was suppressing something.

"Master, please protect that letter." Luo Hanyi whispered while hiding behind Zhao Yingge.


Zhao Yingge's tear mole trembled.

What did this silly woman just say?
She heard it...

At this time, Lu Ling's eyes were icy blue in the mist, her face was a little pale, and her lips were brightly red.

His chest was heaving slightly. It was the first attempt to release all the aura, which required more physical strength than Lu Ling had imagined... The meridians were also aching, but fortunately, he was assisted by the exercises in "Shenlan", otherwise , she really can't control so much spiritual power.

I was also taken aback by my spiritual power reserve.

With so many, it is a matter of time to break through to the soul-forming state.

The ice field that Mr. Mo said should be controlled after the spiritual power is released. Unfortunately, "Shenlan" is not yet a big success, and it is already the limit to release [-]% of the spiritual power.

And now only [-]% has been released...

That's right, even if you let go of the big acupoints all over your body, it only takes [-]% of your spiritual power to fill the courtyard in the upper dantian, and the snowflakes in the sky are about to flood the courtyard.

"Junior Sister has spoken. I wanted to try all my spiritual power." Lu Ling shook her head.

Listen to my junior sister.

Close hand.

Amid the aura, some large black characters gradually appeared on the envelope in his hand.

Just as Lu Ling was about to see clearly, suddenly, there was a cracking sound in her ears. Lu Ling turned her head to look, but found that it was the wind that had stirred her cold air, and the hot spring around her was freezing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Sweat broke out on Lu Ling's forehead. She forgot that after closing the nine orifices around her body, the aura lost its stability and would explode.

However, fortunately, it is her strength, in her consciousness, she will not hurt herself or the people around her, that is...

It is estimated that this yard cannot be kept.

And letter...

Under the incomprehensible gaze of the three, the hazy girl in the mist suddenly held the envelope tightly in her arms, and then squatted down on the spot, like a little rabbit's instinctive reaction after encountering danger.

Seeing this, Luo Hanyi took a few steps back.

She knew it.

After discovering that Lu Ling released a large amount of spiritual energy, she realized that Lu Ling's current ability is definitely not enough to control so much spiritual energy. If it is another Lu Ling, there must be no problem, but the current Lu Ling still has to fight with him. The old Zen master's study shows that although we are one person, there are still differences.

It's just that Lu Ling still surprised her. She lost control until now, probably because she failed to recover her spiritual power... What Dong Shenhai taught her is still useful.

"Well, let's back up a bit." Luo Hanyi said.

Xi Feng did as she did and retreated into the house, while Liu Fufeng was already inside, only Zhao Yingge was still outside, she was not sitting in a wheelchair, but stood leaning against the door frame.

Zhao Yingge turned around in confusion.

"Back? Why?"

Then the expression froze on his face.


In the blink of an eye, it was as if she had fallen into the eye of the storm. The loud noise in her ears made Zhao Yingge deaf for a moment. The strong wind swept through the blizzard, cutting on her skin, causing bone-piercing pain.


In front of him was a piece of snow.

A blizzard unfolded before his eyes, and Zhao Yingge's short hair was ravaged by the storm.

In the sky, the thin white snow, like a huge soft woolen blanket, covered the sky with a cold silver light, and under the snowflakes, there was a dazzling blizzard and ice slag.

The courtyard was frozen and cracked, the north was scraping like a knife, the sky was snowing heavily, and the wind was howling. The original evergreen trees in the courtyard were weeping in the blizzard at this time, no green could be seen, flying sand and stones.

There was only a silver whirlwind left, like a long snake raging in front of his eyes, facing the blizzard, stepping on broken ice, skimming the trees, lifting the ground, and destroying everything he could see.

The momentum of the turbulent waves instantly gave Zhao Yingge a sense of awe when facing nature.

In a blink of an eye, the hurricane was in sight.

In an instant, the dark sky merged with the sea of ​​snow, and the wind howled in his ears, and Zhao Yingge couldn't see anything.

After a while, when he came back to his senses, Zhao Yingge had already appeared in the room, and it was Luo Hanyi who dragged her back.

"Yingge, are you okay?" Luo Hanyi said in a panic as he raised his hands at Zhao Yingge.

"It's okay." Zhao Yingge knocked off her hand, then shook her head, looked down, and then looked at the sky.

The white bath towel was torn into pieces and melted into the wind and snow.

"Just tore up the towel..."

They were all women, so she didn't care that her bath towel was torn off by the strong wind. She sat back in the wheelchair, folded her arms around her chest, and then asked a question that everyone wanted to know.

"What happened? Where's Lu Ling?"

"Don't look at me, I don't know." Luo Hanyi raised his hand.

Don't betray yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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